Ani bin Shabri
Jabatan Matematik, Fakulti Sains UTM
Skudai Johor Malaysia
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Abstract The performance of the Box-Jenkins methods is compared with that of the
neural networks in forecasting time series. Five time series of different complexities are
built using back propagation neural networks were compared with the standard BoxJenkins model. It is found that for time series with seasonal pattern, both methods
produced comparable results. However, for series with irregular pattern, the Box-Jenkins
outperformed the neural networks model. Results also show that neural networks are
robust, provide good long-term forecasting, and represent a promising alternative method
for forecasting.
Keywords Neural Networks, Back Propagation, Forecasting, Robust.
Abstrak Kajian ini membincangkan keupayaan pengkaedahan Box-Jenkins bila
dibandingkan dengan kaedah Rangkaian Neural dalam peramalan siri masa. Lima siri
masa yang kompleks dibangunkan menggunakan kaedah rambatan balik Rangkaian
Neural dan dibandingkan dengan model Box-Jenkins yang piawai. Analisis kajian
menunjukkan bahawa bagi data siri masa bermusim, kedua-dua kaedah menghasilkan
keputusan yang setanding. Walau bagaimana pun, untuk siri masa yang berbentuk tidak
menentu, kaedah Box-Jenkins menghasilkan keputusan yang kurang baik berbanding
Rangkaian Neural. Hasil ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Rangkaian Neural adalah teguh,
menghasilkan peramalan yang baik untuk jangka panjang, dan boleh menjadi kaedah
alternatif untuk peramalan.
Katakunci Rangkaian Neural, Rambatan Balik, Peramalan, Teguh.
Time series forecasting is highly utilised in predicting economic and business trends. Many
forecasting methods have been developed in the last few decades. The Box-Jenkins method
is one of the most widely used time series forecasting methods in practice [1]. It is also one
of the most popular models in traditional time series forecasting and is often used as a
benchmark model for comparison with neural networks (Holger and Graeme [2], Tang and
Fishwick [4], and Zhang, Patuwo and Hu [7]).
Recently, artificial neural networks (NN) that serve, as a powerful computational
framework, have gained much popularity in business applications. Neural networks have
been successfully applied to loan evaluation, signature recognition, time series forecasting,
classification analysis and many other difficult pattern recognition problems (Tang and
Fishwick [3]). However, the use of neural networks is rapidly increasing, and in recent years
they have been successfully used in prediction in economic, business and hydrology.
Concerning the application of neural networks to time series forecasting, there have
been many reviews. Sharda and Patil [3] conducted a comparison between neural networks
model and the Box-Jenkins method. They concluded that the simple neural networks could
forecast about as well as the Box-Jenkins system. Tang and Fishwick [4] reported that for
time series with long memory, the Box-Jenkins and the neural networks methods produced
comparable results. However for series without memory, the neural networks outperformed
the Box-Jenkins model.
In this paper, a comparative study is carried out to investigate the forecasting
capability of neural networks and Box-Jenkins model, which are among those forecasting
models most successfully, applied in practice.
The Box-Jenkins Method
The Box-Jenkins method is one of the most popular time series forecasting methods in
business and economics. The method uses a systematic procedure to select an appropriate
model from a rich family of models, namely, Integrated Autoregressive Moving Average
(ARIMA) models. A general ARIMA model has the following form (Bowerman and
O’Connell [1]).
Φ p ( B )Φ P ( B L )(1 − B L ) D (1 − B ) d y t = a + Θ q ( B )Θ Q ( B L )ε t
where Φ (B) and Θ(B) are autoregressive and moving average operators respectively; B is
the back shift operator; ε t is random error with normal distribution N (0, σ 2 ) ; a is a
constant, and y t is the time series data, transformed if necessary.
The Box-Jenkins method performs forecasting through the following process :
1. Model identification: Historical data is used to tentatively identify an appropriate BoxJenkins model.
2. Estimation: Estimate the parameters of the tentatively identified model.
3. Diagnostic checking: Various diagnostics are used to check the adequacy of the
estimated model and if need be, alternative models may be considered.
4. Forecasting: The best model chosen is used for forecasting.
Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are forms of computing inspired by the functioning of
the brain and nervous system. The structure and operation of ANNs have been discussed by
numerous authors (Holger and Graeme [2], Toth, Barth and Montanari [5]).
Structure. The processing elements (PE) are usually arranged in layers: an input layer, an
output layer, and one or more layers in between, called hidden layers
(Figure 1). The connections between the PEs are weighted. The strength of each connection
weight can be adjusted; a zero weight represents the absence of a connection.
. . .
Output Layer
. . .
Hidden Layer
. . .
