Professor Debbie Bicket 865-2815 x7391 Office: Bldg 25, room 202J Office hours as posted 887-4898 (home) AA MENTAL HEALTH EVANGEL UNIVERSITY Syllabus and Schedule Course Description This course is a study of the normal personality, with emphasis on the psychology of adjustment and healthy personal development. Course Objectives This course is intended to: 1. Introduce students to the components of mental health. 2. Introduce students to the obstacles and barriers to psychological adjustment. 3. Challenge students to analyze their own mental health and adjustment, and make appropriate changes. Specific Objectives Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define stress and explain its effects Identify potential coping processes Describe the differences between self-concept, self-esteem, and identity. Describe the components of interpersonal communication. Describe the development of friendships, love, marriage/intimate relationships, sexuality, and forgiveness. 6. Identify gender similarities and differences and the development of gender roles. 7. Describe models of career choice and development. 8. Identify categories of psychological disorders and possible treatment options. Required Textbook Weiten, W. and Lloyd, M.A. (2003). Psychology applied to modern life (7th ed.). United States: Wadsworth. 1 Course Requirements These things are expected: 1. Good attendance. There is a direct correlation between good attendance and good grades. (See text, p. 24.) 2. Participation in class discussions. Your opinions are valued. If you have a borderline grade, good class participation may provide the motivation for me to bump you up to the next grade. 3. Completion of all reading as assigned. 4. Responsibility for all material covered in class in addition to material in textbook. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check with someone to find out if the schedule has changed or if you missed any key information. 5. Honesty, integrity, self-disclosure, self-exploration, and a willingness to learn and grow are critical to success in this course. 6. PROOFREAD your work. I am not your proofreader. Frequent mechanical and/or grammatical mistakes may result in an assignment being docked one letter grade or being returned to you for corrections and therefore, being counted late. 7. Completion of all homework assignments on time is expected. Late homework will be docked 10 points per day late. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Three exams worth approximately 50 points each are scheduled. You are expected to take all exams on the scheduled days. If an emergency arises on an exam day or when an assignment is due, you must notify me PRIOR to class. If an exam is excused, it must be made up before the next class period by contacting me, or the secretary in Behavioral Sciences (ext. 7227). The exam may not be identical to the one given in class. 2. You will be required to design, implement, and evaluate a Personal Behavior Modification Program. We will discuss this in class, but the technique we will follow is explained in-depth on pages 118-123 in your text. 2 3. You will need to design a current, up-to-date résumé, using pages 358-360 in your textbook as a guide. 3 MENTAL HEALTH SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS NOTE: The activities listed should be completed before the class meets. They will be due the night the class meets. CLASS #1 1. Read chapters 1, 2, and 3 before coming to class. 2. List, in rank order, approximately 5 factors that you think are important for your own happiness. 3. Write a ½ to one page paper answering the following: a. What has been the most stressful experience in your life to date? b. What did you learn from the experience? 4. Come prepared with an idea or two of something you would either like to change, like breaking a bad habit (i.e. nail biting, poor eating habits, road rage, etc.) or a good habit that you would like to incorporate into your life (i.e. regular exercise, more time with God, regular study time, being on time for daily activities, etc.) We will begin discussion of a Behavior Modification Plan in the first class. 5. Answer the following questions from chapter 3. Please number and type your answers. Be brief, but thorough. Simple definitions are appropriate for some questions. 1. Explain the nature of stress and discuss how common it is. 2. Describe three types of conflict and discuss typical reactions to conflicts. 3. List three categories of negative emotions commonly elicited by stress. 4. Describe the fight-or-flight response and the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome. 5. Explain the concept of coping. 6. Discuss the evidence on how stress can affect cognitive functioning. 4 7. Discuss the prevalence, symptoms, and causes of posttraumatic stress disorder. 8. Discuss how social support moderates the impact of stress. 9. Describe the hardiness syndrome and how it influences stress tolerance. 10. Discuss how optimism and conscientiousness are related to stress tolerance. 5 CLASS #2 1. Read chapters 4, 5, and 6. 2. Answer the following questions for each chapter. Each chapter’s answers should be numbered and typed on a separate page by chapter. 3. Keep record of your activity on your Baseline Time Log. 4. Discuss in a ½ to one page paragraph, some things that happened to you during childhood, both positive and negative, that could have affected the development of your self-esteem. 5. Be prepared for an exam over chapters 5,6,7 and 8. 6. Turn in Steps 1, 2, 3, the Contract, and the Baseline Data Time Log for your Behavior Modification Plan. MENTAL HEALTH Chapter 4 Notes 1. Discuss the adaptive value of giving up as a response to stress. 2. Discuss the adaptive value of aggression as a response to stress. 