+66°00' Zone 49, Master Map Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV Ursa Minor Bur 415 Hussey 1162 +64°00' P Muller 137 OS 299 e STF 1918 rej +62°00' c NGC 6015 STF 1927 OSS 138 Hussey 913 STF 1969 STF 1976 NGC 5985 NGC 5981 NGC 5982 Iota Dra ι Edasich θ d NGC 5987 STF 1996 f OSS 141 +58°00' Espin 2650 Bur 945 NGC 5879 NGC 5965 NGC 5963 NGC 5907 NGC 5866 A 1124 h2779 STF 1948 +56°00' OSS 142 +60°00' STF 2009 NGC 5908 Bootes h2771 16h 00m Espin 742 15h 48m 15h 36m 15h 24m 15h 12m 15h 00m Zone 49, Map 1 Normal Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +65°00' Ursa Minor +64°00' Hussey 1162 +63°00' OS 299 +62°00' STF 1918 rej +61°00' STF 1927 15h 36m 15h 28m +59°00' Iota Dra ι +60°00' OSS 138 Edasich 15h 20m 15h 12m 15h 04m 14h 56m Zone 49, Map 1 Mirror Image +65°00' Ursa +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +63°00' OS 299 +64°00' Hussey 1162 +62°00' STF 1918 rej +61°00' STF 1927 +60°00' OSS 138 STF 1892 ι 14h 56m 15h 04m 15h 12m 15h 20m Edasich Iota Dra 15h 28m +59°00' STF 1898 15h 36m Zone 49, Map 2 Normal Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +59°00' Edasich +58°00' Iota Dra ι +60°00' OSS 138 +57°00' Bur 945 NGC 5879 NGC 5965 NGC 5963 +56°00' NGC 5907 NGC 5866 STF 1948 NGC 5908 +55°00' h2779 h2771 Sh 191 +54°00' Bootes Espin 740 15h 28m 15h 20m 15h 12m 15h 04m 14h 56m Zone 49, Map 2 Mirror Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +60°00' OSS 138 +59°00' STF 1898 STF 1892 Edasich Iota Dra +58°00' ι h1261 +57°00' Bur 945 NGC 5879 +56°00' NGC 5907 NGC 5908 h2779 STF 1948 +54°00' Bootes h2771 Sh 191 Espin 740 14h 56m NGC 5820 15h 04m 15h 12m +55°00' NGC 5866 15h 20m 15h 28m Zone 49, Map 3 Normal Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Ursa Minor Hussey 1162 +65°00' Bur 415 +64°00' P Muller 137 +63°00' OS 299 +61°00' +62°00' NGC 6015 Hussey 913 STF 1969 Espin 2650 NGC 5985 STF 1976 NGC 5981 NGC 5982 ι STF 2006 θ 16h 00m 15h 52m 15h 44m 15h 36m 15h 28m +59°00' OSS 142 +60°00' STF 2009 Zone 49, Map 3 Mirror Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Ursa Minor +65°00' Bur 415 Hussey 1162 +64°00' P Muller 137 +63°00' OS 299 +61°00' +62°00' NGC 6015 Hussey 913 STF 1969 NGC 5985 NGC 5981 NGC 5982 STF 1976 ι Edasich Iota Dra STF 2006 θ 15h 28m 15h 36m 15h 44m 15h 52m 16h 00m +59°00' +60°00' STF 2009 Zone 49, Map 4 Normal Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Hussey 913 STF 1969 Espin 2650 NGC 5985 STF 1976 NGC 5981 NGC 5982 Iota Dra ι STF 2006 +59°00' OSS 142 +60°00' STF 2009 +58°00' θ NGC 5987 Bur 945 OSS 141 +57°00' STF 1996 +56°00' NGC 5965 NGC 5963 +54°00' +55°00' A 1124 Espin 742 16h 00m 15h 52m 15h 44m 15h 36m 15h 28m Zone 49, Map 4 Mirror Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Hussey 913 STF 1969 NGC 5985 NGC 5981 NGC 5982 STF 1976 ι Edasich Iota Dra STF 2006 +59°00' +60°00' STF 2009 +58°00' θ NGC 5987 Bur 945 STF 1996 +57°00' OSS 141 +56°00' NGC 5965 NGC 5963 +55°00' A 1124 +54°00' STF 1948 Espin 742 15h 28m 15h 36m 15h 44m 15h 52m 16h 00m Zone 49 Index 15 Double Stars; 11 Galaxies A NGC 5981................................................ 18 NGC 5982................................................ 18 NGC 5985................................................ 18 NGC 5987................................................ 16 NGC 6015................................................ 12 A 1124...................................................... 15 B Bur 945 ...................................................... 6 H O h2779 .......................................................... 5 Hussey 1162 .............................................. 4 Hussey 913 .............................................. 11 OS 299 ..................................................... 10 OSS 138 ..................................................... 3 OSS 141 ................................................... 13 I P Iota Dra ...................................................... 5 P Muller 137............................................ 