Family Friendly School Certification

Family Friendly School Certification
To receive Family Friendly School Certification, schools must complete activities, for which
they receive a star. The number of stars a school has received determines the school’s level
of achievement in the certification. There are three levels of certification:
5 Stars
10 Stars
15 Stars
There are a total of 15 activities a school can complete to receive stars. Five “foundational”
activities are marked below with bronze stars. Schools are required to complete
foundational activities first, and then may choose which “elective” activities, marked by
gold stars, to complete next.
to Learning
Advocacy &
Sharing Power
 School Walkthrough: See your school through a parent’s eyes.
 Family Perceptions Survey: Learn what families have to say about your school’s engagement.
 Action plan: Write an engagement action plan into your SIP.
 Staff Workshop: Why is FACE important? Learn the importance of research-based best
practices on Family Engagement.
 Staff Workshop: Effective Customer Service and Communications Your whole staff will learn
how to provide your school’s community a welcoming school experience.
 Staff and Parent Workshop: Parent Organizations Learn the difference between a PTO and
PTA and what resources are available.
 Strategic Planning of Family Events: FACE will help you plan out your event calendar so that
you get the most out of your time.
  Family Events Collaboration: FACE-created tools will help you market and execute two
family events that support learning at home.
 Training of Trainers: Teacher-Family Data Conversations This session will instruct your
teachers on how to conduct data conversations during parent-teacher conferences.
 Training of Trainers: HISD 101 Workshop Your families will learn how to navigate HISD and its
major department’s services and initiatives.
 Build a Family Center: Create or revamp your schools’ family center.
 Host Two Family Center Workshops: Select workshops from the FACE partners community
organizations and HISD departments list to offer at least two workshops on topics e.g., DACA, parent
advocacy, Gifted and Talented, English Language Learners, and Special Education, etc.