Madison Public Schools   R.E.A.C.H Unit Plan 15‐16 

 Madison Public Schools R.E.A.C.H Unit Plan 15‐16 Title: Ancient Rome Grade: 5th
Content Area: Humanities Objective: ​
As a means of enrichment, students will ● As a means of enrichment, students in the 5th grade REACH program will investigate the Ancient Roman civilization and produce a product that includes both a written piece and an oral presentation. Time Allotted:​
40 minute sessions once a week for 6 weeks with the option to extend to 8 weeks. NAGC Standards: 1.7. Cognitive and Affective Growth. Students with gifts and talents recognize their preferred approaches to learning and expand their repertoire. 2.4. Learning Progress and Outcomes. Students with gifts and talents demonstrate advanced and complex learning as a result of using multiple, appropriate, and ongoing assessments. 3.4. Instructional Strategies. Students with gifts and talents become independent investigators. Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA‐LITERACY.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. CCSS.ELA‐LITERACY.RI.5.5 Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts. CCSS.ELA‐LITERACY.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Materials: All Sessions: Chromebooks Resources/Helpful Links: Films: An overview of the Roman Forum and its role in daily life from Kahn Academy, ​
., a unit of lessons, each with an animated film, ​
. Teacher Tube​
has a tremendous selection of short and long films on Ancient Rome. Articles: Rome vs the United States, from, ​
. Homepage, ​
. Wikipedia, ​
. US, ​
. Quatr article on Roman government, ​
. Books: Numerous books are available in each school’s library. Lessons/Steps: Week 1: Who were the Romans? 1. Watch short film 2. peruse reading materials 3. discuss findings Week 2: What was life like for the Romans? 1. Watch short film 2. peruse reading materials 3. discuss findings 4. choose a topic Week 3: When we research, how do different readings compare? 1. form groups of 2 or 3 2. assign the text sets to each group 3. groups read and discuss the similarities and differences between the text sets. 4. individuals work on beginning research on chosen topics Week 4: What different types of resources can we find on our topic? 1. students look for a hard copy resource and an internet resource 2. begin to formulate thesis for writing Week 5 : students spend the time working on their piece Week 6 :students present their work to one another. 