BOCA RATON CAMPUS TOUR MAP FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY 1. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BUILDING Undergraduate Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, University Advising Services, Career Development Center, Testing and Evaluation, Student Affairs, Immunization, Students with Disabilities, International Student Services, Graduate College, AcCess Program, Controller’s Office- Student Financial Services, Prometric Testing, Veteran’s Affairs. 2. STUDENT UNION Ground Floor: All-you-can-eat cafeteria called the Centre Marketplace, Outtakes convenience store, The Burrow Bar & Grill - a full service restaurant, Student Government House Chambers, Owl Wear Logo Shop, New Era Barber Shop, Tech U Computer Store, Owl Card Center, Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium. Second Floor: Student Union Administration/ Event Planning Office, Student Involvement and Leadership, the Student Organization Club House, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Computer Lab, New Student and Owl Family Programs, FAU Business Services, Student Government, Owl Radio, Owl TV and the University Press student newspaper. 3. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION The College of Education offers a variety of degree programs from the departments of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Counselor Education; Curriculum, Culture and Educational Inquiry; Educational Leadership and Research Methodology; Exceptional Student Education; Exercise Science and Health Promotion; and Teaching and Learning. 4. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS The College of Business is the largest college at FAU and features a nationally recognized accounting program and mock trading room. Majors include accounting, economics, finance, health administration, hospitality management, International business and trade, leadership and entrepreneurship, management information systems and marketing. 5. MARLEEN AND HAROLD FORKAS ALUMNI CENTER The 14,000-sq.ft. center offers FAU alumni, students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the community, access to an unparalleled setting for classes, conferences, cultural activities and events. 6. CAMPUS RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER The 77,000-sq.ft. state-of-the-art facility includes a 13,000-sq.ft. workout area, fitness studios, indoor basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton courts, an outdoor leisure and lap pool, health-club-style lockers and a mind-body studio. 7. FAU STADIUM Home of the Owl football team! The 29,419-seat open-air stadium is the only college football venue in the country with a view of the ocean. 8. SCIENCE BUILDING Departmental offices for physics, mathematics, geosciences, Student Services and the Dean’s Office. The University’s observatory is located on the 4th floor of this building. 9. CHARLES E. SCHMIDT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Houses the department of clinical science and medical education which prepares students to become physicians through FAU’s medical education program. 10. ENGINEERING EAST Engineering East is the first academic building in Southeast Florida designed and built to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum level standards. The five-story building houses the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s electrical and computer engineering programs, and consists of virtual desktop based computer labs, electrical instrumentation labs, computer build/circuitry labs, 5G technologies, specialized research labs and a private cloud computing infrastructure. 21. STUDENT SERVICES, BREEZEWAY AND FOOD COURT The Food Court offers many dining options for students. Student Services (second floor): Counseling Center, Multicultural Affairs, Today and Beyond Wellness, Student Health Services and the FAU Pharmacy. 11. CHRISTINE E. LYNN COLLEGE OF NURSING The College of Nursing is dedicated to caring; advancing the science, studying the meaning, practicing the art, and living caring day-to-day. Two state-of-the-art nursing simulation laboratories allow students to practice skills, assessment techniques, communication and interdisciplinary collaboration. 23. THE RITTER ART GALLERY The gallery presents four to six exhibitions each year. 12. THE DOROTHY F. SCHMIDT COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS This complex includes the Arts and Humanities Building, the Arts and Letters Building, the Performing Arts Center and the Visual Arts Center. The college offers more than 20 undergraduate degrees that combine the best of a traditional arts and liberal arts education with cutting-edge instruction in the emerging fields of the 21st century. 22. FAU BOOKSTORE From textbooks to spirit apparel and technology to tissues, you can find everything you need at the bookstore. 