3. Discuss the adaptive value of indulging yourself as a response to stress. 4. Discuss the adaptive value of negative self-talk as a response to stress. 5. Explain how defense mechanisms work. 6. Discuss the adaptive value of defense mechanisms, including recent work on healthy illusions. 7. Discuss the merits of positive reinterpretation and humor as coping strategies. 8. List and describe four steps in systematic problem solving. 9. Explain five common causes of wasted time. 10. Summarize evidence on the causes and consequences of procrastination. 6 11. Summarize advice on managing time effectively. 12. Discuss the importance of managing hostility and forgiving others’ transgressions. MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 5 NOTES THE SELF 1. Describe some key aspects of the self-concept. 2. Cite two types of self-discrepancies and describe their effects. 3. Distinguish between automatic and controlled processing. 4. Define self-attributions and identify the key dimension of attributions. 5. Explain how optimistic and pessimistic attributional styles are related to adjustment. 6. Discuss three motives that guide self-understanding. 7. Describe four strategies people use to maintain positive feelings about the self. 8. Describe how individuals develop self-efficacy. 9. Explain why and when individuals engage in impressions management. 10.Cite some strategies people use to make positive impressions on others. (5) 11.Explain how excessive impression management can negatively affect adjustment. 12.Describe seven ways to build self-esteem. 13.Cite some strategies people use to make positive impressions on others. (5) 14.Explain how excessive impression management can 7 negatively affect adjustment. 15.Describe seven ways to build self-esteem. MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 6 SOCIAL COGNITION AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE 1. Cite the five sources of information people use to form impressions of others. 2. Define attributions and explain when people are likely to make them. 3. Explain how four important cognitive distortions operate. 4. Explain how “old-fashioned” and modern discrimination differ. 5. Summarize what Asch discovered about conformity. 6. Cite an important factor in resisting inappropriate demands of authority figures. 7. Explain the roles of persuasion and social influence in the Jonestown massacre and similar incidents. 8 CLASS # 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Read chapters 7 and 8 Answer the questions for chapters 7 and 8 on separate, typed pages Keep track of your Behavior Modification Plan on Time Log 1 for this week Be prepared for an exam over chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 7 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 1. Discuss how interpersonal communication is important to adjustment. 2. Discuss display rules and what can be discerned from facial cues. 3. Summarize the characteristics associated with effective eye contact. 4. Discuss the difficulty of detecting deception and the nonverbal cues linked to deception. 5. List five suggestions for creating a positive interpersonal climate. 6. Give five steps involved in making small talk. 7. Discuss cultural and gender differences in self-disclosure. 8. Cite four points good listeners need to keep in mind. 9. Describe five barriers to effective communication. 10. Describe five personal styles of dealing with interpersonal conflict. 11. List six guidelines for coping effectively with interpersonal conflict. 12. Read the blue section on assertive communication (pp. 204207). 9 13. What information in this chapter did you find the most interesting, or useful? MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 8 NOTES 1. Describe the closest friend you have or had. What made this person so important or special in your life? 2. Study figure 8.13 and the information on pp.228-229. What adult attachment style do you think you lean toward the most, and explain why you chose that style. 3. Make a list of traits you look for in an intimate friend. 4. Make a list of traits you look for in a potential spouse. 5. Read all of chapter 8, through page 237. What information do you think is most valuable? Most surprising? Most interesting? What will you apply to your own life? 10 CLASS #4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Read chapters 9, 10, and 11 Complete Chapter 9 Notes Complete Chapter 10 Notes Complete Chapter 11 Notes Keep track of your Beh. Mod. Plan on Time Log 2 for this week Be prepared for a test over chapters 9,10, and 11 Work on your group presentation for class #6 MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 9 NOTES MARRIAGE AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Before you read the chapter, answer questions 1-7: 1. Why do you think people marry? (List at least 5 reasons) 2. Why do you think someone might remain single? (List at least 3) 3. What are some factors that might be predictors of marital success? 4. What are some reasons why people have children? 5. What are some reasons people might NOT have children? 6. What were the jobs/duties/roles of each of your parents? (i.e., who helped with homework, housework (be specific as to who did what), bills, etc.? MOTHER’S duties FATHER’S duties 7. In YOUR marriage, what roles/jobs/duties do you expect your spouse to fulfill? What things do you think YOU should be responsible for? YOU YOUR SPOUSE 11 8. Read all of chapter 9, including p. 270, and answer the following: 9. Discuss the findings about children and divorce. 10. Discuss the incidence and consequences of date rape. 11. What are the reasons given as to why women remain in abusive relationships? MENTAL HEALTH CHAPTER 10 NOTES GENDER AND BEHAVIOR 1. Read all of Chapter 10. 