Topics to study for Cell Test on Friday 12/18/15

Topics to study for Cell Test on Friday 12/18/15
The Cell Theory
Scientists responsible for the components of the cell theory (Leewanhooke, Robert Hooke,
Schleiden and Schwann, Virchow)
The contributions of each scientist
The 3 components of the cell theory
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells (differences and similarities) **refer to venn diagram from class
and packet labeled Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Organelles within eukaryotic cells **refer to organelle structure and function table done in class
Be able to identify cell type, organelles within all cells. (could be pictures of organelles and/or cells)
Identify the 4 things all cells have in common (cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA and ribosomes)