";;;; ;:#ffi;1 "**,*,.t:if,:i;x, ;:,i::!, :#,:,;:t" i ;x:f,:: :3:,f CuAV/HZSM-Sfor METHANE CONVERSIONTO LIQUID HYDROCARBONS Nor Aishah Saidina Aminr Didi Dwi Anggoro'? lFaculry of Chemical& Natural ResourcesEnEineerins,UnivetsitiTeknologiMalatsia' 81310Studai, Johor, Malqsia Universit, of DiponeSorc,Semamng50239,Indonesia 'zDepartnentof ChemicalEngineennS, Abstract of naturalgas,and in particular'the The dhectconversion to usefuiproduclshasbeen principalcomponena. methane, inlenseiystudiedover the pastdecadesZSM-s zeolitehas been known to be a suitable catalyst for olefln olisomerizadon,but i! is not resistantto high temperatur$. lnlhis work, HZSM-s was modified with copper and lungsLenlo developa highly active and heal resisLanL ofCu Theperfomlances oxidatjve-acidca!alysL. biluncrional modified W/HZSM-5 were comparedwith MSM-5 for the oxida[ion of methane to liquid hydrocarbons The chamcterizationresultsrevealedthatthe additionof tungsten ro HZSM-s zeolite imFoved its themlal stabilitv. Response SurfaceMethodology (RSM) was enployed to detemine the optimum metha.neconvenion and C5' selectivity. Numerical results indicated the optimum methane conversionof 29.4 7owith the correspondingCi* selectivity at 12.3vol.%ofOr,203.9mvminof of57.27,wereachieved total feed flow rate,and % W dopedof 3.2 wt%. The optimumC5*seleclivity ol 70.2 qow^s andneAat 7.6 \ol.Ea oi or, 208.9nJ/rnin of total feed flow mte, and 3.2 wt.7oof w content with the correspondingmetharc conversion of 26.'7%. By means of variance analysis and additional experiments,the adequacyof this model was confumed. Keywords T\rngsten;CoPPer;HZSM-5i Liquid Methaneconversion; Hyalrocarbons Introduction Crudeoil is a non-renewableresourceand cannotbe solely relied as lhe feedstock or energy souce in firture New natural gas deposits are being continuously discovered; hence,naturalgasis a new potentialresource.Methane' the largest component of natural gas, can be conv€rted to valuable liquid fuels or other imPortant chemical intermediates,In general,thereare two routesfor converting methaneto gasoline:indirectly or/and direcdy. The indirect route is a two-step process whereby natuml gas is fust convertedinto synthesisgas (a rnixture of hydrogen and carbonmonoxide),and then into gasolinerange.Tbe direct route is the one step prccessin which the natural gasreacts ISBN:983-2643-15-5 with oxygen (or another oxidiziog species)10 give the desiredproductdirectly. Zeolitesareuniquematerials.Unlike othercatalysts,zeolites possess active sites on intracrystalline sudace crystallo$apbicatly.For eachpafiicular zeolite stluctule the acidity per active site reached a maximum value at a pafiicular StAl ratio, which will determine the acidic strengthof the zeolite. Emst andWeitkamp [l] reportedthe prcsenceof stong acid sites in the zeolite catalyst was detrimeotalfor ihe selectiveoxidation of methaneto higher hyahoca$ons;otherwise oxidized products, CO" (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide) predominate.When the acidity is reducedby exchangingthe zeolitewith alkali melal cations, the selectiviry to higher hydrocarbonsis slighdy enhanced. Han et al. {21 demonstrat€dthe successful productionof higher hydrocarbonsfmm methaneoxidation using ZSM-5 zeolite catalystloadedwith metal oxides.The metal oxideswith sufficiendy high dehydrogentionand low olefin oxidation activities reduce the acidity of ZSM_5 resultingin higherhydncarbonsproduction. The incorDorationof two different metals could deate mateiats ;i$ well-defined or new €atalytic and acidic properties.One recent study has r€vealedthai acidic and catalytic properties of these materials dependedon the