LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BUDGET PLANNING GUIDELINES FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Prepared by: Liberty University Financial Planning & Budgeting Table of Contents Budget Development................................................................................................................... 1 Administration ................................................................................................................................................1 Budget Development Process ..........................................................................................................................1 Planning Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................1 Base Budget Worksheets .................................................................................................................................2 Budget Request Form (BRF) .............................................................................................................................3 Funding Requests ........................................................................................................................5 Revenue ...........................................................................................................................................................5 Scholarships ....................................................................................................................................................5 Personnel Expenditures...................................................................................................................................5 Direct Expenditures ........................................................................................................................................7 Assets and Capital Expenditures .....................................................................................................................7 Budget Hearings .........................................................................................................................8 Format of Hearing ...........................................................................................................................................8 Budget Presentations .......................................................................................................................................8 Results of Budget Hearing ...............................................................................................................................8 Budget Execution ........................................................................................................................9 Budget Reports ................................................................................................................................................9 Budget Adjustments ........................................................................................................................................9 Budget Amendments and Revisions ................................................................................................................9 Appendix A – Budget Assumptions ........................................................................................... 10 Appendix B – Example Base Budget Worksheet ........................................................................ 14 Appendix C – Budget Request Form (BRF) ................................................................................. 19 Budget Development Base Budgets and proposed budget adjustments are developed by each organization in the spring for the upcoming fiscal year. It is the responsibility of each division leader to incorporate the direction provided through the University’s Strategic Plan in the budget planning process. Managers should be mindful of the assessment questions that will need to be answered in later months for each funding request presented. These assessment questions include: 1. 2. 3. 4. What was the measure, assessment instrument, or strategy that helped identify this need? If funded, did the item accomplish your goal? If not funded, what was your alternate action plan? How did you know the item requested was linked to the strategic plan goal you listed? Administration Each fiscal year the Financial Planning and Budgeting office summarizes a forecast of the University operating expenditures for the current year. The budget is divided into organizations for operational purposes. The budget is developed consistent with the overall mission of the University and in keeping with each organization’s goals to support this mission. Budget Development Process The University’s budget is developed based on enrollment and revenue projections. Using these projections as the funding level, budget expenses are determined by reviewing prior year expenses, current year forecasted expenses, and funding requests at the organizational level. Each proposed budget adjustment is reviewed and approved by the budget manager, dean (if appropriate), and senior administrator. Requests for budget increases are presented by the division leader (dean or senior administrator) during the budget hearings. It is the responsibility of the division leader to justify each proposed item during the budget hearing. The Chief Financial Officer reviews all requests for budget adjustments with Senior Administration to discuss and prioritize the needs for the University. Once funding adjustments have been approved, the Financial Planning and Budgeting Office compiles