2. Discuss the three important points about gender stereotypes. 3. Summarize the research on gender differences in personality and social behavior. 4. Summarize the research on gender and psychological disorders. 5. Define androcentrism. 6. According to the notion of androcentrism, our society tends to favor “masculine” characteristics and behavior. Can you think of examples in everyday life that support this notion? How might androcentrism have developed in the first place? 7. Explain how reinforcement and punishment, observational learning, and self-socialization operate in gender role socialization. 8. Describe how parents and peers influence gender-role socialization. 9. Describe how schools and the media influence gender-role socialization. 10.List five elements of the traditional male role. 11.Describe three common problems associated with the traditional male role. 12 12.List two major expectations of the traditional female role. 13.Describe three common problems associated with the traditional female role. 14.Describe two ways in which women are victimized by sexism. MENTAL HEALTH NOTES CHAPTER 11 DEVELOPMENT IN ADOLESCENCE AND ADULTHOOD 1. Summarize the findings on early and late maturation in boys and girls. 2. Describe the cognitive changes that occur during adolescence. 3. Explain Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of adolescence. 4. Explain Marcia’s four identity statuses. 5. Discuss whether or not adolescence is a period of turmoil. 6. Discuss recent trends in adolescent suicide. 7. Discuss age-related changes in appearance and their psychological significance. 8. Describe Kubler-Ross’s five stages of dying and the research findings about the dying process. 9. Describe Ainsworth’s three attachment styles. 10. Explain how caregivers can promote secure attachment in their infants. 11. Discuss issues related to the effective rearing of adolescents. 12. List five suggestions for more effective parenting. 13 13. List five suggestions for the effective use of punishment. 14. Someday, you will be a parent. Maybe you are already. Will you parent as YOUR parents did, or do you plan to make some changes? A.) List two things you will never say to your own kids. B.) What are some rules you wish your parents enforced? C.) Are there any rules you think were unnecessary? 15. ADOLESCENT MEMORIES: Type a ½ to 1 page reflection of your middle school and/or high school years. Was it a time of turmoil for you? How did you get along with your parents? What did you fight about with them? How did you relate to your peers? What were the biggest issues that you struggled with during your teen years? What advice would you give to your parents now, about parenting you? 14 CLASS #5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Read Chapters 12, 13, and 14 Complete Chapter 12 Notes Complete Chapter 13 Notes Complete Chapter 14 Notes Keep track of your Beh. Mod. Plan on Time Log #3 Complete your résumé Complete your presentation for class #6 Mental Health Chapter 12 Notes Careers & Work 1. Describe family and personal influences on job choice. 2. Cite several helpful sources of career information. 3. List some aspects of potential occupations that are important to know about. 4. Give five important considerations in choosing an occupation. 5. Summarize Super’s five-stage model of career development. 6. List six work-related trends. 7. Describe the relationship between education and salary. 8. Cite some of the problems that women and minorities face in today’s workplace. 9. Describe the prevalence and consequences of sexual harassment. 10. Define the work-family conflict and summarize the costs and benefits of the dualearner household. 11. Discuss strategies for targeting companies you would like to work for. 12. Describe several strategies for landing a job interview. 13. List some factors that can influence an interviewer’s rating of a job candidate. 14. List the do’s and don’ts of interviewing for jobs. 15 Mental Health Chapter 13 Development and Expression of Sexuality Before reading: 1. List all the activities that you would consider cheating in a marriage. Read the whole chapter and answer the following questions: 2. List four key aspects of sexual identity. 3. Discuss how families, peers, schools, and the media shape sexual attitudes and behavior. 4. Discuss gender differences in sexual socialization and how they affect individuals. 5. Summarize current thinking on the origins of sexual orientation. 6. Describe four common barriers in communicating about sex. 7. I would like for you to include one page of typewritten notes on information that you found interesting, surprising, or informative, from this chapter. MENTAL HEALTH Chapter 14 Notes 1. Describe the Type A personality and evidence regarding its most toxic element. 2. Discuss possible explanations for the link between hostility and heart disease. 16 3. Summarize evidence relating emotional reactions and depression to heart disease. 4. Summarize evidence linking stress and personality to cancer. 5. Summarize the evidence linking stress to a variety of diseases and immune functioning. 6. Discuss the strength of the relationship between stress and illness. 7. Describe AIDS and summarize evidence on the transmission of the HIV virus. 8. Read the sections on smoking, drinking, overeating, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise. 9. Explain the appeal of the “sick role.” 17 Class #6 1. Be prepared to give a 20-30 minute group presentation to the class based on your assignment for Chapter 15 2. Read Chapters 15 and 16 3. Type a ½ page synopsis for both chapter 15 and chapter 16 separately, including only what you found to be the most interesting information in the chapter 4. Complete Step 5 of your Behavior Modification Plan 5. 18