locationandsuroundings of ths metalions [3]. De Lucaset al. t4-61discoveredthat the introductionof Cu (II) ions by an ion-exchangemethodcould remarkablyincreasethe activity of Mo[IZSM-5 for methanearcmatizationandimprovedits stability to some extent. Mo species is the most acttve conponent for methanenon-oxidalivearomatizationso far, but its activity andstability n€€dto be improved. Molybdenumsupportedon H-ZSM-s, is activeandselective for benzenefornation from methaneI7-9l Il was clearly established that at high temperaturc molybdenum in Mo/HZSM-5 was reducedand formed MorC species[10]. Further, during the activation process of Mo/HzsM-s. silesin molybdenumspeciesmigratedlowads exchangeable that generally reported the zeolite framework uo,lll. It is active moiybdenum on the activation of methaneoccurred speciesfonning ethyleneas the primary intermediatebefore beirg convertedinto benzene.By usingpuremethanefeed,it was found that methaneconversionand iates of benzene formaliondrasLically decreaedto. a few hou-rsowing !o 107'.l Pruuedin$ oJktcn^iohat Co"ferene On Chenial uA Bioptucds Eh9i"eenbs 27' - 2q Aug6t 2003. UniwBiti Malattit Sabah,Kota Kaabai signjficantcokeformation.To reducecoke fo(nation, some preliminaryeffortshavebeenmadetoadd sele€tedoxidative reagentssuchasoxygenandcarbondioxide (10% or higher) to the methanegasfeed, but the sromatic productfomation was completely inhibiied on Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst as previouslyIl2, l3l. reported On |he basisof the chemi€alsimilaritigs betweenMoO3and WOr it seemsreasonableto expect a paralelism in their cahlytic properties. Ding et al. Il4l reported the non'oxidativemethanereaction over WHZSM-s Droduced C:-C,: hydrocarbons. Undermndirionof ?00oC,a;d a flow rate of methane+ argon at 12.5 cmlmin, the Cr-CI, hydrocarboDs selectivitywas 70-80%.However,methane conversion wassmall,between2%znd3%. Tungstenand Mo are under the samegoup in the periodic table of the elements (VI B), and hence the chemicat propertiesof oxides or ca$ides of W and Mo are similar. Therefore,the structuraland catslytic resemblancebetween W andMo-HZSM-5is expecte-d. Xionget al. [5,16] studied the incoryorationof metalsZn, Mg, Mn, La, andZr inio rhe W IZSM-s caralysi.The WHZSM-s basedcatalysrwas suitablefor reactiontemperaturesas high as 800oCto obtain a much higher methaneconvercionand yields of arorDatic hydrocarbon without loss of W component n5l. They confimed that the intensity and concentrarionof Bdnsted acid sites have affected the catalyst activity for ethylene selectivity and the rat€ of aromatizationof ethylene [161. The incorpomtion of Mg?* and Zn2* into the W IZSM-s , resulted in the elimination of a large potion of strong Brdnstedacid sites,but new mediumstrengthBrdnstedacid sites emerged.The medium strength Brdnsted acid sites enhancedthe benzene selertivity and suppressedcoke formation,thusFolonging the lifetirne of the catalysr. .Cu loadedZSM-5 catalyst via acidic ion exchangemethod hasbeenidenlinedto be Lhepotenlialcaraiysrfor conversion of methaneto liquid fireh [17,18]. However, rh€ infiared study of meral loaded ZSM-5 catalysr indicated that the catalysisarenot resistantto high temperatures. At 800"Code studyhasindi€atedthat metal loadedZSM-5 did not exhibir vibrationbandsat 3610 cm' and 3660 cm-'. but ZSM-5 showeda weakvibradonband at 3666 cmr (ascribedto OH groups on non-framework Al species) [18]. The result suggestedthatthe frameworkandnon-frameworkaluminum werc either exhactedto acidic solution or becamesilanol defectform when calcinedat 800"C and madethe catalysts ResponseSurface Methodology (RSM) is a method to determinethe optimum