the University proposed budget. Planning Guidelines Each division leader will receive electronic Budget Packets, through temporary budget drives, containing Budget Planning Guidelines, Base Budget Worksheets, and a Budget Request Form. The Budget Planning Guidelines are provided to assist division leaders in developing the proposed budgetary changes necessary to facilitate the division’s goals and objectives in support of the University’s mission. The Base Budget Worksheet, explained in the following section, is provided to division leaders for the organization(s) for which they are responsible. Each worksheet provides historical expenditures and the projected base budget. The division leader develops proposed budget adjustments to accommodate personnel changes, salary adjustments, operating expenses, assets, and scholarship needs. These changes are subject to University policies and may be attained through reallocation from the base budget, new funding, or a combination of reallocation and new funding. If new funding is required for these changes, the requests must be included on the Budget Request Form (BRF), which is described in a subsequent section. 1|Page Base Budget Worksheets The Base Budget Worksheets (see example in Appendix B) are a consolidation of data, organized similar to the budget queries available in Banner. This document is designed to aid organizations in developing resource needs by providing historical information and a projection of the upcoming year’s base budget. Division leaders will use the information provided to develop the Adjusted Base Budget (see C9 below) to more accurately reflect the anticipated use of base budget funds. Each Adjusted Base Budget amount must be properly substantiated in order for that amount to be included as the base budget for the coming fiscal year. Substantiations (defined: “to support with proof or evidence, verify”) are intended to support the amounts that will be loaded as a base budget in Banner. Examples of proper substantiation include: • • • • • Cost per student x number of students Cost per employee x number of employees Cost of trip x number of attendees Average cost over past 3 years with no increase/decrease in activity Average cost over past 3 years with __% rate increase Once updated, division leaders must save the worksheets and any other supporting documentation to the temporary budget drive (do not email worksheets to Budget Analysts). Base Budgets will then be reviewed for adequate substantiations and proper allocation of funds. Revised worksheets must be submitted no later than January 31th to allow for timely loading of base budgets into Banner. Once the updated Base Budgets have been validated and approved by the Financial Planning & Budgeting office, worksheets will be locked from editing. Division Leaders will continue to have access to view worksheets for planning purposes, but no further changes will be permitted. Each section of the Base Budget Worksheet is detailed below. • Account Number (C1) • Account Description (C2) Further explanations and definitions for these accounts can be found on the Banner Finance training website or via the Account Codes & Definitions guide. • Prior Year Actual Transactions (C4-C6) A historical record of actual transactions for the past three fiscal years. • Current Year’s Actual Transactions (C7) Reports on the first four budget periods (July thru October) of actual transactions applied against the current year’s budget. • Next Fiscal Year’s Original Base Budget (C8) The Original Base Budget is provided as the starting point for the proposed budget. The base budget is constructed of the current year’s budget (C6), excluding non-capital and capital assets. • Next Fiscal Year’s Adjusted Base Budget (C8) – RESPONSE REQUIRED The Adjusted Base Budget is provided as an avenue for organizations to make adjustments to the Original Base Budget. Line items may either be increased or decreased based on historical expenses and projected needs. However, the total Adjusted Base Budget cannot exceed the total Original Base Budget. Any funding needs above the Original Base Budget must be requested on the Budget Request Form (BRF). Note: Permanent budget amendments approved after December 1st may not display in the Original Base Budget. Organizations should add requests to the Adjusted Base Budget with 2|Page appropriate substantiation and the related JV number. This will cause the Adjusted Base Budget to exceed the Original Budget. Financial Planning & Budgeting will validate these permanent amendments before finalizing the University’s Base Budget. • Substantiation (C10) – RESPONSE REQUIRED This column must be completed by the organization to substantiate the Base Budget. Substantiations and adjustment notes from the previous year’s planning cycle are included. Budget Managers should review each line and provide additional information to strengthen substantiations where necessary. If amounts cannot be substantiated, the Adjusted Base Budget should be reduced to reflect only those amounts that can be supported. All properly substantiated amounts will be loaded into Banner as next years’ Base Budget. Note: Substantiations are intended to verify/support the funding level, not simply justify the expense. For example, “Printing for department” does not properly demonstrate the funding level of $1,200 but “Office printing for 2 employees estimated at 100/month x 12 months” is an appropriate substantiation. Budget Request Form (BRF) The Budget Request Form (BRF) is a required document that is used by division leaders to