MODULE TITLE The Contemporary Academic in Context MODULE CODE EFPM900 TERM DURATION WEEKS 1 1 1 CREDIT VALUE 30 MODULE CONVENOR Prof. Karen Mattick 2 3 Number Students Taking Module (anticipated) 50 DESCRIPTION – summary of the module content (100 words) This module is for academics and academic-related professionals who teach or support learning, and/or undertake research/scholarship in a research-intensive university. Drawing on theoretical and empirical research, and your own professional experience, this module will locate your professional practice and development within the wider UK HE policy and education and research context, as well as the more local institutional contexts and priorities which will shape your professional career development. Through looking at research on academic identities and communities, and the nature of professional practice in teaching, learning and research in HE, the module also seeks to enable you to reflect upon and engage critically with your own professional practice and career development. There are no co- or pre-requisites and no prior learning is assumed. MODULE AIMS – intentions of the module This module aims to provide a theoretical grounding in the principles of academic practice and its political and social contexts. Its purpose is to support you in building on your existing skills and knowledge in order to become effective academics and professionals operating with integrity in your departments, in the university and in the national and international context. It is intended to enhance your confidence and effectiveness through informed reflection on your own practice and enable you to thrive within a research-intensive university such as the University of Exeter. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed) On successful completion of this module you should be able to: Module Specific Skills and Knowledge: 1 Demonstrate knowledge of, and an ability to work with, key theoretical and research-based debates about academic practice, at local, national and international level; 2 Demonstrate critical understanding of the organisational culture of the University of Exeter and the requirements placed on academic staff, and the ability to relate this to the broader social and political context of higher education in the UK and beyond; 3 Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of selected techniques/methodologies applicable to academic practice in relation to areas such as teaching and learning, research, administration and external work; 4 Demonstrate the ability to explore critically, with originality, an individual area, relating to the contemporary academic in context, relevant to your own practice; Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge: 5 Demonstrate critical awareness of higher education policy and its implications for professional academic practice; 6 Demonstrate critical and analytical engagement with relevant literatures, and the ability to evaluate alternative forms of theoretical and research-based knowledge; 7 Demonstrate critical awareness of similarities and differences in the cultures of different subject disciplines; Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge: 8 Demonstrate the ability to engage in independent study informed by the presentation and analysis of materials and issues in group discussion; 1 9 Demonstrate the ability to reflect on your own personal and professional values in relation to teaching and research, and their implications for practice; 10 Demonstrate the ability to reflect critically on your own professional practice, including the relationship between your personal teaching and research plans; and 11 Demonstrate the ability to prepare, select and organise material to present an extended study which communicates clearly and effectively. SYLLABUS PLAN – summary of the structure and academic content of the module Within the intensive study days, the module will cover the following: • • • the social, cultural and policy context of the contemporary university, in particular research-intensive universities such as the University of Exeter; the nature of contemporary academic practice in all its dimensions: research, teaching, citizenship/leadership, and business and community relations; and the relationship between research and teaching and how to negotiate them as a new academic. Additional elements will be designed in collaboration with you, as participants, in order to reflect your own priorities and the needs of your department, as determined in prior and on-going discussions between you and your Academic Leads. This module is designed to complement your work and to develop a supportive community amongst academics who are relatively new to the University. Most of the teaching on the module is therefore concentrated into an intensive three-day study block. As participants, you will be drawn from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and will engage in peer learning and support, thereby learning from each other as well as from module tutors and speakers who will give specialist input. Teaching sessions will include a mixture of presentations and large group discussions facilitated by tutors and speakers; workshop activities; and small