Zone 160, Master Map +16°00' Normal View Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV +14°00' ν ξ f i c ξ +12°00' Gemini Monoceros Orion g d Christmas Tree Cluster +10°00' j Cone Nebula µ +08°00' Hubble's Variable Nebula e h +06°00' k Rosette Nebula ε 06h 56m 06h 48m 06h 40m 06h 32m 06h 24m 06h 16m 06h 08m 06h 00m Zone 160, Map 1 Normal Image +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. ν STF 877 A. G. 321 South 509 Xi Ori +14°00' ξ STF 844 STF 848 Hough 230 NGC 2169 OSS 73 +13°00' Barton 1188 NGC 2194 STF 892 rej 74 Ori +12°00' STF 891 OSS 71 A. G. 324 STF 853 06h 18m 06h 12m 06h 06m 06h 00m Zone 160, Map 1 Mirror Image +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. ν A. G. 321 STF 877 ξ Xi Ori STF 844 NGC 2169 STF 848 Hough 230 +14°00' South 509 OSS 73 +13°00' Barton 1188 NGC 2194 STF 892 rej OSS 71 STF 853 06h 00m 06h 06m 06h 12m 06h 18m STF 891 +12°00' 74 Ori Zone 160, Map 2 Normal Image +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. OSS 71 A. G. 324 +11°00' STF 853 STF 840 STF 880 +10°00' NGC 2141 75 Ori Jonckheere 407 h725 µ Mu Ori +09°00' Hough 24 Tycho 241 06h 18m 06h 12m 06h 06m 06h 00m Zone 160, Map 2 Mirror Image +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. OSS 71 +11°00' STF 853 STF 840 STF 880 +10°00' NGC 2141 75 Ori Jonckheere 407 Mu Ori µ +09°00' Hough 24 06h 00m 06h 06m 06h 12m 06h 18m Zone 160, Map 3 Normal Image +08°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Chevalier +07°00' STF 852 STF 856 NGC 2202 +06°00' A 2717 STF 885 NGC 2143 STF 854 STF 895 rej STF 859 NGC 2186 Engelmann 26 Baillaud 2658 06h 18m 06h 12m NGC 2180 06h 06m 06h 00m Zone 160, Map 3 Mirror Image +08°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Chevalier +07°00' STF 852 STF 856 STF 885 NGC 2202 NGC 2143 STF 854 STF 859 NGC 2186 Engelmann 26 Baillaud 2658 NGC 2180 06h 00m 06h 06m 06h 12m 06h 18m +06°00' A 2717 Zone 160, Map 4 Normal Image +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. A. G. 327 STF 932 +14°00' A 2720 Jonckheere 2742 A. G. 325 +13°00' Jonckheere 1951 STF 892 rej South 529 STF 891 +12°00' Gemini OS 146 rej A. G. 324 Monoceros Smart 60 STF 921 06h 36m 06h 30m 06h 24m Zone 160, Map 4 Mirror Image +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. A. G. 327 STF 932 +14°00' A 2720 Jonckheere 2742 A. G. 325 Jonckheere 1951 Hough 230 +13°00' OSS 73 STF 892 rej STF 891 South 529 +12°00' Gemini A. G. 324 Monoceros OS 146 rej Smart 60 STF 921 06h 24m 06h 30m 06h 36m Zone 160, Map 5 Normal Image +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. A. G. 324 Monoceros OS 146 rej Smart 60 +11°00' STF 921 STF 898 NGC 2259 STF 901 Orion +10°00' Abetti 5 NGC 2245 A 2816 Collinder 95 STF 951 h725 Trumpler 5 STF 953 h726 Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 A. G. 114 NGC 2251 06h 36m STF 930 rej STF 931 j 06h 30m 06h 24m Tycho 241 +09°00' STF 954 Zone 160, Map 5 Mirror Image A. G. 324 Monoceros +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. OS 146 rej Smart 60 STF 898 NGC 2259 +11°00' STF 921 STF 901 Orion Collinder 95 +10°00' Abetti 5 NGC 2245 A 2816 h725 +09°00' Trumpler 5 Tycho 241 h726 NGC 2261 A. G. 114 NGC 2251 STF 931 rej 06h 24m 06h 30m STF 930 rej 06h 36m Zone 160, Map 6 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 A. G. 114 +08°00' NGC 2251 STF 930 rej STF 931 rej NGC 2254 14 Mon +07°00' 13 Mon OS 142 Collinder 111 Collinder 106 +06°00' NGC 2236 Collinder 97 STF 949 STF 895 rej STF 926 NGC 2252 STF 915 STF 939 Collinder 92 NGC 2237 Collinder 104 06h 36m Anderson 3 Rosette Nebula Baillaud 2666 NGC 2239 NGC 2244 Baillaud 2669 06h 30m 06h 24m Zone 160, Map 6 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 2261 A. G. 114 STF 931 rej +08°00' NGC 2251 STF 930 rej NGC 2254 14 Mon Collinder 111 NGC 2236 Collinder 106 Collinder 97 STF 926 STF 895 rej NGC 2252 STF 939 STF 915 NGC 2239 Collinder 92 06h 24m NGC 2237 NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula Baillaud 2666 Baillaud 2669 Anderson 3 06h 30m 06h 36m Collinder 104 +06°00' OS 142 +07°00' 13 Mon Zone 160, Map 7 Normal Image Kustner 27 +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Hough 239 +14°00' OSS 80 STF 959 +13°00' 30 Gem 38 Gem ξ Jonckheere 273 +12°00' STF 1007 rej Xi Gem 07h 00m 06h 54m 06h 48m 06h 42m Zone 160, Map 7 Mirror Image Kustner 27 Hough 239 +14°00' OSS 80 STF 959 30 Gem +13°00' 38 Gem Xi Gem ξ Jonckheere 273 +12°00' A. G. 327 +15°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. 