detail all new funding requests presented in the budget hearings. Only one BRF should be submitted for the whole division. In the event that a division does not have any requested budget changes for the coming fiscal year, a completed BRF must still be submitted to document this fact. Appendix C provides a sample Budget Request Form. There are nine columns in the form and all fields are required. The form will run a summary by the various request types selected from the drop down menu in column C4. The summary fields are locked but will automatically update as the table is completed. • Priority (C1) Using a scale of 1 to 5 apply a priority level to each budget request being made. Levels should be used as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Must-have; will not be able to operate without item. Needed to maintain current operations. Able to operate without, but desired for higher quality operations. Can live without item this year, but necessary for future operations. Wish list item; not necessary but would be nice. • Index # (C2) Enter the index code related to the organization needing the adjustment. Index codes are required to ensure the correct Fund and Organization combination is used when approved budget adjustments are entered in Banner. • Organization Name (C3) This field is locked from editing but will auto-populate the index code title based on the information provided in the Index # field. • Request Type (C4) Select the appropriate Request Type from the drop-down box (do not type in the category). Options include New Faculty, New Staff, Faculty/Staff Adjustments, Student Employees, Assets (capital & non-capital), Construction/Technology Projects, Operations, Revenue, and Scholarships. 3|Page • Acct Code (C5) Enter the specific account code where funding adjustments are needed. If multiple accounts are used, each account and the corresponding funding need should be specified (C7). Please review the example spreadsheet in Appendix C on how to complete this section correctly. Further explanations and definitions for these accounts and related commodity codes can be found on the Banner Finance training website under the Account Codes & Definitions and the Commodity Codes & Definitions guides. • Duration (C6) Identify if the requested adjustment is Temporary, Permanent, or Both. “Temporary” indicates that a one-time adjustment is necessary. “Permanent” denotes that the adjustment will be recurring and should be applied as a Base Budget item in future fiscal years. If the funding adjustment includes both one-time and recurring adjustments, department must mark the adjustment duration as “Both” and provide a breakdown within the Narrative Description (C7) of the temporary and permanent adjustments. • Narrative Description and Substantiation (C7) Provide a detailed description of the requested item and substantiate the funding need. Where possible, please provide supporting documentation. All personnel requests must include the action number(s) from the HR Jobs Tool. • FY16 Adjustment (C8) Record the total net adjustment to the new fiscal year’s budget. Only the adjustment should be included, not the total budget. Related expenses should be combined (example: when requesting an additional staff member, the total cost for the salary, benefits, office set-up, and operational expenses must be included.) Identify one-time costs from recurring expenses in the narrative section on this form. • Link to Strategic Plan (C9) Select from drop-down box to indicate which visionary theme the requested funding item supports. Do not type in this category. Division leaders may also include the specific goal and objective numbers (example: Finance 5.3) in the field adjacent to the visionary theme. Further explanations of the Strategic Goals can be found on the Strategic Plan website. 4|Page Funding Requests Division leaders are required to develop plans and budgets that support the University’s strategic goals and objectives. Request for new funding must be consistent with Liberty University’s Strategic Plan. Supporting documentation for all funding requests should include appropriate assessment criteria and expected results to be gained from new funding. The question, “What will be the impact of not receiving these budget adjustments?” should be answered. Funding requests should include any adjustments needed for projected enrollment, improved level of service, or anticipated price increases. Funding that may be required in the upcoming fiscal year to prepare for growth in following fiscal year should also be identified in the budget requests. This should include any new personnel, computers, equipment, additional operating expenses, et cetera. To assist organizations in developing funding requests for the upcoming year, assumptions regarding enrollment, housing, and facilities are included in Appendix A. The Financial Planning and Budgeting office is available to assist each area in developing resource needs. Budget Analysts are assigned to specific divisions as listed on the Financial Planning & Budgeting website. Revenue Organizations with revenues, such as auxiliary services, ticket sales, fees, et cetera should project income used to off-set or fully fund their activities. Departments are expected to link their planned income to the related expenses and/or scholarships, reporting any variances. Scholarships Scholarships should be substantiated to the number or percent of students being awarded, as well as the tuition and fee percentage/rates to be covered. Organizations should review the University’s planned