A.1 REPORT FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT Office of the Superintendent of Schools Board of Education Meeting of October 15, 2015 SUBJECT: BOARD MONITORING UPDATE: MULTIPLE METRICS The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. In fulfilling this goal, the HISD Board of Education has designed the framework for the systematic monitoring of the district's goals. Following are the specific, actionable measures provided to the Board of Education on an annually recurring basis for ongoing monitoring and trend reporting in the areas of rigorous education in reading and math, consistency, and safety with the intent to provide a holistic view of the district. As data is received into the district, data attributes are populated. Attached to this update are three Executive Summaries containing supporting evidence of district progress for the 2014–2015 school year, specifically for: Percentage of students who scored at the unsatisfactory, satisfactory, and advanced levels on the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in mathematics for grades 3–8, Districtwide Education Value-Added Assessment System® (EVAAS®) growth measure scores in reading and mathematics (grades 3–8), and Percentage of highly effective teachers who are retained and the percentage of ineffective teachers who are exited. Packet Pg. 8 Board Monitoring Systems (BMS) A.1.a As of October 1, 2015 (Reflects updated results from prior year.) Rigorous Education 2014-2015 School Year Student Achievement 20122013 Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Reading Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Reading Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Reading Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Math Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Math Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) Math Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) ELA I & II Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) ELA I & II Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) ELA I & II Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) Algebra I Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) Algebra I Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (9-12) Algebra I Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR EOC (7,8) Algebra I Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (7,8) Algebra I Percent of Students at Level I – Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR EOC (7,8) Algebra I Percent of Students at or above 50th percentile on Norm Reference Test in Grades 1-5 Reading (ELA Total) Percent of Students at or above 50th percentile on Norm Reference Test in Grades 1-5 Math (Math Total) Percent of Students at or above 50th percentile on Norm Reference Test in Grades 6-8 Reading (ELA Total) Percent of Students at or above 50th percentile on Norm Reference Test in Grades 6-8 Math (Math Total) Districtwide EVAAS Growth Measure Scores in Reading (Grades 3-8) Reading Districtwide EVAAS Growth Measure Scores in Math (Grades 3-8) Math College and Career Readiness 17.4 70.1 29.9 12.9 67.1 32.9 N/A N/A N/A 5.5 15.7 68.7 31.3 16.0 68.6 31.4 4.9 53.9 46.1 6.6 17.5 66.4 33.6 14.1 69.0 31.0 5.4 51.0 49.0 8.3 67.2 32.8 44.0 97.6 2.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.2 0.2 68.1 31.9 65.3 34.7 60.9 Percent of Students Enrolling in Higher Education Within 1 Year of High School Graduation Percent of Students at or above standard on the SAT/ACT Reading & Math Sections Combined Percent of Students at or above benchmark score on the PSAT 58.0 14.5 21.4 20.4 81.6 11.1 81.8 10.8 92 70 93 70 94 71 88 91 90 87.6 24.4 87.9 25.0 88.1 23.2 86 88 88 64 71 74 5,917 5,800 5,716 1,109 53 1,160 42 1,291 57 139 168 115 86 90 74 72 77 70 94 90 90 91 76 72 80 70 95 91 90 91 76 72 82 74 95 91 Consistency Graduation & Dropout Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Four-Year Cohort Dropout Rate Perception Survey - Rigorous Education Percent of Parents Satisfied with Rigorous Education Percent of Students Who Feel Challenged with Coursework Students Percent of Students Satisfied with Teachers Having High Expectations Teachers Percent of Highly Effective Teachers Who are Retained (EVAAS > 2.0) Percent of Ineffective Teachers Who are Exited (EVAAS < -2.0) Parents Percent of Parents Satisfied with Consistent Education Safety and Environment Principals Percent of Principals Satisfied with Central Office Services Levels of Offenses Number of Level III Offenses-Suspension/Optional Removal to Disciplinary Alternative Education Number of Level IV Offenses - Required Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Number of Level V Offenses - Expulsion for Serious Offenses Number of Bullying Incidents Perception Survey - Safety and Environment Percent of Parents Satisfied with Safety Percent of Parents Satisfied with Environment Percent of Students Satisfied with Safety Percent of Students Satisfied with Environment Percent of Teachers Satisfied with Safety Percent of Teachers Satisfied with Environment Percent of Principals Satisfied with Safety Percent of Principals Satisfied with Environment • 2013-2014 2014-2015 50.1 98.6 1.