Zone 189, Master Map +06°00' Normal View Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV +04°00' σ e +02°00' c Zavijava +00°00' β τ f -02°00' υ d 12h 00m 11h 52m 11h 44m 11h 36m 11h 28m 11h 20m -04°00' φ 11h 12m 11h 04m Zone 189, Map 1 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +05°00' STF 1518 +04°00' NGC 3611 h1189 NGC 3495 STF 1504 STF 1500 83 Leo Tau Leo Baillaud 2381 NGC 3630 STF 1526 AG 173 +02°00' τ H V 68 NGC 3640 Bur 340 +03°00' NGC 3664 +01°00' Baillaud 532 STF 1535 Baillaud 1158 NGC 3521 11h 30m 11h 25m 11h 20m 11h 15m 11h 10m 11h 05m 11h 00m Zone 189, Map 1 Mirror Image +05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1189 STF 1504 STF 1500 STF 1500 NGC 3640 A. G. 173 NGC 3630 AG 173 Baillaud 2381 +02°00' STF 1526 83 Leo Tau Leoτ +03°00' NGC 3664 H V 68 Baillaud 532 STF 1535 +01°00' NGC 3495 +04°00' NGC 3611 Baillaud 1158 NGC 3521 11h 00m 11h 05m 11h 10m 11h 15m 11h 20m 11h 25m 11h 30m Zone 189, Map 2 Normal Image +00°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 3521 Baillaud 1156 -01°00' Baillaud 864 NGC 3662 Baillaud 530 Baillaud 532 STF 3071 rej -02°00' STF 1529 STF 3069 rej -03°00' h178 -04°00' Phi Leo φ STF 1548 Jonckheere 748 STF 1506 STF 3070 Jonckheere 1572 h2573 11h 30m 11h 25m 11h 20m 11h 15m 11h 10m 11h 05m 11h 00m Zone 189, Map 2 Mirror Image +00°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 3521 Baillaud 864 NGC 3662 STF 1529 -02°00' STF 3069 rej Baillaud 532 Baillaud 530 -01°00' Baillaud 1156 -03°00' h178 Phi Leo -04°00' φ Jonckheere 748 STF 1506 STF 3070 Jonckheere 1572 11h 00m 11h 05m 11h 10m 11h 15m 11h 20m 11h 25m 11h 30m Zone 189, Map 3 Normal Image +05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +04°00' h1193 h1196 STF 1578 h1203 +02°00' +03°00' STF 1580 Beta Vir β Zavijava +01°00' A. G. 175 STF 1568 h1194 12h 00m 11h 55m 11h 50m 11h 45m 11h 40m 11h 35m 11h 30m Zone 189, Map 3 Mirror Image +05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +04°00' h1193 h1196 +03°00' STF 1578 h1203STF 1580 β +02°00' Bur 340 Beta Vir Zavijava +01°00' A. G. 175 STF 1568 h1194 11h 30m 11h 35m 11h 40m 11h 45m 11h 50m 11h 55m 12h 00m Zone 189, Map 4 Normal Image +00°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1194 Jonckheere 1015 -01°00' υ -02°00' NGC 4030 Baillaud 537 Baillaud 1881 STF 1560 -03°00' Baillaud 2180 h189 -04°00' Gauchet 13 STF 1584 h190 h2573 STF 3076 12h 00m 11h 55m 11h 50m 11h 45m 11h 40m 11h 35m 11h 30m Zone 189, Map 4 Mirror Image +00°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1194 Jonckheere 1015 -02°00' -01°00' υ Baillaud 537 Baillaud 1881 STF 1560 -03°00' Baillaud 2180 h189 -04°00' Gauchet 13 STF 1584 h190 h2573 STF 3076 11h 30m 11h 35m 11h 40m 11h 45m 11h 50m 11h 55m 12h 00m Zone 189 32 Double Stars, 7 Galaxies Flamsteed NGC 3611 ................................................... 9 NGC 3630 ................................................... 7 NGC 3640 ................................................... 7 NGC 3664 ................................................... 8 83 Leo ......................................................... 2 A A. G. 173..................................................... 2 A. G. 175................................................... 19 P B Phi Leo ...................................................... 11 Baillaud 2180 ............................................ 22 Baillaud 530 .............................................. 12 Baillaud 532 .............................................. 14 Beta Vir..................................................... 17 Bur 340........................................................ 5 S Jonckheere 1572........................................ 11 STF 1500..................................................... 6 STF 1504..................................................... 6 STF 1506................................................... 10 STF 1526..................................................... 4 STF 1529..................................................... 9 STF 1535..................................................... 