Event: Montclair State Qualifying Tournament
When: Saturday November 20, 2010
Depart from MJS: 7:50 am
Arrive back at MJS: 5:15 pm
Where: Montclair High School
100 Chestnut St.
Montclair NJ, 07042
Lunch is available for purchase at the competition
Please fill out the accompanying consent form and return to Mr. Newbery as soon as possible or no later than 11/11/10
Please keep top half for your records and return bottom half to Mr. Newbery
I, __________________________give my son/daughter ________________________ permission to attend the robotics competition on November 20, 2010 at Montclair
High School. I will arrange for my son/daughter to be at MJS at 7:50 am, and arrangements will also be made to pick my son/daughter up from MJS at 5:15 pm.
My son/daughter will be provided either a bag lunch, or money to purchase lunch at the event. The following number can be used to contact me on Saturday November
20 th in case I am needed. _____________________________
If I cannot be reached, please call ________________________ at the following number: ________________________________.
Would you be interested in attending as a chaperone if needed? _______________
May I call you at the number you provided above to discuss chaperoning? ________