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.1 0.2 98.8 1.2 54.9 63.3 37.7 45.0 0.1 -0.1 21.5 Adjusted to one decimal place to match report. Packet Pg. 9 A.1.b Board Monitoring System: STAAR 3-8 Mathematics Performance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. In fulfilling this goal, HISD's Board of Education has designed a program to systematically monitor the district’s goals and core values. The following results inform the progress of the district as it relates to rigorous education, specifically the: Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance, Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance and Level I – Unsatisfactory Performance in Math. (Please note that the passing rates for STAAR reading tests in grades 3-8 were provided in August.) Rigorous Education Board Monitoring Scorecard 20122013 20132014 20142015 READING 17.4 15.7 17.5 Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) READING 70.1 68.7 66.4 Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) READING 29.9 31.3 33.6 Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) MATH 12.9 16.0 14.1 Percent of Students at Level II - Satisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) MATH 67.1 68.6 69.0 Percent of Students at Level I - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) MATH 32.9 31.4 31.0 Student Achievement: Subject Percent of Students at Level III - Advanced Academic Performance STAAR Standard (3-8) ^ Excludes STAAR M, A, Alt., and Alt. 2 results. Includes Spanish testers. The State Board of Education adopted new rigorous math standards in April 2012 with implementation for grades K-8 in the 2014-2015 school year. Because of the substantial changes made to the mathematics curriculum standards, the STAAR math tests were also revised and new passing standards were recently set. TEA released the spring 2015 STAAR mathematics results on September 4, 2015. 2015 STAAR Gr 3-8 Mathematics Key Findings: • • The number of students tested has increased in 1st – 7th grade since 2012. Although results are not directly comparable to prior years, math passing rates stayed constant at the Satisfactory level across grades; however, there are by-grade differences. Packet Pg. 10 A.1.b • • • The STAAR mathematics results show that 5th grade students had the highest passing rates for all proficiency standards. The grade level performance gaps show that for both Spring 2012 and Spring 2015, the performance gaps between White and African American student groups are greater than the gaps between White and Hispanic student groups. White and Asian student groups continue to outperform all other groups while African American student group performance remains the lowest across all grade and proficiency levels. Administrative Response Secondary Curriculum and Development: To build on the first year of implementing the new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) grades 3-5 mathematics, Elementary Curriculum and Development is supporting campuses in the following ways: • • • • • • Produced Grade 3, 4, 5 Problem Solving Journals: Aligned to the New Math TEKS, follows the scope & sequence and spirals problem-solving questions into daily math block, connected to new math rubrics for scoring open-ended items Provided New Math Problem Solving Rubrics : Instructional explanation page for grading openended items, student exemplars for open-ended items on the Snapshot included on the teacher directions page, student exemplars being embedded into our unit planning guide formative assessments for grades 1-5 Created a First 25 Days of Math Launch Document: Provides structure and mini-lessons for implementing essential math routines and procedures in the classroom, 5 exemplar videos created, adaptable K-5 with grade-level differentiation recommendations Math Teacher Development Specialist Campus-Specific Professional Development: Elementary Math TDS are providing job-embedded support and training as a part of district-wide training with an emphasis on Elementary Transformation campuses. Providing Online Math Learning Opportunities: The elementary math curriculum and professional development team are creating videos and online learning opportunities in partnership with Professional Support and Development. Topics include: How to use the math problem solving rubric; How to utilize problem solving journal journals; Lower-grades Fraction Concepts—how to use linear models to teach developing fraction concepts. Continual updates to HISD Curriculum Unit Planning Guides & Formative assessments: Math curriculum specialists are analyzing recently released reporting category information from Student Assessment to identify where we need additional support in HISD elementary math documents according to data: building more robust examples, activities accordingly (e.g., 4th grade geometry/measurement