5 STF 1548................................................... 12 STF 1560................................................... 20 STF 1568................................................... 18 STF 1578................................................... 18 STF 1580................................................... 16 STF 1584................................................... 21 STF 3069 rej ............................................. 13 STF 3070................................................... 13 STF 3071 rej ............................................. 14 N T NGC 3495 ................................................... 8 NGC 3521 ................................................. 15 Tau Leo ....................................................... 4 H H V 68......................................................... 3 h1193......................................................... 19 h1196......................................................... 19 h1203......................................................... 16 h190........................................................... 22 h2573......................................................... 21 J -1- Zone 189 Zone 189, Map 1 Double Stars Easy A. G. 173 Rating: 3 E ADS 8017 Position: 1101+0258 A B Magnitude 9.33 9.87 Separation PA — — 2.1 + 127 = Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors Y W Notes: 1902: 1.8 @ 127. 18 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.9 inches. Separation: AB = 1.12 miles. Distance (LY): 343 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.74 83 Leo STF 1540; ADS 8162; HD 99491; SAO 118864 Rating: 3 E Position: 1127+0300 A B C Magnitude 6.49 7.58 9.90 Separation — 28.6 90.5 - PA — 150 187 - -2- Year — 1985 1937 Spectra K0 IV K5 V Colors W O B Zone 189 Notes: AB 1820: 30.0 @ 152. 93 measurements. The orbit takes 2,000 years. The A star is a metal rich dwarf with a high abundance of iron. The stars share a very large common proper motion. AC 1936: 91.6 @ 191. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Webb saw them as yW and L, or Y and pV. Franks saw Y and R. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches; B = 33.4 inches. Separation: AB = 2.58 miles; AC = 8.19 miles. Distance (LY): 58 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.08 H V 68 Rating: 4 E HD 96682; SAO 118683 Position: 1108+0314 A B C BC Magnitude 7.60 9.10 10.80 Separation PA — — 146.4 227 42.0 - 207 = Year — 1984 Spectra K0 K5 Colors yW Y No 1904 Notes: AB 1899: 149.9 @ 229. 10 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho mission data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. BC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 23.7; B = 36.6 inches. Separation: AB = 228.46 miles. Distance (LY): 1,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 118 -3- Zone 189 STF 1526 Position: 1119+0249 A B Magnitude 9.10 10.33 Rating: 4 E Separation PA — — 30.2 181 + Year — 1991 Spectra G0 G0 Colors W W Notes: 1828: 30.4 @ 180. 13 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.0 inches; B = 19.2 inches. Separation: AB = 12.72 miles. Distance (LY): 270 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.8 Tau Leo 84 Leo; SI 19; HD 99648; SAO 118875 Rating: 4 E Position: 1128+0252 A B C Magnitude 5.05 7.47 10.00 Separation — 89.7 764.8 = PA — 180 + 92 = Year — 1994 1910 Spectra G8 III Colors Y bW W Notes: AB 1834: 94.7 @ 170. 35 measurements. This star is a member of the Sirius Group and an infra-red source. The stars have different proper motions. AC 1875: 764.8 @ 92. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Some observers report yW and bW. Webb said Y and W. C8 at 104x. I used the Celestron MicroGuide and measured 90.6" @ 180. It has moved a little! D was not noted. -4- Zone 189 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 43.5 inches. Separation: AB = 86.8 miles; AC = 740 miles. Distance (LY): 620 Total luminosity (Suns): 346 STF 1535 Rating: 5 E ADS 8144; HD 98902; SAO 118819 Position: 1123+0056 A B Magnitude 9.30 11.30 Separation PA — — 10.4 60 - Year — 1962 Spectra G0 Colors W B Notes: 1828: 10.5 @ 61. 