The future of climate science A public forum with world-leading IPCC climate researchers #climate2014 Professor Neil Adger University of Exeter #climate2014 #climate2014 Peter Gibbs BBC and Met Office #climate2014 #climate2014 Professor Thomas Stocker Co-Chair of Working Group I #climate2014 #climate2014 Observations Understanding Future 1 IPCC 2013, Fig. SPM.1b Temperature Difference 1901 to 2012 based on trend (°C) Warming of the climate system is unequivocal Change in Energy Content (1021 Joule) 300 200 100 0 -100 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Warming of the climate system is unequivocal Worldwide Effects Cause atmosphere, land, ocean extreme events water cycle sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets global mean sea level Human influence on the climate system is clear. IPCC 2013, Fig. SPM.8 2°C world IPCC 2013, Fig. SPM.8 2°C world 4.5°C world +19 cm IPCC 2013, TFE.2, Fig. 2 +98 cm IPCC 2013, Fig. SPM.8 2°C world 4.5°C world Today we have a choice. Professor Chris Field Co-Chair of Working Group II #climate2014 #climate2014 THE WORKING GROUP II CONTRIBUTION TO THE IPCC'S FIFTH ASSESSMENT REPORT CLIMATE CHANGE 2014: IMPACTS, ADAPTATION, AND VULNERABILITY IMPACTS CLIMATE Vulnerability SOCIOECONOMIC PROCESSES Socioeconomic Pathways Natural Variability Hazards RISK Anthropogenic Climate Change Exposure EMISSIONS and Land-use Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions Governance WIDESPREAD OBSERVED IMPACTS A CHANGING WORLD WIDESPREAD OBSERVED IMPACTS A CHANGING WORLD DISTRIBUTION CHANGE (Km per Decade) 400 100 (359) 20 Standard Error 0 -20 Mean Standard Error 2 0 YIELD IMPACT (% Change per Decade) -2 90th Percentile -4 75th Percentile Median -6 25th Percentile Wheat Soy Rice CROP TYPE Maize 10th Percentile VULNERABILITY AND EXPOSURE AROUND THE WORLD VULNERABILITY AND EXPOSURE AROUND THE WORLD ADAPTATION IS ALREADY OCCURING ADAPTATION IS ALREADY OCCURING CLIMATE CHANGE REDUCING AND MANAGING RISKS INCREASING MAGNITUDES OF WARMING INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF SEVERE AND PERVASIVE IMPACTS SCOPING Identify Risks, Vulnerabilities, and Objectives Establish DecisionMaking Criteria IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS Review and Learn Implement Decisions Monitor Identify Options Evaluate Tradeoffs Assess Risks RISKS OF CLIMATE CHANGE INCREASE WITH CONTINUED HIGH EMISSIONS MAXIMUM SPEED AT WHICH SPECIES CAN MOVE (km per decade) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Trees Herbaceous Plants Split-hoofed Mammals Carnivorous Mammals Rodents Primates Plant-feeding Insects Upper Bound Median Freshwater Mollusks Lower Bound RCP2.6 Flat Areas and Global Average RCP4.5 Flat Areas RCP6.0 Flat Areas RCP8.5 Global Average RCP8.5 Flat Areas AVERAGE CLIMATE VELOCITY 2050-2090 CHANGE IN MAXIMUM CATCH POTENTIAL (2051-2060 COMPARED TO 2001-2010, SRES A1B) <50% -21 – 50% -6 – 20% -1 – 5% No data 0 – 4% 5 – 19% 20 – 49% 50 – 100% >100% CHANGE IN pH (2081-2100 COMPARED TO 1986-2005, RCP 8.5) -0.60 -0.55 -0.50 -0.45 -0.40 -0.35 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 Mollusk and Crustacean Fisheries Present-day annual catch rate ≥0.005 tonnes km2 Cold-Water Corals Warm-Water Corals Positive Effect No Effect Negative Effect SPECIES (%) MOLLUSK 100 40 16 15 CRUSTACEANS 31 29 100 37 4 9 18 COLD-WATER CORALS 23 100 7 2 7 5 3 WARM-WATER CORALS 100 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 40 40 40 40 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 26 9 15 23 20 CHANGE IN MAXIMUM CATCH POTENTIAL (2051-2060 COMPARED TO 2001-2010, SRES A1B) <50% -21 – 50% -6 – 20% -1 – 5% No data 0 – 4% 5 – 19% 20 – 49% 50 – 100% >100% Range of Yield Change 100 50 – 100% 25 – 50% 80 Increase in Yield 10 – 25% 5 – 10% 60 PERCENTAGE OF YIELD PROJECTIONS 0 – 5% 0 – -5% 40 -5 – -10% Decrease in Yield 20 -10 – -25% -25 – -50% -50 – -100% 0 2010-2029 2030-2049 2050-2069 2070-2089 2090-2109 Risk-Level Very Low Med Very High Present Near Term (2030-2040 POLAR REGIONS Risks for Ecosystems Risks for Health and Well-Being Unprecedented Challenges, Especially from Rate of Change Long Term 2°C (2080-2100 4°C Risk Level with High Adaptation NORTH AMERICA Increased Risks from Wildfires Heat-Related Human Mortality Increased Flood Losses and Impacts Potential for Additional Adaptation to Reduce Risk Risk Level with Current Adaptation EUROPE Increased Losses and Impacts from Extreme Heat Events Damages from River and Coastal Urban Floods Increased Water Restrictions Increased Flood Damage to Infrastructure , Livelihoods, and Settlements