low performance, working to bolster those guides/examples); in addition, have been working to create more structure in the Unit Planning Guides with clearer arrangement of background information (by TEKS), and activities that follow a unit-specific recommended sequence of instruction (by TEKS). Secondary Curriculum and Development: The Secondary Curriculum and Development math team continues to place emphasis on Process Standards (in instruction and planning) as well as the tracking of critical TEKS over time, via formative assessments. Any differences that occurred between 2013-2014 and 2014 – 2015 are most likely due to a shift to more rigorous TEKS that include algebraic expectations moved into middle school. Continued efforts are being made to make Algebra 1 accessible to more students on more campuses in addition to Packet Pg. 11 A.1.b increased training for middle school graphing calculator use. More content and pedagogy training will be provided to middle school teachers since mathematical content shifts from concrete mathematics to abstract concepts as students move from elementary TEKS to middle school TEKS (For example, introductory calculus concepts such as slope and rate of change are introduced in middle school). 20152016 Department Chairperson meetings are addressing culturally relevant instructional strategies that can be represented in campus PLCs. Instructional materials are inclusive of new, engaging activities and instructional strategies that leverage technology to include personalized learning experiences for students. Packet Pg. 12 A.1.b Figure 1 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1 HISD and State - All Students Reading 75 71 78 74 Math 75 76 68 70 Grade 3 76 71 Grade 4 77 72 71 73 65 66 77 76 70 68 73 63 78 68 Writing 67 69 70 65 65 66 68 68 70 71 73 71 70 73 68 70 68 69 64 65 77 75 78 79 75 73 69 69 63 72 72 73 71 69 66 66 63 75 71 68 64 Grade 5 75 71 67 64 76 77 70 72 Grade 6 77 68 76 84 77 77 74 73 70 71 71 64 75 67 Grade 7 80 76 75 64 82 75 78 68 79 73 67 53 56 76 76 71 76 62 Grade 8 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 75 70 72 71 70 70 65 67 64 66 72 63 79 72 2014 Social Studies 77 66 75 Science 70 75 65 2015 66 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 70 61 2015 63 62 53 57 54 2012 2013 2014 59 64 55 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests HISD- %Phase-in 1 State- %Phase-in 1 All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files Packet Pg. 13 HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-1 Page 1 A.1.b Figure 2 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and All Grades: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced All Students in Grades 3-8 Reading 71.2 70.2 Math 68.8 66.4 68.2 67.1 Writing 68.6 69 68.3 66.2 Science 67.6 67.6 66.8 63.1 52.7 65.1 62.4 57.7 56.7 All Grades Social Studies 56.5 51.6 51.1 47.3 46.8 48.1 52 50.3 47 53.5 52.8 54.8 47.9 42.8 34.5 35 36.4 34.3 33.8 33.4 29.4 36.8 34.1 30.8 30.5 29.8 30.2 30.5 27.7 29.6 31.1 29.3 21.4 15.2 17.4 15.7 17.5 16 12.4 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 12.9 2013 2014 14.1 2015 7.4 6.4 6.1 2012 2013 2014 12.1 10.4 9.8 2012 2013 2014 19 8.8 8.6 2012 2013 11.5 7.6 2015 18.6 2015 19.1 10.1 2014 8.3 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Note: The percent met standard at the phase-in 1 and advanced standards in reading and math are included in the Board Monitoring System (BMS). Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-2 Page 2 Packet Pg. 14 A.1.b Figure 3 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced All Students Reading 71 74 68 54 Grade 3 36 19 71 38 Math 70 60 19 16 65 66 63 54 48 36 33 31 33 16 18 16 17 72 70 53 Grade 5 34 14 67 Grade 6 31 13 70 31 13 76 15 30 33 14 15 17 15 66 64 65 68 31 31 14 16 75 68 53 35 17 16 19 18 19 17 73 64 39 22 19 70 73 49 52 49 50 34 33 32 33 32 35 15 17 15 16 64 55 53 56 72 33 13 77 12 67 49 30 16 15 75 40 20 55 39 18 2013 2014 34 31 14 15 2 3 71 58 35 49 50 34 33 63 49 26 8 6 7 69 66 66 46 48 31 29 30 28 11 9 9 10 62 76 66 68 64 61 52 34 13 65 67 64 66 44 46 27 25 27 30 6 4 6 9 52 27 30 10 11 63 52 72 49 52 48 36 29 29 27 6 5 5 2013 2014 2015 30 30 10 10 2012 2013 18 2015 2012 52 57 65 53 63 70 44 32 69 73 64 41 53 17 68 53 4 2012 20 75 35 68 70 56 32 61 58 39 35 69 68 34 64 52 Social Studies 61 9 34 59 37 28 46 68 Grade 8 50 34 52 Grade 7 47 20 49 Grade 4 66 35 Science 71 65 65 51 36 Writing 2012 2013 2014 2015 48 33 31 15 14 2014 2015 57 54 36 37 19 19 21 19 9 9 10 8 2013 2014 2015 53 2012 55 43 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-3 Page 3 Packet Pg. 15 A.1.b Figure 4 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Ethnicity: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Grades 3-5 African American Asian 62 Reading, Grade 3 65 56 41 25 25 11 11 59 48 80 83 87 83 67 67 71 69 49 45 38 24 7 Reading, Grade 4 80 69 68 56 41 26 25 9 11 56 54 45 36 21 9 38 11 87 50 43 66 45 87 68 Reading, Grade 5 31 11 67 61 47 45 28 26 12 9 61 50 69 67 50 43 Math, Grade 3 