11 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.2 inches. Separation: AB = 1.68 miles. Distance (LY): 104 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.225 Moderate Bur 340 Rating: 4 M ADS 8185; HD 99949; SAO 118894 Position: 1130+0311 A B Magnitude 7.52 10.62 Separation PA — — 4.4 + 11 + Notes: 1876: 3.9 @ 7. 26 measurements. -5- Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors yW O Zone 189 Observations: C8 at 280x. This pair lies on the ecliptic. Difficult STF 1500 Rating: 5 D ADS 8007; HD 95280; SAO 137933 Position: 1100+0328 A B Magnitude 7.94 8.33 Separation PA — — 1.4 + 303 - Year — 1999 Spectra F8 V Colors W B Notes: 1825: 1.1 @ 331. Over 100 measurements. Observations: C8 at 697x. Peanut shape. Extremely difficult. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.60 inches. Separation: AB = 2,112 feet. Distance (LY): 186 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.9 STF 1504 Rating: 5 D ADS 8043; HD 95899; SAO 118638 Position: 1104+0338 A B Magnitude 7.98 8.07 Separation PA — — 1.2 + 301 + Notes: 1829: 1.1 @ 276. Over 100 measurements. -6- Year — 1999 Spectra F0 Colors Y Y Zone 189 Observations: C8 at 697x. Elongated to figure eight as the seeing varied.. This is a good test of the scope and the seeing. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 10.4 inches. Separation: AB = 1.59 miles. Distance (LY): 850 Total luminosity (Suns): 120 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 3630 Other Names: UGC 6349 Rating: 3 M Position: 1120+0258 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 11.9 Class: S0 Dimensions: 1.9' x 0.8' Magnitude: 11.9 PA: 37 Observations: C8 at 104x. Very bright nucleus, large halo. A 7.6m star lies 10 min SE. Distance (LY): 60,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,485 Total luminosity (Suns): 4,900,000,000 NGC 3640 Other Names: UGC 6368, H II 33 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 5 M Position: 1121+0314 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.5 Class: E3 Dimensions: 4.5' x 4' -7- Magnitude: 11.6 PA: 100 Zone 189 Observations: C8 at 83x. Faint and plain. There is a bright, stellar nucleus. A shallow triangle of faint stars lies nearby. Distance (LY): 52,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,198 Total luminosity (Suns): 4,900,000,000 Difficult NGC 3495 Other Names: H III 498; UGC 6098 Rating: 4 D Position: 1101+0338 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.2 Class: Sd: III Dimensions: 4.8' x 1.0' Magnitude: 11.8 PA: 20 Observations: C8 at 206x. 58 Leo (4.8m) lies just 10 min W and is a problem. Use high power to get it out of the field. The galaxy has a soft, almost stellar nucleus set inside a faint cigar oriented NNE to SSW. Moderate field. Distance (LY): 36,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,136 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,900,000,000 NGC 3664 Other Names: UGC 6419 Rating: 4 D Position: 1124+0320 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.7 Class: SB(s)m pec IV-V Dimensions: 1.9' x 1.7' Magnitude: 12.8 Observations: C8 at 206x. It looks like a very faint, very small "star". No details. It is set inside a large triangle of 10m stars. 82 Leo is 25 min E. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 14 million miles. -8- Zone 189 Distance (LY): 81,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,382 Luminosity (suns): 4,000,000,000 NGC 3611 Other Names: UGC 6305, H II 521 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 D Position: 1118+0433 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 14.0 Class: SA(s)a pec Dimensions: 1.2' x 0.8' Magnitude: 12.6 Observations: C8 at 83x. A faint, nearly stellar patch of light. Note the 10m star 3 min NE. This galaxy lies on the ecliptic. Distance (LY): 70,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,602 Total luminosity (Suns): 3,500,000,000 Zone 189, Map 2 Double Stars Easy STF 1529 Rating: 2 E ADS 8131; SAO 138129 Position: 1119-0139 A B Magnitude 6.61 7.39 Separation PA — — 9.5 254 + Year — 1991 Spectra F8 IV dG6 Colors W W Notes: 1821: 10.2 @ 251. 