ASIA Heat-Related Human Mortality Increased DroughtRelated Water and Food Shortage THE OCEAN AFRICA Reduced Fisheries Catch Potential at Low Latitudes Compounded Stress on Water Resources r CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Reduced Water Availability and Increased Flooding and Landslides Increased Mass Coral Bleaching and Mortality SMALL ISLANDS Reduced Crop Productivity and Livelihood and Food Security Reduced Food Production and Quality Coastal Inundation and Habitat Loss Loss of Livelihoods, Settlements, Infrastructure, Ecosystem Services, and Economic Stability Increased Risks to Coastal Increased Flood Damage Infrastructure and Low-Lying to Infrastructure and Ecosystems Settlements Vector- and WaterBorne Diseases Vector-Borne Diseases AUSTRALASIA Significant Change in Composition and Structure of Coral Reef Systems Risks for Low-Lying Coastal Areas EFFECTIVE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION A MORE VIBRANT WORLD IPCC WG1: Building on the 'miracle' of consensus Professor Peter Cox University of Exeter #climate2014 #climate2014 IPCC Working Group 1 : The Physical Basis Thorny Issues and Personal Opinions How do you get so many (very argumentative!) scientists to reach a consensus? 1 million words now! Intergovernmental Panel for Cat Control?.. Thorny Issues and Personal Opinions How do you get so many (very argumentative!) scientists to reach a consensus? Because many of the key messages have been obvious for a long-time.... More and More Sure About the Obvious? IPCC SAR, 1995: discernible impact of humans on climate. IPCC TAR, 2001: ... is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. IPCC AR4, 2007: .... is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. > 66% > 90% IPCC AR5, 2013: It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. Confidence > 95% Yet CO2 keeps going-up... >400ppmv AR5 AR4 TAR CO2 increase of 40ppmv since human impact became “discernible”... IPCC SAR (“discernible”) Highest-level for at least 800,000 yrs Thorny Issues and Personal Opinions Is it still possible to avoid 2oC with conventional mitigation alone? #climate2014 2oC Target …and will almost certainly exceed the 2oC target for all but the most aggressive mitigation scenario ! Can we Avoid 2oC through Conventional Mitigation Alone? CO2 Emissions (GtCO2/yr) RCP8.5 RCP6.0 RCP4.5 RCP2.6 Avoiding 2oC may require periods of Negative Global CO2 Emissions ! ...which implies Geoengineering of some sort!! Thorny Issues and Personal Opinions How do you get so many (very argumentative!) scientists to reach a consensus? Because many of the key messages have been obvious for a long-time.... Is it still possible to avoid 2oC with conventional mitigation alone? Probably not..... Should we give up on the 2oC target or consider more Radical approaches to avoid 2oC - such as Geoengineering or Negative Emissions Technologies? You decide..... Climate change and the future of food Professor Andy Challinor University of Leeds #climate2014 #climate2014 IPCC Working Group II: making climate science and scientists really useful Dr Richard Jones University of Exeter #climate2014 #climate2014 IPCC Working Group III: policy for climate change Professor Catherine Mitchell University of Exeter #climate2014 #climate2014 Emissions accelerate globally despite reduction efforts. Most emission growth is CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. Figure SPM.1 Mitigation requires major technological and institutional changes including the upscaling of low- and zero carbon energy. #climate2014 700 600 MtCO2e/yr The UK 2050 target and carbon budgets (CCC, 2010) Legislated budgets 500 2050 target (inc. IAS) 400 300 Carbon budgets: The cost-effective path to the 2050 target 200 100 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 The 2050 target: UK’s contribution to 2°C – 160 MtCO2e 2040 2050 UK energy supplied 100% 90% Wind and Imports, hydro, 0.2 0.5 80% 70% Bioenergy and waste, 0.3 1990 Nuclear , 7.6 60% 50% Imports, Wind and 0.5 2012 hydro, 1.1 Bioenergy and waste, 3.8 Nuclear , 7.4 40% Coal, 19.9 30% Coal, 31.3 20% Natural gas, 24 10% Natural gas, 35.4 0% 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Coal Petroleum Natural gas Nuclear Wind and hydro Imports Bioenergy and waste 2012 DUKES Long Term Trends Table 1.1.1 Petroleum, 36.1 Petroleum, 31.9 Panel question and answer session #climate2014 #climate2014 Professor Nick Talbot University of Exeter #climate2014 #climate2014 Thank you for coming tonight. Keep the conversation going at #climate2014 #climate2014 #climate2014