Electrosynthesisof BenzoicAcid from Chlorobenzeneby CarbonDioxideFixationMethod Suliman, Norhuda AbdulNlanaf. MohdAfis , Normala AishahAbdulJalil'. Hartini -----tluilf,iETlyati Hairomr,[4ohdRazifHarunrandsugengTriwahyono'z rFacultyof Chemic€land Engineering, NaturalResources ScienceStudies, 'lbnu SinaInslituleforFundamenlal a1310UTIVI Skudai,Johor,[4alaysia lJniversiliTeknologilvlalaysia, my 'Corespondingauthotemailadd€ss: aishah@ftkksa.utm. Abstract by usinga simpleelectrolysissystemvia methodof chlorobenzenes An alternativedechlorination Electrolysis of chlorcbenzene was carriedout developed. carbondioxidefixationtechniquehas been platinum Reaction in an N,Nanode and a cathode. with an aluminium cell fitted in a one-compartment bromide(TPAB)at ooc, (DMF)solutioncontainingO.1Mof tet€propylammonium dimethylformamide 100 Ncc/minof CO, flow rate and 120 m/,/cm'of currentdensitywas found to be the optimum yieldot benzoicacid.Thisconditions wasthen whichgaveT2o/a of thiselechocafuoxylation, conditions in oder to convertit to theircorresponding appliedto l,2iichlorobenzeneand 1,3-dichlorobenzene benzoicacids. chlofobenzene,benzoicacid, c€rbon dioxide,fxalon Keywol.dsj Electfosynthesis, lntloduction is the simplestaromaticchloride,and formsthe framewofk of highlytoxico€anic Chlorobenzene polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs),dioxinsand furans[1].Such componentswhichare chloridessuch as and producedin a broad range of industrialprocessesare hazardousdue to their carcinogenic compoundssuchas mutagenicactivity.Thereare variousmethodsfor eliminalionof organochlorine by biologicaltreatmentl2l, steamreforming[3], catalyticreactions[4], and incinerationHowever, and couldalso produce expensive, ttiesemethodsrequirelongerrcactiontime and hightemperature, another is incomplete moretoxicmaterialssuchas dioxinsandfuransif the combustion [5].Therefore, in oder to overcometheseproblems. techniqueis necessary alternative reductionwhich is expectedto offer an One of the promisingmethodsis by eleckochemical is safe, clean,cheapand easy to control This technique of dechlorination. effectiveconsequence organics halidescan be simplyreducedby In many cases, as a reagent since it use electron [6]. studieson the fast and efficient and ambientpressure.Furthermore, at roomtemperature electrolysis of PCB may contributeto a new technologyfor the safe detoxification of chlorobenzene electrolysis and dioxinswith lowenergyconsumption [7]. However,eventhis techniqueis efficientand desirable wastewhichcontainschlorine of electrochemical amongthe otherireatmentmethods,finalpurification ions, precipitantor complexesstill is a problem.Therefore,hereinwe repod anotheraltemative by usingcarbondioxidefixationmethod Benzojc of chlorobenzene dechlodnation electrcchemically processof electrochemical waste but could produced the disposal is not only simplify acid that was for examplein preparingcompoundsbearingsubstituents alsooffersa greatnumberof advantages, (F, CN, CO, R, co, and OR) that are not compatiblewith the preparationof organometallic compounds [8]. Matedalsand Methods Materials and 1,3-dichlo1,2-dichlorobenzene werechlorobenzene, usedin this experiment The substaates (D[4A), (THF), N-methyl-2-pyrdimethylacetamide tetrahydrofuran solvents were whilethe robenzene (DMF) Supportingelectrolytes rolidinone(Nl\4P),acetonitrile(N/eCN)and N,N-dimethyl-formamide perchlorate(TEAP),tetraethylammonium bromide used in this study were tetraethylammonium from FlukaChemikaand (TEAB)andtetrapropylammonium bromide(TPAB).Theywercall purchased usedas received. cell