Article I. Preamble A.


Article I. Preamble

A. Under direct delegated authority from the State Legislature of the State of Utah, the

Board of Education of Granite School District has as its responsibility the establishment and maintenance of a uniform system of public schools, which shall be open to all children who are residents of the district, and be free from sectarian control.

B. Within this framework, the Board of Education of Granite School District shall provide each child with materials, programs, opportunities, courses of study, and the instruction necessary for the student to achieve a quality education based upon the student's abilities, aptitudes, and dedication within the limitations of state and local funding.

C. The Board of Education realizes a responsibility to children and youth in emotional development, citizenship instruction and values training, as well as intellectual instruction.

D. The Board of Education realizes the value of administration which builds a dedicated, friendly, cooperative staff with high morale, and the value of staff members who provide the quality instruction and various services necessary to each child's education.

E. The Board of Education serves, under law, the people of Granite School District as the

Responsible representative in educational matters.

F. The Board of Education's mission is: To prepare every student with the knowledge and skills needed for lifelong success in a changing world.