academic program costs when projecting funding levels. Personnel Expenditures All proposed personnel changes are reviewed by the Vice President for Human Resources. Proposals should be submitted electronically via the HR Jobs Tool along with supporting documentation such as job description, performance evaluations, et cetera. Note: Each proposal submitted in the H R Jobs Tool should include a comment that the request is for the coming fiscal year and is listed on the division’s BRF. All personnel BRF requests must include an action number or position number in the Narrative Description section (C7) to aid in position request/approval tracking. New Positions In addition to the electronic proposal, requests for new positions must be included on the Budget Request Form with the HR Jobs Tool action number. To ensure all funding requirements are considered, it is necessary that organizations include each expense pertaining to a new hire in the budget request. Startup and recurring funding needs may vary, dependent on position type, department, et cetera. 5|Page Salary Increases The Senior Administration and Board of Trustees consider annual cost of living and/or merit increases for all budgeted positions. Individual salary adjustments may be considered for employees who have been assigned a significant increase in duties and responsibilities. Requests for such increases must be submitted to Human Resources within the following guidelines: • • • The salary request must be reviewed in relation to the salaries of other employees in the work unit. The salary request should be in alignment with other similar positions on campus; Human Resources will make this final determination. Quantifiable data demonstrating the increase in duties and responsibilities must be included. Any request for salary adjustments along with applicable fringe benefits must be included on the Budget Request Form referencing the position or action number from the electronic proposal in HR Jobs Tool. Also included should be satisfactory performance evaluations for all personnel to be considered. Salary information can only be obtained through Human Resources. Budget managers must exercise discretion and protect the confidentiality of individual salary information. Graduate Student Assistants New graduate student assistant positions require prior approval from the Graduate School Administrative office. Each budget manager is responsible for allocating funds for the tuition remission (scholarships), stipend, or combination of both, given to the assistants. Further information concerning graduate student assistant positions can be found in the GSA Handbook. Student Employment Organizations are encouraged to use student workers when a part-time employment is needed. The two major student employment categories are Work Study and Work Assistance. Work Study eligible students are persons identified through the Financial Aid process as having an un-met financial need. Since the University is committed to assisting these students, departmental student employment budgets are required to be made up of 75% or more Work Study, and no more than 25% Work Assistance. A limited amount of federal funds are allocated to the University in an effort to reduce the Work Study financial burden. Because it is partially supported by federal funds, there are a few departments that do not qualify for Work Study support. In these areas, the student employment budgets will be 100% Work Assistance, regardless of the student’s eligibility. Student worker positions will be set at a maximum of 18 hours per week. The following formula has been established to assist managers in planning a student employment budget: 1 position at $7.25 per hour x 18 hours per week x 30 weeks = $3,915 Please note that the above formula assumes employment only during the fall and spring terms - 15 weeks allocated for each semester. If employment is required during term breaks (summer and winter), additional funding will need to be calculated. 6|Page Direct Expenditures Direct expenses are expendable items and include a number of accounts. This area includes contractual services, professional development, travel, supplies, utilities, et cetera. Funding for all types of assets is not included in the base budget and must be requested each fiscal year as a temporary increase. Assets and Capital Expenditures Asset and capital expenses include furnishings, library books, computer hardware and software, general equipment, building improvements, and other one-time renovation/building projects. Funding for assets and capital expenditures cannot be included in the organization’s base budget and must be requested each year a purchase is required. Construction Requests for any building improvements or construction projects must accompany a completed Project Inquiry Form. Additional information regarding procedures for projects can be obtained from the Field Operations Project Process website. Technology IT Customer Support handles all computer related lifecycle management, which involves an annual review of existing departmental laptops and desktops. Units that are at least 4 years old and out of warranty will be eligible for replacement at no cost to the organization. Organizations are still responsible for the purchase of new units required due to increase in personnel, the desire to change from a desktop format to a laptop format, computer peripherals/accessories, et cetera. In addition, the Chief Information Officer, or his designee, must approve all requests for information systems, including all hardware and software proposals, regardless of cost. For planning purposes, requests for quotes can be processed through the IT HelpDesk. The Faculty/Staff Service Catalog lists the Software Quote Request under Software Services and the Hardware Quote Request under Miscellaneous. Renewals for software should be budgeted by the department and any plans to cancel should be communicated to IS Accounts Management. 