equippedwith a magneticstirrerand a was car ed out in a one-compartment Electrolysis (2 x 2 cm'), aluminiumbar anodeand a platinum plate cathode with a serumcap.The cellwas fltted out in a DlllF soluton {10m1)containing01lvl of path was carried The electrolysis for CO2. tube was used as a model and tolueneas a standardmaterial.Chlorobenzene TPAB. chlorobenzene substrateand five parameterswere studied in order to obtain the optimumconditionsof this currentdensityand typeof anodematerials, The paEmetercweretemperature, electrocarboxylation. solvents and supportingelectrolytes.Progress of the reaction was analyzed by FID gas (AgilentTechnologies) withHP-5column chromatograph Resulisand Discussion stirringrcactionwithoutcurrentpassedgaveonly20% Blanktest resultshowsthat conventional and no benzoicacidwas producedat all. Therefore,in ordefto enhance of chlorobenzene conversion and yield of benzoicacid,firstlythe effectof currentdensityon the conversionof chlorobenzene was carriedout at 0'C with magnesiumanodeand was studied.Electrolysis electrccarboxylation platinumcathodeunderfour differentvaluesof currentdensity,whichwere 30, 60, 120 an"d180 at 120 mA'/cm'gave mA,/cm2. As shownin Figure1, after2 F/molof currentpassed,the electrolysis (10%) Therefore, yield (60%) acid and maximum of benzoic of c-hlorobenzene highest conversion the 120mA,/cm'asthe optimumcurrentdensityin thiseletrocarboxylation. we considered ^40 ; 6 ;60 Co.ve6ronof chlorobenzene .9 e40 20 1m 60 90 curent densily(mAJcm'z) onelectroc€rborylalion ofchlorobenzene Figure1i Effectof€urenldensity Next,the efiectof typeof anodematerialswas studiedand the resultis shownin Table1. All data was achievedwhenzincwas useas an of chlorobenzene weretakenat 3 F/mol.Completeconversion atall. Theconversion becamelowerwhenmagnesium, anode:howeverno benzoicacidwas Droduced yield up to 3-9dloAnd it was benzoic acid was increased of copperand carbonwere used,but the whichgave 3570, in material this electrocarboxylation was optimum anode the foundthat aluminium of aluminaum higher electrical conductivity maybe due to the yield acid. This is of benzoic the highest comparedto othermaterials.On the otherhand,zinc metaldid not pedormwell in this non-aqueous solventto producebenzoicacid sincemay be it relatedto what was reportedby lto that zinc show highertendencyin producingcarbonmonoxide,oxylateand glyoxylatein the similarsystem[9]. The effectof typeof cathodematedalswas alsostudiedby replacingthe platinumcathodewithcarbonand as a cathodecomparedto stainlesssteel.However,bothof them did not show betterperformance platinumin thiselectrocarboxylation. of chlorcbenzene Table1: Effectof lvpeof anodematerialon elecirccarboxylalion Typeof anodematerial (%) Convercion YieldofBenzoicacid(%) Zr t\,49 100 45 77 40 49 9 35 3 7 Cu c (2 mmoD, (anode)[,]-Pt(cathode),0.1[4 0'C, 120mAJcm', Chloobenzene TEAP-DMF, Toluene(2 mmol) werecarried the electrolyses of thiselectrocarboxylation, In orderto findthe optimumtemperature whichwereOoC,roomtempe€tureand 70dC.As shownin Figure2, out at threedifferentlemperatures and the highestof benzoicacid (35%). at 0'C gave77Voconversionof chlorobenzene electrolysis (24"c) seem do not appropriate in this system.While,the at room temperature Howevef,the rcaction was carriedout at 70"C,but this tempe€ture conversion was increasedup to 93%whenelectrolysis tempe€ture to benzoicacid.We can seethat increasing chlorobenzene was notsuitablein converting will favorthe decreasingof benzoicacid. Lowertemperaturemay increasethe solubilityof carbon whichis classifiedas an aproticsolventand this