condirion of a process. RSM has similarity with regressionanalysis. In rcgressionanalysis, empirical maihernatical model are derived from the experim€ntaldata. RSM is a set of techdiquedesignedto 1078 find the optimum value of the r€sponseand the influencing factors. In this paper HZSM-s was modified with tungsten and copp'ff and.the catalyst p€rformance was tested for the oxidationofmethaneto liquid hydrocarbons(C5). The roles of W and Cu, the Bronstedacid sites,and catalytic a€rivity will be studiedby meansof hydrogen-TPR,anmonia-TPD, FIIR, nitogen adsorption(NA) andmethaneoxidation.The optimization of the direct conversion of merhaneusing 3.0Cu loaded WZSM-s catalyst was studied ro obtain maximum methane convercion and C5+ selectivity by utilizing experimentaldesigr andempiricatmodeling. Exp€riment Cstalyst Preparation ZSM-5 zeolite with a Sior/Alrq mob ra{io of 30 was supplied from Zeolyst Intemational Co. Lrd, Nethe ards. The surfac€ area of the zeolite was 400 m%. Cu (3% weight)-IzsM-5 catalysrwas preparedby impregnatinEa certain amountof the HZSM-s zeolite carrier with €oDDer nilraLe solution. Thecoppernitratesolurion a" pr"pur"aby " dissolving coppff nitsate hyalrare (Cu(NOrr.3HrO) in deionized water and adding a small amounrof HZSO4to rcgulatethe pH valueof the solution to 2-3. The sample(10 ml of solution per gram zeolite) was dried in an oven ar 120"C for two hours and then calcined at 50Ot for four hou's. The 3.0 wt.% ofcu loadedWAIZSM-s waspreparedby Ii$i imprcgnatinga certainamountof the IIZSM-5 zeolitecanier with a calculatedamount of tungstenhydmte in aqueous solutions. The tungstenhydrate solurion nas preparedby dissolving ammonium tungsten hyalmre ((NH1)6.Wrr.Oao.HrO) in deionizedwater andaddinga small amountof H2SOaio rcgulatethe pH valueof the sotutionto 2-3, followed by drying at 120"Cfor two houls andcatcining at 4O0.c for four houN,andsubsequentlyimpregnatingwith a calculated amount of H2SOa acidified copper nitate aqu€ous solution(pH=2-3). Finally,rhesamplewasclriedaL 120'C for two houF. and calcined aL500"C in air for five Characterizatlon and Cstalyst T€sting The catalystswerc charactedzedby XRD, hydrogen"TpR, ammonia-TPD, FTIR and nitrogen adsorption. The peformance of the caralysrs was tested for methane conv€mionto liquid hydrocarbons(LHC) via a single step reaction in a fixed-bed micro reactor-Gc combination systemund€rreaclioncondjlionat aunospherjc pressure and 800f. The fed g i wlrs composedol methane(99.9% pu.ity) and oxygen, An on-line cas Ckomarogaphy e.quippedwith TCD and Porapat-N column was utilized io analyzefiegas.Theliquidproductswereanalyzed usingGC FID andEP-l capillarycolumn. ISBNr983-2643-15-5 p ol td.rnatio4ot CoiJ.anc? On Ch.akol aad 3iop44$ EnBk4nne Prcc..dilss ' "27* - 2a' Aulu"i 2o0J u^i!.Aii Malarsia sdbah Kota Kkobalu *', +1," bonsselectivitywere andC5' hydrocarMeganeconversion (2)' respeclivelv' and l) t basedon equaLions aat-Julared. l moleofcHq {ir)- moleofcH4 (dr) CJt4conv=-noteof CH4 ;; mole of CH4(n) - mole of CH4lod) 00% (l) (2) *tooso From Figurc I (Pareto Chart)' the most significant arecleartvthe% volofOr lXr) andils quadrahc oarameLers (X:xt. ot loial tlow ot teedgasesfir) The quadratic ;|fect (Xr) are significant hrt less W quadratic % wt of of aral imponant. The % $l of W and loLalflow of fe€d gases % wt of u.tuully upp.* low, a" well as lhe interactions W-totd flow (XrXr) and % wt of W-% vol of Oz (XrXJ' The intemction of % vol of O?