Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust

Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust
Please find below information in respect of the income distributions for the month ended 31
March 2009, payable on 23 April 2009 for the Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust:
Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust
Contact us
Distribution date
31 March 2009
Payment date
23 April 2009
Gross income per unit
13.4558 (pence)
Less: Income tax
2.6912 (pence)
10.7646 (pence)
Less: Expenses per unit
0.7820 (pence)
Net distribution payable per unit
9.9826 (pence)
Net distribution per unit
inclusive of income tax
12.6738 (pence)
Sedol number
Bloomberg code
Please contact us if you
have any questions
Hanne Hooton
Product Executive
Tel: +44 (0)207 658 6787
Further information
Trust website
Email us
Schroder Property
© Schroders plc |
Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust (the Trust) is a collective investment scheme within the meaning of section 235 of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA"). The Trust is not an authorised unit trust scheme, OEIC, or recognised
scheme and therefore constitutes an unregulated collective investment scheme. As an unregulated collective investment
scheme, distribution and promotion of the Trust’s units is restricted for the purposes of sections 21 and 238 of the FSMA to
persons who are themselves authorised under the FSMA or who otherwise fall within the categories or exceptions made under
sections 21 and 238. Accordingly, this information is directed at eligible counterparties including authorised persons,
professional clients and existing investors in a substantially similar fund (category 1 persons for the purposes of COBS4.12 of
the FSA Handbook) and established clients and newly accepted clients of the Schroder Group where reasonable steps have
been taken to ensure that investment in the Trust is suitable (category 2 persons for the purposes of COBS4.12 of the FSA
Handbook). This material should not be relied upon by persons of any other description. In any case, a recipient who is in any
doubt about investment in the Trust should consult an authorised person who specialises in investments of this nature.
Investors and potential investors should be aware that there is no guarantee that the Trust's investment objectives will be
achieved. Past performance is not a guide to the future. The price of units and the income from them may fluctuate upwards or
downwards and cannot be guaranteed. Property-based pooled vehicles such as property unit trusts invest in real property, the
value of which is generally a matter of a valuer's opinion. It may be difficult to deal in the units or to sell them at a reasonable
price because the underlying property may not be readily saleable. There is no recognised market for units in the Trust and, as
a result, reliable information about the value of units or the extent of the risks to which they are exposed may not be readily
available. A potential conflict with the manager’s duty to the unitholder may arise where a transaction is effected for the Trust in
the units of a fund(s) managed by an associate.
Units in the Trust are only available to exempt funds. In general terms exempt funds are persons who are wholly exempt from
capital gains tax or corporation tax on capital gains (if in doubt, appropriate tax advice should be obtained).
Information and opinions contained in the above have been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable. No responsibility
can be accepted for errors of fact or opinion in this regard. This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that Schroder
Property Investment Management Limited (SPrIM) has to its clients under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
("FSMA") or any other regulatory system. Reliance should not be placed on the views and information in this factsheet when
taking individual investment and/or strategic decisions.
Any forecasts in this document should not be relied upon, are not guaranteed and are provided only as at the date of issue. Our
forecasts are based on our assumptions which may change. We accept no responsibility for any errors of fact or opinion and
assume no obligation to provide you with any changes to our assumptions or forecasts. Forecasts and assumptions may be
affected by external economic or other factors.
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller in respect of any personal data you supply is Schroder
Property Investment Management Limited (SPrIM). Personal information you supply may be processed for the purposes of
investment administration by the Schroders Group which may include the transfer of data outside of the European Economic
Area. Schroder Property Investment Management Limited (SPrIM) may also use such information for marketing activities unless
you notify it otherwise in writing.
This document is intended for the use of the addressee or recipient only and may not be reproduced, passed on or published, in
whole or in part, for any purpose, without the prior written consent of Schroder Property Investment Management Limited
(SPrIM). Issued by Schroder Property Investment Management Limited (SPrIM), 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA.
Registration No. 1188240 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 17/04/2009