may enhancethe dioxidein dimethylfomamide, undersuchcondition[8].Therefore,aimingto a simpleand mild stabilityof the reductionintermediate in thiselectrocarboxylation. OoCas the optimumtemperature we considered conditionof electrolysis, 100 9 .q :6 0 640 I az o 40 80 Temperature CC) of chlorobenzene. Figure2: Effectoftempefalureon eleclroc€rboxylation (anode)Al-Pl(calhode), 0.1M TEAP-DIMF Currenlpassed: 3 F/mol, ( 2 mmoD, Toluene(2 mmol) chlorobenzene 120m,rJcmz, The effectof solventwas alsostudiedin orderto enhancethe yieldof benzoicacid.As tabulated in Table2, the sequenceof the optimumsolventsis DN4F> NMP> [4eCN> DMA> THF. DMFgave comparedto othersolventsaftet2 Flmol of currentwas the highestyield of carboxylicacid (18o/o) This is may passed.Thus,DVIFis considered to be the optimumsolventfor thiselectrccarboxylation. be due to its highestamountof dielectricconstantamongthe othersolvents.DMSOalso is a good solventfor manyinorganicsaltsand organiccompoundss nce it has the highestamountof dielectric constant,howe;er, ii not appropriatein this reactiondue to it freezingpoint is at 20'C. While' in acetonhile or lesspolarsolvents,wouldincreasedthe voltagedue to the precipitation electrolysis on the surfaceof the electrodeduringthe reaction of chlorobenzene Table2: Effectof tvpeof solventon eleclfocarboxylation Yieldof Benzoicacid(%) eJ TetEhydrofu|an CIHF) (DI\,lA) Dimethylacetamide (NMP) pyrrolidone N-methyl-2 Acetonitrile(l\,4eCN) (D[4F) N,N-dimethylfomamide 0 0 23 7 76 18 n. iz mmoD t"n is also an imporlantparameterin this electroNext,the effectof typesof supportingelectrolytes used in the expeimentsweretetraethylAs shownin Table3, supportingelectrolytes carboxylation. bromideAccording bromideand tetrapropylammonium tekaethylammonium ammoiiumperchlorate, of suppofting the effectiveness the sequence of at 2 F/mol, to the resuitwhich were all taken rateconstant > will decrease the > in size of cation The increasing TPAB TEAB. are TEAP electrolytes of elecfontransferfromelectrodeto subskate[10].This is the reasonbehindthe smallestyield(8%) bromideat 2 F/molcomparedto the tetraalkylammonium of benzoicacid by tetrapropylammonium ion benefits rateconstantof the tetraprcpylammonium smaller ionsof TEAPand TEAB.However,the termination later through time and causing-a yield increases benzoic acid the of when the electrolysis TPABis the onlysalts electrolyte of currentpassed.Table3 showsthat comparedto othersupporting the highest the currentpassedto 14 F/moland eventuallygave61olo, that couldcontinueconducting yieldof benzoac acid. on electfocarboxylalio. of chlorcbenzene eleclrclyte Table3: Effectot lypeof supporting (SE) Electrolyte Typeof Supporting perchlorate (TEAP) Tetraethylammonium bromide(TEAB) Tetraethylammonium bromide{TBAP) Tetrapropylammonium bromide(TBAP)" Tetrapropylammonium Conversion Yieldof Benzoic 76 83 90 18 10 I 61 (2 mmol)Toluene(2 rnnro) (anode)Al'Pt(calhode), o.1M SE Ol\4F, O"c,120 rnA/cm',chlorcbenzene pa$ed. 14 F/molofcurrenl " Dalawastakenat in DMF solutioncontaining Therefore,we consideredthat electrolysisat OoCand 120 mAJcm'z bromidewithaluminiumanodeand platinumcathodeas the optimumconditions tetfapropylammonium Finally,we stud;edthe flowrateof carbondioxideand the resultis shown in thiselectrocarboxylation. did not get of chlorobenzene in Table4. Aftef 3 F/molof currentpassed,we foundthatthe conversion that the Howevef, it was observed to 190 Ncc/min was raised up eventhe flow rate higherthat 62010 yield of benzoicacidwas increasedwith the increasingof flow rate.By allowingthe currcntto pass wereincreasedupto 