7|Page Budget Hearings The purpose of the budget hearing is to provide a forum for explaining any budgetary changes requested in the proposed budget. It is recommended that the budget request form and supporting documentation be saved to the temporary budget drive at least five business days prior to the scheduled hearing for Budget Analyst review. Do not e-mail proposed budget files to the analysts as the temporary drives were created for this purpose. The review process gives the Financial Planning and Budgeting office the opportunity to examine requests and suggest changes or prepare division leaders for possible questions that may arise during their hearing presentation. All proposed budget documents are required to be submitted via the temporary budget drives by the scheduled hearing date. Format of Hearing The Chief Financial Officer will conduct budget hearings held for each budgetary division. Also present at each hearing will be the Executive Vice President for Human Resources, the Budget Director, and the Budget Analyst responsible for the represented division. Division leaders are welcome to bring any support staff necessary to assist in explaining budgetary needs. Each division is allotted up to 90 minutes to present their budget request. Budget Presentations The division leader presents explanation for the budget requests during the formal budget hearing. All requests for new funds are to be based upon strategic goals for the University and divisional areas of responsibility. Using the BRF as a basis, the division leader is to provide a comprehensive budget proposal for the entire division. Each budget presentation should identify increases in personnel, capital, and operational funding that is absolutely necessary to continue the operations of the division. Budget changes and new funding requests must include the following: 1. Demonstrated support for one or more of the University’s visionary themes as defined in the University’s Strategic Plan. 2. How the University will receive a return on the requested investment. 3. Report on measurable results from the use of proposed budget changes or new funding. The division should provide paper copies of the completed BRF as well as the summary page from the Base Budget Worksheets for each hearing attendee. Results of Budget Hearing Following the conclusion of budget hearings for all divisions, the Financial Planning and Budgeting office will compile the hearing requests for the Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Financial Officer will then review all requests for new funding with Senior Administration to prioritize the needs for the University. Once funding adjustments have been approved at this level, the Financial Planning and Budgeting Office will compile the University’s proposed budget for the Chancellor and Board of Trustee review and approval. Once approved, new funding requests will be added to the designated organization’s budget and communicated to division leaders. Finally, each division leader will communicate the approved budget to the organization(s) for which they are responsible. Financial Planning and Budgeting will be available to assist each division leader with this function. 9|Page Budget Execution It is the responsibility of the budget manager to ensure that expenses are made in accordance with the approved budget. Each budget manager is responsible for executing appropriate documents (i.e., purchase requisition, personnel action forms, et cetera) to use funds provided in the approved budget. Routine budget reviews by each budget manager are encouraged. Any discrepancies must be reported in writing to the Financial Planning and Budgeting office no later than one month following the occurrence to ensure that timely corrections can be completed. Additional funds, or funds that are no longer needed, are to be returned to the University immediately. Budget Reports Budget reports are available via the University’s online financial system (Banner). Reports are updated continuously and budget managers and division leaders are encouraged to review these reports regularly to ensure accuracy and proper usage of budgetary resources. The Financial Planning and Budgeting office monitors departmental budgets on a daily basis and provides additional reports to budget managers and division leaders when necessary to assist in managing potential issues. Budget Adjustments Through continuous monitoring of the operational budget, managers may find that budgeted funds need to be realigned or repurposed. Budget managers may submit requests to realign budgeted funds to their approval chain online through Banner. Realignment of operational funds within an organization’s budget or division requires the approval of each budget manager affected and the division leader. A clear and concise explanation must be provided on the description line before submitting the budget transfer. A detailed description answering the question why funding needs to be realigned must be submitted to the Financial Planning & Budgeting office for every transfer. Transfers from one fund/organization to another where the initiator does not have posting authorities to both