Praceadings of I'{enotiahol ConfeEn e on chehtical an l E\iaceting Uniwrsiti Malqria Sabah Kotu Kintua l 27' 2q A4u!2003, Modellingand Anatysisof DynamicBehaviourof a Fed'batchPenicillin Mathematical G FermentationProcess Arshad Ahmadl Noor Asma Fazli Abdul Samad2Chow Ai Wei: 'Depdrtment aJ chenical Engi@enng Unireniti Teknalosi Malarsia, 8 13 10 UTM Skudai,Jahoa Mata)sia TeL +6A-7 553-5610Far: +60'7'558'1463,Enait: a\hdd@fl<kba-utmmv '1lnboruko' oJPrccessContnl, Depadnent of Chenical EngikeetnLs Uin'e rcili TeLrola|i M.tlalsia, 8 13 10 UTM Skudai,Johot, MaLalsia Tel: +60-7 553 5858.Enail: asnafazli@hotnail.comai|u chaw@vth.'o.con1 Abstract This paper .liscussesthe charucteristicsaJ Peni.illin C ferhlentations wilh subslrute inhibition using d)hanic simuLatiott. The feffientation Ptocess tras situuLated in aM anab'se' of the dYatuic MATIAB e innftett behariaut ol the pncess \|ere carried out to pnti.le the necetturypncess insiShts.Dltami( sinuLdtiotlsrereated raridtians in the sensitiriry oJ the tnodeLto subsiate concnttutiors, dependinqon the operctiry poi l This vaiation indicates non-lineatit! in d)nanic behaviour PID co rol was ako ewluate.l dnd resuht are deftonstruted Keywords: In this work, we concenlmleon the developmentol a completemathematicalmodel and sinulation test-bedfor processcontrol studies on a Penicillin G fennentalion process. The mechanisticmodelofBajpai andReuol1l, and the extendedmodel by Biml et al.[2] were ulilized as the basisofourmodellingeffons.Thesemodelsareclassifiedas unstruclured model and they are simpler than slruclured models. In unstruclurcdmodels, all cellular physiology ;nformationis galheredin a singlebiomas termso that$ere is no explicit strudural information abolt the ceuular aclivity t2l. On the othe. hand, slructured models for penicillin-pmducdon includethe effectsof cell physiology on penicillinproduction. Mathematical Modelling Peniciuin Gi Femenlation; Dynamic simulaiioni PID MalhematicalModellingof Penicillin Fermenlation Introduction In a fed-batchoperation,there is no removalof producls the fermenteruntil the end of the process.The outpu! of a fermenterduring penicillin produclion. fd. is therefore equal to zerc Gee Eqlation (l)). The nutrienb arc fed at a variablerateto thecullurebroth in a fed-balchprocessI7l. as a secondary Penicjllinis an anlibioticthat is categorised menbolite product thar hs played impo.tant roles 'n pharmaceudcal field for years. Genemlly. fte industrial prodDctionof penicillin is characlerisedby two dislinct regim€s.The initialphaseis lo grow cellsin a batchculture. Thh is $en followed by a fed-batch operalion ro promote the b;osynthesis ofpenicillin. ln fermenlation,substrateis very impo.lanl for cell growft. mainGnanceof the microbial population and fo.malion of products. Howevea for some prccesses.prcduct fo.mations may be suppressedwhen subskaleconcenlradonexceedscertainvalue. As a result, conlrolledsupplyofsubstrateis nec€ssary. ln order to explore fte effect! of process variables and analysethe sensitivilyof thesevariables,the useofdynamic This has motivated simulaliontecbniqu$ is advantageoussomeactiie researchers. Fof example,mechanisticmodels ofp€nicillin fermentarion hadbeendevelopedby Bajpaiand workiDson ReuBI1l. In addition,therewerealsoresearchers developins software packase t21, hybrid modelling (t3l.tal,tsl) and dynamicoptimizationt6l. ISBN:983-2643-15"5 (1) F-,= 0 The .eactionsinvolvedaresimplifiedasfollow: 5 -r X:.t -+ Pi (2) ln this case.the manipulaied variable is the feed raie of S, which is the subst.ate. Ovetdv Ma$ Balance The overall massbalance for ihe fermentation processwas simplifien and shown in Equation (3) where v representsthe culture volume, and F is the fe€d rate of subslmle. (3) above indicares that a constant densily made. Becausepenicillin productionis an 38',7 oJ lntenrrli.rol ConJercnceOn ChMi t tnd Biorraees Engnrcariry Unie^iti Makttlia:;ahah,Kata Kil.bolu 2/r 2qn AuN2AD3 Pneedin{ aerobicfermenirtion process.the lbrmentat'oncuLure rs continuouslyspargedwith air. The air leavestho fementer throughthe exhdustgasline lf the a;r enleringthe ferment€r is dry. water is conlinuallystfippedfrom lhe mednnnand Ieavesthe systemas vapour.Evaporativewaterlosr can be significantover a periodoldays [8]. Typically, l0-2oc' of he r or alor or hc a r o e o \. d u e In e \a P o ra l i odnu n ngone week of femenration.the actualamountdependingon the loss. ofthe iementalion [2]. Hence,evaPorative lempemrure betakeninto accoun!in modellingofatermenter. FL* shoLrld addition on the loral ln addilion. the eftbcl of ac;d,4rase volume changeof the cuhure b.olh. Fdb should also be includedin Equrlion (3). By includingall theseerms' the as: olenll nrassbalanccfo.a ftfmenlercan be expressed For the Bajpai and Reup model til. distolved oxlgen concentrationC. and oxygen limitalion constant(ox are includedin Equation(8) to sivel ,=,,@i;o,.#.c, (e) According 10 Birol e, al. t2l, effects of environmental vadablessuchas pH and lemperatureshouldalso be taken into account in the specific Srowth expression-These variablesplay impoftnntroleson lhe qualily and quantilyof the final product.Consideringthesevadables,lhe specific growthrateis now given byl C. (4) evapo.ativeloss can be representedby the The suggested follo$ing rela!ionships [2]: rdt^ Ft,.,= V )G51o '') \ (5) Here,f. and I, are the frcezingand boiling enPeratureof the culture medium lbat were asslmed io have rhe same propertiesas water, respeclively,and ,l is a sugg€sEd evapomtionraleof2.5 x 10" l/h al theoperationtempemlure of 25 'C I2l. Here, the mte of evapomdonapProaches purposesthe infinity at theboiling point,andfor engineering this to represent exponent5 h largeenougb [2] Mass Aalance ot Biomass The equadonfor massbalanceonbiomassis simplifiedas: v dt dt s r K.+ s) 0) the maximumspecificgrowth rate,and H€re,tx represents Kl is the substfatesatumtionconstant.However the Monod model is inaccurateto describethe growtb under certa'n condilion'Ll2l. Ite modeti' only valid lor balancedSrowIh and should not be applied when grolvlh conditions are changingrapidtyt8l. Numerousmodificationswe€ madeto Monod model to improve accuracyof the kinetic model. one exampleis the Conloiskineticsthal is usedto rcpresentthe diffusioral limitations thai occur at high biomass (tlOlitlzl). The Conroiskinetics nodel is concentrations givenby equation(8) below. s ' ''(K,X+Sl 388 Lr +l( 4H l' LH ,K ll{ ^.x+") ,/( .Y+r ' . .rl ^ lli 1 - i * J :8. llf ' " , J' - 1R/ r'l ll ,.,, Ellec. oJpH Another term to consider in the specific growth rate expressionis the hyd.ogenion concenttation[H'] l2l The pH of the culture medium becomes acidic. as lhe lhe amounlof NH4OH of biomassincreases. concentration in orderto keep addedinto theculluremediumaho incfeases rh€pH constantduliDgthe pe.icillin fermentrtion.Basedon lhis observation,the hyd.ogen ion concentfation is related to biomassformationas [2]: d tH' t , .. r x, I a *JIa ,q Jo L ,,,,1r I n j; --' A N - ,.