15 6 48 30 32 16 7 17 7 17 5 48 47 30 33 17 7 19 9 Math, Grade 5 57 39 22 20 9 9 62 45 25 5 60 Science, Grade 5 28 4 56 23 3 56 45 83 72 50 71 66 46 47 33 29 28 30 13 14 12 13 61 52 53 70 54 73 86 75 50 53 89 68 66 50 50 67 56 78 55 95 84 60 66 68 66 96 95 96 91 81 91 81 93 63 65 65 32 28 16 13 68 53 68 66 53 46 94 91 78 80 95 88 74 64 60 97 94 84 69 31 31 13 14 77 35 19 76 69 61 53 88 82 90 80 72 38 32 29 35 34 16 16 19 19 16 6 4 3 3 2014 2015 91 93 84 71 71 75 46 45 36 2012 49 67 68 35 2013 2014 32 42 81 88 78 68 65 49 45 88 85 69 49 88 86 72 52 91 90 91 84 84 86 71 72 73 52 49 56 41 20 68 31 66 68 47 48 30 30 5 4 86 76 59 37 88 81 65 39 70 69 57 31 87 83 57 31 79 73 42 90 86 67 47 46 55 35 15 75 66 39 89 87 77 62 63 41 43 91 82 67 46 90 87 73 50 16 62 86 87 78 86 79 62 73 63 26 27 89 90 79 90 78 84 63 63 63 67 32 32 30 2012 2013 66 60 47 23 24 27 4 90 88 68 65 66 63 51 44 46 28 26 27 25 8 7 7 7 2014 2015 40 2015 88 66 92 71 92 13 89 7 95 88 38 89 85 3 39 88 86 17 35 92 52 79 54 51 46 73 63 51 47 12 66 54 45 85 27 17 8 39 69 90 83 72 95 39 58 46 66 90 88 83 69 91 82 73 63 52 6 35 2013 71 23 21 2012 17 15 7 39 15 30 23 42 18 12 74 Writing, Grade 4 16 30 11 60 34 12 26 63 34 29 87 64 36 10 96 64 35 29 76 51 51 12 95 Math, Grade 4 53 26 92 49 70 60 89 40 92 50 69 85 11 82 74 White 90 89 79 25 87 71 51 24 85 63 Hispanic 91 88 90 2012 2013 2014 37 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-4 Page 4 Packet Pg. 16 A.1.b Figure 5 HISD STAAR by Subject and Ethnicity: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Grades 6-8 African American Asian 84 64 62 Reading, Grade 6 46 26 28 9 11 62 42 58 47 66 46 71 49 Reading, Grade 7 26 28 10 8 74 54 Reading, Grade 8 32 10 21 8 64 42 60 50 24 23 10 9 64 42 73 50 14 13 63 52 69 49 63 37 38 21 21 50 24 9 7 1 1 6 85 83 80 69 78 68 46 49 45 90 81 86 73 79 71 70 56 53 52 59 53 90 87 78 85 96 94 85 66 62 32 16 17 4 4 Math, Grade 8 19 2 64 64 22 40 23 20 20 2 2 1 41 23 20 21 22 3 2 3 4 93 81 11 10 74 76 39 54 40 43 21 23 21 56 52 36 34 31 16 14 14 70 81 67 69 65 68 52 31 33 15 13 14 56 56 15 15 2 2 77 35 94 94 87 88 79 91 58 59 72 51 42 89 84 91 82 68 70 70 47 48 85 39 92 87 84 75 73 41 48 92 88 72 52 70 57 87 75 62 62 45 37 32 91 80 86 65 68 41 39 10 62 65 71 52 26 28 9 10 5 72 75 49 32 24 4 49 51 28 26 4 3 53 81 71 55 27 61 31 9 91 74 65 83 85 67 58 49 12 15 15 88 85 86 75 82 73 52 17 88 63 61 39 32 94 50 53 88 71 44 47 73 31 41 85 90 85 89 86 75 79 76 72 90 87 83 72 91 27 28 73 44 89 80 35 66 39 66 55 31 95 86 76 61 52 90 59 45 39 8 36 59 57 5 88 86 75 85 76 4 9 3 95 20 10 54 34 40 Science, Grade 8 25 28 45 41 61 28 58 62 58 27 48 91 71 94 49 70 63 Writing, Grade 7 27 74 59 81 62 45 5 42 10 43 93 22 38 26 8 47 44 53 29 83 93 74 47 28 65 11 56 44 50 12 82 61 68 67 12 64 71 88 91 64 86 80 60 67 91 26 93 67 53 44 90 42 64 32 79 Math, Grade 7 73 9 33 7 53 84 25 34 61 67 10 81 Math, Grade 6 78 90 25 97 64 82 73 White 89 7 87 73 84 24 83 67 Hispanic 87 64 42 71 60 59 48 21 20 22 25 3 2 3 5 46 27 7 7 66 61 59 50 46 45 28 29 28 13 11 8 66 57 30 19 16 18 88 88 74 86 77 60 63 78 65 53 83 62 39 30 30 82 83 82 66 69 84 78 58 34 92 91 64 Social Studies, Grade 8 52 46 12 5 2012 46 46 47 92 87 79 79 63 66 41 44 87 67 49 47 33 30 28 14 5 14 5 11 14 3 6 2014 2015 2013 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 53 50 33 33 15 6 18 2013 52 49 39 28 7 15 5 2014 2015 2012 45 26 2013 50 32 2014 81 75 50 29 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-5 Page 5 Packet Pg. 17 A.1.b Figure 6 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced English Language Learners (ELLs) Reading 70 Grade 3 34 16 71 34 32 31 15 15 17 Grade 4 38 67 66 57 49 55 10 68 51 65 28 68 Math 59 40 46 27 27 12 12 66 64 54 23 22 9 9 8 30 27 12 12 Grade 5 33 47 62 33 16 65 29 17 15 14 4 5 4 33 12 4 32 16 68 50 29 12 60 33 12 66 39 27 30 25 11 29 12 57 56 3 18 3 57 54 52 33 30 32 14 11 2 33 32 17 17 6 6 5 3 37 43 42 42 35 41 24 26 9 2 10 2 19 10 1 8 1 17 5 3 3 37 17 31 19 54 5 1 3 0 3 8 8 1 6 1 24 41 24 9 2 7 1 23 56 45 7 2 14 5 1 39 41 52 18 16 62 64 19 24 15 27 59 12 19 Grade 7 64 54 43 Grade 6 37 37 5 46 Social Studies 51 61 53 Science 72 43 72 56 69 50 43 22 Writing 14 32 28 11 3 0 4 0 32 24 12 3 0 14 3 0 63 56 51 Grade 8 47 44 33 33 23 5 1 2012 10 2 2013 13 5 1 2014 35 27 16 4 1 2015 29 32 13 13 42 34 12 1 2012 29 22 21 2 1 0 2013 2014 2015 7 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 1 15 7 1 2013 2014 11 27 18 22 5 1 3 1 2015 2012 28 13 4 2 2013 20 21 8 2 1 11 3 0 2014 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-6 Page 6 Packet Pg. 18 A.1.b Figure 7 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Non-English Language Learners (Non-ELLs) Reading 72 Grade 3 38 21 75 76 69 56 53 40 39 21 71 57 Grade 4 42 40 20 23 79 79 63 Grade 5 42 18 75 Grade 6 37 16 78 43 23 72 17 71 71 63 69 62 36 20 77 47 49 28 31 33 63 43 15 17 17 17 66 65 66 69 21 76 57 40 40 15 79 76 59 57 48 32 22 15 77 68 34 18 58 37 35 23 21 38 73 78 65 16 82 26 73 38 39 21 22 77 73 63 53 45 26 23 76 57 36 36 39 19 20 17 19 56 59 74 38 39 36 16 