- total flow of feed (XrXr) was insignificant Optlmisation of C5+Selectivity by RegressionAnalysis H']O' wtrerei = CO, COz,CzHr.CrHa.CrH6,CrH6,Ci, and Resultsand Discussions Optimizallonot MerbaneConversionby Regressioo AnelYsis yielded$e surfacemelhodology ofresponse TheaoDlication lollowine regre.sionequalion. which is an empirical relationshipbetweenCi selectivity and the test variable in codedunit givenin Eq. (4). Y = 67.0195+ 32.0514xr + 8 1699x, + 0 5304x3-0 0833 x,'? xt'z ri 4).4-s.1106 xrx3- o.oo - o.s3s6 x,x - o.qoog (4) " xr'? o.oo12 The applicationof responsesurfaaemethodologyProduced ttre foiiowing regressionequation, which is an empirical relationship between methane conversion and the test variablein codedunit givenin Fa (3). x1- 0 0500 + 9.5251xr + 4.4146x, + 0.1-549 Y = -28.5459'7 xlx,- 0.0042xrxr - 0.0003x.,xi- 1.275lxtz'O l7l3 x2'' (3) o.odo3x3'? of thefitringof the modelcanbe checkedby Theeoodness Table I showslhe Analysir of Variance ."u"ot ";r..lu. to mehane model that corresPonds for $e {ANOVAJ convenion. The valu€ol coeffrcienlR'= 0940 indicares thatonly 6% of total vanationis not explainedby tbe model' The vahe of F is comparedto the tabie value &pr.N.Fa)' which is the upper 100o PercentPoint of the F distribution, with p.l and N-p degreesof freedom.respectively The o[ lhe fined modelfrom Eq. (3) is lelled using adeouacv stad; F.- SinceF value at 10.4633exceededthe table vatue a high F€0.0r,= 7 9761. lhe FisherF test demonsEared model. regtessions significance for thefired Tablet.ANOVAIoTft? methMcconv?tsion Sun of D€gree Mean Squlre s.s. 4J0.508 S.S-Enor 27.430 S.S.Tolal 457.918 9 F F0.0r Rl Erld Earimab1tu3.1@v'rua) Figure1-Parctocha of stfuda izedeffectsofmethane con|ersion Table 2 showsthe Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) for the model that exptainsthe responseof the C5+selectivity. The Analysisof Variance(ANOVA) for the modelexPlainsthe of lhe Ci seleclivity. The co€mcientR'= 0.95 response indicat€sihat only 5% of total variation is not exPlainedby ihe model. The value of F is comparedto the table value Fer,N*d , which is the upper 100 d percentpoint of rlle F diitribution, with p-l and N-p. degees of fteedom' respectively.Sincethe valueF = I 1.5647exceededthe table value Rr.6rr) = .9761,the FisherF testalsodemonsaaEdits high significancefor rhefitted regressionsmodel '7_9161 0.94 47.834 10.4632 4.572 l5 ISBNr983-2643-15-5 1079 Praceedias oI tat.natiatul ConJerctueOn Chenical and Biaprues Euinee.ihe 2f -2q Ausust2003 , U^ive6ni Molottio Sdban,Kota Kihdba\ Table4 - The RONand conposition of liq idfuels ot)et 3.OCuloaded3.2w ,zSM-5 catalyst Table2- ANOVAfoT the Cs- selectilrit, Degre€ Sumof F Sqllare s.s. 4866.406 S.S.Enor 280.532 F0.01 R, l l .5 6 4 540.7t2 '72 7.9761 0.95 9 6 46.755 S.S.Toral 5146.938 l 5 Composition of Liquid Fuels Gasolinerange(Cs-ro) 82.8 cr i range 18.2 Compositlon of Gasollne range Vo n-Paraffins 9.0 Iso-Paraffins 22.O Olefins 52.O r'7.o The resultsin Table 3 pertainto the catalytic reactiontestat the oplimized reaction condition when comparedwith the modelingresult. The experimentalvaluesarc 27Eoar]d69Eo for Clla conversionand Cs* selectivity, respectively. The rcsults in Table 3 ako indicatedthat to achievea high Cr+ selectivity tbe percentageof 02 in the feed gas is very critical; otherwise the oligomerizatiod activity will be suppressed.Me€nwhile the % error betweenthe predrcted and experim€ntal results for CH4 conve$ion tuid Cr' The djscrcpancies selectiviry are8% and2 %. respectively. betweenthe predictedand experimentalrcsults are probably dueto ihe characteristicof the catalysb which havenot been takeninto accountby the statisticalmodel. Nevenheless,the differences are within the acceptablelimit. ftom these rcsults,it is verified that the statisticalmodelis usefulfor the prediclionofCr+selecliviryandCHaconversion. accurale TabLe3 - Cowaison betweenpredictedand obsened o, dop€d (% ( %) CH4 Ci 3.2 3.2 12.3 7.6 Totd flow of feed Pred. Obs. % Ermr RON 86.1 Characterization of 3.0Cu8.2WHZSM-5 Catalyst The isothem adsor?tionof 3.0Cu,/3.2WZSM-5-Frcshand 3.0Cu,/3.2WlzSM-5-Used,as shown in Figur€ 2 as an example,is a combinationof typesI andIV. The p.esenceof hysteresisloop was associatedwiahcapillary condensation, where in the caseof zeolite, it indicated the fornation of mesoporcs. The profile for 3.0Cu/3.2WZSM-5-Us€d indicatedenlargementof somemicroporesresultingin mol€ mesoporesbeing fomed. The ammonia-TPDspectraof the catalystprovided useful information aboutthe intensity and the concenaationof lhe acid sites on the catalystssurfaceas tabulatedin Table 5. The concentrationof tbe sudace acid siies (acidity) of the ZSM-s and 3.0CuB.2WHZSM-5-Fresh zeolite were the same. The acidity of 3.0Cu/3.2WIZSM-5-Used was undetected(- 0) becausethe aluminium in the ftamework was Fobably €xtracted.after reactionat 752t for a period of five hours. 20.].9 29.4% 27.0% 8.O% 208.9 702% 69.0% 2.0% NoterPred.= predicted;Obs.= observed The composition of liquid fuels and RON over 3.0CuB.2WZSM-5 catalyst is shown in Table 4. The ResearchOcIaneNumber (RON) was estimated[9] !o be 86.1. The gasolinecompositionhas a low n-paratrin and high aromaticscontent,at 9% and 177,, rc,spertivelywhile (hemajority is olefins at 527, asindicatedin Table 4. Table5 - Total volure, pore dishbhtion and aciditJ ol the catalysts Catalysts Av. PoreDiam. (a) Acidity (moYkg) HZSM-5 24.3 0.87 3.0Cu/3.2W,{ZSM- 26.1 0.87 45.2 0 5 - Fresh 3.0Cur3.2WIZSM5 - Used 1080 ISBN:981-2643-15.5 ProceeAkssof IntebatioBL Confercnc.Oi Chenical atu Biapruess Ensineenns 2l - 2y AtBBt 2003 , Unive6iti Malayia Sabah,Kota Kinobalu 250'C 3.0Cu/3.2WHZSM-5-Fresh 430.C 3.0W6.0Cu/HZSM-i l.0Cu,3.2W/HZSM-5-Used 200 300 400 500 T/"C Figure 3 - Antnonia TPD spectraof samples Figure 2 - 'Ihe diaeramsisothcrmadsorptionof catalrsts Figure 3 depictslbe ammonia-TPDspectraof the HZSM-s and modified HZSM-s with loading ofw and Cu. For ihe HZSM-s, the amnonia-TPD pealGappearedat - 23?'C and - 430'C, wbich may be ascrib€dto the desorptionof two kinds of ammoniaspeciesadsorbedon weit acid (mostly Lewis acid) sites and strong acid (mostly Br6nsted acid) sites.respectively 1201. Theadditionof3.2% W and3.0%Cu to HZSM-sledto rhe reducedintensiiy ofthe high temperarure(- 430'C) peakand a srnall downshift of its position as revealedin Figure 3. This is similar to the results found by previousresearchers of Mg'?+andZn2"into the i15,161,wherethe incorporation WHZSM-s host catalyst resulted in the elimination of strong surfaceBrdnstedacid si.es. For the 3.0%Cu/3.2W HZSM-s-Used, the ammonia-TPDpeaksdisappeared at 237"C and - 430"C. This indicatedthat after rcacrion, the acidsitesof the3.07,Cu6.2WrZSM-5hadweakened. Cu and W ioadedHZSM-s samplesshowedihar in the OH stretchingvibration thfee IR bandsat = 3610 cm_r,due to bridgeSi-OH (Al) acidic goups, at = 3660 cm'r due to non-framework A1sites,or octahe&al,andar 3740cm'r, a$ributedto terminalSi-OHnon-acidicgroups[21]. ISBN:981-2643-15-5 Futher reactionwilh methaneand oxygenal 753oCfor five hoursresulledin the disappearance of lhe bandar = J.6t0 cm' for 3.0cu./3.2w,fi2sM-5-used sample. This is Fobably due to the extracrionof aluminum in tle zeolitic frameworkinto the non-fiameworkor due (r the deposition of carbonaceous rcsidues. The deposilionof the coke led ro catalystdeactivationafter five hoursof reaction. The H?