entities can be submitted via e-mail to the appropriate Budget Analyst or by using the Request for InterFund/Org Transfer. Once approval has been given by all organizations affected, the Financial Planning and Budgeting office will complete the transfer. The Request for Inter-Fund/Org Transfer can be obtained on the Financial Planning and Budgeting website. Requests to repurpose operational, capital and personnel funding must receive written approval by the Chief Financial Officer regardless of amount or funding source. Any additional funds, or funds that are no longer needed, are to be returned to the University immediately. Budget Amendments and Revisions Any request for new funds require an amendment of the organization and the University budget with the funding source identified. It is the responsibility of each organization to formally notify the Financial Planning and Budgeting office of any such change and to provide a budget amendment, either via email or paper form, in the format as outlined in the Request for Budget Amendment. Any change to the University budget requires the approval of the Budget Director and the Chief Financial Officer. In the event that conditions require budgets to be revised by the University, the Financial Planning and Budgeting office will notify the appropriate division of the required changes. At such time, budget managers will be given specific instructions concerning how to adjust organizational budgets. 10 | P a g e Appendix A – Budget Assumptions LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget Planning Assumptions Enrollment Resident Total Enrollment New UG = 3,800 LUCOM = 150 Overall Increase = 478 14,340 LU Online Total Headcount 97,000 Tuition and Fees See approved rates via the Academic Program Costs website. Housing Occupancy count = 7,722 total beds Annex II to go offline May 2015 368 female students to be housed in Residential Commons II Phase A 598 males housed at Annex I until December and moved to Residential Commons II Phase B in January Residence Hall M07 to be increased 3/room (128 beds) and remain in operation through FY16 Personnel Costs Standard benefits calculation for full-time benefitted employees increased to 22.4% Operating Costs Estimated Adjustments Gasoline prices expected to be between $2.30 and $3.03 per gallon Diesel fuel prices expected to be $3.07 and $3.50 per gallon Academic Calendars: Facilities: Annex II coming offline May 2015 New buildings in service for Fall 2015: - Science Hall (125,000 GSF) - School of Music (167,000 GSF) - Residential Commons II (232,000 GSF) OMP cost per square foot, estimated at $5-$7 Appendix B – Example Base Budget Worksheet Liberty University - FY 2015-2016 Budget Planning Worksheet Index Fund Orgn Prog PR-Banner Training Resident Undergraduate Banner Training Institutional Support C1 Account Number 1Z1000 111102/111101 Z1000 60 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation - - Revenue: Tuition & Fees 5100 5110 Revenue - Tuition 511001 Tuition 511098 Tuition - Deferred Revenue 5120 Revenue - Mandatory Fees 512001 Mandatory Fees 512098 Mandatory Fees Deferred Revenue Total Tuition & Fees Contra Revenue 5200 5210 Contra Revenue-Scholarship 521001 Contra Applied Scholarship 521098 Contra Applied Scholarship Def Rev 5220 Revenue-Contra Instituional 522001 Contra Revenue-Discount 522098 Contra Revenue-Discount Def Revenue 5230 Contra Revenue-Refunds 523001 Contra Revenue-Refunds Total Contra Revenue as of 10/31/14 (18,000) (18,000) (19,500) (19,500) (27,000) (27,000) (7,500) (7,500) (30,000) (30,000) - Contributions 5300 5310 Revenue-Contributions-Cash 531001 Athletic League Distribution 531002 Athletics Third Party Support 531003 Planned Giving Donations 531004 Matching Gifts- Individual 531005 Matching Gifts- Corporations 531006 General Donations 531007 Gift Portion of Sponsorship 5320 Revenue-Contributions-Non-Cash 532001 Non-Cash Contributions 5330 Revenue-Endowment Income 533001 Scholarship Income 533002 Annuity Contributions 533003 CRUT Contributions 533004 Endowment Revenue Total Contributions - - - - - - Grants & Contracts 5400 5410 Revenue-Grant Revenue-Federal 541001 Federal Grant Revnue 5420 Revenue-Grant Revenue-State 542001 State Grant Revenue 5440 Revenue-Grant Revenue-Private 544001 Private Grant Revenue Total Grants & Contracts - - - - - - - - - - - 5500 550001 Interest/Dividend Revenue Interest Income Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 Page 1 of 7 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 Account Number 550002 550003 550004 5600 560001 560002 560003 5700 570001 570002 570003 570004 570005 570006 570007 570008 570009 570010 570011 570012 570098 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation Dividend Income Spendable Income Distribution Income Returned to Principle Total Interest/Dividend Revenue - - - - FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget - Realized and Unrealized Gains Realized Gains and Losses Unrealized Gains and Losses Investment Amortization/Premium Total Realized & Unrealized Gains - - - - - - Auxiliary Services AUX-Mandatory Fees AUX-General Donations AUX-Rental Revenue AUX-General Sales Revenue AUX-Commissions AUX-Room & Board AUX-Camp Income AUX-Non-Mandatory Fees AUX-Fines AUX-Discounts for Ski Slope AUX-Sponsorships AUX-General Advertising AUX-Auxiliary Deferred Revenue Total Auxiliary Revenue - - - - - - - 275 - 50 - - - Other Sources 5800 5810 Revenue-Advertising 581001 General Advertising 581002 Sponsorships 5820 Revenue-Rental 582001 Rental Revenue 5830 Revenue-Sales 583001 General Sales Revenue 583002 