Avoiding the ‘Perfect Storm’: Water-Food-Energy Security

Avoiding the ‘Perfect Storm’:
Water-Food-Energy Security
Professor Dragan Savić
Director, Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter
 ‘Perfect Storm’ & Security
 Background and Intro
 Civilisation Challenges
 Decision-Making, Modelling, Science
and Society
 Aims of the Workshop
 Identify Science Challenges/Gaps
 Build Foundations for a UK Project(s)
‘Perfect Storm’
 An event where a rare
combination of circumstances will
aggravate a situation drastically
 An actual phenomenon that
happens to occur in such a
confluence, resulting in an event
of unusual magnitude
Not the film!
Context for a ‘Perfect Storm’
 Global human society must now attempt to
solve a set of complex, interrelated problems
that are fundamental threats to human
 Many of these issues are directly related
to the areas of water, food and energy
 Security, prosperity and equity
Map 2011
WEF (2011)
Breaking news….
The report highlights five key factors that could
threaten future stability - severe income disparity both
within and between countries, fiscal imbalances across
the globe, greenhouse gas emissions, cyber attacks
and a water supply crisis.
Source: World Economic Forum
Global Risks 2012
What is WFE Security?
 Security is about understanding and
managing risks (and uncertainty),
tradeoffs and synergies
 Physical, economic and reliable access to
required quantity/quality of WFE (for
health, livelihood and production) with
acceptable level of risks to individuals,
environment and society
The Perfect Storm of 2030!
 J. Beddington (UK government’s science adviser),
Business as usual projections:
 The world's population ↑ from 6bn to 8bn (33%)
 Demand for
food ↑ by 50%
Climate Change,
 Demand for
water ↑ by 30%
 Demand for
energy ↑ by 50% Economic Growth
•Pump efficiency
•Food supply chain
•Water efficiency
•Agricultural organisation
•Virtual water
Water for energy
•Extraction of fuels
•Emissions scrubbing
Energy for water
Civilisation Challenges:
Limited or No Access
 All three areas have many billions of people
without access (quantity or quality or both)
Rapidly Growing Global Demand
Source: US EIA (2012)
Source: McKinsey
12 and
Co (2011)
WFE Resource Constraints
Other Challenges (1)
 All are ‘‘global goods’’ and involve international
trade and have global implications
 All have different regional and temporal
availability and variations in supply and demand
 All have strong interdependencies with climate
change, population dynamics and environment
 All have deep security issues as they are
fundamental to the functioning of society
Adapted from: Baziliana, Rogner, Howells, Hermann, Arent, Gielen, Steduto,
Mueller, Komor, Tol and Yumkella, Energy Policy, 39 (2011), 7896-7906.
Other Challenges (2)
 All operate in heavily regulated markets
 All require the explicit identification and
treatment of risks and trade-offs
 Due to the vastness of the individual areas and
the difficulty of considering all three together,
there is little work focusing on how to support
decision-making at the WFE ‘nexus’
Adapted from: Baziliana, Rogner, Howells, Hermann, Arent, Gielen, Steduto,
Mueller, Komor, Tol and Yumkella, Energy Policy, 39 (2011), 7896-7906.
Other Challenges (3)
 As a result, policies and regulations can often
inadvertently create sub-optimal signals to
economic, national security or environment
concerns or even ‘unintended consequences’
Adapted from: Baziliana, Rogner, Howells, Hermann, Arent, Gielen, Steduto,
Mueller, Komor, Tol and Yumkella, Energy Policy, 39 (2011), 7896-7906.
Modelling, Science and
Modelling for WFE Security
 Modelling - a critical translation
point between science and society
 between the physical aspects of
WFE security and societal solutions
 to engage stakeholders and
achieve shared vision
 ‘Predict and Plan’ Approach?
Schematic of Ethanol production and
energy-water-food interactions
International Atomic Energy Agency (2009)
Modelling for WFE Security
 Complexity and Systems Science Approach
 WFE Security – ‘Wicked Problem’
 Relationships are intimately linked,
physically, socially and economically
 Difficult or impossible to solve
 Governed by complexity and feedback
mechanisms that cannot be reconciled
by studying each component
Modelling for WFE Security
 Can modelling help us make better decisions
and policy?
 Not only incremental improvements
 Long-term, transformative thinking
 Systematic, rather than in one area
 To underpin the innovation process
 To learn as we go along
 “at least we should be making new mistakes”
System Dynamics Modelling
System Dynamics Approach
Source: Proust et al. (2007) Climate, energy and water :
Accounting for the links, Fenner School of Env and Society
Objectives/Aims of the
Science Challenges
 Develop New Knowledge
 Develop understanding of the kind of futures
that are possible and kind of decisions we
need to make to get to desirable futures
 Develop the ‘Human Dimension’
 To help manage whole ‘landscapes’ (“when
nature meets culture”)
Science Challenges
 ‘WFE Nexus’ needs to be tackled in a trans-
disciplinary manner, by involving various R&D
providers, e.g.:
 Natural & ecological scientists
 Engineers & Technologists
 Social scientists (policy, economics,
psychology, etc)
Science Challenges
 To increase levels of understanding
 Institutional capacity to act on the complex
 Among stakeholders (engagement,
 To identify technological and management
 To develop and apply modelling tools that can
support integrated decision-making
Thank you