-TPR profiles of 3.0W/3.0Cu/IIZSM-5, 3.0Cu/3.2WIIZSM-5 for ftesh and used samples are depictedin Figure 4. As observed,all the curves conrain severalpeaksin the temperaturerangeof 200-900"C. The TPR pattemsof both catatystsexhibitedrwo peik with rhe maximumat E800oCwhich could be due to rhereducrionof W species.The reducibiliry of ihis type of catalystdecreased as the strength of the intemction bet$,eenthe merat oxide speciesandthe suface of ihe supportincreased The observed hy&ogen-TPR peak at for 3.0Cu./3.2w/HZSM-5-fteshcould be due to the-400"C reducrionof Cu'?*species. The spectrademonstrateal the existenceof a single reduction peak of Cu'+ ro Cuo at 420"C. However, allerreactional800"Clhep€akdisappeared. Oncrrrrrrcstmg feature of Figure 4 is lhe HxTpR specra of 3.0CuB.2WHZSM-5-usedwhich indicaleda peakar 340'C Gigure 4). This small pea-kmay be attributedto lhe reduclionof Cu'* ro Cur'. Nevertheless, lhe peakof W' ' did not changebeforeandafter thereaction. TheTPRprofile for tungstenrevealedthat the additionof rungstenhadincreased 1 08 1 Prcrc.dkss of tnkrnat;aaoJaohJp@c. On I h?nical aut sibpta pt: Lnpn..rino 27' - 29' Aus& 2@J , Uniec^ri Matdvia satah Ko@kifubal:u the thermalstabiliry of the catalyst,as theW componenrwas notlostby sublimation afterreactionat 753oC. 3.0Cu/3.2W^IZSM-5-Used 3.0Cu/3.2WlzsM-s-Fresh liquid fuets. rhe advantases of y1i9l l.* - !9 HZSM-s 3.0CuB.2W included higher crystalliniry, highe; amounrof Brttnsredacid sites and medium strength of Brdnsted acid sites. T?R analysis indicated that ii; resjsLance of HZSM-5 rowardstempemture wasenhanced bv loadjngW andthehighreacLion (?sJoC)did noi remperarure Iead to lhe loss of W componentby subtimarjon. 3.0Cu6.2WHZSM-5 catatysi is a potential catalysq becauseunderoptimum conditionshigh methaneconversion (2?%)andC5*selecriviry (69%)wereobrained. Acknowledgement (D.D.Argrarelultyacknowledges OneofrheauLhors rle ^. rnanclat supportreceivedin the form o[ a researchgranl (Project Nor 02-02-06-0101) and (project No: 09-02-06-005?-SR005/09-07) fiom rheMinistry of Science, Techrology andEnvironment,Malaysia. References 370'C S. Emst,J, Weirkamp,Inc.Inarisio, M. Frias,J.M. Benrgen (Ed.), HydrocarbonsSourceof Energy, craham& Trotman,London,1989,p.461. [2] S, Han,D.J. Mafienak,R.E. patermo,J.A. pearson,D.E. walsh,JournatofCatalysis148(1994)134. lll 3.0w/3.0Cu7HZSM-5 300 't00 500 900 T/'C , Figurc 4 - Htbogen-TpR spectraof samples Conclusions The direcr conversionof merhanewff optjmjzedover Cu-wZSM-5 calatysL using SLarsofl Stadsli;a version6.0 soflwarc. The three independentvariabtesjnvolved in rhe optimisationa.e %wt. of W doped, %vol. of Or, and total flow of f€ed gases. The parelo chart indicaied thar the variablewith $e largesteffect was % vol. of O, (X, andits quadrariceffecL(XrXr. This ;s fo[owed by ftow tolal of feedgases(X,). % wt. of W dopedtxr) and itl quadmlic effects(X3& andXrXr). The interacrionsbetweenany rwo of rhe independent variablescan be neglecred.From the RSM resulrs lhe opdmal melhane conversion, Cj. selectivity, and Cr* yield of 29.4%, '70.2qo,and 20.6%, respectivelywereobtained.The adequacyof this modelwas confirmed by means of vadance analysis and additional Frcm the chamcterizationsrudies,the 3.OCu/3.ZW,4IZSM_5 had more potenrial to catalyze the methane oxidarion 1082 [3] V. Pafiul€scu,C. Anastasescu, C. Constaniin, B.L. Su. Catal.Today,Anicles in press2852 (2002) I . [4] A. de Lucas,J.L. Vatverde,p. Canizares,L. Rodriguez, Appl.Catal.A 172(1998)165. [5] A. de Lucas,J.L. Vatvede,p. Canizares,I.. Rodriguez, Appl.Catat.A 184(1999)143. p. Sanchez, [6] A- de Lucae.J.L. Vatverde.L. Rodriguez, M.T.carcia.lMot.Carat. A t7l (200t)tq5. L7l Y. Shu.Y. Xu. S.T.Wong,L. Wang.X. Cuo,J. Calat. i70(1997)rL [8] J.H. Lunsford,M.p. Rosynek,D. Wang,Stud.Surf. 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