+66°00' Zone 47, Master Map Thuban Draco Ursa Major Keenan System c +60°00' e +62°00' α +64°00' Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV +58°00' d +56°00' f Alcor 14h 00m 13h 48m 13h 36m ζ Mizar 13h 24m 13h 12m 13h 00m Zone 47, Map 1 Normal Image +65°00' +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +63°00' +64°00' OSS 123 Ursa Major Draco +62°00' Keenan System +61°00' OSS 121 NGC 5007 Kruger 42 South 649 STF 1752 +59°00' h2673 +60°00' STF 1754 rej 13h 36m NGC 5204 13h 28m 13h 20m STF 1732 13h 12m 13h 04m Zone 47, Map 1 Mirror Image +65°00' +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Ursa Major Draco +63°00' +64°00' OSS 123 +62°00' Keenan System STF 1754 rej Kruger 42 +59°00' South 649 STF 1752 +60°00' +61°00' OSS 121 NGC 5007 h2628 13h 04m STF 1732 13h 20m 13h 12m 13h 28m NGC 5204 13h 36m Zone 47, Map 2 Normal Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. South 649 STF 1752 +59°00' Kruger 42 +60°00' STF 1754 rej NGC 5204 STF 1732 +57°00' +58°00' h2628 OS 122 Kruger 41 78 UMa A 1362 ζ Zeta UMa Mizar Bemporad 6 13h 28m h2649 13h 20m +54°00' Alcor +55°00' ε +56°00' h2664 13h 12m 13h 04m 12h 56m Zone 47, Map 2 Mirror Image STF 1754 rej +59°00' South 649 STF 1752 +60°00' +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 5204 STF 1732 +58°00' h2628 +57°00' STF 1691 OS 122 Zeta UMaζ Alcor +55°00' A 1362 +56°00' Kruger 41 78 UMa Mizar +54°00' h2649 STF 1695 12h 56m 13h 04m 13h 12m 13h 20m 13h 28m Zone 47, Map 3 Normal Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. P Muller 166 +65°00' Ursa Minor NGC 5413 OSS 123 +64°00' Alpha Dra Thuban Ursa Major +63°00' α Draco NGC 5308 STF 1754 rej NGC 5322 Kruger 42 LDS 2700 NGC 5379 NGC 5389 South 649 STF 1752 h2673 +59°00' NGC 5430 NGC 5372 14h 00m +60°00' +61°00' +62°00' Keenan System 13h 52m 13h 44m 13h 36m NGC 5204 13h 28m Zone 47, Map 3 Mirror Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +65°00' Ursa Minor NGC 5413 Thuban Alpha Dra +63°00' α +64°00' OSS 123 Ursa Major Draco +61°00' +62°00' Keenan System NGC 5308 +60°00' STF 1754 rej NGC 5322 Kruger 42 NGC 5379 NGC 5389 h2673 NGC 5430 NGC 5372 13h 28m NGC 5204 13h 36m 13h 44m 13h 52m 14h 00m +59°00' South 649 STF 1752 Zone 47, Map 4 Normal Image NGC 5308 STF 1754 rej NGC 5322 Kruger 42 LDS 2700 NGC 5379 NGC 5389 South 649 STF 1752 +60°00' +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h2673 +59°00' NGC 5430 NGC 5372 +58°00' NGC 5204 h2689 h2695 +57°00' STF 1800 rej Alcor NGC 5473 M101 NGC 5457 Bemporad 6 h2694 14h 00m 13h 52m 13h 44m 13h 36m 13h 28m +55°00' A 1362 +54°00' h2664 +56°00' LDS 2921 Zone 47, Map 4 Mirror Image +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 5308 +60°00' STF 1754 rej NGC 5322 Kruger 42 NGC 5379 NGC 5389 h2673 NGC 5430 +59°00' South 649 STF 1752 NGC 5372 +58°00' NGC 5204 h2689 +57°00' h2695 +56°00' h2664 +55°00' A 1362 Alcor +54°00' Bemporad 6 h2694 13h 28m 13h 36m 13h 44m 13h 52m 14h 00m Zone 47 Index 15 Double Stars; 8 Galaxies Flamsteed NGC 5308................................................ 10 NGC 5322................................................ 10 NGC 5372................................................ 14 NGC 5379................................................ 14 NGC 5389................................................ 13 NGC 5413................................................ 11 78 UMa ...................................................... 7 A A 1362........................................................ 8 H h2664 ........................................................ 11 h2673 ........................................................ 12 h2689 ........................................................ 12 h2695 ........................................................ 13 O OS 122 ....................................................... 6 OSS 121 ..................................................... 