New Books Added in June 2015 Philosophy & Psychology B Education for life : correspondence and writings on religion and practical philosop B1302.E65 T87 2014 Christian Denominations BX Mobilized merchants‐patriotic martyrs : China's house‐church Protestants and thBX4811 .C66 2013 History D America's Nazi Secret : an insider's history of how the United States DepartmentD804.B93 L625 2010 Unholy trinity : the Vatican the Nazis and the Swiss banks / Mark Aarons and JohnD810.C6 A23 1998 History of the Americas E‐F Papers of Andrew Jackson / Sam B. Smith and Harriet Chappell Owsley editors ; RoE302 .J35 1980 Jefferson lies : exposing the myths you've always believed about Thomas JeffersonE332 .B295 2012 BoliÌvar : American liberator / Marie Arana. F2235.3 .A876 2014 Sociology HM Writing on the wall : social media the first 2 000 years / Tom Standage. HM741 .S72 2013 Marriage & Family HQ Violent betrayal : partner abuse in lesbian relationships / Claire M. Renzetti. HQ75.6.U5 R46 1992 Social Pathology & Welfare HV Theories of crime / Daniel J. Curran Claire M. Renzetti. HV6018 .C87 2001 Policing wildlife : perspectives on the enforcement of wildlife legislation / AngusHV6410 .N877 2015 Political Science & Theory Human Rights JA‐JC Failing to protect : the UN and the politicization of human rights / Rosa Freedman.JC571 .F74 2015 Legal Aid K115 Legal services regulation at the crossroads : Justitia's Legions / Noel Semple AssistK115 .S46 2015 Miscellany K181 Argument types and fallacies in legal argumentation / Thomas Bustamante Chri K181 .A74 2015 Law and life in common / Timothy Macklem. K230.M2 A35 2015 Universality and non‐universality of law K236 Stateless law : evolving boundaries of a discipline / edited by Helge Dedek McGill K236 .S73 2015 Relation of law to other topics K486 Of doubt and proof : ritual and legal practices of judgment / edited by Daniela BeK487.A57 O33 2015 Smart technologies and the end(s) of law : novel entanglements of law and technoK487.T4 H55 2015 Comparative Laws ‐ Trials K540 Liberty Fund Timothy Garner Conkling TrineDay St. Martin's Griffin Univ. of Tennessee Pr. Thomas Nelson Simon & Schuster Paperbacks Bloomsbury Sage Publ. Allyn and Bacon Palgrave Macmillan Oxford Univ. Pr. Edward Elgar Publ. Springer Oxford Univ. Pr. Ashgate Ashgate Edward Elgar Publ. Black women and international law : deliberate interactions movements and ac K561 .B57 2015 Domestic Relations Family Law K670‐709 Love's promises : how formal & informal contracts shape all kinds of families / Ma K699 .E78 2015 Maritime Law K1150‐1231 Law labour and empire : comparative perspectives on seafarers c. 1500‐1800 / [eK1196 .L39 2015 Business Associations K1301‐1366 Legal and compliance risk : a strategic response to a rising threat for global businK1329 .K87 2015 Intellectual Property K1401‐1578 Intellectual property and general legal principles : is IP a lex specialis? / edited by GK1401 .I58 2015 Understanding copyright : intellectual property in the digital age / Bethany Klein GK1485 .K54 2015 Labor Law K1701 Concept of the employer / Jeremias Prassl. K1705 .P73 2015 Constitutional Law K3154‐3370 Behind a veil of ignorance? : power and uncertainty in constitutional design / Loui K3165 .B34 2015 Exploring the boundaries of refugee law : current protection challenges / edited byK3230.R45 E97 2015 Human rights in prisons : comparing institutional encounters in Kosovo Sierra LeK3240 .J44 2015 Changing nature of religious rights under international law / edited by Malcolm D. K3258 .C43 2015 Public Property K3476 Permanent sovereignty over natural resources / Marc Bungenberg Stephan Hobe K3478 .P47 2015 Environmental Law K3581 Environmental law dimensions of human rights / edited by Ben Boer. K3585.4 .E584 2015 Medical Legislation K3601 Clinic and the court : law medicine and anthropology / edited by Ian Harper TobiaK3601 .C55 2015 Dying with dignity : a legal approach to assisted death / Giza Lopes. K3611.E95 L67 2015 Practical guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 : putting