M D 2014–2015 ANAGEMENT







Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent of Schools of the Houston Independent School District is responsible for coordination of the overall administration of the school district and liaison with the Board of Education. Directly reporting to this office are the Chief Audit Executive, Chief of Staff, General

Counsel, Special Assistant to the Superintendent, Chief of Police, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Major Projects Officer, Chief Academic Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief School Support Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Communications Officer, Chief Technology

Information Officer, Chief Student Support Officer, Chief Elementary Schools Officers, Chief Middle Schools Officer, and Chief High Schools


Chief Audit Executive

The Office of the Chief Audit Executive is responsible for conducting a broad, comprehensive program of financial, compliance, operational, activity fund, campus, construction, information systems, and property tax audits within the district. It issues fact-filled reports based on professional audit, investigative, and inspection standards. Standards comply with those promulgated by appropriate professional oversight organizations, such as the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, and other such professional oversight organizations.

Chief of Staff

The Office of the Chief of Staff facilitates coordination and communication among the direct reports of the Superintendent of Schools so that the

Superintendent is informed about current issues and areas of need within the district and that the Superintendent's instructions to staff are carried out. The Chief of Staff facilitates staff communication with members of the HISD Board of Education and participates in the development of districtwide communications and activities that inform the public and promote positive community relations. Additionally, the Chief of Staff monitors the implementation of major initiatives and ensures alignment with the district’s purpose and goals.

General Counsel

The Office of Legal Services serves as in-house legal counsel to the Superintendent of Schools and staff on various issues in school law relating to local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations as well as district policy and administrative procedures. The Office of Legal Services represents the school district in judicial and administrative proceedings and monitors the legal services contracted from outside law firms. The Office assists in grievance and employee disciplinary matters including termination and nonrenewal hearings. It also coordinates the school district's responses to investigations by the Texas Education Agency, Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education and other state and federal agencies. The Office of Legal Services conducts professional development training for staff and provides legal assistance in drafting and revisions of district policies and procedures.

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Special Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools

The Office of the Special Assistant is responsible for the design and overall effectiveness of the district’s system for implementing digital curriculum, innovative teaching practices, and global education initiatives. This Office guides the Academics division in helping the district to maintain its momentum in carrying out the initiatives.

Chief of Police

The Police Department is responsible for providing a safe learning and working environment for students and teachers. The Police Department

Operations Bureau is responsible for ensuring that a police officer is assigned to every secondary campus in the district daily and without exception. The HISD Police Department has dedicated itself to protecting students, personnel, and property of the school district 24 hours a day.

Chief Human Resources Officer

The Human Resources Department provides strategic leadership to a full-service Human Resources division including Talent Acquisition, Compensation, Human Capital Accountability, Human Capital Management, Leadership Development, and School Leadership.

Chief Major Projects Officer

The Office of Chief of Major Projects is responsible for the leadership and management of key district initiatives through the use of sound project management practices, cross-functional teams, effective communications strategies, leveraged resources and human capital, and change and risk management strategies to build capacity and optimize impact and long-term sustainability. The Office is also responsible for managing major initiatives in HISD, including the EMERGE program, Futures Academies, and Linked Learning.

Chief Academic Officer

The Academic Services Division provides quality, consistency, innovation and rigor through a comprehensive and aligned 21st century curriculum, personalized services to support students with diverse needs, and a systemic program of assessment and evaluation that informs the work of the district. The offices and departments reporting to the Chief Academic Officer include Elementary Curriculum and Development, Secondary

Curriculum and Development, Innovative Curriculum and Development, Special Education, Personalization, Multilingual Services, Student Assessment, Research and Accountability, and Instructional Resources.

Chief Financial Officer

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the direction, management, and supervision of all aspects of the finance functions of the district, including the receipt, disbursement, reimbursement, investment, control, planning for allocation, and reporting of the financial resources of the district. The Office is also responsible for oversight and development of the district's external business activities, whereby the district provides services and products to outside organizations in order to enhance the district's revenue and gain exposure for the district as the foremost source of information and assistance in public education. The departments within the Office are: Controller’s Office, Budgeting and

Financial Planning, Benefits, Medicaid Finance, Procurement, Government Relations, and Tax and Financial Management Attorney.

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Chief School Support Officer

The Office of School Support assists the Superintendent of Schools in ensuring that the district has an effective teacher in every classroom, an effective principal in every school and data-driven accountability and compliance. School Support oversees the implementation of all educational programs, support services, and compliance functions for all elementary, middle, or high schools in the district. The Office of School Support also aligns resources and supports for principals and teachers and verifies that the district is providing equitable and quality educational opportunities for its students.

Chief Operating Officer

The Chief Operating Officer acts for the Superintendent by providing broad business-oriented perspectives in developing strategies that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of non-instructional service delivery to schools and departments. The position provides leadership, oversight, coordination, assistance, and support to the heads of the Business Assistance, Nutrition Services, Facility Services, Construction Services, Transportation, and Police departments.

Chief Communications Officer

The Office of Chief Communications Officer exists to inform and engage stakeholders; support schools and departments; and build partnerships to increase transparency, support, and confidence in HISD. This is accomplished through responsiveness, engagements, and effective communications practices. The office consists of the following departments: Bond Communications, Family and Community Engagement, Media Relations, Multimedia, and Translation Services.

Chief Technology Information Officer

The Information Technology department exists to provide timely information, process, productivity, and technology expertise accomplished through (1) active enablement of customers' operations on a daily basis; (2) delivering on a district-aligned and prioritized plan; (3) providing strategic impact with tactical steps and innovative solutions by aligning processes with industry best practices; (4) running an invisible computing environment; and (5) being principled IT experts. The office includes the department of Administrative Services.

Chief Student Support Officer

The Office of Student Support assists the Superintendent of Schools in ensuring that the district has an effective teacher in every classroom, an effective principal in every school, and data-driven accountability and compliance. Student Support oversees the implementation of support services and compliance functions for all schools in the district. The Office of Student Support also aligns resources and supports for principals and teachers and verifies that the district is providing equitable and quality educational opportunities for its students. The office consists of the following departments: Athletics/UIL, Student Records, Drop Out Prevention, Federal and State Compliance, Parent/Community Assistance, State

Compensatory Education/At-Risk/Homeless and Foster Care, Health and Medical Services, Psychological Services, After School Programs,

Counseling and Guidance Services, JJAEP/Charter/Safe Schools, School Choice, and Student Discipline.

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Chief Elementary Schools Officers

The Elementary Schools Office oversees all elementary schools within the Houston Independent School District. The offices are located at the

Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center. The Elementary Schools Office includes three Chief School Officers (CSO), a combination of

School Support Officers (SSO) and Lead Principals, who oversee clusters of schools, and three School Office Directors (SOD).

Chief Middle Schools Officer

The Middle Schools Office leadership team oversees the work of all middle schools and external charter schools within HISD. The office is located at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center. The Middle Schools Office includes the Chief Middle School Officer, SOD, and

SSOs, in addition to clerical and support staff.

Chief High Schools Officer

The High Schools Office leadership team oversees the work of all high schools, including the alternative and internal charter schools within

HISD. The offices are located at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center. The High Schools Office includes the Chief High School

Officer, SOD, SSOs, and Lead Principals, in addition to clerical and support staff.

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