Queen Anne’s County Master Gardener Newsletter The Watering Can V O L U M E I S S U E 7 J U L Y 2 0 1 3 MG Monthly Meeting, July 17th, 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Reminders 2 15th Anniversary Celebration 3, 4 Garden Affair Sur- 5 vey Results New Fertilizer Act 5 QAC FAIR Sign up 6 Volunteer Opportunities 7 MG Meetings 8 MG Info 9 Calendars 1 4 , 10, 11 “Forest Gardens” Speaker: Lincoln Smith A forest garden is an agricultural planting modeled on the forest, but design to produce things for people. In an era when people have strained the world's ecosystems to meet their needs, a forest garden provides a critical combination of benefits for people and planet -- cleaning water, building soil, and providing a bounty of food and supplies. dens through consultation and training at the Forested demonstration garden. www.forested.us 9:30 to 11:30 am, Tilghman Terrace (Directions on page 8) Lincoln Smith runs Forested, a forest garden company in Bowie, MD. He is passionate about production ecosystems, and brings a background in agronomic science and sustainable landscape design. He helps landowners in the eastern US create successful forest gar- Lost!!!!! Maybe Found???? Edith Sakell misplaced her glasses at the 15th Anniversary Celebration. Perhaps you found them. If you did, would you please contact Edith at 410-643-7328 2 Coordinator’s Corner PAGE 2 Master Gardener Coordinator - who will wear the hat next? Reminder: Our September MONTHLY Meeting will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 at the Wye Research Institute. We will be hosts to Master Gardeners from all over the State! Everyone who has helped out with our 15th Anniversary Celebration; Jack and Linda Doub for hosting the celebration; all the people who helped with Bay-Wise Certifications, Plant Clinics Thanks To: and the upkeep of our demonstration Gardens. As always, thanks is due to all of you, but if we missed a deserved thank you or if you wish to express your appreciation to someone, please let Sabine know and it shall be acknowledged in the next newsletter. UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO! Please send any changes to: Pat Bowell at bowell74@verizon.net, 505 Railroad Ave, Suite 4, Centreville, MD 21617 July 17th, Monthly MG Meeting Queen Anne’s County Fair, Aug. 12—18 September Monthly Meeting changed to Thursday, September 19, Wye Research, 11 am until…. Fax: (410) 758-3687 THE WATERING CAN 15th Anniversary Celebration PAGE 3 We are here today to celebrate 15 years of service that our Master Gardeners have provided in Queen Anne’s County. Through the years volunteers have shared the mission as set forth by the University of Maryland Extension – “to educate residents about safe, effective horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes and communities.” The mission is both vital and valid for our communities that make up Queen Anne’s County – but what do the words of the mission look like as a “living, breathing entity”. We could talk about the number of volunteers – which number in the hundreds, or about the hours volunteered – which when added up are in the tens of thousands – close to 100,000, in fact. Or we could talk about the value of those hours which would add up to over $2 million dollars. And then there are the projects, programs and partnerships Our Bay-wise certification program Grow It, Eat It Junior Master Gardeners Plant Clinics at the Farmer’s Market The Garden Affair Community Gardens such as St. Martin’s Barn Classes for community residents, seniors and children and youth Adkins Arboretum Corsica River Conservancy QA Parks and Rec, Public Works and Public Schools and Libraries Chesapeake College The list for the last 15 years is endless … And, while these impacts, programs and partnerships are programs are important they would not exist were it not for the men and women who have been trained in the University of Maryland Extension, Master Gardener Program and who serve as one of our most valuable community partners. You the volunteers are the heart and soul of our program – you are the caretakers of our gardens, the teachers of horticulture knowledge, and the stewards of our environmental legacy here on the Eastern Shore. It is your spirit and generosity that we are here to celebrate. To each of you, to all of you, on behalf of the University of Maryland Extension I say thank you – for ALL that you do, that which is seen and unseen and for the legacy that you have begun here in our community. With gratitude, Aly J. Valentine, Area Extension Director THE WATERING CAN 4 PAGE 4 THE WATERING CAN PAGE 5 Results Garden Affair Survey Did you volunteer at GA 2013? 