19 18 83 65 63 66 77 68 33 15 17 3 3 73 78 45 45 42 38 31 17 23 22 2013 2014 39 55 9 9 74 72 73 53 55 36 35 37 35 13 12 12 13 70 72 69 52 53 66 57 38 15 69 74 72 50 31 33 12 13 74 54 32 29 32 7 5 7 72 60 36 11 74 32 2015 2012 60 62 57 52 71 74 55 30 33 33 11 12 2012 2013 22 5 2012 41 68 68 56 42 55 76 68 47 39 65 83 73 56 11 49 37 73 31 11 Grade 7 Grade 8 53 74 57 43 Social Studies 40 41 78 Science 70 61 64 39 23 Writing 63 63 53 59 20 Math 6 6 6 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 58 40 41 20 21 24 22 10 10 11 10 2012 2013 2014 2015 60 48 36 34 17 16 2014 61 57 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-7 Page 7 Packet Pg. 19 A.1.b Figure 8 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Students with Disabilities (SWD) Reading Math Writing Science Social Studies 49 42 42 41 42 42 25 26 15 14 7 6 39 35 28 28 17 17 7 6 7 38 39 40 Grade 3 14 27 10 5 12 5 29 11 4 39 35 34 34 29 Grade 4 12 5 23 22 12 13 5 5 25 20 10 11 4 4 23 24 14 12 5 7 39 38 10 10 4 3 17 9 9 2 2 14 5 2 39 35 31 24 22 7 17 48 32 Grade 5 9 5 31 21 20 1 47 36 29 17 17 8 7 2 19 8 3 9 4 33 33 34 29 24 21 18 17 7 35 9 9 8 2 2 2 23 15 11 4 5 1 40 34 31 31 27 Grade 6 17 9 10 3 4 19 22 16 15 8 2 5 2 6 3 8 3 18 9 2 18 7 3 36 32 Grade 7 28 27 22 17 17 9 8 3 5 2 3 42 41 25 17 11 13 3 0 4 1 6 2 41 40 41 12 4 1 37 28 25 21 20 16 12 3 1 9 4 1 3 1 10 10 4 0 3 1 32 Grade 8 21 10 9 3 3 2012 2013 19 19 11 13 5 2014 6 2 2015 21 17 24 15 10 9 9 1 0 1 6 1 2013 2014 2015 2012 24 13 9 3 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 26 16 6 2 8 3 2013 2014 26 17 12 4 1 2015 7 3 2012 18 19 9 5 2 10 6 2 9 2013 2014 2015 15 3 1 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-8 Page 8 Packet Pg. 20 A.1.b Figure 9 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Students without Disabilities (Non-SWD) Reading 72 75 69 55 Grade 3 37 19 72 38 20 66 50 Grade 4 37 17 73 14 69 Grade 6 32 14 72 35 18 66 14 14 79 18 35 16 70 13 69 Grade 8 38 41 14 15 17 68 65 66 32 32 14 16 71 33 16 41 36 19 19 75 67 56 71 50 21 19 2013 2014 70 71 33 18 76 70 50 51 35 34 66 35 8 7 52 28 7 76 71 66 42 41 22 20 74 54 34 36 16 18 16 17 55 58 68 68 68 48 49 32 30 31 30 11 10 10 10 64 32 31 14 16 2 3 78 72 61 55 37 11 73 68 70 66 50 64 36 14 68 68 66 68 45 48 32 27 26 28 12 6 5 6 67 54 32 9 68 55 37 30 29 2012 6 6 5 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 54 50 50 31 32 34 32 11 16 10 15 2012 2013 19 2015 55 60 55 28 66 73 46 15 69 59 21 34 4 2012 16 36 34 29 15 63 54 37 77 57 53 62 20 50 Social Studies 73 9 36 71 61 33 71 58 Science 51 30 47 35 67 28 20 65 56 Writing 40 37 53 34 34 47 60 35 73 65 77 69 51 17 66 49 51 32 77 67 16 54 Grade 7 16 31 Grade 5 35 37 18 55 71 62 52 33 72 Math 2014 54 59 55 57 45 2015 38 38 19 20 22 20 9 9 10 9 2013 2014 2015 2012 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-9 Page 9 Packet Pg. 21 A.1.b Figure 10 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Economically Disadvantaged Students (Econ. Disadv.) Reading 68 71 64 49 Grade 3 31 32 14 15 67 60 Grade 4 43 30 11 68 Grade 5 9 63 Grade 6 55 30 61 58 49 61 27 27 11 12 11 59 72 30 30 10 13 14 14 47 70 47 45 47 7 9 12 11 12 63 60 52 54 50 43 8 9 74 72 32 13 58 10 64 66 64 65 44 44 28 28 27 6 4 59 52 26 44 20 13 3 4 70 65 60 62 62 41 42 25 24 24 7 6 6 62 64 59 46 33 13 21 5 66 52 28 8 62 62 60 62 38 40 20 19 20 23 3 2 3 4 48 29 13 14 2 2 68 53 28 73 22 25 7 8 59 46 70 63 49 31 46 49 26 24 4 4 3 2013 2014 2015 24 43 24 25 6 7 13 2 2014 33 39 23 2013 69 30 64 2012 67 28 10 14 17 27 25 33 36 24 50 57 59 26 54 Social Studies 68 48 27 68 15 72 27 66 29 56 46 64 47 65 64 53 8 9 61 11 11 30 63 27 26 Grade 8 13 10 27 28 11 41 Science 45 10 24 63 62 24 12 66 Writing 23 42 27 72 29 14 24 9 61 41 12 44 25 61 46 43 Grade 7 66 26 48 27 Math 2015 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 59 43 56 47 27 25 11 9 2014 2015 47 52 31 13 5 14 5 2012 2013 48 31 16 49 37 6 13 4 2014 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-10 Page 10 Packet Pg. 22 A.1.b Figure 11 HISD STAAR English and Spanish Combined by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced Non-Economically Disadvantaged Students (Non-Econ. Disadv.) Reading 87 89 78 61 Grade 3 84 78 81 41 66 41 41 66 59 86 77 62 42 35 89 78 62 41 40 30 81 82 75 64 Grade 5 90 82 67 90 82 58 53 34 84 89 78 37 43 86 75 61 35 33 81 74 63 53 53 87 85 73 61 59 89 77 65 90 82 66 39 59 40 70 49 25 24 75 59 80 35 33 86 22 20 84 86 78 61 Grade 6 36 86 84 75 62 40 85 72 56 87 77 87 80 73 61 58 56 36 38 31 75 76 55 62 89 89 79 77 42 33 80 73 81 2013 66 64 39 2014 23 24 26 79 78 25 82 72 53 84 79 75 85 72 65 64 53 52 45 43 76 68 49 13 18 21 80 79 71 63 59 51 50 41 34 2015 17 86 59 44 21 6 67 47 67 2012 12 2013 74 66 12 11 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 22 2012 2013 45 2014 72 55 38 23 73 53 30 10 2012 25 28 49 53 Grade 8 53 31 30 65 59 80 73 36 39 4 61 64 49 18 88 58 79 70 40 31 86 87 62 Grade 7 52 75 38 73 56 54 86 45 66 64 35 83 83 70 29 86 Social Studies 78 59 78 Science 84 88 81 68 44 Writing 44 38 60 46 55 67 29 