66 measurements. The stars show a similar, but large, proper motion. -9- Zone 189 Observations: C8 at 83x. A great view! Webb saw them as yW and W and called it "a fine object.". Very, very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.40 inches; B = 19.1 inches. Separation: AB = 2.68 miles. Distance (LY): 181 Total luminosity (Suns): 6.1 STF 1506 A 676; ADS 8048; HD 96064; SAO 137978 Rating: 3 E Position: 1105-0413 A B Magnitude 7.64 10.25 Separation PA — — 11.7 + 221 + Year — 1991 Spectra G5 dM0 Colors Y O Notes: AB 1829: 10.4 @ 212. 33 measurements. B has a tight companion; orbit computed; 23.6 year period, semi-major axis of 0.28", direct motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. I used a Celestron MicroGuide on Feb. 28, 2000 (UT) and got 12.9" @ 227. Appears to be moving. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.9 inches; B = 45.3 inches. Separation: AB = 1.46 miles. Distance (LY): 80 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.54 - 10 - Zone 189 Phi Leo 74 Leo; Sh 121; HD 98058; SAO 138102 Rating: 3 E Position: 1117-0339 A B Magnitude 4.45 9.75 Separation PA — — 88.9 -! 291 + Year — 1992 Spectra A7 IVn Colors W B Notes: 1821: 106.2 @ 287. 12 measurements. The primary is a shell star. The stars have different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.20 inches. Separation: AB = 27.1 miles. Distance (LY): 195 Total luminosity (Suns): 48.6 Jonckheere 1572 Position: 1109-0442 A B Magnitude 10.37 10.50 Rating: 4 E Separation PA — — 9.5 + 22 + Notes: 1941: 6.0 @ 20. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. - 11 - Year — 1945 Spectra Colors W W Zone 189 STF 1548 Rating: 4 E ADS 8200; HD 100245; SAO 138232 Position: 1129-0343 A B Magnitude 8.76 9.81 Separation PA — — 10.9 + 127 = Year — 1991 Spectra K0 Colors Y B? Notes: 1827: 10.4 @ 127. 32 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 25.4 inches. Separation: AB = 5.90 miles. Distance (LY): 347 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.37 Baillaud 530 Rating: 5 E HD 95245; SAO 137932 Position: 1100-0200 A B Magnitude 9.08 11.10 Separation PA — — 11.0 253 + Year — 1991 Spectra F0 Colors W W Notes: 1896: 11.1 @ 250. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. 8.3m SAO 137919 is 21 minSW. It is an otherwise lonely pair. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 11.1 inches. Separation: AB = 7.62 miles. - 12 - Zone 189 Distance (LY): 444 Total luminosity (Suns): 7 STF 3069 rej Rating: 5 E ADS B5759; HD 98749 Position: 1122-0143 A B Magnitude 9.10 11.80 Separation PA — — 16.9 219 - Year — 1980 Spectra G5 Colors yW O? Notes: 1894: 17.2 @ 220. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.7 inches. Separation: AB = 3.29 miles. Distance (LY): 125 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.32 STF 3070 Rating: 5 E ADS 8151; HD 99136; SAO 138186 Position: 1125-0423 A B Magnitude 9.70 10.20 Separation PA — — 8.7 + 277 + Year — 1983 Spectra G5 G5 Colors W W Notes: 1831: 8.0 @ 276. 21 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. It forms the NW vertex of a flat 9m triangle. - 13 - Zone 189 STF 3071 rej Rating: 5 E ADS B5791; HD 99666; SAO 138219 Position: 1128-0155 A B Magnitude 9.40 11.10 Separation PA — — 33.6 + 300 - Year — 1980 Spectra F2 Colors W ? Notes: 1894: 29.3 @ 303. 