24. S.E. WIMBERLY LIBRARY The five-story library houses approximately 3.7 million resources and offers group study rooms, computer labs, a multi-media lab, and an audiovisual media department. Home to the Jaffe Center for Book Arts and a Letterpress Studio. 13. CULTURE AND SOCIETY BUILDING/LIVING ROOM THEATER Classrooms and offices for the College of Arts and Letters. Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, Communication and Multimedia Studies. The building also hosts four 49-seat movie theaters. The building is LEED Silver Certified. 25. ENGINEERING WEST Engineering West is home to the ocean and mechanical engineering and civil, environmental and geomatics engineering programs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. The two story building contains specialized labs for acoustics, fluids, electronics, corrosion and materials to name a few. There is also an outdoor test pool, a wind tunnel and machine shops where student clubs work on team projects like the human powered sub, the Formulas SAE race car, concrete canoes, bridge constructions, autonomous underwater vehicles and other projects. 14. SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING The structure features an open rotunda on the west side and a 250-seat amphitheater/lecture hall. The College for Design and Social Inquiry is headquartered in the building and uses the south side and part of the 2nd floor for faculty and administration. The College of Arts and Letters uses the remainder of the Building for Anthropology and other departments. There are two Architecture studios, an Anthropology lab and Visual Technology computer lab in the building. 26. STUDENT RESIDENCE HALLS 26a - Algonquin Hall (freshmen) 26b - Heritage Park Towers (freshmen) 26c - Glades Park Towers (freshmen) 26d - Indian River Towers (freshmen) 26e - Parliament Hall (freshmen) 26f - Innovation Village Apartments (upperclassmen) 26g - University Village Apartments (upperclassmen) 15. KENNETH R. WILLIAMS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING The Office of the President and offices of Academic Affairs, Financial Affairs, Human Resources and Community Engagement are located here. 27. HOUSING OFFICE The housing department operates residence halls and apartment complexes for students on both the Boca Raton and Jupiter campuses. 16. PHYSICAL SCIENCES BUILDING Classrooms and labs for chemistry, geology, geography and physics. 28. ATHLETIC COMPLEX The athletic department is located in the Tom Oxley Athletic Center. The compound includes the FAU Arena (aka The Burrow), baseball and softball fields, the track and field complex, the aquatic complex, lighted outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts and soccer field. The Wally Sanger Owl Club Center offers a convenient, centralized location for athletic ticket sales and donations. 17. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BUILDING Offices for the Psychology department and the Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences. 18. SANSON LIFE SCIENCES BUILDING One of the original buildings on campus. Classrooms, laboratories and offices for the biology department are located here. 19. ALUMNI PLAZA The lawn on the West side of the Administration Plaza. 20. GENERAL CLASSROOM SOUTH A multi-purpose classroom building. Offices for the Center for Learning and Student Success, free tutoring services and Office of International Programs for study abroad. MAKING WAVES AT FAU FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY BOCA RATON CAMPUS TOUR MAP 10 Engineering East 3 College of Education 12 Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters 11 Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing 13 Culture and Society Building 14 Social Science Building 15 Williams Administration Building 16 Physical Sciences Building 17 Behavioral Sciences Building 18 Sanson Life Sciences Building FA U B L V D . 9 Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine 7 NORTH UNIVERSITY DR. 5 4 27 WEST UNIVERSITY DR. 19 22 20 21 15 10 PALM BEACH PLAZA 20TH STREET 11 14 ARTS 26b 26a 26c TO 18 23 9 16 12 26d 13 TO U S1 ARTS AVE. 26g CA 1 8 PA L M B E AC H AV E . 25 2 LOT 96N 17 24 VOLUSIA ST. D A D E AV E . ATHLETICS WEST UNIVERSITY DR. 28 3 6 B R E VA R D C T. TRACK 26f L 8 Science Building NA 7 FAU Stadium R IO 6 Recreation and Wellness Center EL 5 Marlene & Harold Forkas Alumni Center EAST UNIVERSITY D R. 4 College of Business Complex S T. L U C I E AV E . S 2 Student Union 19 Alumni Plaza 20 General Classroom South 21 Student Services, Breezeway and Food Court 22 FAU Bookstore 23 Ritter Art Gallery 26a Algonquin Hall 26b Heritage Park Towers 24 S.E. Wimberly Library 26c Glades Park Towers 25 Engineering West 26d Indian River Towers 26 Student Residence Halls 26e Parliament Hall 27 Housing Office 26f Innovation Village Apartments 28 Athletics Complex 26g University Village Apartments N . W. 8 T H AV E . 1 Student Support Services 26e INDIAN RIVER ST. GLADES ROAD TO US -1