11 N S NGC 5866.................................................. 7 NGC 5879.................................................. 8 NGC 5907.................................................. 8 NGC 5908.................................................. 9 NGC 5963................................................ 17 NGC 5965................................................ 17 STF 1918 rej.............................................. 2 STF 1927 ................................................... 2 STF 1969 ................................................. 16 STF 1976 ................................................. 14 STF 1996 ................................................. 14 -1- Zone 49 Zone 49, Map 1 Double Stars Easy STF 1918 rej Other name(s): ADS 9520; HD 134646; SAO 16606 Rating: 5 E Position: 1508+6307 A B Magnitude 6.89 10.80 Separation PA — — 17.4 20 - Year — 1962 Spectra F4 IV Colors W ? Notes: 1905: 17.8 @ 21. 7 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary (2.45 day period). Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.10 inches. Separation: AB = 8.03 miles. Distance (LY): 296 Total luminosity (Suns): 13.5 STF 1927 Other name(s): BV Dra; ADS 9537; HD 135421; SAO 16636 Rating: 3 E Position: 1512+6152 A B Magnitude 8.04 8.83 Separation PA — — 16.1 = 355 + -2- Year — 1997 Spectra F7 V G3 V Colors W O Zone 49 Notes: 1832: 16.1 @ 354. 32 measurements. Both stars are W UMa binaries (BV and BW Dra), with periods of 0.29 and 0.35 days. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.90 inches; B = 19.3 inches. Separation: AB = 5.50 miles. Distance (LY): 219 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.5 OSS 138 Other name(s): HD 136882; SAO 16694 Rating: 2 E Position: 1520+6023 A B C Magnitude 7.62 7.74 9.27 Separation — 151.7 + 88.5 + PA — 196 163 - Year — 1991 1991 Spectra F0 F2 Colors W! Y bW Notes: AB 1876: 150.5 @ 199. 8 measurements. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (449 and 302 light years). AC 1883: 79.90 @ 165. 11 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. -3- Zone 49 Hussey 1162 Other name(s): ADS 9666; SAO 16737 Rating: 5 E Position: 1527+6452 A B C Magnitude 9.86 10.45 11.42 Separation — 1.3 = 19.3 - PA — 105 45 + Notes: AB 1905: 1.3 @ 107. 10 measurements. AC 1894: 19.5 @ 44. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. -4- Year — 1991 1915 Spectra K0 Colors O No Y? Zone 49 Zone 49, Map 2 Double Stars Easy h2779 Other name(s): ADS 9606; HD 136883; SAO 29488 Rating: 4 E Position: 1521+5520 A B Magnitude 8.01 10.70 Separation PA — — 11.2 + 348 - Year — 1998 Spectra F5 Colors W ? Notes: 1851: 11.1 @ 350. 15 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Nice area. A nice diamond of 9m stars lies 22 min SE. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.0 inches. Separation: AB = 5.05 miles. Distance (LY): 289 Total luminosity (Suns): 4.4 Iota Dra Rating: 4 E Other name(s): 12 Dra; Ed Asich, "the male hyena"; Bpm 162; HD 137759; SAO 29520 Position: 1525+5858 A B Magnitude 3.29 8.76 Separation PA — — 254.7 = 50 = -5- Year — 1909 Spectra K2 III Colors Y! W Zone 49 Notes: 1879: 254.7 @ 50. 2 measurements. The primary is an infra-red source. Hipparcos shows the B star to be at a distance of 1,920 light years. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field to the SW. Bur 945 Rating: 5 M Other name(s): Fox 189 (C); Giclas 128 (D); ADS 9672; HD 138367; SAO 29542 Position: 1529+5727 A B C D Magnitude 6.92 12.80 12 13.1 Separation — 16.3 77 195+ PA — 49 +! 359 Year — 1913 1913 131 = Notes: AB 1879: 16.4 @ 13. 9 measurements. AC 1 measurement. AD 1966: 192 @ 131. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.90 inches. Separation: AB = 3.58 miles; AC = 16.9 miles. Distance (LY): 141 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.75 -6- Spectra F7 V 1967 Colors W ? ? Zone 49 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 5866 Other Names: UGC 9723, M102, H I 215 Rating: 5 M Position: 1507+5546 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.1 Class: SA0+ Dimensions: 3' x 1' Magnitude : 11.1 PA: 128 Notes: When Messier listed M102 in 1781, he described it as "a very faint nebula situated between o Boo and i Boo; near to it is a 6m star." But if you consult a star atlas (even one printed in Messier’s day), you’ll see that o Boo is some 40o south of i Boo, all of which leads us to believe that Messier had some other star in mind when describing the field for M102. (In 1947, Helen Hogg noted that Pierre Mechain, an associate of Messier’s, wrote in a letter to the German Bernoulli in 1786 that Messier made a clerical error and that M102 was just a repeated finding for M101.) Smyth suggested that Messier meant q Boo instead of o Boo, which is closer to M102. In this area are several galaxies, any of which should have been noticed by Messier. In fact, Harlow Shapley identifies M102 with NGC 5866 (Hogg’s discovery would not become public until 30 years after Shapley’s hypothesis was advanced). Observations: C8 at 104x. Stellar nucleus for this faint NW-SE oval. At high powers, the ends look sharply tapered. Two 12m stars lie off the W end. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): The diameter would be 15.6 million miles. Distance (LY): 55,400,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +924 Luminosity (suns): 8,800,000,000 -7- Zone 49 NGC 5879 Other Names: UGC 9753, H II 757 Rating: 5 M Position: 1510+5700 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.5 Class: SA(rs)bc:? II-III Dimensions: 4' x 1' Magnitude : 12.2 PA: 0 Notes: This galaxy produced supernova 1954C (type II). Observations: C8 at 104x. It is a small N-S streak with a bright nucleus and a hint of the arms. A 7m star shines about 7 min NW. Distance: 44,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,064 Luminosity: 2,000,000,000 Suns NGC 5907 Other Names: The Splinter Galaxy, H II 759; UGC 9801 Rating: 3 M Position: 1516+5619 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.4 Class: SA(s)c: sp II Dimensions: 11' x 1' Magnitude : 11.0 PA: 155 Notes: It was discovered 1788 by William Herschel. This is the second prominent member of the NGC 5866 group. As it is seen almost exactly edge-on, and is an extremely flat disc, it appears extremely elongated, shaped like a "knife edge". Supernova 1940A was discovered on February 16, 1940 and reached magnitude 14.3. According to Michael Ferrio, the name Splinter Galaxy occurred in the Deep-Sky Wonders column. The small distinct part of the galaxy has the extra NGC number 5906. [Source: http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/ngc/n5907.html] -8- Zone 49 Observations: C8 at 104x. This is a featureless NW-SE streak with high surface brightness, but little detail. A 13m star lies 1 minWSW of the center. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 41 million miles. Distance (LY): 40,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +741 Luminosity (suns): 5,000,000,000 NGC 5908 Other Names: UGC 9805, H II 760 Rating: 4 M Position: 1517+5525 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: SA(s)b:sp II-III Dimensions: 2.4' x 0.4' Magnitude : 11.9 PA: 154 Observations: C8 at 104x. Faint oval (SE-NW) with a small, bright nucleus and a dust lane. Distance: 150,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +3,306 Luminosity: 30,700,000,000 Suns -9- Zone 49 Zone 49, Map 3 Double Stars Easy OS 299 Other name(s): TW Dra; ADS 9706 Rating: 3 E Position: 1534+6354 A B Magnitude 7.32 9.69 Separation PA — — 3.2 24 + Year — 1992 Notes: 1843: 3.3 @ 21. 34 measurements. A is an Algol-type system. Observations: C11 at 115x! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.80 inches. Separation: AB = 2.00 miles. Distance (LY): 397 Total luminosity (Suns): 16.4 - 10 - Spectra A5 Colors W O? Zone 49 Hussey 913 Other name(s): ADS 9832; HD 142738; SAO 16881 Rating: 5 E Position: 1553+6007 A B C Magnitude 8.93 10.60 11.28 Separation — 0.7 147.9 PA — 313 + 48 Year — 1995 1915 Spectra G5 Colors W No Y Notes: AB 1905: 1.5 @ 286. 