2 OSS 123 ..................................................... 2 K S Kruger 41 ................................................... 5 Kruger 42 ................................................... 4 South 649 ................................................... 6 STF 1732 ................................................... 5 STF 1752 ................................................... 8 STF 1754 rej.............................................. 3 N NGC 5007.................................................. 4 NGC 5204.................................................. 9 -1- Zone 47 Zone 47, Map 1 Double Stars Easy OSS 121 Other name(s): HD 114504; SAO 15999 Rating: 5 E Position: 1310+6214 A B Magnitude 6.52 10.48 Separation PA — — 108.1 + 9= Year — 1995 Spectra A1 V Colors W W Notes: 1877: 107.8 @ 9. 12 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches. Separation: AB = 121 miles. Distance (LY): 720 Total luminosity (Suns): 105 OSS 123 Other name(s): HD 117200; SAO 16078 Rating: 4 E Position: 1327+6444 A B C BC Magnitude 6.64 7.01 12.20 Separation PA — — 69.6 + 148 + 37.4 + 95 + -2- Year — 1994 1989 Spectra F0 F3 Colors W W No Zone 47 Notes: AB 1876: 69.0 @ 147. 20 measurements. Common proper motion. BC 1893: 31.8 @ 92. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Some observers report Y and B. Webb saw them as Y and B and called them a "striking object." Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.50 inches; B = 11.3 inches Separation: AB = 23.9 miles; BC = 12.8 miles. Distance (LY): 220 Total luminosity (Suns): 14.7 STF 1754 rej Other name(s): HD 117587; SAO 16091 Rating: 5 E Position: 1330+6021 A B Magnitude 8.02 10.48 Separation PA — — 24.0 18 -! Year — 1997 Spectra G5 Colors Y W? Notes: 1906: 23.5 @ 32. 4 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very, very rich field to the S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.4 inches. Separation: AB = 44.9 miles. -3- Zone 47 Kruger 42 Other name(s): ADS 8963 Rating: 3 E Position: 1335+5955 A B Magnitude 10.38 10.55 Separation PA — — 3.7 216 - Year — 1999 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1891: 3.8 @ 217. 21 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Distance (LY): 85 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.074 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 5007 Other Names: UGC 8240, H III 848 Rating: 5 D Position: 1309+6210 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 12.4 Class: S0-: Dimensions: 54" x 36" Magnitude : 13.3 PA: 135 Observations: C11 at 140x. Very faint oval spot without a nucleus. Nudge the 6m star HD 114504 out of the field of view. Radial velocity (km/sec): 8,345 -4- Zone 47 Zone 47, Map 2 Double Stars Easy Kruger 41 Other name(s): ADS 8753; HD 238185 Rating: 3 E Position: 1303+5625 A B Magnitude 9.14 10.10 Separation PA — — 3.6 + 334 - Year — 1999 Spectra G5 Colors Y yW Notes: 1891: 3.4 @ 337. 23 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. STF 1732 Other name(s): ADS 8821; SAO 28673 Rating: 3 E Position: 1313+5827 A B Magnitude 8.66 10.36 Separation PA — — 26.0 127 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1831: 26.3 @ 128. 12 measurements. There is a companion to B (13.7m) at 2.5 @ 292 (1962). Observations: C8 at 104x. -5- Spectra G0 V Colors Y dB Zone 47 OS 122 Other name(s): HD 115043; SAO 28679 Rating: 3 E Position: 1314+5643 A B C BC Magnitude 6.82 7.98 10.48 Separation PA — — 121.0 + 215 + 62.4+ 246+ Year — 1995 Spectra G1 V K2 II 1985 Colors W Y No Notes: AB 1876: 115.1 @ 211. 10 measurements. BC 1924: 62.1 @ 245. 3 measurements. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (84, 2,280 and 76 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. C11 at 115x. South 649 Rating: 4 E Other name(s): BC = STF 1752; ADS 8919; HD 117376; SAO 16080 Position: 1328+5957 A B C D Magnitude 5.40 10.03 8.21 11.00 Separation — 0.9 182.1 413.9 PA — 114 290 63 Year — 1997 1991 1984 Spectra A1 Vn F8 Colors W ? V No Notes: AB 1832: 1.6 @ 149. 