Ticket Revenue 583003 Programs Revenue 5840 Revenue-Commissions 584001 Commissions Revenue 5850 Revenue-Room & Board 585001 Room & Board Revenue 5861 Revenue-Non-Mandatory Fees 586101 Non-Mandatory Fees 586102 Course Fees 586198 Non-Mandatory Fees Def Rev 5862 Fines & Replacement Charges 586201 Fines 586202 Key Replacement Fee 5890 Revenue-Miscellaneous 589001 Cash Discounts 589002 Royalty Revenue 589003 Athletic Guarentee 589004 Gain/Loss on Sale of Asset 589005 Contract Penalty Recovery 589006 Warranty Recovery 589007 Federal Admin Allowance Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 Page 2 of 7 - 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 Account Number 589008 589009 589010 589011 589099 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget - FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation Dues Revenue Indirect Cost Recovery Foreign Currency Exchange Gain/Loss Rev from Investments - Subsidiaries Other Revenue Total Other Sources Change in Split Interest Agreements Change VAL in Split Interest Agrmnt. Total Split Interest Agreements Total Revenue 5900 590001 Labor: Payroll 6100 6110 Employees-Benefited 611004 Faculty Overhead 611005 Benefited Overtime (18,000) 275 (19,225) 50 (26,950) - - - 25 25 25 123 123 123 Direct Expenditures Contractual Services 7100 7110 Professional Fees 711001 Audit Fees 711002 Legal Fees 711003 Commissions 711004 Royalties 711005 Consulting Fees 711006 Honorariums 711007 Professional Health Services 711008 Engineering Fees 711009 Architectural Fees 711098 Allocated Services 711099 Other Professional Fees - - - Total Labor 7120 712001 712002 712003 712004 712005 Contracted Services Service Contracts Maintenance Contracts Food Services Security Services Printing-Non-Advertising (7,500) (30,000) - - as of 10/31/14 - Employee Professional Fees Overtime-Non-Benefited Total Payroll 611010 612004 - - - 96 96 96 50 50 50 - - Overtime expense for one hourly employee. Reducing amount due to historical need, but leaving $50 for 50 possible overtime hours. 50 50 as of 10/31/14 - - - - - Historically budgeted these services for external training of budget managers. However, we have not used these funds for 3 years. Removing from budget General printing, approx. $35/month per person; 14 employees = $5,880 3,537 Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 3,588 2,926 Page 3 of 7 467 10,720 Printing of training materials, as needed, $4000 - based on 5/12 quote received by Printing Svcs for 100 9,880 training manuals. 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 Account Number 712006 712007 712008 712009 712010 712011 7130 713001 713002 713003 713004 713099 7140 714001 714002 714003 714004 7150 715001 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation Subscriptions-Printed Athletic Game Guarantees Postage/Shipping Software License Renewal Inbound Freight Rental & Leases Equipment Rental & Leases Building/Land Rental & Leases Vehicle Rental & Leases Multi-Media Airtime Other Rental & Leases Advertising Advertising Printing-Promotional Materials Registration & Entrance Fees Other Promotional Items Repair & Maintenance Services Repair & Maintenance Services Total Contractual Services Professional Development & Travel 7200 7210 Professional Development 721001 Conference & Course Fees 721002 721003 721004 Subscription for web-based Banner training - renewing only 1 Banner Suite Subscription to aid in training materials. All other subscriptions will be dropped due to lack of use. Electronic Subscriptions Professional Memberships Certification & License Professional Resource Materials - 0 0 - 4,000 - 3,537 698 4,286 2,927 467 14,720 - - - - - 4,209 - 3,315 - 3,610 - 125 - 5,350 - Vendor: Ellucian 4,000 Cost: not to exceed $4,000 Software Licence for ABC software that will be renewed annually; funded by a permanent budget amendment 1,500 J0012345 1/10/2014 15,380 Sungard HE Summit conf. fee, 2 attendees @ $1000 each; CBMI conf. fee, 4 attendees @ $500 each; NCAA-NACUBO Conf. - 1 attendee @ $375 each. Misc. local seminars, $325 each, 5,350 typically 3 events per year Various print resources: 1-3 books per year @ $25 each; Internal Auditor magazine $60 7220 722001 Travel Travel- Business/General 305 - Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 14,466 - 7,300 - Page 4 of 7 - 4,135 - Did not carry over Ellucian subscription in this line as a professional resource since we will use only one subscription as a tool to build training materials. Funding placed in electronic 135 subscription line item. 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 Account Number C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation 722002 Travel- Professional Development 722003 722004 722005 Travel- Recruitment Travel- Team Travel- Host Total Professional Development & Travel Supplies 7300 7310 Supplies- Educational 731001 Instructional Supplies 731002 Educational Textbooks 7320 Supplies- General 732001 Office Supplies 732002 732004 732098 732099 Medical Supplies Athletic & Recreational Supplies Inventoriable Supplies Other Supplies 5,531 10,046 5,064 22,845 6,848 17,758 4,199 4,324 15,000 24,485 - - - - - 1,465 - 1,038 - 2,785 - 482 - 3,200 - Sungard Summit - 2 attendees @ $2,500 each; CBMI - 4 attendees @ $2,000 each; NCAA-NACUBO Conf. - 1 attendee @ 12,500 $2,000 each. 17,985 $200/person general allocation; 14 2,800 employees FP&B Training shirts estimated at $30 each; 14 employees, 2 shirts each Mountain Springs contribution to Accounting's water cooler they share 780 with us - estimated at $30/month 150 1,615 68 1,105 1,113 3,898 482 1,300 4,500 