06h 42m 06h 48m 06h 54m 07h 00m Zone 160, Map 8 Normal Image +11°00' STF 995 +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +10°00' STF 965 NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster Cone Nebula Dembowski 11 STF 952 STF 3118 STF 986 STF 951 15 Mon STF 954 STF 953 07h 00m 06h 54m 06h 48m 06h 42m +09°00' Kustner 92 Zone 160, Map 8 Mirror Image STF 995 +10°00' STF 965 NGC 2259 +11°00' +12°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster STF 951 15 Mon Cone Nebula Dembowski 11 STF 952 STF 3118 STF 986 +09°00' STF 954 STF 953 Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 06h 42m 06h 48m 06h 54m 07h 00m Zone 160, Map 9 Normal Image +08°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +07°00' Jonckheere 666 Jonckheere 2009 +06°00' OSS 79 A 2823 STF 949 h2347 A. G. 121 07h 00m 06h 54m 06h 48m 06h 42m Zone 160, Map 9 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +08°00' Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 +07°00' Jonckheere 666 Jonckheere 2009 Collinder 111 +06°00' OSS 79 A 2823 STF 949 h2347 A. G. 121 06h 42m 06h 48m 06h 54m 07h 00m Zone 160, Map 10 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque, Inc. Dembowski 11 Cone Nebula Christmas Tree Cluster 15 Mon STF 951 NGC 2264 STF 952 STF 3118 STF 954 Zone 160, Map 10 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque, Inc. 15 Mon STF 951 NGC 2264 STF 952 STF 3118 STF 954 Trumpler 5 Dembowski 11 Cone Nebula Christmas Tree Cluster Zone 160 4 Reference Stars, 76 Double Stars, 3 Bright Nebulae, 18 Open Clusters Flamsteed D 13 Mon................................................. 36 14 Mon................................................. 39 15 Mon................................................. 55 30 Gem ................................................ 49 38 Gem ................................................ 46 74 Ori..................................................... 8 75 Ori................................................... 13 Dembowski 11 ..................................... 57 E Engelmann 26 ...................................... 20 H h2347 ................................................... 53 h725 ..................................................... 29 h726 ..................................................... 30 Hough 230............................................ 10 Hough 239............................................ 48 Hough 24.............................................. 14 A A 2717 ................................................. 19 A 2720 ................................................. 25 A 2816 ................................................. 28 A 2823 ................................................. 54 A. G. 114 ............................................. 31 A. G. 321 ............................................... 4 A. G. 324 ............................................. 15 A. G. 325 ............................................. 23 A. G. 327 ............................................. 24 Abetti 5 ................................................ 30 J B Jonckheere 1951 .................................. 25 Jonckheere 2009 .................................. 52 Jonckheere 273 .................................... 48 Jonckheere 2742 .................................. 24 Jonckheere 407 .................................... 15 Jonckheere 666 .................................... 55 Barton 1188 ........................................... 5 K C Kustner 27............................................ 47 Chevalier.............................................. 20 Collinder 106 ....................................... 42 Collinder 111 ....................................... 43 Collinder 92 ......................................... 43 Collinder 95 ......................................... 34 Collinder 97 ......................................... 41 M Mu Ori.................................................. 12 N NGC 2141 ............................................ 16 NGC 2143 ............................................ 21 NGC 2169 ............................................ 10 NGC 2186 ............................................ 22 -1- Zone 160 NGC 2194............................................ 11 NGC 2202............................................ 21 NGC 2236............................................ 44 NGC 2237............................................ 45 NGC 2245............................................ 34 NGC 2251............................................ 40 NGC 2252............................................ 44 NGC 2259............................................ 35 NGC 2261............................................ 32 NGC 2264............................................ 59 STF 877.................................................. 3 STF 880................................................ 12 STF 885................................................ 