+ Participation of persons with disabilities in policy

Participation of
persons with
disabilities in policy
and decision-making
Magdi Birtha
Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway
‘The rights of persons with disabilities’ organised by
the Council of Europe
Vadul-lui-Voda, 18-19 September 2013
Participation as a general principle
Representation: NGO and DPO
Civil society participation in a developing
country: Zambia
Tokenism vs. meaningful involvement
The European Disability movement and its
current involvement in policy-making
■ Conclusion
& Discussion
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
I. Participation as a general
■ Concept
of participation in international law:
breaking down barriers that prevented persons with
disabilities to participate in the community at all
■ Council
of Europe Action Plan 2006-2015:
‘The key objective of the Disability Action Plan is to serve as a
practical tool to develop and implement viable strategies to
bring about full participation of people with disabilities
in society and ultimately mainstreaming disability throughout
all the policy areas…’
■ Participation
is a leitmotiv in international
documents (CoE REC(2006)5, CRPD)
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
‘Nothing about us without us!’
This is a longstanding motto used by the disability
What does this mean? Literal interpretation?
No decisions affecting the life of persons with disabilities
should be made without persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities are experts by ‘lived experience’
– does not mean they are experts in all fields
Challenge: how far we can take this principle in policymaking?
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Participation of groups facing
multiple discrimination
■ Disability
is a cross-cutting issue – there are
persons with disabilities who are facing specific
barriers and experience multiple discrimination
■ Generally
lower levels of participation in society
than other persons with disabilities
Children and young people with disabilities
Girls and women with disabilities
Ageing people with disabilities
LGBTQ people with disabilities
Persons with disabilities from migrant communities
❖ Persons
of persons
disabilities in policy
18-19 September 2013
II. Representation: NGO and
■ Who
should represent the group?
■ NGO:
organisation for persons with disabilities
(family organisation, human rights NGO, etc.)
■ DPO:
special form of NGO; organisation of
persons with disabilities (lead and operated by
persons with disabilities)
■ Thematic
organisations (employment, education,
accessibility etc.)
■ Organisations
representing certain parts of the
movement (persons with visual impairment,
persons with psychosocial disabilities etc.)
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Representation: Who is the
■ The
disability movement is not homogenous –
different groups, different aims: often fragmented
■ E.g.:
inclusive education – deaf community
■ Some
parts of the disability movement are often
left out from negotiations:
❖ organisations of persons with intellectual disabilities
❖ organisations of persons with psychosocial
■ Who
is actually represented? Who is not
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
III. Civil society participation in
a developing country: Zambia
UN CRPD ratification: 1/2/2010 – state obligation
to ensure the participation of persons with
disabilities in policy –and decision-making.
Monitor the Convention with the involvement of
civil society
Focal point: Ministry of Community Development
appointing focal point persons in relevant
Article 33.2 framework: Independent
Monitoring Unit (IMU) – initiated by civil society,
not CRPD compliant (lack of collaboration with the
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
■ Strengths:
❧Civil society is actively engaged in the implementation
and monitoring process of the CRPD
❧DPOs are aware of the obligations under CRPD and of
important national issues (e.g. legislative changes)
❧ Using CRPD as an advocacy tool
❧ Planning advocacy in a strategic manner
❧ Pro-activity
❧ Awareness-raising in the community
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
■ Challenges:
❧Developing country – no internal funding for the
implementation of the CRPD
❧Government did not even provide funding for
the established IMU
❧Funding from international donors came to the
end in January 2013 – sustainability?
❧IMU is lacking the independent element – better
working relations need to be established with
the Human Rights Commission
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
IV. Tokenism vs. meaningful
■ Tokenism:
formal consultation, no impact
typical case of tokenistic participation:
A few randomly chosen organizations are invited
to give their opinion on a draft written by public
officers – too late to make any substantial
changes, lack of broad public consultation with
all the relevant stakeholders, no impact to be
made by DPOs
■ Meaningful involvement: make real impact, active
presence during negotiations
■ New,
collaborative, accessible and transparent working
methods need to be established
■ Prerequisite:
Empowerment and capacity-building
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Criteria of effective participation
in policy and decision-making
■ Participation
from the very first stage
■ Accessbility
■ Broad
■ Continous
■ Transparency
■ Stable
funding for operation provided by the
government or private donors
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Challenges in effective
■ Sustainability
is very challenging (What’s when the
money is gone?)
What satisfies DPOs (‘experts by lived experience’) is
not always compliant with international law
Range of critical success facts seems broader than
financial issues
■ Establishment
of collaborative working relation with
public administration, National Human Rights
■ Measuring
real impact
Centralisation vs. Representation
of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Social inclusion: common
■ Visibility
■ More
of persons with disabilities – less stereotype
sensitive and tolerant society
■ Valuing
diversity – inclusive education is not only good for
persons with disabilities, but to anybody
■ Participation
in the society – presence at the labour market –
income – becoming taxpayer – less dependency on the
social welfare – decrease poverty
■ Persons
with disabilities can make important contribution to
the society
■ Barrier
free society would be beneficial for a broad range of
people regardless of disability
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
+V. The European Disability movement and its
current involvement in policy-making
❖ European
■ Based
■ Was
Disability Forum (EDF)
in Brussels, Belgium
created in 1996 by its member organisations
■ Independent
DPO that represents the interests of
80 million citizens with disabilities at EU level
■ Lead
by persons with disabilities
■ Umbrella
structure – member organizations are
the national umbrella DPOs
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Nine priority areas for EDF
■ Actions
towards the full employment of people
with disabilities
■ Obtaining
a comprehensive EU law that will combat
discrimination against disabled people in all fields of
■ Promoting
the recognition of human rights of people
with disabilities;
■ Promoting
and achieving access for all, particularly
in the field of transport, built environment, information
and communication technologies;
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
Priority areas for EDF…
■ Promoting
full participation in society by access userled, quality and affordable personal and social services
■ Playing
an active role in the debate on the future of
■ Mainstreaming
disability in development cooperation
and EU pre-accession process
■ Building
up a stronger and unified European
disability movement
■ Ensuring
the diversity and the disability of all
impairment groups in EDF work and priorities
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
V. Conclusion
Participation is an extremely important principle to achieve
social inclusion of persons with disabilities
Breaking down barriers that prevented persons with
disabilities to participate in the community at all levels
Involvement at all levels of policy and decision-making
Capacity building, accessibility for the organisations of
persons with disabilities
Participation is mainly not a money issue – other dominant
Ensuring meaningful involvement instead of maintaining
traditional tokenistic participation
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013
■ Thank
you for your attention!
■ magdolna.birtha@nuigalway.ie
■ http://www.nuigalway.ie/dream/
'Participation of persons with disabilities in policy and decision-making'
18-19 September 2013