3,580 Utilities 7400 7410 Plant Utilities 741001 Electric 741002 Gas/Heat 741003 Refuse & Waste 741004 Water & Sewage 7420 Communication Utilities 742001 Mobile Communications 742002 Telephone 742003 Internet 742004 Satellite Total Utilities - - - - - - Miscellaneous 7600 7610 Financial Institution Fees 761001 Bank Fees 761002 Credit Card Fees 761003 Currency Exchange 761004 Fines & Penalties 761005 Cash Overages/Shortages 761006 Investment Fees 7620 Interest Expense 762001 Interest Expense 7631 Taxes 763101 Property Taxes 763102 Other Taxes - - - - - 7330 733001 Repair & Maintenance Supplies Repair & Maintenance Supplies Total Supplies Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 Page 5 of 7 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 Account Number C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Account Description FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget - FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget Substantiation 7632 763201 763202 763299 Permits & Licenses Permit Fees Licensing Fees Other Government Fees 7640 764001 764002 764003 7690 769001 769002 769003 769004 769005 769006 769007 769008 769009 769016 769017 769023 769024 Insurance Insurance Expense Deductible Expense Workers Compensation Other Expenditures Donations Benevolence Institutional Memberships Annuity Benefits Expense Inventory Variance Expense Bad Debt Expense Game Day Expenses Awards Club-Agency Transaction Student - Off Campus Allowance Student Account Error Adjustment Bond Issue Expense Departmental Events & Celebrations 769025 Business Meal Expenses Total Miscellaneous Total Direct Expenditures Capital Assets and Depreciation Non-Capital & Capital Expenditures 7900 7910 Non-Capital & Capital Expenditures 791001 Land 791002 Land Improvements 791003 Infrastructure Improvements 791004 Recreational Outdoor Facility 791005 Building 791006 Building Improvements 791007 Leasehold Improvements 791008 Equipment 791009 AV Equipment 791010 Medical Equipment 791011 Furniture 791012 Computer Hardware 791013 Software 791014 Vehicles 791015 Aircraft 732003 Small Equipment & Furnishings 769010 Library Books 769011 Construction In Progress 769012 Information Technology Projects 769013 Microfilm 769018 CIP - Equipment 769019 CIP - Furniture 769020 CIP - Software & Computer 769021 Electronic Library Books - - - - - - 16 - 91 - 48 - 15,197.77 174 174 28,410 349 365 24,947 91 5,364 375 423 44,128 2,062 - 5,548 - 28,406 - 1,228 - - Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 Page 6 of 7 Driving records required for approved drivers program, estimated for 6 drivers 48 at $8 each You Matter Initiative - 14 employees @ 350 $25 each 398 37,343 12/10/2014 3:49 PM C1 C2 Account Number Account Description Total Capital Assets Depreciation Expense 7940 79400 Depreciation Expense 794000 Legacy-Depreciation Expense 794001 Depreciation Expense Total Depreciation Expense Contra Expense 7999 7999 Contra Expense 799999 Contra Capital - Plant Total Contra Expense Total Capital Assets and Depreciation Total Expenses C8 C9 FY 2011-2012 Actual Transactions 2,062 C4 FY 2012-2013 Actual Transactions 5,548 C5 FY 2013-2014 Actual Transactions 28,406 C6 FY 2014-2015 Actual Transactions 1,228 C7 FY 2015-2016 Original Base Budget - FY 2015-2016 Adjusted Base Budget - - - - - - - 2,062 5,548 28,406 1,228 - - 17,260 33,983 53,477 6,687 44,178 37,393 265,503 Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Base Budget Worksheet_Example 1Z1000 Page 7 of 7 0 C10 Substantiation 0 12/10/2014 3:49 PM Appendix C – Budget Request Form (BRF) Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget Request Form (BRF) Request Summary Revenue Division/School Name: Senior Admin. Area: Total Revenue Scholarships Date of Budget Hearing: Contact Person: Total Scholarships New Faculty New Staff Faculty/Staff Adjust Student Employees Operations Assets Construction/Technology Projects Total Expenses Notes: 1) Please place cursor over column headings below for detailed instructions 2) Complete only one form per division 3) Save the completed BRF to the temporary budget drive prior to your hearing date C1 C2 C3 Priority Index # Organization Name C4 Request Type New Staff C5 Acct Code C6 Duration various 791012 791008 732099 791011 712005 732001 721004 769024 5 Revenue 5 Operations 570004 769008 712003 Z:\Budget\FY16\FY16 Budget Planning\FY16 Budget Request Form_Example CONFIDENTIAL Both C7 Narrative Description and Substantiation New Position Title: Action Number: Annual Salary: $ Benefits: $ Computer: $ Telephone: $ Network Drop: $ Furniture: $ Printing: $ Office Supplies: $ Prof. Dev.: $ You Matter: $25/employee $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Important Links Budget Planning Guidelines Financial Planning and Budgeting website Project Policy Website Three-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2017) FOAPAL training handouts: Index Code Assistance Account Codes & Definitions Commodity Codes & Definitions $1,000.00 C8 C9 FY16 Adjustment Link to Strategic Plan Permanent Revenue Neutral Request (example) Anticipated increase in Banquet ticket sales from 100 to 150 attendees. Ticket cost is $25 Base Budget: $2,500 Increase: $1,250 1,250.00 Advancing Academic Reputation CAS: 2.7 Permanent Revenue Neutral Request (example) Increasing advertisement and food expenses for anticipated increase in attendees 1,000.00 Advancing Academic Reputation CAS: 2.7 Doorprizes: $250 Catering: $ 750 1 of 3 12/10/2014 3:47 PM Training Champions for Christ since 1971 1971 University Boulevard • Lynchburg • Virginia 24515 Web Site: