GUIDANCE FOR DRAFTING PAPERS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE VICECHANCELLOR’S EXECUTIVE GROUP AND COUNCIL There is a need to ensure that business is presented as effectively and succinctly as possible to the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group (VCEG) and Council. Therefore the following guidelines have been developed to support and assist those individuals who are tasked with writing reports or papers for VCEG and/or Council. Structure of Papers/Reports In general reports should be as concise as possible and should retain a sharp focus. Too much detail can overwhelm members meaning key points / issues may become lost. In the case of VCEG it meets weekly and has a large schedule of business annually, so limiting the amount of time needed for reading background material is appreciated. The sensible use of appendices is strongly recommended and preferable to lengthy papers. In the case of Council papers should address the needs of non-specialist members especially in technical areas such as finance. Authors should avoid the temptation to overelaborate and should ensure plain English is used. Higher Education jargon should be avoided or explained, and acronyms should only be used either if they are genuinely in common currency (e.g. HEFCE) or if they are spelt out in full when they first occur in the text. Annex A provides a sample template for all reports. All reports should contain the following elements: 1. Purpose of the Paper The purpose of this paper is to: i. ii. iii. iv. For information. To make recommendations for approval. To put forward ideas / discussions for discussion (1st bite of the cherry). To report back to VCEG / Council on a completed project or campaign. This section should be short and pithy. Numbering paragraphs can be helpful. VCEG / Council need to be aware within the first few paragraphs of what they are being asked to do / what actions they are expected to take / any decisions they are expected to make. 2. Context A short paragraph or two on context is necessary as an aide memoire to background and rationale for the paper. If you have provided previous updates to VCEG / Council on the same issue please provide a summary rather than assume that they will have remembered every detail. You can also use these sections to flag up changing situations, new information or stages of long running projects (e.g. REF submission). 3. Executive Summary Please provide no more than 2 paragraphs that capture the essence of the paper. It might be useful to include any recommendations here as well as at the end of the paper. 4. Main Body of the Paper Whilst bearing in mind the overall principle of being as succinct as possible, please include as much information in this section as is required for VCEG / Council to be able to undertake the task that you are asking of them. Please include a specific paragraph on who has been consulted or involved and at what point, or what plans are in place to consult with or involve colleagues in the future. By way of a good practice checklist please also give consideration to covering the following as appropriate: i. ii. iii. iv. Strategic plans Financial and other resource implications Legal consequences or risks Equality and diversity – in particular whether an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried or needs to be. v. Health and safety vi. Risks (and mitigation activities) 5. Recommendation to VCEG / Council Please clearly state what you would like VCEG / Council to decide upon or put into action. Bullet point lists are the best way to achieve this. 6. Next Steps You must outline what will happen after the VCEG / Council meeting if the paper is approved and the expected timeline. 7. Communications Papers should include a section outlining the communications issues relating to any proposal/decision, and a full communications plan for VCEG / Council to discuss and approve if appropriate. As an example, the following questions should be considered i) what internal / external communications do we need to put around this initiative? ii) do we need to consult on this issue before making any further decisions? iii) who is going to do this? Style Guidance: a) Pagination - please add page numbers to the bottom right hand of the document. b) Arial 11pt should be used for all papers as per the University’s visual identity guidelines. Annex A: SAMPLE TEMPLATE LEVEL OF CONFIDENTIALITY a) Commercial in Confidence OR b) Legally Privileged OR c) Strictly Confidential OR d) Open Document / Not confidential UNIVERSITY OF EXETER VICE-CHANCELLOR’S EXECUTIVE GROUP / COUNCIL, XX MONTH YEAR TITLE AUTHOR APPROVED 1. Purpose of the Paper 2. Context 3. Executive Summary 4. Main Body of the Paper 5. Recommendation to VCEG / Council 6. Next Steps 7. Communications Name of the Author Title of the Author (including Directorate / College) Date (and version number if appropriate)