18 STF 891.................................................. 6 STF 892 rej ............................................ 8 STF 895 rej .......................................... 38 STF 898................................................ 27 STF 901................................................ 27 STF 915................................................ 37 STF 921................................................ 28 STF 926................................................ 36 STF 930 rej .......................................... 38 STF 931 rej .......................................... 39 STF 932................................................ 26 STF 939................................................ 37 STF 949................................................ 54 STF 951................................................ 56 STF 952................................................ 57 STF 953................................................ 50 STF 954................................................ 58 STF 959................................................ 47 STF 965................................................ 50 STF 986................................................ 51 STF 995................................................ 52 O OS 142 ................................................. 40 OS 146 rej............................................ 29 OSS 71................................................... 5 OSS 73................................................... 6 OSS 79................................................. 53 OSS 80................................................. 47 S Smart 60............................................... 32 South 509............................................... 7 South 529............................................. 23 STF 3118 ............................................. 58 STF 840 ............................................... 13 STF 844 ................................................. 5 STF 848 ................................................. 9 STF 852 ............................................... 19 STF 853 ................................................. 4 STF 854 ............................................... 17 STF 856 ............................................... 18 STF 859 ............................................... 17 T Trumpler 5 ........................................... 34 Tycho 241 ............................................ 31 X Xi Gem................................................. 46 Xi Ori ..................................................... 3 -2- Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 1 Reference Star Xi Ori (70 Ori; Jonckheere 2016; HD 42560; SAO 95362) Position: 0612+1412 Mag : 4.50 Spectrum : B3 IV Color : W Assumed distance: 630 light years Assumed luminosity (suns): 501 Notes: Star A is a spectroscopic binary with a 45.10 day period. It is a member of the Pleiades Group, and rotates at 223 kps. Double Stars Easy STF 877 Rating: 2 E ADS 4840; HD 43044; SAO 95431 Position: 0615+1435 A B Magnitude 7.02 7.30 Separation PA — — 5.7 + 264 = Year — 1991 Spectra B9 V Colors W W Notes: 1822: 5.6 @ 264. 40 measurements. Star B is a spectroscopic binary. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.60 inches. Separation: AB = 26.2 miles. Distance (LY): 2,950 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,940 -3- Zone 160 A. G. 321 Rating: 3 E HD 41401; SAO 95215 Position: 0605+1435 A B Magnitude 7.71 8.85 Separation PA — — 36.1 188 + Year — 1991 Spectra F0 Colors yW O Notes: 1894: 37.2 @ 187. 10 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 83x. Moderate field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 10.2 inches. Separation: AB = 9.00 miles. Distance (LY): 160 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.6 STF 853 Rating: 3 E HD 42071; SAO 95294 Position: 0609+1140 A B Magnitude 8.42 8.96 Separation PA — — 35.7 +! 5 + Year — 1991 Spectra G5 G5 Colors W W Notes: 1830: 24.1 @ 340. 34 measurements. Differences in distance per Hipparcos; may be an optical pair. Different proper motions, too. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 10.5m star is 90" away in PA 180.2. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.9 inches; B = 20.5 inches. Separation: AB = 24.0 miles. Distance (LY): 430 Total luminosity (Suns): 13,400 -4- Zone 160 Barton 1188 Position: 0600+1313 A B Magnitude 10.16 10.35 Rating: 4 E Separation PA — — 5.2 353 -? Year — 1935 Spectra Colors ? ? Notes: 1908: 5.8 @ 178. 2 measurements. Quadrant reversal? Observations: C8 at 104x. It is the N-most star in a chain of three 9m stars. Distance (LY): 66 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.12 STF 844 Rating: 4 E HD 41909; SAO 95272 Position: 0608+1400 A B Magnitude 8.40 9.30 Separation PA — — 23.7 + 9+ Year — 1917 Spectra B5 Colors W Y Notes: 1830: 23.6 @ 6. 