group work in both subject-related and tutorial groups. You will be encouraged to engage across traditional disciplines, for example, to visit another College to observe teaching or undertake shared project work during your time on PCAP. You will be allocated a personal tutor and be entitled to a one-hour individual tutorial during the module, plus support by email and/or telephone/skype. LEARNING AND TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND TEACHING METHODS (given in hours of study time) Scheduled Learning & 22 Guided independent 278 Placement/study Teaching activities study abroad DETAILS OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND TEACHING METHODS Category Hours of study time Scheduled Learning & Teaching 21 activities Scheduled Learning & Teaching activities Guided Independent Study 1 Guided Independent Study 100 Guided Independent Study 100 20 0 Description 3 study days (each of approximately 7 hours), involving whole group sessions, comprised of a combination of activities, such as interactive lectures, discussion groups, collaborative small group tasks, poster presentations, and panel discussions. Individual tutorial Preparing a poster relating to your Extended Study Undertaking reading relating to your Extended Study Undertaking data collection and analysis (or 2 Guided Independent Study equivalent) relating to your Extended Study Writing your Extended Study 58 ASSESSMENT FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade Form of Assessment Size of the assessment e.g. ILOs assessed Feedback method duration/length Poster and oral presentation 1 hour plus feedback 8, 9 Oral peer and tutor feedback Engagement in discussions during Continuous throughout 1-11 Immediate oral sessions scheduled teaching feedback from peers sessions and tutors SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (% of credit) Coursework 100 Written exams DETAILS OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Form of Assessment % of Size of the assessment e.g. credit duration/length Extended study, consisting 100 of ONE of the following options: 1. A long written project report/essay Option 1: 4,500 words maximum 2. Two shorter written project reports/essays on different topics Option 2: 2,500 words maximum x 2 3. A shorter written project report/essay PLUS a digital project presentation (e.g. video, podcast or wiki) on the same topic Option 3: A minimum of 2,000 written words, plus the equivalent of 2,500 words in another medium Practical exams ILOs assessed Feedback method 1-11 Written tutor feedback DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral) Original form of assessment Form of re-assessment ILOs re-assessed Extended study, consisting of Extended study, consisting 1-11 ONE of the following of ONE of the following options: options: 1. A long written project report/essay (4,500 words) 1. A long written project report/essay (4,500 words) 2. Two shorter written project reports/essays on different topics (2,500 words each) 2. Two shorter written project reports/essays on different topics (2,500 words each) Time scale for re-assessment Negotiated between you, your Academic Lead and the Programme Director. 3 3. A shorter written project report/essay (2,000 words minimum) PLUS a digital project presentation (e.g. video, podcast or wiki) on the same topic (2,500 words equivalent) 3. A shorter written project report/essay (2,000 words minimum) PLUS a digital project presentation (e.g. video, podcast or wiki) on the same topic (2,500 words equivalent) RE-ASSESSMENT NOTES – In the case of a failed assessment you are entitled to one resubmission. RESOURCES INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener. Barber, M., Donnelly, K., Rizvi, S. (2013). An avalanche is coming. Higher education and the revolution ahead. Available at: Barnett, R., Parry, G., and Coate, K. (2001) Conceptualising Curriculum Change. Teaching in Higher Education, 6:4, 435-449. Available at: Bolden, R., Gosling, J., O’Brien, A., Peters, K., Ryan, M., Haslam, A., Longsworth, L., Davidovic, A., Winklemann, K. (2012) Academic Leadership: changing conceptions, identities and experiences in UK higher education. Available at: Debowski, S. (2011). The New Academic: A Strategic Handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Eley A., Wellington, J. Pitts, S. Biggs, C. (2012). Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher. Abingdon: Routledge. Morley, L. (2003) Quality and Power In Higher Education (2003) Buckingham: SRHE/Open University Press. Ramsden, R. (2003) Learning to Teach in Higher Education (2nd edn) London: Routledge/ Falmer. Participants will also need to construct an individual list of references of books, journal articles and policy literature according to their portfolio plan. ELE – Web based and electronic resources: Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) website: Higher Education Academy (HEA) website: CREDIT VALUE 30 ECTS VALUE 15 PRE-REQUISITE MODULES N/A CO-REQUISITE MODULES N/A NQF LEVEL (FHEQ) 7 AVAILABLE AS DISTANCE LEARNING NO ORIGIN DATE 20 May 2008 LAST REVISION DATE 16 July 2015 KEY WORDS SEARCH Higher Education; Teaching; University; Academic Practice Module Descriptor Template Revised February 2012 4