Unit 1 – Order of Operations and Whole

Unit 1 – Order of
Operations and Whole
Day 1
Write an expression that shows “ subtract 5
from 9 and then multiply the result by 6.”
Write an expression that shows “ add 8 and 4
and divide by 6.”
Write an expression that shows “the quotient of
72 and 9 multiplied by 3”
Write an expression that shows “the product of
6 and 8 decreased by 7”
Write an expression that shows the sum of 4 and
8 multiplied by 6.
Interpret (15 + 6 ) ÷ 3 + 8
Interpret ( 88/11) * 7 +4
Joe wrote the following. What number goes in
the blank?
34 X 10= 340
34 X 10² = 3400
34 X 10³ = _____
Shari wrote the following. What number goes in
the blank?
23 X 10= 230
23 X 10² =_____
23 X 10³ = 23000
Kari bought 1,000 flower bunches for $4 each.
How much did he spend?
Linda bought 1000 binders for $2 each. How
much did she spend?
The third grade students are going to the
movies. Of the 98 third graders, 54 will ride the
bus. The remainder of the students will ride in
cars that can hold up to two students each.
Write an expression to find the number of cars
The third grade students are going to the mall.
Of the 60 third graders, 30 will ride the bus.
The remainder of the students will ride in cars
that can hold up to three students each. Write
an expression to find the number of cars
8 + 28 - 3 * 2
8 – 2 + 8 + 3=
1200 / 50 =
How many thousands can you make from 800
How many thousands can you make from 500
If you multiply 23 X 34, what would your
answer be between?
If you multiply 65 X 36, what would your
answer be between?
If you multiply 345 X 67, what would your
answer be between?
If you multiply 234 X 43, what would your
answer be between?
Using the order of operations, what is the first
step to do in the following problem?
34 + 45 X 34 - 5
How is the 8 in 8,356 related to the 8
in 3, 876?
The 9 in 8,356 is 100 times greater than the 8 in
The 8 in 3,876 is 10 times greater than the 8 in
The 8 in 3,876 is 1/10 the 8 in 8,356.
The 8 in 3,876 is 1/100 the 8 in 8,356.
Look at the 3 in the number below.
In which number does the 3 have 100 times the
value it has in 79,365.
Show your answer in this format:
6 X 10 = 60
You babysit for $25 a night.
A. How much money would you make if you
babysat 100 times?
1,000 times?
Write a story situation that can be
solved using the following:
350 ÷ 25 =
Write an expression to show how
many points each team scored:
In a basketball game, teams score points by shooting
the ball in the hoop. Teams get 2 or 3 points
depending on where the ball was shot. Behind the 3point line is worth 3 points, inside the arch is worth 2
points. When a player is fouled they can shoot a foul
shot to earn 1 point. The Mustangs made 3 shots
behind the 3-point line and 8 shots inside the arch, and
8 foul shots. The Rebels scored 5 shots behind the 3
point line and 4 shots in the arch, and 4 foul shots.
Mustangs:_____________ Rebels:_____________
Use the following chart to
determine the rule.
Estimate the following multiplication problem.
654 X 23
Explain the steps you would use in 3 complete
Josh needs to buy tiles for his kitchen floor.
The tiles are sold individually or 15 tiles in a box.
Each tile is 1 square foot. If the room is 15 feet
by 8 feet, how many boxes and individual tiles
should he buy if wants the exact number of tiles
needed to cover the floor?
Matthew needs to buy tiles for his living room
floor. The tiles are sold individually or 15 tiles
in a box. Each tile is 1 square foot. If the room
is 29 feet by 10 feet, how many boxes and
individual tiles should he buy if wants the exact
number of tiles needed to cover the floor?
If paint will cover 40 square feet, about how
many cans will be needed to paint a wall that
measures 10 feet by 30 feet?
If paint will cover 50 square feet, about how
many cans will be needed to paint a wall that
measures 40 feet by 30 feet?