12 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in the NW quadrant of the open cluster NGC 2169. OSS 71 Rating: 4 E HD 3020; SAO 95425 Position: 0614+1148 A B Magnitude 7.12 7.64 Separation PA — — 89.3 311 + Notes: 1875: 89.5 @ 310. 17 measurements. -5- Year — 1995 Spectra K0 A0 Colors Y bW Zone 160 The stars share common proper motion. However, Hipparcos shows different distances (910 and 7,100 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field. OSS 73 Rating: 4 E ADS 4924; HD 43931; SAO 95534 Position: 0619+1326 A B Magnitude 6.54 7.67 Separation PA — — 72.4 44 = Year — 1995 Spectra F7 V K1 V Colors W Y Notes: 1875: 73.3 @ 44. 18 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. However, Hipparcos shows different distances (281 and 1,730 light years). The B star is a spectroscopic binary. Observations: C8 at 104x. Note the nice little chain of 11m stars 15 min to the E. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.90 inches; B = 27.7 inches. Separation: AB = 31.7 miles. Distance (LY): 281 Total luminosity (Suns): 16 STF 891 Rating: 4 E ADS 4939; HD 43983; SAO 95540 Position: 0620+1217 A B Magnitude 7.67 11.20 Separation PA — — 21.9 = 293 + Notes: 1830: 21.9 @ 292. 8 measurements. -6- Year — 1931 Spectra B8 V Colors yW ? Zone 160 Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 10.2 inches. Separation: AB = 35.9 miles. Distance (LY): 1,050 Total luminosity (Suns): 103 South 509 Rating: 5 E ADS 4835; HD 42955; SAO 95417 Position: 0614+1429 A B C BC Magnitude 7.27 7.96 11.40 Separation PA — — 170.5 + 198 = 3.1 + 245 - Year — 1991 1991 1991 Spectra A1 V A5 V Colors W W No Notes: AB 1825: 169.8 @ 198. 6 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Also different proper motions. BC 1884: 2.8 @ 249. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches; B = 7.50 inches. Separation: AB = 346 miles; BC = 6.29 miles. Distance (LY): 1,300 Total luminosity (Suns): 285 -7- Zone 160 74 Ori Kuiper 26 (B); Lau 1; HD 43386; SAO 95476 Position: 0616+1216 A B C Magnitude 5.04 12.50 9.30 Separation — 29.7 + 205.2 + PA — 171 + 92 + Rating: 5 E Year — 1989 1956 Spectra F5 IV-V Colors W No W Notes: AB 1958: 24.0 @ 163. 2 measurements. AC 1909: 204 @ 88. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.32 inches. Separation: AB = 2.96 miles; AC = 20.5 miles. Distance (LY): 64 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.27 STF 892 rej Position: 0620+1220 A B Magnitude 10.50 11.50 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 30.0 48 Year — 1831 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Swamped by a moderately rich field. -8- Spectra Colors W W? Zone 160 Moderate STF 848 Rating: 2 M ADS 4728; HD 41943; SAO 95282 Position: 0608+1358 A B C D E Magnitude 6.93 7.83 11.00 8.70 9.19 Separation — 2.4 = 15.9 + 28.3 43.3 + PA — 111 + 297 + 122 + 184 + Year — 1997 1987 1991 1987 Spectra B2 V Colors W V ? ? W Notes: AB 1831: 2.4 @ 109. 53 measurements. AC 1844: 15.0 @ 295. 10 measurements. AD 1830: 28.6 @ 183. 18 measurements. AE 1830: 43.1 @ 183. 18 measurements. Aa (11.60m) 1932: 14.5 @ 204. 1 measurement. All the following components were added by George Abt: AB-F (10.92m) 1987: 64.5 @ 180. 1 measurement. AB-G (11.83m) 1987: 61.5 @ 154. 1 measurement. AB-H (9.93m) 1987: 82.5 @ 114. 1 measurement. AB-I (10.93m) 1987: 100.3 @ 209. 1 measurement. AB-J (10.83m) 1987: 127.0 @ 227. 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 206x. It lies in the NE quadrant of the open cluster NGC 2169. Very, very rich field. None of the Abt components were sought or confirmed. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.2 inches. Separation: AB = 4.56 miles; AC = 30.3 miles; AD = 53.9 miles; AE = 82.3 miles; AF = 123 miles; AG = 117 miles; AH = 157 miles; AI = 191 miles; AJ = 242 miles. Distance (LY): 1,220 Total luminosity (Suns): 273 -9- Zone 160 Hough 230 Rating: 3 M ADS 4919; HD 43820; SAO 95518 Position: 0619+1347 A B Magnitude 8.39 9.90 Separation PA — — 1.7 + 63 + Year — 1991 Spectra A2 Ib Colors W W Notes: 1887: 1.2 @ 52. 