89 83 71 49 89 Grade 4 64 88 79 Math 25 2015 39 36 22 20 2012 2013 73 70 59 60 41 24 2014 35 19 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-11 Page 11 Packet Pg. 23 A.1.b Figure 12 HISD STAAR English Only by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced All Students Reading 71 Grade 3 36 74 67 53 51 37 36 Math 69 60 64 65 47 50 31 33 15 16 17 66 64 65 64 19 71 64 49 Grade 4 20 14 66 47 36 33 30 16 18 16 72 70 53 Grade 5 34 14 67 Grade 6 31 13 70 31 13 76 53 34 17 16 34 17 15 16 68 21 75 61 58 34 35 35 20 18 19 73 64 70 73 49 52 32 35 15 17 15 16 64 55 53 56 33 13 77 40 30 16 15 75 20 39 18 2013 2014 33 31 14 15 2 3 71 58 35 67 68 48 48 34 32 62 48 25 18 8 6 7 73 64 69 66 67 46 48 31 29 30 28 11 9 9 10 62 76 66 68 64 61 52 34 13 65 67 64 66 44 46 27 25 27 6 4 6 52 27 30 10 11 63 52 30 9 72 49 52 48 36 29 29 27 30 30 10 10 2012 2013 18 2015 2012 52 57 65 53 64 70 44 32 55 32 19 33 49 69 56 22 32 67 68 40 33 72 16 42 34 12 61 53 53 17 Social Studies 71 9 69 4 2012 35 50 59 37 32 14 69 68 Grade 8 32 52 49 52 Grade 7 46 75 68 34 64 62 54 Science 40 36 28 19 Writing 6 5 5 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 48 33 31 15 14 2014 2015 53 57 54 55 43 36 37 19 19 21 19 9 9 10 8 2013 2014 2015 2012 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-12 Page 12 Packet Pg. 24 A.1.b Figure 13 HISD STAAR Spanish Only by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced All Students Reading 72 73 Math 71 Grade 3 67 37 61 37 35 21 21 65 19 11 12 68 66 65 65 56 48 35 16 36 28 15 11 74 70 Grade 4 50 32 26 18 68 60 53 46 40 68 54 52 70 69 74 70 59 57 58 54 45 33 16 40 39 38 15 Science 73 71 66 56 Writing 35 30 30 29 13 13 14 17 36 32 30 14 8 7 10 8 59 55 Grade 5 45 38 42 44 35 32 23 23 24 23 30 26 0 15 11 6 1 2013 2014 12 7 3 2012 2013 5 2014 6 2015 25 21 8 5 2012 6 5 0 3 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 22 20 20 7 9 1 0 2 0 9 5 1 2013 2014 2015 12 Excludes STAAR Accommodated,STAAR Modified, STAAR Alternate, and STAAR L Tests %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-13 Page 13 Packet Pg. 25 A.1.b Figure 14 HISD STAAR L Only by Subject and Grade Level: 2012-2015 (Spring Administration) Percent Met Standard: Phase-in 1, Phase-in 2, Recommended, and Advanced All Students Math Grade 3 48 43 25 Grade 4 46 47 30 33 13 5 12 4 17 7 15 4 37 37 33 32 23 14 6 13 4 Grade 5 Science 22 18 5 17 12 6 26 16 9 4 30 18 10 6 27 17 11 6 20 10 7 3 24 15 6 2 21 9 4 1 16 11 6 2 15 9 4 1 22 10 5 1 18 10 5 1 20 13 6 1 2013 2014 Social Studies 46 19 8 33 24 29 11 5 8 2 22 13 10 4 22 14 7 4 21 16 7 3 13 3 0 12 5 2 1 13 6 2 1 13 9 2 0 2012 2013 2014 Grade 6 33 12 6 Grade 7 24 7 2 Grade 8 26 7 1 2012 2015 Excludes STAAR Accommodated and STAAR Alternate %Phase-in 1 %Phase-in 2 %Final Rec. 2015 9 1 0 2012 7 2 1 0 8 1 0 10 7 2 0 2013 2014 2015 %Advanced All points reflect the most current data available and may differ slightly from data previously reported. 2015 math results are not comparable with those of prior years due to different standards. For grades and subjects with multiple administrations, 1st administration results are used. North Forest schools are excluded in 2012 & 2013. Source: TEA-Pearson STAAR Student Data Files HISD Research and Accountability_______________________________________________________________________ Figure-14 Page 14 Packet Pg. 26 A.1.c Board Monitoring System: Student Achievement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. In fulfilling this goal, HISD's Board of Education has designed a program to systematically monitor the district’s goals and core values. The following results inform the progress of the district as it relates to student achievement regarding district-wide Educational Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS) growth measure scores in reading and in math, as defined below. Board Monitoring Scorecard Rigorous Education Student Achievement 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015* Districtwide EVAAS Growth Measure Scores in Reading (Grades 3–8) 0.2 -0.1 0.1 Districtwide EVAAS Growth Measure Scores in Math (Grades 3–8) 0.2 0.2 -0.1 * Only includes grades 4–8 Changes in Methodology In 2014–2015, the EVAAS analyses using STAAR and Iowa/Logramos results were conducted separately. Because of this change, please note the following implications which are listed below and shown in Table 1: o The gain model, which requires consecutive grade level and subject testing, could only be used for reading and math in grades 4–8. The analysis for all other grade levels and subjects used the predictive model. o The reference group for the reading and math grade 3 analyses and for all Iowa/Logramos subjects and grade levels is the district, which means there are no district-level results for these subjects and grade levels. o Because the reference group changed to the district in 2014–2015 for reading and math in grade 3 and for all Iowa/Logramos subjects and grade levels and to the Texas Consortium in science for grades 5 and 8 and in social studies for grade 