5 measurements. The Tycho-2 Catalog indicates a single-star entry. Observations: C8 at 104x. Difficult Baillaud 532 Rating: 5 D HD 96993; SAO 138022 Position: 1110-0149 A B Magnitude 8.56 12.30 Separation PA — — 10.1 75 Year — 1894 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Distance (LY): 1,050 Total luminosity (Suns): 34 - 14 - Spectra K5 Colors Y ? Zone 189 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 3521 Other Names: UGC 6150, H I 13 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 3 E Position: 1106-0002 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.6 Class: SAB(rs)bc Dimensions: 6' x 4' Magnitude: 10.2 PA: 163 Notes: This galaxy is a radio source and may have undergone a starburst in the last billion years. Observations: C8 at 65x. It is bright, large and easy, with a starlike nucleus. The halo is bright and large and with high power (200x or more) and good seeing, you can make out some spiral structure. It's a wonder Messier missed it! It lies 30 min E of 62 Leo. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 13 million miles. Distance (LY): 35,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +805 Luminosity (suns): 8,000,000,000 - 15 - Zone 189 Zone 189, Map 3 Double Stars Easy h1203 Rating: 3 E ADS 8340 Position: 1154+0331 A B Magnitude 10.11 11.21 Separation PA — — 5.7 315 + Year — 1991 Spectra K0 Colors yO yW Notes: 1906: 5.8 @ 312. 7 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 27.3 inches. Separation: AB = 2.31 miles. Distance (LY): 260 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.649 STF 1580 Rating: 3 E ADS 8349; HD 103561; SAO 119118 Position: 1155+0333 A B C D BC Magnitude 9.20 9.80 13.60 11.65 Separation PA — — 8.7 263 + 87.8 19.7 + 131 240 = - 16 - Year — 1988 1988 1988 Spectra A9 V Colors W B No No Zone 189 Notes: AB 1828: 8.8 @# 261. 24 measurements. BC 1907: 19.3 @ 240. 2 measurements. AD 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 7.5m star lies 20 min S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.30 inches. Separation: AB = 2.28 miles; BC = 5.16 miles; AD = 23.0 miles. Distance (LY): 168 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.8 Beta Vir 5 Vir; Alaraph; Zavijava; OS 576; HD 102870; SAO 119076 Rating: 4 E Position: 1151+0146 A B C Magnitude 3.61 10.60 8.80 Separation — 305.3 +!! 539.1 = PA — 285 + 86 = Year — 1984 1884 Spectra F8 V Colors yW ? W Notes: AB 1850: 200.6 @ 283. 6 measurements. The primary is an infra-red source. The stars have different proper motions. AC 1852: 539.1 @ 86. 2 measurements. The autumnal equinox is 2.5o SE of Beta. Observations: C8 at 104x. I had to use 200x and a diffraction mask to get a glimpse of star B. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.60 inches. Separation: AB = 17.2 miles; AC = 30.3 miles. Distance (LY): 36 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.11 - 17 - Zone 189 STF 1578 Rating: 4 E ADS 8335; HD 103251; SAO 119096 Position: 1153+0340 A B Magnitude 10.14 11.36 Separation PA — — 3.0 = 162 - Year — 1991 Spectra G0 Colors Y O? Notes: 1831: 3.0 @ 171. 18 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.0 inches. Separation: AB = 686 feet. Distance (LY): 29 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.008 STF 1568 Rating: 5 E ADS 8277; HD 101845; SAO 119011 Position: 1143+0046 A B Magnitude 9.52 9.65 Separation PA — — 9.3 + 43 +? Year — 1991 Spectra F5 Colors W W Notes: 1830: 9.0 @ 221. 23 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Quadrant reversal? Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 14.2 inches. Separation: AB = 6.74 miles. Distance (LY): 465 Total luminosity (Suns): 5 - 18 - Zone 189 Moderate A. G. 175 Rating: 4 M ADS 8222; HD 100618 Position: 1135+0130 A B Magnitude 9.67 10.20 Separation PA — — 2.2 + 192 + Year — 1999 Spectra F8 Colors W yW Notes: 1903: 2.1 @ 186. 29 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. h1193 Position: 1141+0455 A B Magnitude 10.89 12.00 Rating: 5 M Separation PA — — 13.0 100 Year — 1828 Spectra F2 Colors W ? Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. h1196 Position: 1146+0354 A B Magnitude 10.44 11.18 Rating: 5 M Separation PA — — 29.0 + 185 + Notes: 1903: 27.9 @ 184. 3 measurements. - 19 - Year — 1911 Spectra K0 Colors yO W? Zone 189 Observations: C11 at 115x. Zone 189, Map 4 Double Stars Easy STF 1560 Rating: 2 E ADS 8247; HD 101154; SAO 138314 Position: 1138-0226 A B Magnitude 6.22 9.43 Separation PA — — 5.0 280 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1831: 5.1 @ 281. 