30 Yes 1 No What do you think is the MAIN goal of Garden Affair? (31 answered) Fundraising 4 or 12.9% Team Building 0 Public Education 17 or 54.84% Fun for Families 0 Promote MG Programs 7 or 22.58% Other 3 or 9.68% Do you think the effort involved in Garden Affair reflects the best use of our energies in relation meeting our goals? (29 answered, 2 skipped) 11 Yes (37.93%) 18 No (62.07%) Has Garden Affair accomplished its main goal? (22 answered, 9 skipped) 12 Yes (54.55%) 10 No (45.45%) What would you like to do with Garden Affair in the future? (31 answered) Continue with GA in May 5 or 16.13% Do GA every other year 13 or 41.94% Discontinue GA 2 or 6.45% Replace GA with other event 1 or 3.23% Replace GA with other activities:7 or 22.58% Incorporate GA into another event: 8 or 25.81 % Move GA to another time of year: 1 or 3.23 % I would be willing to chair/co-chair GA in 2014 (28 answered, 3 skipped) 28 NO THE WATERING CAN New Fertilizer Act Beginning October 1, 2013, homeowners and do-it-yourselfers will be required to follow University of Maryland recommendations when fertilizing lawns. Mandatory restrictions, similar to those imposed for lawn care professionals, apply: Homeowners must follow University of Maryland fertilizer recommendations when applying nitrogen to lawns. A single application may not exceed 0.9 pound total nitrogen per 1,000 square feet and 0.7 pound of soluble nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Homeowners are prohibited from applying fertilizer to sidewalks, driveways or other impervious surfaces. Any product that lands on these surfaces must be swept back onto lawns. No fertilizer applications within 15 feet of waterways. This setback is reduced to 10 feet if a drop spreader, rotary spreader with deflector or targeted spray liquid is used to apply fertilizer. No lawn fertilizer may be applied between November 15 and March 1 and when the ground is frozen. Fertilizers may not be used to de-ice walkways and driveways. Do not fertilize if heavy rain is predicted. Phosphorus may only be applied to lawns when indicated by soil test results or when the homeowner is establishing, patching or renovating a lawn. 6 COUNTY FAIR — SIGN UP NOW! PAGE 6 Below is the schedule for the QAC Fair Please select your time from the chart below, and let Sabine Harvey know when you would be able to help out., greenbien@hotmail.com, 410-810-3890 Hope to see you at the Fair!I f you need encouragement: the Fair is really quite an event. So many things to see, both indoors (crafts, crops, flowers, other 4-H projects) as well as outdoors (animals), not to mention entertainment and good food! MG BOOTH AT Queen Anne’s County Fair August 12th – 18th Monday, August 12th Name Thursday, August 15th (Pork BBQ) Contact Info Name Contact info 4:30-6:30 Before noon Set up 6:30-8:30 4:30-6:30 Friday, August 16th (Beef BBQ) 6:30-8:30 Name Contact Info 4:30-6:30 Tuesday, August 13th (Crab Cake Dinner) Name 6:30-8:30 Contact Info Joe Jelich Carol Jelich 4:30-6:30 Saturday, August 17th 6:30-8:30 Name Pete Gerdom Contact Info 4:30-6:30 Wednesday, August 14th (Chicken BBQ) Name 4:30-6:30 6:30-8:30 Contact Info Pat Gannon Sunday, August 18th , clean up before noon 6:30-8:30 THE WATERING Name CAN Contact Info Volunteer Opportunities PAGE 7 Bay-Wise Help with certifications and publicity. Contact Debbie Pusey, debbiepusey@verizon.net, Pat Gannon, gannpd@verizon.net or Vida Morley, vidamorley@verizon.net Demonstration Gardens Help maintain some beautiful gardens in Centreville. Contact Debby Pusey, debbiepusey@verizon.net Grow It Eat It So many opportunities! Give talks, go to schools, make presentations at plant clinics etc. Contact Linda & Jack Doub lindadoub@gmail.com or jkdoub@gmail.com or Sabine Harvey greenbien@hotmail.com Plant Clinics Chestertown: Contact Sabine Harvey, greenbien@hotmail.com Kent Island Farmers Market: Karen Wimsatt, jimandkaren.wimsatt@ gmail.com Educational Opportunities Would you like to attend this class on the Eastern Shore? Intensive Techniques and Small Space Vegetable Gardening Get more out of your vegetable gardens with less work and expense. Find out how to increase production per square foot using sustainable and cost-effective practices. We’ll share, discuss and evaluate specific approaches, such as biointensive (John Jeavons) and square foot (Mel Bartholomew), and specific practices, such as interplanting, succession planting, vertical gardening, drip irrigation, and season extension. . If this sound interesting to you, please let Karen Wimsatt and Robin Hessey know. School Gardens Help maintain the gardens or work with students. Contact Sabine Harvey, greenbien@hotmail.com Reminder: Hours volunteered at Adkins Arboretum do count towards Master Gardener program hours. Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge—Butterfly Garden Alice Macnow is looking for volunteers to help cleanup at the Butterfly Garden at Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge, south of Rock Hall, The group of volunteers meets on Thursday mornings. Call (410) 639-7056 for information. THE WATERING CAN 8 VOLUME 14, ISSUE 7 PAGE Date Topic, Speaker Time Place Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Lincoln Smith 9:30 to 11:30 am Tilghman Terrace Thursday , September 19, State-wide Grow It Eat It and Harvest Pot Luck 2013 Wye Research Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Robyn Affron 9:30 to 11:30 am Sustainable Gardening Tilghman Terrace Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Annual Planning Meet- 9:30 to 11:30 am ing Tilghman Terrace Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Holiday Luncheon ? Tilghman Terrace 104 Tilghman Ave Centreville, Md. 21617 From South of Centreville Follow 213 N. into town. Turn right at first light onto Water street and * * pass the PNC bank on your right. Tilghman Ave will be the next street on your right. Turn right onto Tilghman Ave. ** From North of Centreville Follow 213 S. into town. Turn Left on E. Water St. Follow ** directions above. Parking on street and in the rear of building. Directions to the monthly meeting! ? 8 VOLUME 14, ISSUE 7 QAC MG News: The following Master Gardeners have accepted responsibilities to keep the program going until a new coordinator is hired. Please contact them if you have questions/info about these areas and keep dialog flowing! MG Meetings: Monthly meetings will continue to be in Centreville at Tilghman Terrace in 2013. Publicity: Each committee’s chair(s) will be responsible for their own publicity. Bay-Wise: Kate Greer, Jane Chambers, and Vida Morley Grow It Eat It: Linda Doub MG Interns: Karen Wimsatt and Linda Doub A Garden Affair: Carol Jelich and Jim Persels Volunteer Hours Entry: Pat Bowell. Volunteer hour forms can be sent to the Extension Office or directly to Pat at bowell74@verizon.net Directory Changes: Please send any updates to Sabine Harvey, greenbien@hotmail.com Extension Advisory Council (lets Extension office know what MG program needs are): Linda & Jack Doub and Jim Persels. 3rd Thursday Centreville Demonstration Garden Cleanups have started! Contact Debbie Pusey for more information, debbiepusey@verizon.net 410 758-8623 PAGE 9 Steering Committee Members: Pat Bowell Bowell74@verizon.net Jane Chambers Earljane@atlanticbb.net Linda & Jack Doub lindadoub@gmail.com or jkdoub@gmail.com Pat Gannon gannpd@verizon.net Kate Greer Kway2bay@aol.com Sabine Harvey greenbien@hotmail.com Carol Jelich carol.jelich@gmail.com Valynda Kingsley VCK@FromTheHrt.com Vida Morley vidamorley@verizon.net Jim Persels jpersels@yahoo.com Debbie Pusey debbiepusey@verizon.net Susan Seth Seths46@verizon.net Karen Wimsatt Jimandkaren.wimsatt @gmail.com Plant Clinics Alternate Saturdays at Chestertown Farmers Market: Sabine Harvey greenbien@hotmail.com, 410- 810-3890 Kent Island Farmers Market, 2nd Thursday of each month, 3—6:30 pm. Karen Wimsatt, jimandkaren.wimsatt@gmail.com Newsletters: Please send anything you would like to see in the newsletter to Sabine Harvey, greenbien@hotmail.com 2013 Training Coordination: will be at WREC on Thursdays from September 12th-November 7nd from 9-3. Linda Doub is the contact: lindadoub@gmail.com, 410 827-8613 ANYONE MAY SEND MESSAGES TO THE WHOLE GROUP BY SENDING TO QACMG@googlegroups.com . Please direct questions or email address changes to Marty Appel, list serve manager. kitraveler@yahoo.com, 410-643-4351 10 PAGE 10 July 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plant clinic, C’Town, 87 8 Steering Cie 9 Meeting, 9:30 10 11 KI 12 Farmer’s Market, 3—6:30pm 14 15 17 Monthly 18 Demon- MG Meeting, 9:30 stration Garden 25 16 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 19 13 20 Plant clinic, C’Town, 826 27 Send a card to Kate Greer While Kate is recovering from her accident, perhaps you would like to send her a card or go for a visit. Here is her contact info: Pines Genesis Health Care 610 Dutchmans Lane Easton, MD 21660 Room: 416 Kate’s phone number is 410-822-8642. She can receive incoming calls, but cannot make any outgoing calls. THE WATERING CAN PAGE 11 VOLUME 14, 5 Mon 4 Sun 11 Wed 7 8 KI Farmer’s Market, 3—6:30pm 1 Thu 9 2 Fri 10 3 C’town Plant Clinic, 812 Sat August 2013 Tue 6 15 Demonstration 16 QAC Fair Garden 24 QAC Fair 23 14 22 30 QAC Fair 21 29 13 20 28 QAC Fair 19 27 12 17 QAC Fair C’town Plant Clinic, 8-12 18 26 QAC Fair 25 31 C’town Plant Clinic, 812 12 August Newsletter Deadline: July 22, 2013 University of Maryland Extension 505 Railroad Avenue, Suite 4 Centreville MD, 21617 Phone: (410) 758-0166 Fax: (410) 758-3687 http://extension.umd.edu/queen-annescounty/about QACMG Website: http://extension.umd.edu/queen-annescounty/home-gardening Area Extension Director University of Maryland Extension Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity and expression. Equal opportunity employers and equal access programs. University of Maryland Extension Queen Anne’s County 505 Railroad Ave. Suite 4 Centreville, MD 21617 Vision Statement: A healthier world through environmental stewardship