the principles of the act i K3611.I5 G73 2015 Changing landscape of food governance : public and private encounters / edited b K3626 .C43 2015 Control of Social Activities K3700 Inclusion and exclusion in competitive sport : socio‐legal and regulatory perspectivK3702 .P39 2015 Ecomonic Constitution Policy Planning & Development K3820 Joint research and development under US an trust and EU compe on law / BjöK3850 .L86 2015 Market and competition authorities : good agency principles / Annetje Ottow Utr K3850 .O88 2015 State‐initiated restraints of competition / edited by Josef Drexl Director Max PlanK3850 .S73 2015 Dangerous trade : arms exports human rights and international reputation / JennK3924.M8 E75 2015 Intellectual property and genetically modified organisms : a convergence in lawsK3927 .I58 2015 Cambridge Univ. Pr. Beacon Pr. Palgrave Macmillan Oxford Univ. Pr. Edward Elgar Publ. SAGE Oxford Univ. Pr. Springer Brill Nijhoff Palgrave Macmillan Oxford Univ. Pr. Springer Verlag Oxford Univ. Pr. Cambridge Univ. Pr. Praeger Jessica Kingsley Publ. Edward Elgar Publ. Routledge Edward Elgar Publ. Oxford Univ. Pr. Edward Elgar Publ. Columbia Univ. Pr. Ashgate Trade law domestic regulation and development / edited by Joel P Trachtman (TK3943 .T715 2015 Regulation of Transportation Communication & Professions K4011‐4375 Treaties on transit of energy via pipelines and countermeasures / Danae Azaria. K4083 .A93 2015 Crossroads in new media identity and law : the shape of diversity to come / editeK4240 .C79 2015 International economic law after the global crisis : a tale of fragmented disciplines K4430 .I58 2015 Public Finance ‐ National Revenue K4430‐4675 Advanced introduction to international tax law / Reuven S. Avi‐Yonah Irwin I. Coh K4460 .A935 2015 Criminal Procedure K5401‐5570 Allowing for exceptions : a theory of defences and defeasibility in law / LuiÌs DuaK5455 .D35 2015 Religious Law KB Pragmatism in Islamic law : a social and intellectual history / Ahmed Fekry Ibrah KBP1664 .I27 2015 US Law ‐ Legal Research and Writing KF240‐260 Basic legal research : tools and strategies / Amy E. Sloan. KF240 .S585 2006 (ref) Mindful legal writer : mastering predictive writing / Heidi K. Brown Esq. KF250 .B76 2015 (ref) US Law ‐ Legal Education and Legal Profession KF261‐349 Trouble with lawyers / Deborah L. Rhode. KF297 .R485 2015 Finding justice : a history of women lawyers in Maryland since 1642 / edited by tKF299.W6 B38 2015 Red flags : a lawyer's handbook on legal ethics / Lawrence J. Fox Susan R. Martyn.KF306 .F69 2005 Glass half full : the decline and rebirth of the legal profession / Benjamin H. BartonKF315 .B37 2015 Attorney and law firm guide to the business of law : planning and operating for su KF315.Z9 P64 2014 Women and justice for the poor : a history of legal aid 1863‐1945 / Felice Batlan. KF336 .B38 2015 US Law ‐ US Legal History and Jurisprudence KF350‐397 Progressive lawyers under siege : moral panic during the McCarthy years / Colin KF371 .W37 2015 US Law ‐ General and Comprehensive Works KF385‐391 Imagining the law : common law and the foundations of the American legal systemKF394 .C36 1997 US Law ‐ Equaity Conflict of Laws KF398‐500 Children sexuality and the law / edited by Sacha M. Coupet and Ellen Marrus. KF479 .C465 2015 US Law ‐ Property KF560‐720 Moynihan's introduction to the law of real property : an historical background of t KF570 .M6 2015 American law of landlord and tenant / Robert S. Schoshinski. KF589 .S34 1980 US Law ‐ Contracts KF801‐1241 To the edge : legality legitimacy and the responses to the 2008 financial crisis / KF974 .W35 2015 US Law ‐ Torts KF1246‐1340 David Ball on damages / David Ball. KF1250 .B355 2011 World Scientific Oxford Univ. Pr. Palgrave Macmillan Cambridge Univ. Pr. Edward Elgar Publ. Oxford Univ. Pr. Syracuse Univ. Pr. Aspen Publ. Wolters Kluwer Oxford Univ. Pr. George F Thompson Publ. ALI‐ABA Oxford Univ. Pr. American Bar Assoc. Cambridge Univ. Pr. Lexington Books HarperCollins Publ. New York Univ. Pr. West Academic Publ. Lawyers Co‐operative Pub. Co. Brookings Institution Pr. Natl. Inst. for Trial Advocacy Tort law desk reference : a fifty state compendium 2015 edition / Morton F. Dalle KF1250 .T6 2015 (ref) US Law ‐ Agency Associations Corporations KF1341‐1480 Ribstein and Keatinge on limited liability companies. KF1380 .R52 2008 Fletcher corporation forms annotated / by the publisher's editorial staff. KF1411 .F551 2011 Securities regulation / Louis Loss Late William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law KF1439 .L62 2014 US Law ‐ Trade Regulation Antitrust KF1601‐1680 Consumer protection and the law / Dee Pridgen Richard M. Alderman. KF1609 .C639 2009 US Law ‐ Labor Law Employment Discrimination KF3301‐3940 Labor law : cases materials and problems / Michael C. Harper Professor of Law a KF3369 .H348 2015 Pension provisions of the 2015 appropriations law : law explanation and analysis. KF3512 .P46 2015 Animal rights and welfare : a documentary and reference guide / Lawrence W. B KF3841 .A964 2015 US Law ‐ Public Safety KF3941‐4100 Big leagues go to Washington : Congress and sports antitrust 1951‐1989 / David GKF3989 .S87 2015 US Law ‐ Constitutional Law KF4501‐5335 Constitution : an introduction / Michael Stokes Paulsen and Luke Paulsen. KF4541 .P386 2015 Federalist papers and institutional power in American political development / DanKF4541 .W57 2015 International law in the U.S. legal system / Curtis A. Bradley. KF4581 .B73 2015 Bill of Rights : the fight to secure America's liberties / Carol Berkin. KF4749 .B45 2015 Below the radar : how silence can save civil rights / Alison L. Gash. KF4749 .G39 2015 Freedom of speech : mightier than the sword / David K. Shipler. KF4772 .S53 2015 What every lawyer needs to know about immigration law / editors: Jennifer A. He KF4819 .W52 2014 Business immigration : law & practice / Daryl Buffenstein Bo Cooper. KF4829 .B866 2011 Beyond deportation : the role of prosecutorial discretion in immigration cases / ShKF4842 .W33 2015 Speaking the law : the Obama administration's addresses on national security law KF4850 .A953 2015 Imperial from the beginning : the constitution of the original executive / SaikrishKF5053 .P725 2015 US Law ‐ Government Employees KF5336 Administrative rulemaking : structuring opposing and defending federal agency reKF5411 .O73 2015 US Law ‐ Public Property Public Restraints on Private Property KF5500 Natural resources law / by Jan G. Laitos Sandra B. Zellmer. KF5505 .L35 2015 Grasping hand : Kelo v. City of New London and the limits of eminent domain / I KF5599 .S66 2015 Public policy and land exchange : choice law and praxis / Giancarlo Panagia. KF5605 .P36 2015 US Law ‐ Public Finance Taxation KF6200 Controversies in tax law : a matter of perspective / edited by Anthony C. Infanti UKF6289 .C586 2015 US Law ‐ Court Organization and Procedure KF8700‐8807 Wolters Kluwer Thomson Reuters/West West/Thomson Reuters Wolters Kluwer Thomson/West Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer Greenwood Univ. of Illinois Pr. Basic Book Palgrave Macmillan Oxford Univ. Pr. Simon & Schuster Oxford Univ. Alfred A. Knopf ABA Am. Immigration Lawyers Assoc. New York Univ. Pr. Hoover Inst. Pr. Stanford Univ. Yale Univ. Pr. Thomson Reuters West Academic Publ. Univ. of Chicago Pr. Routledge Ashgate Supreme Court versus Congress : disrupting the balance of power 1789‐2014 / WiKF8742 .G58 2015 Constitutional history of the U.S. Supreme Court / Richard J. Regan. KF8742 .R46 2015 Fifty years of justice : a history of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of FKF8755.F56 D46 2015 Diversity matters : judicial policy making in the U.S. Courts of Appeals / Susan B. H KF8775 .H35 2015 US Law ‐ Civil Procedure KF8810‐9200 Federal rules of civil procedure : rules and commentary / Steven S. Gensler. KF8820 .G45 2015 Civil procedure / by Jack H. Friedenthal (Edward F. Howrey Professor of Law emerKF8840 .F72 2015 American jurisprudence trials : an encyclopedic guide to the modern practices tecKF8915 .A74 Federal rules of evidence service / edited by Pike and Fischer Inc. KF8935 .F4 Defending the jury : crime community and the Constitution / Laura I Appleman WKF8972 .A76 2015 US Law ‐ Criminal Law KF9201 Laws relating to sex pregnancy and infancy : issues in criminal justice / Carmen KF9325 .C87 2015 US Law ‐ Criminal Procedure KF9601‐9827 New juvenile justice system : total reform for a broken system / edited by Nancy EKF9779 .N49 2015 Law of the United States ‐ Louisiana KFL Jim Crow's last stand : nonunanimous criminal jury verdicts in Louisiana / Thomas KFL581 .A34 2015 Law of the United States ‐ Tennessee Texas KFT Tort reform plaintiffs' lawyers and access to justice / Stephen Daniels and JoannKFT1395 .D36 2015 Law of the United States ‐ Vermont Virginia KFV Virginia and West Virginia digest; covering cases from state and Federal courts. KFV2457 .V57 (VA) 19th Annual Advanced Real Estate Seminar / Virginia CLE Virginia Continuing LegaKFV2526 .R44 2015 (VA) Drafting special needs trusts and Medicaid planning / Virginia CLE Virginia ContinuKFV2540 .D75 2015 (VA) Insurance law in Virginia / editiors: Howard C. McElory McElroy Hodges & CaldweKFV2585 .I563 2015 (VA) Everything a bankruptcy attorney should know : essential practice pointers in all o KFV2621 .E48 2015 (VA) Law of the United States ‐ WA WV WI WY KFW Washington environmental law handbook / Theda Braddock. KFW354 .W37 2015 Roman Law KJA Roman law and the origins of the civil law tradition / George Mousourakis. KJA147 .M687 2015 Fundamentals of Roman private law / George Mousourakis. KJA2190 .M68 2012 Comparative Law of South & East Asia KNC‐KPV Constitutional amendments in India / M.V. Pylee. KNS1892 .P95 2012 Law of Nations KZ Power and law in international society : international relations as the sociology of KZ1251 .K53 2015 Influence of human rights on international law / Norman Weiβ Jean‐Marc ThouvKZ1266 .I54 2015 Praeger The Catholic Univ. of America Pr. Univ. Pr. of Florida Univ. of Virginia Pr. Thomson Reuters West Academic Publ. West Group West Group Cambridge Univ. Pr. Palgrave Macmillan New York Univ. Pr. Louisiana State Univ. Pr. Univ. Pr. of Kansas West Group Virginia Law Fndtn. Virginia Law Fndtn. Virginia CLE Publ. Virginia Law Fndtn. Bernan Pr. Springer Springer Universal Law Pub. Co. Routledge Springer Epistemic forces in international law : foundational doctrines and techniques of in KZ3410 .D37 2015 Law and politics of the Kosovo advisory opinion / edited by Marko MilanovicÌ an KZ4264 .L39 2015 Drones and the future of armed conflict : ethical legal and strategic implications /KZ6680 .D758 2015 'war on terror' and the framework of international law / Helen Duffy. KZ6795.T47 D84 2015 Complicity in international law / Miles Jackson. KZ7094 .J33 2015 Crimes of terror : the legal and political implications of federal terrorism prosecuKZ7220 .S235 2015 First global prosecutor : promise and constraints / edited by Martha Minow C. Co KZ7230 .F57 2015 International Criminal Court in search of its purpose and identity / edited by TriestKZ7312 .I58 2015 Victims' rights and advocacy at the International Criminal Court / T. Markus Funk ; KZ7495 .F858 2015 Law of the Sea KZA Equitable principles of maritime boundary delimitation : the quest for distributive KZA1450 .C68 2015 Continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles : delineation delimitation and disputeKZA1660 .M34 2015 Literature and Language P Out of the darkness : the story of Mary Ellen Wilson / by Eric A. Shelman and StePS3569.H3736 O88 1998 Science & Medicine Q‐R Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics / edited by Ezekiel J. Emanuel [and otheR853.H8 O96 2008 Library Science Z Academic law library director perspectives : case studies and insights / edited by MZ675.L2 A23 2015 (ref) Edward Elgar Publ. Oxford Univ. Pr. The Univ. of Chicago Pr. Cambridge Univ. Pr. Oxford Univ. Pr. Oxford Univ. Pr. Univ. of Michigan Pr. Routledge Taylor & Francis Grp Oxford Univ. Pr. Cambridge Univ. Pr. Brill Nijhoff Dolphin Moon Pub. Oxford Univ. Pr. William S. Hein & Co.