14 measurements. Observations: C11 at 339x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 11 feet. Separation: AB = 3.76 miles. Distance (LY): 1,420 Total luminosity (Suns): 87 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 2169 Rating: 5 M Other Names: Collinder 83; H VIII 24 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club, Urban Deep Sky Club, Binocular Deep Sky Club Position: 0608+1357 Type: Oc Dimensions: 6' Class: III 3m Cluster population: 30 Magnitude: 5.9 Notes: This group is 12 million years old, so it contains lots of early stars (the earliest being B1 types; there are also two Beta Cep types and one Ap). - 10 - Zone 160 It lies 31,000 light years from the galactic center and 150 light years below the galactic plane. Observations: C8 at 47x. Distinct diamond shape, but sparse and poor. I counted 6 bright stars, 10 fainter ones. Steve Coe, the prolific observer from Phoenix, Arizona, says that the brighter stars form the numerals "3" and "7", and that it is a shame Messier did not make this one number 37 on his list. The brightest star (7m, 1,600 times brighter than the Sun) is a close double. There are two neat orange stars on the W side. It also contains a close pair, according to Hartung: 7.3m and 8.0m, 2.6" @ 110. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 1,460 miles, and its stars would be 233 miles apart Distance (LY): 3,430 Luminosity (suns): 4,000 Difficult NGC 2194 Other Names: H VI 5; Melotte 43; Collinder 87; Raab 33 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 4 D Position: 0614+1248 Type: Oc Dimensions: 10' Class: II 2r Cluster population: 100 Magnitude: 8.5 Notes: It is about 327 million years old. Modern surveys show at least 194 members of this cluster. The brightest star is 12.1m (30 times brighter than the Sun). It is 36,000 light years from the galactic center and 350 light years below the galactic plane. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very faint and grainy, it looks oval. Use high powers, where you should get a semi-resolved view. To Barbara Wilson, the prolific Texas Herschel Club observer, it looks like a crab (but then, she was using a 17.5" scope at the time!). The cluster's long axis runs NE-SW. - 11 - Zone 160 Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 4,870 miles, with its stars 520 miles apart Distance (LY): 12,330 Luminosity (suns): 4,700 Zone 160, Map 2 Reference Star Mu Ori (61 Ori; A2715; HD 40932; SAO 113389) Position: 0602+0939 Mag : 4.12 Spectrum : A2 V+F3 V Color : W Assumed distance: 152 light years Assumed luminosity (suns): 42 Notes: This star is a member of the Hyades cluster and is a spectroscopic binary with a period of 18.25 years. Double Stars Easy STF 880 Rating: 2 E ADS 4862; SAO 95453 Position: 0616+1035 A B Magnitude 8.40 8.71 Separation PA — — 5.6 + 55 + Year — 1992 Spectra G5 Colors B! R! Notes: 1829: 5.4 @ 53. 33 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 12 - Zone 160 STF 840 Rating: 3 E ADS 4687; HD 41580; SAO 95234 Position: 0606+1045 A B C BC Magnitude 7.19 9.73 10.10 Separation PA — — 21.5 + 248 + 0.4 - 126 -!! Year — 1991 Spectra A0 V F0 Colors W B No 1997 Notes: AB 1830: 21.2 @ 247. 31 measurements. BC 1830: 0.9 @ 184. 34 measurements. The stars all share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.00 inches; B = 11.5 inches. Separation: AB = 20.8 miles; BC = 2,044 feet. Distance (LY): 620 Total luminosity (Suns): 44 75 Ori Rating: 4 E Jonckheere 408; Finsen 331; Bur 96; ADS 4890; HD 43525; SAO 113675 Position: 0617+0956 A B C D CD Magnitude 5.39 10.10 10.08 10.90 Separation — 63.0 + 114.2 5.1 + PA — 260 + 349 +? Year — 1959 1991 228 + 1979 - 13 - Spectra A2 V Colors Y ? ? ? Zone 160 Notes: AB 1892: 62.9 @ 256. 5 measurements. The primary is an extremely close binary with an orbital period of 8.7 years (Dommanget, 1977). (But Finsen, in 1978, gave 9.0 years.) It also spins at 192 kps. AC 1892: 119.9 @ 160. 8 measurements. Quadrant reversal? CD 1877: 4.7 @ 227. 10 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. I thought the pa of AC was closer to 90 degrees. Extremely rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.40 inches. Separation: AB = 25.0 miles; AC = 45.3 miles; Aa = 114 feet. Distance (LY): 254 Total luminosity (Suns): 42.2 Hough 24 Rating: 5 E ADS 4903; HD 53202; SAO 114866 Position: 0618+0919 A B C D E Magnitude 7.46 11.17 13.00 12.60 13.10 Separation — 4.1 25.0 30.2 45.0 PA — 157 + 227 353 20 Year — 1991 1926 1926 1926 Spectra F5 Colors W No No ? No Notes: AB 1884: 4.6 @ 156. 10 measurements. AC, AD and AE 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich and faint field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.6 inches. Separation: AB = 5.31 miles; AC = 32.4 miles; AD = 39.1 miles; AE = 58.3 miles. Distance (LY): 830 Total luminosity (Suns): 54 - 14 - Zone 160 Moderate A. G. 324 Rating: 5 M ADS 4943; HD 255319; SAO 95545 Position: 0620+1143 A B Magnitude 9.33 11.50 Separation PA — — 10.2 + 269 = Year — 1989 Spectra A5 Colors W W Notes: 1894: 10.0 @ 269. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Difficult Jonckheere 407 Rating: 5 D ADS 4585; HD 40601 Position: 0600+0942 A B Magnitude 8.74 10.37 Separation PA — — 2.2 + 196 + Notes: 1911: 1.8 @ 189. 11 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. Mu Ori is 30 min E. - 15 - Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors W W Zone 160 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 2141 Other Names: Collinder 79 Rating: 4 D Position: 0603+1026 Type: Oc Dimensions: 8' Class: II 3r Cluster population: 100 Magnitude: 10.8 Notes: It is believed to be about 4 billion years old. The brightest star is 13.3m (41 times brighter than the Sun). Observations: C8 at 104x. The cluster has an M shape and is largely unresolved. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 10,490 miles, with its stars 1,110 miles apart. Distance (LY): 14,000 Luminosity (suns): 770 - 16 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 3 Double Stars Easy STF 859 Hipparcos 839 (C); HD 42182; SAO 113522 Position: 0610+0540 A B C BC Magnitude 8.39 8.68 9.52 Separation PA — — 43.5 +! 243 0.4 309 Rating: 2 E Year — 1991 Spectra G0 F8 Colors Y yW No 1991 Notes: AB 1829: 31.4 @ 249. 28 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. The stars have different proper motions. BC 1 measurement. Same as STF 863. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.3 inches; B = 15.6 inches. Separation: AB = 6.65 miles; BC = 323 feet. Distance (LY): 98 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.58 STF 854 Rating: 3 E ADS 4736; HD 41999 Position: 0608+0548 A B Magnitude 8.81 9.78 Separation PA — — 5.5 321 - - 17 - Year — 1992 Spectra A2 Colors W W Zone 160 Notes: 1832: 5.6 @ 322. 13 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. Two stars (80" apart @ pa 45) lie 10 min SSE. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.41 inches. Separation: AB = 4.11 miles. Distance (LY): 480 Total luminosity (Suns): 7 STF 885 Rating: 4 E ADS 4886; HD 43511; SAO 113671 Position: 0617+0600 A B Magnitude 9.00 10.60 Separation PA — — 10.1 + 297 + Year — 1962 Spectra A0 Colors W B Notes: 1829: 9.5 @ 296. 12 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is the northernmost star of a trapezium. A 7.5m W star is 15 min W.2 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.49 inches. Separation: AB = 6.85 miles. Distance (LY): 435 Total luminosity (Suns): 5 STF 856 Rating: 5 E ADS 4748; HD 42090; SAO 113513 Position: 0609+0703 A B Magnitude 8.52 10.95 Separation PA — — 10.3 = 50 + - 18 - Year — 1991 Spectra A0 Colors W R Zone 160 Notes: 1831: 10.3 @ 47. 15 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars show similar proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very faint. There are many 9m stars in the area— look carefully! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.32 inches. Separation: AB = 23.1 miles. Distance (LY): 1,440 Total luminosity (Suns): 115 Moderate STF 852 Rating: 5 M ADS 4735 Position: 0609+0722 A B C Magnitude 10.68 11.70 12.50 Separation — 10.1 + 44.5 + PA — 310 30 + Year — 1960 1960 Spectra Colors W W? W? Notes: AB 1830: 9.2 @ 319. 8 measurements. AC 1870: 44.0 @ 28. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. A 2717 Rating: 5 M ADS 4856; HD 43212 Position: 0615+0631 A B C D Magnitude 7.69 8.13 13.00 10.57 Separation — 0.5 + 14.1 +! 38.6 PA — 350 = 319 +! 118 - 19 - Year — 1991 1960 1969 Spectra A0 Colors W No No ? Zone 160 Notes: AB 1914: 0.4 @ 350. 10 measurements. AC 1914: 8.2 @ 298. 3 measurements. AD 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. I got an oval on B at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.00 inches. Separation: AB = 2,904 feet; AC = 15.6 miles; AD = 42.8 miles.. Distance (LY): 710 Total luminosity (Suns): 58 Difficult Chevalier A1853; ADS 4712; HD 41792; SAO 113476 Position: 0607+0754 A B Magnitude 8.84 11.20 Separation PA — — 6 170 Rating: 4 D Year — 1911 Spectra A0 Colors W W Observations: C8 at 83x. Very faint. There are many 9m stars in the area– look carefully! Engelmann 26 Bpm 87 (a, b); HD 43587; SAO 113683 Position: 0617+0506 A B C D Magnitude 5.71 11.36 10.00 13.02 Separation — 45.2 -! 178.8 -! 68.4 - Rating: 5 D PA — 246 242 216 - Year — 1993 1993 1993 Notes: AB 1911: 58.5 @ 265. 2 measurements. A is variable. AC 1891: 189.7 @ 246. 4 measurements. - 20 - Spectra F9 V Colors W ? W ? Zone 160 AD 1911: 69.3 @ 231. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 31.5 inches. Separation: AB = 4.44 miles; AC = 17.6 miles; AD = 6.72 miles. Distance (LY): 63 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.66 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 2143 Rating: 5 E Position: 0603+0550 Type: Oc Magnitude: 10.0 Dimensions: 30.0' Notes: This cluster is 1.4 billion years old. Observations: C11 at 98x. A scattered asterism involving a diamond of four stars and 9 others. Not much richer than the field. NGC 2202 Rating: 5 E Position: 0617+0600 Type: Oc Notes: The cluster is 550 million years old. - 21 - Zone 160 Observations: C11 at 115x. Oval ring of stars, mostly void in the center, dominated by STF 885. I counted 10 faint (12m) stars. Moderate NGC 2186 Other Names: Collinder 85; H VII 25 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 5 M Position: 0612+0527 Type: Oc Dimensions: 4' Class: II 2m Cluster population: 30 Magnitude: 8.7 Notes: It is 200 million years old and lies 33,000 light years from the galactic center and 650 light years below the galactic plane. The brightest star is 9.8m (76 times brighter than the Sun). Observations: C8 at 104x. I could not fully resolve it, but it did have a bright center. It is nestled inside a triangle of 9m to 10m stars. The brighter stars form an "X" pattern. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 1,090 miles, with its stars being 176 miles apart Distance (LY): 4,700 Luminosity (suns): 572 - 22 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 4 Double Stars Easy A. G. 325 Position: 0629+1354 A B Magnitude 8.52 10.69 Rating: 3 E Separation PA — — 8.4 + 292 + Year — 1991 Spectra K5 A Colors Y W Notes: 1903: 6.9 @ 286. 6 measurements. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (2,760 and 580 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich but faint field. South 529 Rating: 4 E HD 47127; SAO 95907 Position: 0637+1211 A B C Magnitude 6.91 9.35 8.30 Separation — 56.5 -!! 163.0 -!! PA — 137 -!! 169 - Year — 1991 1918 Spectra G5 F8 Colors Y O W Notes: AB 1825: 92.0 @ 163. 10 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. The stars have different proper motions. AC 1825: 187.9 @ 171. 3 measurements. Different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 23 - Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.1 inches; C = 15.2 inches. Separation: AB = 7.84 miles; AC = 22.6 miles. Distance (LY): 89 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.7 A. G. 327 Position: 0638+1447 Rating: 4 E A B Magnitude 9.63 10.70 Separation PA — — 11.3 + 20 - Year — 1903 Spectra A2 Colors W O Notes: 1894: 11.2 @ 21. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.75 inches. Separation: AB = 3.93 miles. Distance (LY): 223 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.766 Jonckheere 2742 Position: 0623+1431 A B Magnitude 9.30 11.57 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 60.0 315 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. B was extremely faint. It lies in a rich but faint field. - 24 - Year — 1945 Spectra A2 V Colors W ? Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.40 inches. Separation: AB = 54.3 miles. Distance (LY): 580 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.62 A 2720 Rating: 5 E ADS 5004; HD 256321; SAO 95613 Position: 0623+1432 A B C Magnitude 9.24 10.80 9.56 Separation — 1.2 + 66.9 PA — 49 + 31 Year — 1991 1922 Spectra F7 V G0 Colors W No W Notes: AB 1914: 0.9 @ 27. 8 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is part of an arc of 9m stars. Nice field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.90 inches; B = 18.5 inches. Separation: AB = 1,575 feet; AC = 17.0 miles. Distance (LY): 163 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.6 Moderate Jonckheere 1951 Rating: 5 M HD 258549 Position: 0630+1348 A B C Magnitude 10.73 10.90 10.54 Separation — 5.0 25.0 PA — 130 + 135 - 25 - Year — 1941 1941 Spectra Colors bW No bW Zone 160 Notes: AB 1907: 7.5 @ 128. 2 measurements. AC 1 measurement. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (96 and 55 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Another 10m pair (20" @ 140) is 5 min SW. Rich field to the W. Difficult STF 932 Rating: 5 D ADS 5197; HD 46495; SAO 95847 Position: 0634+1445 A B Magnitude 8.39 8.59 Separation PA — — 1.7 310 -! Year — 1998 Spectra F5 Colors W R Notes: 1830: 2.4 @ 342. Over 100 measurements. The orbital period may be 2,360 years (Hopmann, 1960). Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.4 inches. Separation: AB = 3,590 feet. Distance (LY): 258 Total luminosity (Suns): 7.3 - 26 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 5 Double Stars Easy STF 898 Rating: 3 E ADS 4979; HD 44373; SAO 95585 Position: 0622+1058 A B Magnitude 8.90 9.60 Separation PA — — 6.1 = 120 - Year — 1965 Spectra B8 Colors W O! Notes: 1828: 6.1 @ 121. 