8, the 2014–2015 results cannot be directly compared to results from previous years where a different reference group was used. o Because of the changes in analysis, only one year of EVAAS values are being reported for grades 3-8. Packet Pg. 27 A.1.c Table 1. EVAAS Models and Reference Groups by Assessment Reports provided for: Model Reference Assessment Used Group District School Teachers STAAR Reading and Math in grade 3 Predictive District STAAR Reading and Math in grades 4-8 Gain State Texas STAAR Science in grades 5 and 8 Predictive Consortium Texas STAAR Social Studies in grade 8 Predictive Consortium Iowa (Language in grades 3-8; Science in Predictive District grades 4, 6, and 7; Social Studies in grades 4-7) Texas STAAR EOC Predictive Consortium Results In 2015, the district’s reading growth measure was 0.1 and the math growth measure was -0.1 for grades 4–8. Graphs are presented on page 3 in Figure 1 for reading and math in grades 4–8. Because of the changes made to the models used, there are no district-level values for reading or math in grade 3, language, science in grades 4, 6, and 7, and social studies in grades 4–7. Also, because the model used for science in grades 5 and 8 and for social studies in grade 8 changed to the predictive model and the reference group changed to the Texas Consortium, the values from 2014 cannot be directly compared to the values from 2015. o In grades 4–8, reading growth was higher than that of the state overall, particularly in grades 4, 5, and 7. Although reading growth was lower than that of the state in grades 6 and 8, growth increased from 2014. Reading EVAAS uses the STAAR exam to assess growth. o In math, grade 5 was the only grade that showed higher growth as compared to the state. Math EVAAS uses the STAAR exam to assess growth. Since the STAAR math assessment was new for the 2014–2015 school year, its results will not be used for appraisals. o In science, there was evidence that students in grades 5 and 8 met the growth standard. In grade 5, the gain index was -0.61, and in grade 8, the gain index was -0.73. o In social studies grade 8, the gain index was -0.68, which means there was evidence that students met the growth standard. Table 2 shows the STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) 2015 value-added growth measure and gain index for each of the five EOC exams. The district exceeded the growth standard by at least one standard error in Algebra I. In English I and Biology, the district met the growth standard. The district did not meet the growth standard in English II by at least one standard error and in U.S. History by at least two standard errors. Compared to the 2014 EOC value-added results, which can be found in Table 3, the district showed improvements in English I and Biology. Page 2 of 5 Packet Pg. 28 A.1.c FIGURE 1. STAAR 4-8 Reading and Math Value-Added Growth Measure Scores, 2014 and 2015 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Reading 2014 Growth Measure Grade 7 Grade 8 Across Grades (4-8) Reading 2015 Growth Measure 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Math 2014 Growth Measure Grade 7 Grade 8 Across Grades (4-8) Math 2015 Growth Measure Page 3 of 5 Packet Pg. 29 A.1.c Table 2. STAAR EOC Value-Added By Subject, 2015 STAAR EOC Exam Growth Measure Gain Index Algebra I 22.3 1.30 English I 2.9 0.35 English II -10.2 -1.75 Biology -4.6 -0.27 U.S. History -38.4 -2.11 Table 3. STAAR EOC Value-Added By Subject, 2014 STAAR EOC Exam Growth Measure Gain Index Algebra I 54.4 3.44 English I -9.5 -0.83 English II 5.0 0.64 Biology 5.3 0.36 U.S. History -3.9 -0.34 Legend Color Blue Light Blue Green Yellow Red Growth Measure Compared to the Growth Standard At least 2 standard errors above Between 1 and 2 standard errors above Between 1 standard error above and 1 standard error below Between 1 and 2 standard errors below More than 2 standard errors below Gain Index Interpretation Between 1.00 and 2.00 Significant evidence that students exceeded the growth standard Moderate evidence that students exceeded the growth standard Between -1.00 and 1.00 Evidence that students met the growth standard 2.00 or greater Between -2.00 and 1.00 Less than -2.00 Moderate evidence that students did not meet the growth standard Significant evidence that students did not meet the growth standard ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSE The expansion of Literacy By 3 initiative for grades 4 and 5 will allow schools to meet the individualized Reading needs for all students. The district’s purchase of additional resources will assist campuses in closing the achievement gap. We expect to see an improvement in our Grade 4 & 5 Reading STAAR scores this year. Common Literacy By 3 Walkthrough Forms and Look Fors will calibrate expectations and assist monitoring campus implementation. iStation, formative assessments, and the DRA will help to provide frequent monitoring of student progress in regards to skill development, campus and individual reading progress. Professional