// \ - 'l- ",1 (l l) (6) whereX is ihe biomassconcent.ationandI is lhe specific growth rale ofthe biomass.The specificgrowth mtd can be describedby Monod model (Equation (7)). where fte growth .ale depetdson the concentmtlo. microorganisms' t ]i t9 l ;l l 0 l :[l l l ) o f lim it ingnur . ie n([8 ' - a is givenas: + F")^t ^ [ro*rla't- ta'tiv- c,,"1F "=-- n+lF;TE, (t2) Here, 4 and 16 rcpresent acid and base flow rates in Uh' C$ in both soLurions, fespecdvely,wherethe conc€ntration are assumed€qualto be 3 M. Besidesthat, Birol et al. [2] aho suggesledrhal undet pH conlrol. (he hydrcSenion concenlration can be calculated by taking the disassociaion of water and acid.4)aseinto account as well as the hydrogen production.The propo.tionalityconstant,7 is estjmatedas l0' mol [r]/s biomass. Efect o! TenPqatwe According to Doran [8], temperaturehd a significant kinetic effect on reactions. The effe.t of temperatureon the specific growih rate can be represen!€d by an Anhenius type of ".'(*l'll-".'('#)li ' "'{l-' ( 13) (8) ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Pnreedi es ..l t&natiotu Cdtlurmt 27' -29, trqun2AAl or Cheni.araM! Biou.Les Ettiwtu1| Urij,usiti Mdor:h S,bdh K.tu Kiudbdt, He€, & and A! are lhe constantand dctivationenergyfof grc*lh. $hile td ,nd td arc the conslantrnd activation e.er8y ior dealh.respectively. Mass Daknce on Dissolved Orl|et Tenpercture Contrcl !:- ofthe culturemediumwas keptconstanlar The tempefatu.e 25 "C. It was conlrolledby a sptit-mngePID controllerlhat .llors lhe hcating or cooling water flow mte to be The velociryform ofthe digital PID algorithm rnanipula|ed. (asshown;n Equation(14)) was used. AM y . = A , ( 8, E" + :::8 . |, -! N x(cvN-zcvN )+cvN )DMVN ( t4) Here.Kc is theproporrional gain,./ is theinte8ralconsran t, .i is rhederivariveconstanrand Cyr, -tP, and My! represent fie cuflent valuesof rhe conrolled variable,set poinl and conlrolleroutput al lhe cunent saorpleN, respectivety, with thecurenr lalueoleftor. ttr (=SPr- Cy,). Mats Aabnee on Peticillitl For a fed batch fermeniatjon prccess wilh peniciltin concentradon. P and culrurevolume, y. specificpenicillin productionra!e,tpp, and penicillin hydrolysisconstanr,& tbemassbalanceequationon penicillinis reducedrc: dP dt .. P dv V d, ..- ,l st s t'"'=t'"p<"+s K l, . . ) - . dJ I Jl ( t 8) where / is the specific growrh rate, /pp is the specific productionrare of penicillin, CL is rhe concenimlon or dissolved-oxygen and y is the cuhure yolume. fv, is dre yield constantwilh unit (g biomass/goxlgen), ypl, is the yield connant with unir {g penicillin/goxygen),,(/. is the ove.aUmassrmnsfercoefricienr.The diffe.ence{cL' - C.) be.ween the maximun possible and aclual oxygen concenrrur;onsin rhe liqLrid cuhu.e rep.esenls the conccrrfi .ondr' \ i .g tu.(. for md.. r!.\rer. The overall massrranste.coefficienrtrh is conslantrn the original model of Balpai rnd Reup [l]. However,in $is $ork, K,. is assumedto be a funcrionof agitationpolvei i npurP " notr r" reofox)gen /. a..LB ge.reJo) BJ, ey " nd a n do ri( t t I . rh i\ i. 5 h o { nin rq i" . o n ii" r rl. , " - " o r a and I are assignedso rhar the dependence of penicillin concentrar;on on &. marchesctosety!o rbe predicrjonsof BajpaiandReuptll. ".