31 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. AC 1824: 182.3 @ 291. 8 measurements. AD 1 measurement. This star is a member of the Hyades group. -6- Zone 47 Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches; B = 16.8 inches. Separation: AB = 1,742 feet; AC = 67.4 miles; AD = 153 miles. Distance (LY): 237 Total luminosity (Suns): 34.3 Difficult 78 UMa Other name(s): Bur 1082; ADS 8739; HD 113139; SAO 28601 Rating: 5 D Position: 1301+5622 A B Magnitude 4.93 7.93 Separation PA — — 1.3 80 + Year — 1998 Spectra F2 V G6 V Colors W ? Notes: 1889: 1.5 @ 76. Over 100 measurements. The orbit takes 116 years (another solution give 107 years, with semi-major axis of 1.28" and direct motion). This star is a member of the Ursa Major moving stream. Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.10 inches. Separation: AB = 845 feet. Distance (LY): 81 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.72 -7- Zone 47 STF 1752 Rating: 3 D Other name(s): South 649 (C); Sturdy 25 (D); ADS 8919; HD 117376 Position: 1329+5956 A B C Magnitude 7.94 9.81 5.40 Separation — 0.9 182.1 - PA — 114 290 - Year — 1997 1991 Spectra F8 A1Vn Colors W W Y Notes: AB 1832: 1.6 @ 149. 31 measurements. AC 1824: 182.3 @ 291. 8 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 14.9 inches; C = 5.39 inches. Separation: AB = 1.742 feet; AC = 66.8 miles. Distance (LY): 235 Total luminosity (Suns): 33 A 1362 Other name(s): ADS 8921; HD 117417; SAO 28774 Rating: 5 D Position: 1329+5614 A B Magnitude 7.53 10.86 Separation PA — — 2.3 + 117 + Notes: 1906: 2.0 @ 115. 8 measurements. -8- Year — 1991 Spectra K0 III Colors Y ? Zone 47 Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 46.2 inches. Separation: AB = 3.23 miles. Distance (LY): 900 Total luminosity (Suns): 53 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 5204 Other Names: UGC 8490, H IV 63 Rating: 4 M Position: 1330+5825 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 14.1 Class: Irr Dimensions: 3.9' x 2.6' Magnitude : 11.9 PA: 5 Observations: C8 at 65x. It shows a bright nucleus and N-S axis. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 5 million miles. Distance (LY): 13,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +416 Luminosity (suns): 300,000,000 -9- Zone 47 Zone 47, Map 3 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 5322 Other Names: UGC 8745, H I 256 Rating: 4 M Position: 1349+6012 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.6 Class: E3 Dimensions: 1.4' x 1' Magnitude : 11.3 PA: 95 Observations: C8 at 65x. Small and bright, round, and in a sparse field. The axis runs E-W. Distance: 90,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,063 Luminosity: 19,200,000,000 Suns Difficult NGC 5308 Other Names: H I 255; UGC 8722 Rating: 5 D Position: 1347+6059 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 11.3 Class: S0 / E8 Dimensions: 2.8' x 0.45' Magnitude : 11.4 PA: 60 Notes: This galaxy produced supernova 1996bk (type Ia). Observations: C8 at 104x. With tube movement and averted vision, I picked up a vague glow in this area, but no details were seen. Catalog descriptions mention a small, bright nucleus, but I could not see where it's center was any brighter than the rest of it. Distance: 93,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,206 Luminosity: 18,700,000,000 Suns - 10 - Zone 47 NGC 5413 Other Names: UGC 8901 Rating: 5 D Position: 1358+6455 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.3 Class: E Dimensions: 1.1' x 0.9' Magnitude : 13.2 PA: 45 Observations: C11 at 140x. Barely detected splotch just S of an isosceles triangle of 10m stars. Radial velocity (km/sec): +9,622 Zone 47, Map 4 Double Stars Easy h2664 Other name(s): ADS B6549; HD 238256; SAO 28808 Rating: 5 E Position: 1335+5622 A B Magnitude 10.14 10.92 Separation PA — — 20.5 54 + Year — 1991 Notes: 1908: 25.2 @ 33. 