Name: _____________________________Period:______________ Date:____________________ 1.

Name: _____________________________Period:______________ Date:____________________
The Early Development of Rome
Directions: Use the reading to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Part 1: pgs. 309-311
The Romans have a myth about the founding of their city, explain this myth ( page 309):
Princess and Mars, god of war, had twin boys
Princess’s uncle the king ordered for the twins to be drowned
The twins were saved and raised by a wolf
They build a city on the banks of the Tiber River
They fought, one brother killed the other and became king of the
new city named Rome.
What two groups influenced the development of Roman culture (page 309)?
 The Etruscans and the Greeks
Define cuniculus and provide an example in early Rome ( page 311):
 Cuniculus is a long underground trench to irrigate (water) land, drain
swamps and to carry water to the cities (Plumbing). An early
example of cuniculus is a bathhouse.
Explain how the Etruscans influenced Roman engineering (page 311)?
 The cuniculus and the arches.
Explain how the Etruscans influenced Roman sporting events (page 311)?
 Slave fighting & chariot races
Draw a detailed picture below showing at least 2 of the Etruscan influences on early Rome.
Part 2: pgs. 312-314: Make sure to add detail
Describe how the Greeks influenced Roman architecture (page 312):
Describe how the Greeks influenced Roman writing (page 312):
Describe how the Greeks influenced Roman art (page 313):
Describe how the Greeks influenced Roman mythology and what changes did the Romans
make (page 314)?
Draw a detailed picture below showing at least 3 of the Greek influences on early Rome.