=".k"\+)' (19) a fermenhtionprocess,CO, is produced.The CO, evolutionmle canbe represented by : dco. = a)idx + atx dt c ," +ii K),--;;i5 ( 16) where4pisthe maximumspecificpeniciltinproductionrate, (F is the inhibitionconstant,(iis theinhibirionconstanlfor productformnrion,(op is the oxygen limitation constanr, andC.'is thedissolvedoxygenconc€ntmrion. Mass Balonce on Substrate -,,,x*l:tsd v v dt + al (20) Here, c.r is rhe constant rclaing CO, 10 grcwth, (r: is the consllnt relatingCO, 10maintenance energy.and ar is the constantrelatingCO, ro penjcillinproduction.The vatuesof o1, c& and sr are cbosenlo give CO, profilessimila. to the pr€dicLions oi MonrdgueandLo,trorterslsl. .\ \uggesredb) B i ml e, dl [2]. Energy Balance A b?lanceon substmreis sbownas followl ]:') Herc, S and X is the subsrrate and biomass concenrration respectively,fs is rhe yield coefficienr (g biomass/g substrate),rp is rhe yield coefficieDr (g p€nicillin/g subslrale),I is the specific growth raie of biomars.tpp 6 me sp e c if icpr odLc lion r d ,eo fp e n i c iL n ,l n \ i r rh emc i n l e n anLe coefficienr.F is the feedflow mte of subst.ate, the feed $is substrare conc€ntration. and yis the culrurevolumc. ISBN:983-2643-15-5 . r - r - ! .rp, x - , . x Mass Balance on Carbo Dioxide (CO,) The specific penicillin p.oduclionmre, tpp is defined as ( I 6) t ll. Eq uar ion *!!=f,x-fix Massbalanceon dissolvedoxygencar be writrenrs In fe.menBtion,changesin beah of mixing of subst.ateand producLswirh rhe brorh are generaly negtig,btesrnce cell-culturemediaare uruatt) ditule .queoussotu ons wrrh behaviourcloseto ideal t8l. In addition,tbe effecb of hear gener ion due ro mechanicatagiration and aemdon power mput are also assum€dro be negligible €omparedto rhe hear generaton caused by microbial metabolism. rhe sunoundings,heatexchanger, and rateofsensibleenthalpy gain by lhe flow systemsrream\.Tle energybatancenn a coi l edrypeheare{ chr' nger. { hi chi . sui l abl e forJ tdbom r oD scalefermenter has been suSgesledas follow l2ll 189 q Ptu.zeak|t Il ' (r.-t) .v p-lrt "'tu .l '. ?+ ., - | --\ .. IJ t- | \a r l z P (./0.,,"/d0 is the volumetric heal ptuduction rate. rqr is assumedrc be coneant and might be rfeatedas a yield coeffrcienr,and rq, is a constartfor hearproducliondurirg Thc secondlenn in Equation(22) is impodant mainlenance. to lake accountfor the malntenance since melabolicmainlenanceactivitiesgive a siSniiicant effecton the heatgenerahon. \2tl of lbe subsraie.f is lhe ieed Here, ?l is lhe feedremperature now raie of the substlale,F. is the flow rate oi the cooling liquid, p is the density of lhe cullure medium pc rs the d;nsny of lhe cooling liquid, c,, and .F reprcsentthe heat capacity of the culture nledium 3nd the cooling liquad rcspectively. 0.,, is theheatof reaction,a andb areconstants' Forft;s panicularequation,fte of Fis g/(l-hr) ProcessSimulation The modeldevelopedherc was simulatedusingMATLAB software.The o.dinafy differenlialequalronswere solved using Fourth-OrderRunge'Kuta algoilhm wjth adapl've slepsizemechankm.Samplingtime was fixed at 0.02hour by B i rol eru1.t2l .The w orkofB i rol ,T. / i v'( assl rggesl ed slud) and as as the benchmarkfor the simLrlatlon regarded aswell asthein;tialvalueswere such.the kinelicpafamelers basedon theirwork.Theselre tabulatedin TablesI and2 Reacdonsi. bioprocessesoccur as a result of enzvme aclivitv and cell metabolismFor heatgeneralioncausedbv nicrobial reactions/metabolism,Birol er dl. t2l has suggesedthe following eqtratron: !9 - =, 4Lv* ,, x v 122) Trbl, I Kutett. Panntete5 t Heattransfercoefficienlof liquid (caUtr."C) heatins/cooling Constant;nheatgenerntion 1000 (catg i.6783 x l0a (g/l) Fed subsrareconcenlLalion FeedEmperature of subslrate(K) 600 298 5i00 Yield constant(g penicillin/goxysen) o.20 Anheniusconstantfor cell death l03l Yield constant(s penicillin/gglucose) 0.90 Anheniusconslanlfor growth 7xl0r (s biomass/g oxysen) Yieldconslanr 0.04 t ') s tec o n s ta n(h P enic r l l 'hny d ro l y s ira 0.04 t0 r0 Yield constant(s biomass/gglucose) 0.45 Constantin Kh 10 ConslBot(moYl) 7x l 0I Constantr€latingCO, to growlh (mnol CO,/g biomss) 0.141 Inhibilionconstantfor Produci formation(g/l) 0.10 ConslantrelalingCO, to maintenance enersy (rnnol CO,/g bionass.h) Oxygenlimitationconstml (with limitat'on) 5x105 ConstantrelatingCOr lo penicill;n production{mmol COl /l.h) 104 Oxygenlimitationconslant (with limitation) 2 x lo-'? Constanr in Kb 0.4 Inhibitionconstant(g/h) 0.0002 Saturationconstant(g/l) 0.15 Maximum specific growth late (h-') 0.092 Maintenance coefficient on oxygen (h') o.467 Specificrateofpenicillinproduclion(hr) 0.005 on substrate Maintenancecoefficient 0.014 Constantin F|d, ft r) 2.5x10' 0.60 rt Acdvation energy for cell dealh 50000 Tl Aclivationenergyfor groath lc!l/mol) (mon) Constant K, Vdnbles [2] Time, t (h) Time, t (h) K o.fht.nrati.nol ConJercnceAn Ch.,tical a Bialta.z$ bt?LLeitlg 21 2Er Awrn2003. Unit^iti i\|aldrsidSabah,Kota Kinabalu v I (mol Proportionality constanl t 0l 105 trrl/g biomast or) 390 Constant 3 Densityofmedium (g/l) x Heatcapacity of medium (caug."C) 1/1500 Yield of heatgeneralion (caygbiomass) 60 Densilyofcooling liquid (g/l) x H€it capacityof €oolingliquid (cavg."C) l/2000 ISBN:98.1-2641-t5-5 PnreIlinq: nJ hturatianal ConfeEn . On Atenicol a l Sialocc$ ErSnEerntg UniwBiti MaLaJsiaSabah KL&hdtu 2q^ A4!!2ID3. 21 Tabte2 - Initial Conditions[2) Tim€, t (h) (= CL concentration oxygen Dissolved saruratior)(g/l) CL Coz Ca$on dioxideconcenradon(mmol/l) (mon) ionconcent.ation Hydrosen (s/l) PenicillincoDcentration E 0.5 a 5 l0r I 0 0 4",, s l .l 6 concenlmtion(91) Substrare t5 Fisare 2 PrafLe oJbianast cohc.ntrdttun Fieure 3 Prclile of pehicillin concentdtion 297 T Cultufe!olume (l) 100 Biomlssconcentmlion(g/1) 0.1 The sludywasdividedinlo lwo partsl 1 dynamicsimulationof batcbculture 2. closed-loop ope.ation of fed'batch iementalion Here. pH and lemperaturewere cottrolled using Results and DiscussioD The profilesof the outpulvariablesunderDominaloperating conditions for batch ferrenlation process are shown rn Figurc I to Figurc 8. The production of Peoicillin started Accordingto Doran [8], cellsusethe only rfter a lag-phase. to their new environmert Following the iag phaseto adapt phase.After lag period,the growth enered the acceleration the substratein the culture medium depleted,cell growth slowed down, showing a decreasingtrend as shown rn Figur€ 2. The penicillin concentration started lo increaseat this stagedue the increas€amountofpenicillin (seeFigure 3).This indicates tha! rhe prccess was in the producl Fisurc a Prolile ofdL\oLrcd oryBencon.?ntrutioi E s E FiBure 5 - Ptofi le of tenpe nt"re Fisure I - ProJileofsabstrate ISBNr983-2643-15-5 391 9 Pn(edrrys aI Intfltarionat ConIe?n.e An Chenicol and Bio ads:Ensineetins 27' ?q' AqN2003, Uniteari Mdhy:ia Sabah Kota Kinabah 6a Fisue 6 PrcrtleofpH concettrdtionat initial substate Fi8urc9 - Substrate of |0, 15 1nd 25 9t'l cancentrations E" a" o\ffi.;;-E d Fi7ure 7 - Prafile ulcatu"n dioxi.lecohcentr'!ion FiBurc t0 - Penicillin Concentration at inititll subsrrate concennatkhr oJ 10, I 5 dnd 25 8,4 F€d-batch Fermentation