Input Layer
Figure 1: Typical Artificial Neural Network
Operation. The propagation of data through the networks starts with the introduction of an
input stimulus at the input layer. The data then flow through, and are operated on by, the
networks until an output stimulus is produced at the output layer.
The architecture of a typical node is shown in Figure 2. Each PE receives the weighted
outputs ( w ji xi ) from PEs in the previous layer, which are summed and added to a threshold
value ( θ j ) to produce the node input. The node input of this process is given by
Ij =
∑w x +θ
w j0
w j1
Sum Transfer
w j2
Output Path
w jn
Weights .
Processing Element
Figure 2 : Operation of a Typical Processing Element
The purpose of the threshold is to scale the input to a useful range. The node input ( I j ) is
then passed through a nonlinear transfer function ( f ( I j ) ), such as hyperbolic tangent
function (Figure 2) to produce the node output ( y j ) , which is passed to the weighted input
paths of many other PEs.
Learning. Learning is the process in which the weights are adjusted in response to training
data provided at the input layer and depending on the learning rule, at the output layer.
During training, the output predicted by the networks ( y j (t )) is compared with the actual
output (d j (t )) and the mean squared error (MSE) between the two is calculated. The error
function at time t, E (t ) is given by
∑ (y (t ) − d (t ))
E (t ) = (1 / 2 )
The aim of the training is to find a set of weights that will minimize the error function.
Initially, the weights are assigned as small, arbitrary values. The weights are updated
systematically using a learning rule during learning progress. There are several methods of
finding the weight increment of which the gradient descent method is most common.
The five time series are selected. The data series are labeled and they are shown in figure 3.
The monthly total International Airline Passengers for 1949-1960, monthly Hotel Room
Average for 1973-1986 (Bowerman and O’Connell [1]) ,and Water Demand in Utopia for
1963-1982 data show an increasing trend and seasonal pattern. The Standard Malaysia
Rubber 20 (SMR20) for 1972-1991 and Palm Oil Production in Malaysia for 1978-1991 also
show seasonal patterns though not very clear.
Forecasting Results
The data series are normalized in the range [-1, 1] before feeding into the neural networks.
Forecasts from the neural networks output were transformed to the original data scale
before the mean error was computed.
Although there has been some research on the design of optimal neural networks
structure, it is still largely an art to determine the number of hidden layers and number of
units in each hidden layer. Neural networks structure is denoted as I x H x O, where I, H
and O represent number of input units, hidden units, and output units respectively.
In this study, the number of hidden units equals the number of input units, which is
set to be 12 corresponding to twelve months. The number of output units, also set to be 12,
corresponds to 12 periods forecasting because the series data had seasonal pattern with 12
period seasonal. A back propagation neural networks, the most popular networks in business
application (Tang and Fishwick [4]), is used in this study. A sigmoid hyperbolic tangent
function is used as the activation function. The generalized delta learning rule and the
quadratic function were used. The initial weights were randomly distributed between +0.1
and –0.1. The performance of each model was measured by computing the root mean square
error (RMSE). The model which has the lowest RMSE was then used for forecasting.
Of the original time series, the last 12 data series are saved and they are not used in
model building process. It uses to compare with 12 step period forecasted value.
Box-Jenkins model forecasting was carried out with the time series analysis package
The forecasting results are summarized in Table 1. Note that all values represent
the mean square error for the 12 period forecast.
Table 1: Mean Square Error (MSE) for 12 Period Forecasting using The Neural
Networks and The Box-Jenkins Model
Water Demand
Palm Oil
Hotel Room
NN 2
Here BJ1 − Box-Jenkins Model.
Here NN 2 − Neural Networks Model.
Table 1 shows that the performances of neural networks compared with Box-Jenkins
model for multiple-step-period forecasting are different for the all series. For SMR20 and
Palm Oil data, with for a 12-step-period the neural networks is better. For another data
series, the neural networks seem worse. A neural networks and Box-Jenkins model are
shown in figure 2, where the last series value is compared with 12 period ahead forecast.
Figure 2 shows clearly that when stepwise forecasting is used for 12-step-period forecast, the
neural networks models is a good performer compared to the Box-Jenkins method in all
series data except SMR series data. This suggests that the neural networks is a better choice
for long term forecasting. Examining the forecast error resulting from the Box-Jenkins
model and the neural networks, the neural networks provides very nice forecasts for all time
Neural networks provide a promising alternative approach to time series forecasting. For
time series with trend and seasonal pattern, both Box-Jenkins model and neural networks
model perform well. The Box-Jenkins model can nicely forecast when the data series have
trend and seasonal pattern. The neural networks found nicely forecast any series data. There
are no systematic procedures for building neural networks forecasting models. The
performance of neural networks model depends on many factors such as the nature of data
series, the networks structure, and the training procedure.
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