16 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.5 inches. Separation: AB = 1,320 feet; AC = 54.9 miles. Distance (LY): 238 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.4 Moderate P Muller 137 Rating: 5 M Position: 1541+6443 A B C Magnitude 10.82 11.30 12.42 Separation — 3.0 25.3 + PA — 336 205 - Notes: AB 1971: 3.6 @ 337. 3 measurements. AC 1895: 23.6 @ 210. 2 measurements. - 11 - Year — 1988 1991 Spectra G0 Colors yW W ? Zone 49 Observations: C11 at 193x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.7 inches. Separation: AB = 1,795 feet; AC = 2.88 miles. Distance (LY): 73 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.037 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 6015 Other Names: UGC 10075, H III 739 Rating: 5 D Position: 1551+6219 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.8 Class: SA(s)cd II-III Dimensions: 5' x 2' Magnitude : 11.8 PA: 28 Observations: C8 at 104x. So faint that an 11m star 2 min W makes it hard to see. Shows a NE-SW axis. A 10m star is 7 min E; two 13m stars lie 4 min SW. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 21 million miles. Distance (LY): 45,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +860 Luminosity (suns): 3,100,000,000 - 12 - Zone 49 Zone 49, Map 4 Double Stars Easy OSS 141 Other name(s): HD 140064; SAO 29607 Rating: 3 E Position: 1539+5728 A B C Magnitude 7.28 9.64 7.89 Separation — 90.1 234.2 - PA — 204 335 = Year — 1996 1991 Spectra M3 III G5 K0 Colors O pB pL Notes: AB 1876: 91.8 @ 206. 19 measurements. AC 1883: 235.2 @ 335. 4 measurements. Hipparcos shows the C star to be at a distance of 1,020 light years. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 1.05 inches; B = 21.3 inches; C = 24.1 inches. Separation: AB = 253 miles; AC = 658 miles. Distance (LY): 1,800 Total luminosity (Suns): 340 - 13 - Zone 49 STF 1976 Other name(s): ADS B7394; HD 141242; SAO 29644 Rating: 3 E Position: 1545+5926 A B C Magnitude 9.66 9.92 11.00 Separation — 19.1 + 86.8 -! PA — 70 346 +! Year — 1991 1988 Spectra A3 V Colors W W bW Notes: AB 1831: 18.8 @ 72. 18 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. AC 1909: 133.6 @ 214. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.10 inches. Separation: AB = 5.20 miles; AC = 23.6 miles. Distance (LY): 174 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.7 Moderate STF 1996 Other name(s): HD 238521 Rating: 4 M Position: 1557+5717 A B C Magnitude 10.22 10.65 10.20 Separation — 19.4 + 150.1 PA — 108 141 - 14 - Year — 1991 1910 Spectra G Colors W W W Zone 49 Notes: AB 1830: 19.2 @ 109. 12 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Overpowered by a 9m star 3 min to the W. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 21.9 inches. Separation: AB = 2.02 miles; AC = 15.7 miles. Distance (LY): 67 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.0771 A 1124 Other name(s): ADS 9720 Rating: 3 D Position: 1536+5531 A B Magnitude 8.66 9.09 Separation PA — — 1.4 + 142 + Year — 1999 Notes: 1905: 1.0 @ 134. 19 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 15.6 inches. Separation: AB = 1.35 miles. Distance (LY): 620 Total luminosity (Suns): 17.2 - 15 - Spectra F8 Colors W W Zone 49 Difficult STF 1969 Other name(s): ADS 9756; HD 140590; SAO 16813 Rating: 4 D Position: 1541+5959 A B Magnitude 9.21 9.62 Separation PA — — 0.8 25 - Year — 1999 Spectra K0 Colors Y W Notes: 1831: 1.5 @ 43. 57 measurements. Orbit calculated. Period of 325 years, semimajor axis of 0.82", motion direct. Observations: C11 at 634x. I got a nice figure "8". Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 26.1 inches. Separation: AB = 1,162 feet. Distance (LY): 181 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.73 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 5987 Other Names: H II 765 Rating: 4 M Position: 1540+5805 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.8 Class: Sb Dimensions: 5.1' x 1.8' Magnitude : 11.7 PA: 165 Observations: C8 at 104x. It offered a fuzzy nucleus without discernible halo. The field is wonderful with a wide range of star magnitudes. Moderate field. - 16 - Zone 49 Distance: 140,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +3,010 Luminosity: 32,100,000,000 Suns Difficult NGC 5963 Rating: 5 D Position: 1534+5635 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 14.9 Class: S pec Dimensions: 3.7' x 2.8' Magnitude : 12.5 PA: 55 Observations: C11 at 193x. Very faint smudge seen with tube movement. No details detected. Distance: 37,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +655 Luminosity: 1,100,000,000 Suns NGC 5965 Other Names: UGC 9914, H II 762 Rating: 5 D Position: 1534+5641 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: Sb Dimensions: 4.7' x 0.7' Magnitude : 11.7 PA: 53 Notes: This galaxy produced supernova 2001cm. Observations: C11 at 193x. It is a ghostly streak with a moderately brighter middle. Distance: 160,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +3,412 Luminosity: 41,900,000,000 Suns - 17 - Zone 49 NGC 5981 Other Names: UGC 9948 Rating: 5 D Position: 1538+5923 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.1 Class: Sbc Dimensions: 2.7' x 0.3' Magnitude : 13.0 PA: 140 Observations: C11 at 193x. It was a very faint almost rectangular streak with a very slightly brighter middle. Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,764 NGC 5982 Other Names: H II 764 Rating: 4 D Position: 1539+5921 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: E3 Dimensions: 66" x 42" Magnitude : 12.4 PA: 110 Observations: C8 at 104x. Small and elliptical. Bleak field. Distance: 130,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +3,071 Luminosity: 14,600,000,000 Suns NGC 5985 Other Names: UGC 9969, H II 766 Rating: 5 D Position: 1540+5920 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.9 Class: SAB(r)b I Dimensions: 4' x 2' - 18 - Magnitude : 12.0 PA: 13 Zone 49 Observations: C8 at 104x. Averted vision is a big help here. It shows a N-S axis, and a 10m star lies 5 min NE of the center. C11 at 193x. Stellar nucleus with a tiny halo. Distance: 120,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,674 Luminosity: 17,900,000,000 Suns - 19 - Zone 49 Zone 49 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Star Designation Position Rating Map OSS 138 1520+6023 2E 1 STF 1927 1512+6152 3E 1 OS 299 1534+6354 3E 3 OSS 141 1539+5728 3E 4 STF 1976 1545+5926 3E 4 h2779 1521+5520 4E 2 Iota Dra 1525+5858 4E 2 STF 1918 rej 1508+6307 5E 1 Hussey 1162 1527+6452 5E 1 Hussey 913 1553+6007 5E 3 STF 1996 1557+5717 4M 4 Bur 945 1529+5727 5M 2 P Muller 137 1541+6443 5M 3 A 1124 1536+5531 3D 4 STF 1969 1541+5959 4D 4 Component A B C A B A B A B C A B C A B A B A B A B C A B C A B C A B C D A B C A B A B - 20 - Specifications Mag Sep from A 7.62 — 7.74 151.7 + 9.27 88.5 + 8.04 — 8.83 16.1 = 7.32 — 9.69 3.2 7.28 — 9.64 90.1 7.89 234.2 9.66 — 9.92 19.1 + 11.00 86.8 -! 8.01 — 10.70 11.2 + 3.29 — 8.76 254.7 = 6.89 — 10.80 17.4 9.86 — 10.45 1.3 = 11.42 19.3 8.93 — 10.60 0.7 11.28 147.9 10.22 — 10.65 19.4 + 10.20 150.1 6.92 — 12.80 16.3 12.00 77 13.10 195+ 10.82 — 11.30 3.0 12.42 25.3 + 8.66 — 9.09 1.4 + 9.21 — 9.62 0.8 - PA from A — 196 88.5 + — 355 + — 24 + — 204 234.2 — 70 86.8 -! — 348 — 50 = — 20 — 105 19.3 — 313 + 147.9 — 108 150.1 — 49 +! 77 195+ — 336 25.3 + — 142 + — 25 - Zone 49 Deep Sky Objects Object NGC 5907 NGC 5908 NGC 5987 NGC 5866 NGC 5879 NGC 5982 NGC 5963 NGC 5965 NGC 5981 NGC 5985 NGC 6015 Position 1516+5619 1517+5525 1540+5805 1507+5546 1510+5700 1539+5921 1534+5635 1534+5641 1538+5923 1540+5920 1551+6219 Rating 3M 4M 4M 5M 5M 4D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D Map 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 Specifications Surface Type Mag Br Gal (SA(s)c: sp II) 11.0 13.4 Gal (SA(s)b:sp II-III) 11.9 13.0 Gal (Sb) 11.7 13.8 Gal (SA0+) 11.1 13.1 Gal (SA(rs)bc:? II-III) 12.2 13.5 Gal (E3) 12.4 13.0 Gal (S pec) 12.5 14.9 Gal (Sb) 11.7 13.0 Gal (Sbc) 13.0 13.1 Gal (SAB(r)b I) 12.0 13.9 Gal (SA(s)cd II-III) 11.8 13.8 - 21 - Population