78%and 890/0, until6 F/molfor 1OOand 190 Ncc/min,we foundthatconversions for 100 Ncc/minof flow rate at the same condition'the yieldof benzoic Nevertheless, respectively. we considered that 100 to maximum(72%)but notfor the 190Ncc/minTherefore, aci; abo increased Ncc/minas the optimumflow rate in this system and next this conditionwas appliedto 1'2benzoicacid.Howevef,may be due to the in oder to convertit to its corresponding dichlorobenzene benzoicacid was 70% but no corresponding sterichindrancethe conversionof l,2iichlorobenzene was prcducedat all. ofchlorobenzene Table4: Effectof CO,nowtateon eleclrccarborylation Flowrateof CO, {Ncc/min) 30 80 100 100150 200 190- Conversion ('/"J Yieldof Benzoic acid(%) 26 60 54 78 20 62 89 3 16 72 18 11 (2 mmol), (anode)M'P(cathode), 0'C, 120mtucm',Chlorobenzene 0.1w|TEAP-DMF, i passed (2 run uriil 6 F/mol of cunenl was mmol). Electrolvsis To uene e and the resultis showsin Figure3. In this ichlorobenzen Theabovefeactionalsoappliedto 1,3_d acidor 3was achievedbutthe peakof isophthalic case.completeconveEionof 1,3-dichlorcbenzene yield acid and Figure the of benzoic 3, acid could not be traced. As shown in chlorobenzoic However, the 1 lorobenzene. of conversion of ,3-dich was increasedwiththe increasing chlorobenzene yield passed, the was F/mol of current then 20% at 6 yield was only of benzoicacid maximum and finallythe currentwasterminatedafter9 F/molof currentpasseddueto the increasing decreased ofvoltaoe. _e.* Q-" ry"""iO m 8zo .e 60 €bo E!,o i30 "zo 't0 of 1,3-dichlotobenzene. Figute3: Electtocarboxylation :3 F/mol, (anode)Al-P(cathode), Curenlpassed 01MTEAPDIVF, (2 ( 2 mmol), Toluene mmo 120mA,/cm?. Chlorcbenzene ) The prcposed reaction mechanism of this dlectrocarboxylationof chlorobenzeneis shows ,n Figure4. The reactionstarted at anode where aluminiumwas oxidizedto give Al"'cation and donated th;ee electrons. While at cathode, cO2 received an electron to form anion radical' cor' lhen, chlorobenzenereceived one electron to form benzene radical, Af and releasingchloine atom' ClThe remainingelectrcnwas receivedby this benzeneradicalto form benzeneanion,Ai Anion radical of CO, reactedwith benzene anion, Aa to give carboxylatedanion IArcOO ] which, finally pfotonated by solventto give benzoicacid. - A t + A t3* + 3e Cathode: C Or+ e-+ C Or-' O'.'- Qo - c '. : cot' . overar O" rf- ry"oo" of chlorobenzene of electrocarboxylation Figure4: Theproposedreactionmechanism Conclusion by usinga simpleelectrolysis methodof chlorobenzenes dechlorination an alternative ln conclusion. Benzoicacidthatwas producednot systemvia carbondioxidefixationtechniquehasbeendeveloped. onlysimplifiedthe wastekeatmentof harmfulcompoundsbut alsocouldbe consideredin conveding thosecompoundsto usefulproductssuchas carboxylicacidsthal havemanyusesespeciallyin the fieldof phafmaceuticalAcknowledgemenis for financialsupportsundera Fundamental TeknologiIVlalaysia Ourgratitudegoesto Universiti Foundation for their ResearchGrant(No.75048).We wouldalsoliketo thankthe HitachiScholarship Grant Instruments forthe GasChrcmatography supportespecially References \ r3 Chenistry(2005)581.38-45 1. A.A.lsse,M.G.Ferlinand A. Gennaro,Journalof Electroanalytical (2oo3) 2. P. Cognet,R.H.Leite,A.M. Wilhelmand H. Delmas,Joumalof AppliedElectrcchenistry 33:693. (2000)26:217126 B: Envircnmental AppredCatalysis N. Cout6andJ. T. Richardson, (2001)111.21-27 Pollution T. Dombek,E. Dolan,J. Schultzand D. Klarup,Envircnmental (1999)74:60 Technology anc! Biotechnology Chemical Journalof 5. lvl.A.KeaneandG. 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