Fisure 8 - Pro.JileoI NLture 'otune oxyget was dissolved fermenlation lhe During P.ocess, lrilised for cellrespiration(seeFigure4) andcarbondioxide ofgassesin the was released by theceUs.Theconcentrations problem slatement. on good indicators systenraho seLveas It can also be observedthal tempemtureand pH were reducedwith time (seeFigure 5 md 6). Tbis nav directiv affect the quality of the prccess. A control svsr€m rs therefore required to maintain thesevalues Fed'balch fermentation was accomplished by contin'rousv feeding the substrate to promoie rhe biosvnthesis of lhe product- Here, a threshold value of 0.5 8/l was assignerlto the subslmte concentration. Substm|e fe€ding was acxvated oncethe strbslrateconcentrationreachedthis threshold value However, high concentration of substrate mav inhibit the ceu growth. Hence, controlled supPly of carbon source (slucose)waspracticedin this study. 6'" The simulationrsults for differentvaluesof initial substrate areillustmtedinFigure9 andFigure l0 Here. concenLadon it can be seenahatthe penicillin production increaseswrth an andthenlevels increasein tbeinitial substrateconcentmtion, off due to substmtelimitadon in batch fermentation Fiswe ll - ProJileoJsubstrute concentation 392 ISBN:983-2643-15'5 Ptd..edinsx oJ ktenational AnJerence On ond Bnrpbes E\ineerhg 27r' 2E Au.ui 2AaJ. urit{rni Mdrysiosobah, Kota Kinabolu E a %-- 6-- Fryrrt t2 i6- - - "m Prvlile oJbrcnttr concentdtiun 5 FiBute t6 ProfLe of pH g, 8 ":t "l FiSure 13 - PrafiLe of peaicillin conceniation Fisute 14 - Prolile of dissohiedoDsen concentrction Figurc 17 - Prolle ol carbon .Iioride corce\tatian Fisurc 18- Profle ol'otume E*. FiEurc l5 Profle of tenperuture ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Fisure 19 ProfileoJsubstatefeednte 393 I t1,4nat ar ntc r 4l c A1\L.atal ar t Pn,c c J 2/' ln rhis wo.k, the substralefbed rale. pH, and temperatufe sere conrrolledusing PID conrolleE The profiles of the outpul vadablesunder nominalopemtingcondition where constdi glucose feed are used duritg the fed-batch opemtion.areillustratedin Figure ll lo Figure 19.Noletbat both biomass and penicillin concentmtionshad been improvedby adding a slow glucoselbed into the batch fermenter.The controlledsupply of gl coseenabledbolb giowrh and penicillin production ro lake place simultaneously Ii]. By includingPID contolle.s in ftesystem,fte valuesofPH and temperalure were ma;nlainedclose!o their desiredset poinrs. Comparedio the results withoul controllers,rbe variaiionsfrom the set-pointvalueshad beenreducedAs I result,the overall perfonnanceof lbe fe.mentationProcess wasimproved.Thhprovedthe importaiceofcontmlsystenr Conclusion An unstructurcdmodel for a fed'barch Penic;llin G fe.mentatiooprocesshad beendevelo!€din this sludy Tbis modelincludesadditionalinpul va.iableslike mathematical aemirot rate, feed flow rale of substmte.pH, temperature. agitalionpower as well as oxtput lariables such as CO, evolution and heat generation terms. The model was simulatedin MATLAB environmenland analysesof lhe dynamicbehaviou.offie fte observation, a good agreement was shown bellveen the r$ultsobtaired in this studyand lbe literalure l2l Relerences tll 394 r 4e r r. t Ausun 2AAi , Uhirt\ni MaLafla Subah, Kinabalk Birol, G., Undey,C. rnd Cinat, A. 2002.A Modular Simulation Packagelor Fed balch Fennentation: Penicillin Production. Canquters anl Chenical En\ineering. 26:t553 t565. 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