Stephen McGlennan Chief Operating Officer, Hybrid Air Vehicles

Stephen McGlennan
Chief Operating Officer, Hybrid Air Vehicles
Stephen McGlennan is COO and General Counsel of Hybrid Air Vehicles, an innovative
aerospace company based in Cranfield which has developed a range of revolutionary products
with global market potential.
Demand is being driven, in particular, by changing defence & environmental requirements.
HAV have taken the first steps in the creation of a major new, low carbon emission,
aerospace business, based on surveillance and heavy lift.
Partnering Northrop Grumman, HAV won a $517 million contract to develop the LongEndurance Multi-intelligence Vehicle (LEMV) for deployment by the U.S. Army to Afghanistan
in early 2012.
Steve has been associated with HAV since its foundation in 2007 and throughout that period
has been its lead legal advisor. Steve has extensive international experience particularly in
the US and the Middle East where he was the resident member of SNR Denton's Global
Advisory Committee. Between 1999 and 2002 he was CEO of Team Netsol Limited, a javabased software house in Manchester.