6 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.0 inches. Separation: AB = 2,851 feet. Distance (LY): 17 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.003 - 11 - Spectra G0 Colors Y W Zone 47 h2673 Other name(s): HD 119273 Rating: 4 E Position: 1341+5944 A B Magnitude 9.09 9.17 Separation PA — — 49.6 + 174 - Year — 1991 Spectra G Colors W W? Notes: 1902: 49.1 @ 175. 8 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Faint field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.7 inches. Separation: AB = 15.9 miles. Distance (LY): 206 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.5 h2689 Other name(s): ADS B6651 Rating: 5 E Position: 1349+5809 A B Magnitude 11.16 11.12 Separation PA — — 24.7 314 + Notes: 1908: 26.5 @ 310. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 12 - Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Zone 47 h2695 Other name(s): HD 238304; SAO 28949 Rating: 4 E Position: 1358+5727 A B Magnitude 9.66 11.80 Separation PA — — 12.0 205 + Year — 1914 Spectra A7 Colors W W Notes: 1908: 12.8 @ 204. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 5389 Other Names: UGC 8866, H I 240 Rating: 4 M Position: 1356+5944 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.1 Class: SAB(r)0/a:? Dimensions: 3.6' x 1' Magnitude : 12.0 PA: 3 Observations: C11 at 140x. Very bright and sizeable nucleus with an extremely faint halo. It lies W of a 3-star chain. Distance: 87,000,000 light years Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,842 Luminosity: 9,400,000,000 Suns - 13 - Zone 47 Difficult NGC 5372 Other Names: UGC 8843, H III 809 Rating: 5 D Position: 1355+5840 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 11.5 Class: Pec Dimensions: 36" x 24" Magnitude : 13.2 PA: 140 Observations: C11 at 140x. Fuzzy star without a halo. Very difficult. Radial velocity (km/sec): 1,717 NGC 5379 Other Names: UGC 8860, H I 239 Rating: 5 D Position: 1356+5945 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.2 Class: SO Dimensions: 2.1'x 1' Magnitude : 12.9 PA: 60 Observations: C11 at 140x. A very faint oval without a sharp nucleus. It list just N of NGC 5389. Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,607 - 14 - Zone 47 Zone 47 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Star Designation Position Rating Map Kruger 41 1303+5625 3E 2 STF 1732 1313+5827 3E 2 OS 122 1314+5643 3E 2 Kruger 42 1335+5955 3E 1 OSS 123 1327+6444 4E 1 South 649 1328+5957 4E 2 h2673 1341+5944 4E 4 h2695 1358+5727 4E 4 OSS 121 1310+6214 5E 1 STF 1754 rej 1330+6021 5E 1 h2664 1335+5622 5E 4 h2689 1349+5809 5E 4 STF 1752 1329+5956 3D 2 78 UMa 1301+5622 5D 2 A 1362 1329+5614 5D 2 Component A B A B A B C BC A B A B C A B C D A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B - 15 - Specifications Mag Sep from A 9.14 — 10.10 3.6 + 8.66 — 10.36 26.0 6.82 — 7.98 121.0 + 10.48 62.4+ 10.38 — 10.55 3.7 6.64 — 7.01 69.6 + 12.20 BC 37.4 + 5.40 — 10.03 0.9 8.21 182.1 11.00 413.9 9.09 — 9.17 49.6 + 9.66 — 11.80 12.0 6.52 — 10.48 108.1 + 8.02 — 10.48 24.0 10.14 — 10.92 20.5 11.16 — 11.12 24.7 7.94 — 9.81 0.9 5.40 182.1 4.93 — 7.93 1.3 7.53 — 10.86 2.3 + PA from A — 334 — 127 — 215 + 246+ — 216 — 148 + BC 95 + — 114 182.1 413.9 — 174 — 205 + — 9= — 18 -! — 54 + — 314 + — 114 182.1 — 80 + — 117 + Zone 47 Deep Sky Objects Object NGC 5204 NGC 5322 NGC 5389 NGC 5007 NGC 5308 NGC 5372 NGC 5379 NGC 5413 Position 1330+5825 1349+6012 1356+5944 1309+6210 1347+6059 1355+5840 1356+5945 1358+6455 Rating 4M 4M 4M 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D Map 2 3 4 1 3 4 4 3 Type Gal (Irr) Gal (E3) Gal (SAB(r)0/a:?) Gal (S0-:) Gal (S0 / E8) Gal (Pec) Gal (SO) Gal (E) - 16 - Specifications Surface Mag Br 11.9 14.1 11.3 13.6 12.0 13.1 13.3 12.4 11.4 11.3 13.2 11.5 12.9 13.2 13.2 13.3 Population