development in the area of Math has been calendared with a specific focus on planning and best practice in grades 3-5. Page 4 of 5 Packet Pg. 30 A.1.c There was a focus on literacy in middle schools with all schools being required to have comprehensive literacy plans. Part of this included monitoring of iStation. Grade 6 th & 7th showed progress with 8th grade showing a small decline. The new math standards required a lot of staff development as well as a shift in the strategies to teach 6th – 8th grade math. Continuous professional development will continue to be utilized to strengthen the teachers instructional delivery of the new math standards. Algebra 1 showed a significant increase in progress with no changes in the standards for 20142015 school year. Teachers will be trained on the new algebra 1 standards that will be in effect for 2015-2016. There was a focus on in the area of Science and Social Studies. This focus which involved Professional Development for teachers resulted in improved progress for both Science and Social Studies in 8th grade. Page 5 of 5 Packet Pg. 31 A.1.d Board Monitoring System: Teachers EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. In fulfilling this goal, HISD's Board of Education has designed a program to systematically monitor the district’s goals and core values. The following results inform the progress of the district as it relates to retention of highly effective teachers and removal of ineffective teachers, as defined below. Consistency Board Monitoring Scorecard Teachers 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015* Percent of Highly Effective Teachers Who are Retained (EVAAS > 2.0) 87.6 87.9 88.1 Percent of Ineffective Teachers Who are Exited (EVAAS < -2.0) 24.4 25.0 23.2 * Because the STAAR 3-8 math test was new for the 2014–2015 school year, composite EVAAS scores were calculated without math. Findings Highly Effective Teachers are defined as teachers with an EVAAS Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of 2.0 or greater. o For the 2014–2015 school year, there were 842 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of 2.0 or higher out of 3,835 teachers with an EVAAS score. Since the STAAR 3-8 math test was new for the 2014–2015 school year and not used for appraisal purposes, this total number does not include any teachers who only taught math in grades 3-8. Of the 842 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of 2.0 or higher, 742 (88.1%) were retained. o For the 2013–2014 school year, there were 832 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of 2.0 or higher out of 4,457 teachers with an EVAAS score. Of these, 731 (87.9%) were retained. o For the 2012–2013 school year, there were 695 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of 2.0 or higher out of 4,469 teachers with an EVAAS score. Of these, 609 (87.6%) were retained. Packet Pg. 32 A.1.d School Year 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 % Retained 87.6 87.9 88.1 Ineffective Teachers are defined as teachers with an EVAAS Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of -2.0 or less. o For the 2014–2015 school year, there were 922 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of -2.0 or lower out of the 3,835 teachers with an EVAAS score. This number does not include any teachers who only taught math in grades 3-8. Of these, 214 (23.2%) are no longer with the district. Of these 214 teachers, 56 were first-year teachers and 34 were second-year teachers. o For the 2013–2014 school year, there were 805 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of -2.0 or lower out of the 4,457 teachers with an EVAAS score. Of these, 201 (25.0%) are no longer with the district. o For the 2012–2013 school year, there were 1,099 teachers with a Cumulative Teacher Gain Index of -2.0 or lower out of the 4,469 teachers with an EVAAS score. Of these, 268 (24.4%) are no longer with the district. School Year 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 Table 1. Highly Effective Teachers Total # with # Highly % Highly EVAAS Effective Effective 4,469 695 15.6 4,457 832 18.7 3,835 842 22.0 Table 2. Ineffective Teachers Total # with EVAAS # Ineffective 4,469 1,099 4,457 805 3,835 922 % Ineffective 24.6 18.1 24.0 % Exited 24.4 25.0 23.2 District-wide, of the 11,963 teachers in the 2014–2015 school year, 10,265 (85.8%) were retained. Of the 12,374 teachers in the 2013–2014 school year, 10,138 (81.9%) were retained. Of the 11,737 teachers in the 2012–2013 school year, 9,699 (82.6%) were retained. Retention rates of highly effective teachers exceeded the district retention rate of all teachers for each of the last three years. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSE Our staff reviews helped us align our vision for retaining highly qualified teachers. Effective use of the Appraisal and Develop System is being utilized to coach, develop and train teachers with a specific emphasis on developing teachers. 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