27 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Webb saw them as Y? and ?. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 2.85 inches. Separation: AB = 2.91 miles. Distance (LY): 374 Total luminosity (Suns): 38 - 20 - Spectra G9 III Colors O B Zone 189 h2573 Rating: 4 E ADS 8184 Position: 1130-0458 A B Magnitude 10.11 10.50 Separation PA — — 8.0 18 - Year — 1967 Spectra Colors W bW Notes: 1894: 8.1 @ 19. 12 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. STF 1584 Rating: 4 E ADS B5972; HD 103708; SAO 138492 Position: 1157-0437 A B Magnitude 8.76 10.26 Separation PA — — 13.0 + 188 + Year — 1991 Notes: 1831: 12.8 @ 187. 14 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 7m star is 10 min S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.7 inches. Separation: AB = 5.37 miles. Distance (LY): 265 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.4 - 21 - Spectra G0 Colors Y B Zone 189 Baillaud 2180 Position: 1145-0248 A B Magnitude 10.45 10.50 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 11.4 = 346 = Year — 1931 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1894: 11.4 @ 346. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. h190 Rating: 5 E HD 102762; SAO 138431 Position: 1150-0451 A B Magnitude 8.11 11.40 Separation PA — — 28.3 + 280 + Year — 1989 Notes: 1922: 25.7 @ 278. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 9m star (SAO 138427) is 4 min W. - 22 - Spectra K2 Colors O ? Zone 189 Zone 189 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Designation Position Rating Map STF 1529 1119-0139 2E 2 STF 1560 1138-0226 2E 4 A. G. 173 1101+0258 3E 1 STF 1506 1105-0413 3E 2 Phi Leo 1117-0339 3E 2 83 Leo 1127+0300 3E 1 h1203 1154+0331 3E 3 STF 1580 1155+0333 3E 3 H V 68 Jonckheere 1572 1108+0314 4E 1109-0442 4E 2 STF 1526 1119+0249 4E 1 Tau Leo 1128+0252 4E 1 STF 1548 1129-0343 4E 2 h2573 1130-0458 4E 4 Beta Vir 1151+0146 4E 3 STF 1578 1153+0340 4E 3 STF 1584 1157-0437 4E 4 Baillaud 530 1100-0200 5E 2 STF 3069 rej 1122-0143 5E 2 STF 1535 1123+0056 5E 1 Component A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B C D BC A B C BC A B A B A B C A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B 1 - 23 - Mag 6.61 7.39 6.22 9.43 9.33 9.87 7.64 10.25 4.45 9.75 6.49 7.58 9.90 10.11 11.21 9.20 9.80 13.60 11.65 7.60 9.10 10.80 10.37 10.50 9.10 10.33 5.05 7.47 10.00 8.76 9.81 10.11 10.50 3.61 10.60 8.80 10.14 11.36 8.76 10.26 9.08 11.10 9.10 11.80 9.30 11.30 Separation — 9.5 — 5.0 — 2.1 + — 11.7 + — 88.9 -! — 28.6 90.5 — 5.7 — 8.7 - PA — 254 + — 280 — 127 = — 221 + — 291 + — 150 90.5 — 315 + — 263 + 87.8 19.7 + — 146.4 - 131 240 = — 227 - 42.0 — 9.5 + — 30.2 — 89.7 764.8 = — 10.9 + — 8.0 — 305.3 +!! 539.1 = — 3.0 = — 13.0 + — 11.0 — 16.9 — 10.4 - 207 = — 22 + — 181 + — 180 + 764.8 = — 127 = — 18 — 285 + 539.1 = — 162 — 188 + — 253 + — 219 — 60 - Zone 189 Designation Position Rating Map STF 3070 1125-0423 5E 2 STF 3071 rej 1128-0155 5E 2 STF 1568 1143+0046 5E 3 Baillaud 2180 1145-0248 5E 4 h190 1150-0451 5E 4 Bur 340 1130+0311 4M 1 A. G. 175 1135+0130 4M 3 h1193 1141+0455 5M 3 h1196 1146+0354 5M 3 STF 1500 1100+0328 5D 1 STF 1504 1104+0338 5D 1 Baillaud 532 1110-0149 5D 2 Component A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B Mag 9.70 10.20 9.40 11.10 9.52 9.65 10.45 10.50 8.11 11.40 7.52 10.62 9.67 10.20 10.89 12.00 10.44 11.18 7.94 8.33 7.98 8.07 8.56 12.30 Separation — 8.7 + — 33.6 + — 9.3 + — 11.4 = — 28.3 + — 4.4 + — 2.2 + — 13.0 — 29.0 + — 1.4 + — 1.2 + — 10.1 PA — 277 + — 300 — 43 +? — 346 = — 280 + — 11 + — 192 + — 100 — 185 + — 303 — 301 + — 75 Deep Sky Objects Specifications Object NGC 3521 NGC 3630 NGC 3662 NGC 3640 NGC 3495 NGC 3664 NGC 3611 Position 1106-0002 1120+0258 1124-0106 1121+0314 1101+0338 1124+0320 1118+0433 Rating 3E 3M 4M 5M 4D 4D 5D Map 2 1 1 1 1 1 Type Gal (SAB(rs)bc) Gal (S0) Gal (Sb pec) Gal (E1) Gal (Sd: III) Gal (SB(s)m pec IV-V) Gal (SA(s)a pec) - 24 - Mag 10.2 11.9 12.9 11.6 11.8 12.8 12.6 Surface Br 13.6 11.9 12.7 13.5 13.2 13.7 14.0 Pop.