16 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very, very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.50 inches. Separation: AB = 1.35 miles. Distance (LY): 142 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.6 STF 901 Rating: 3 E ADS 5035; HD 44944; SAO 95649 Position: 0625+1031 A B Magnitude 7.84 10.38 Separation PA — — 19.9 248 = Year — 1989 Spectra B9 IV Colors yW V Notes: 1829: 20.0 @ 248. 18 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. The colors are odd. Rich field. - 27 - Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches. Separation: AB = 66.8 miles. Distance (LY): 2,150 Total luminosity (Suns): 333 A 2816 Rating: 4 E ADS 5154; HD 46005; SAO 113984 Position: 0631+0956 A B C Magnitude 7.85 10.30 11.66 Separation — 1.1 + 23.0 - PA — 321 + 41 = Year — 1991 1921 Spectra B8 Colors W W W Notes: AB 1914: 0.8 @ 318. 7 measurements. AC 1914: 23.5 @ 41. 2 measurements. No evidence of duplicity seen by Hipparcos. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.23 inches. Separation: AB = 10.3 miles; AC = 215 miles. Distance (LY): 6,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 2525 STF 921 Rating: 4 E ADS 5153; HD 45995; SAO 95766 Position: 0631+1115 A B Magnitude 6.17 9.10 Separation PA — — 16.1 3- Year — 1991 Spectra B2 Vne A0 V Colors W pL Notes: 1831: 16.3 @ 4. 22 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars show similar proper motion. This star belongs to NGC 2264 and rotates at 293 kps. - 28 - Zone 160 Observations: C8 at 83x. Webb saw them as yW and bW. But Franks saw yW and B. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.2 inches; B = 9.00 inches. Separation: AB = 138 miles. Distance (LY): 5,500 Total luminosity (Suns): 8,650 OS 146 rej Rating: 4 E ADS 5170; HD 46178; SAO 95803 Position: 0632+1140 A B Magnitude 6.03 9.85 Separation PA — — 29.4 140 - Year — 1989 Spectra K0 III Colors Y! W Notes: 1867: 33.3 @ 143. 14 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Bright field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 46.2 inches. Separation: AB = 38.1 miles. Distance (LY): 830 Total luminosity (Suns): 220 h725 Rating: 5 E HD 44212; SAO 113745 Position: 0621+0944 A B Magnitude 8.06 10.50 Separation PA — — 23.7 + 71 + Notes: 1901: 23.4 @ 70. 3 measurements. - 29 - Year — 1911 Spectra K2 Colors Y W Zone 160 Observations: C8 at 104x. h726 Rating: 5 E HD 256294; SAO 113796 Position: 0623+0854 A B C Magnitude 9.73 10.67 11.21 Separation — 22.4 23.0 + PA — 155 + 87 = Year — 1987 1991 Spectra B8 III Colors W ? ? Notes: AB 1897: 22.5 @ 154. 3 measurements. AC 1905: 22.9 @ 87. 4 measurements. There are three more very faint comes. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 7.5m star lies 10 min E. Extremely rich field! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.0 inches. Separation: AB = 2.37 miles; AC = 2.44 miles. Distance (LY): 68 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.08 Abetti 5 Rating: 5 E HD 46265; SAO 95816 Position: 0633+1010 A B Magnitude 7.57 10.90 Separation PA — — 102.5 257 + Year — 1962 Spectra K0 Colors yO W Notes: 1921: 103.6 @ 255. 3 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in a moderately rich but faint field. Without a double star catalog, you'd never know this one was a double. - 30 - Zone 160 This pair lies on the edge of a very faint diffuse nebula, NGC 2245. I was not able to glimpse this ellusive blob of star stuff despite Dreyer's description of it as "pretty large; cometary form; much brighter nucleus; southeast almost star. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 23.6 inches. Separation: AB = 928 miles. Distance (LY): 5,800 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,620 Moderate Tycho 241 Rating: 4 M HD 255545; SAO 113735 Position: 0621+0857 A B Magnitude 9.49 11.27 Separation PA — — 2.1 92 Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 339x. A. G. 114 Rating: 4 M HD 45544 Position: 0628+0834 A B Magnitude 9.14 9.90 Separation PA — — 5.0 = 0= Notes: 1894: 5.2 @ 0. 9 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. - 31 - Year — 1997 Spectra A2 Colors W O? Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.55 inches. Separation: AB = 1.94 miles. Distance (LY): 249 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.60 Smart 60 Rating: 5 M HD 46453; SAO 95842 Position: 0634+1124 A B Magnitude 8.60 11.40 Separation PA — — 10.3 160 Year — 1911 Spectra K0 Colors Y ? Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in a moderately rich but faint field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 25.2 inches. Separation: AB = 17.7 miles. Distance (LY): 1,100 Total luminosity (Suns): 38 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 2261 Other Names: Hubble's Variable Nebula; H IV 2 Astronomical League Program: Caldwell Club, Herschel II Club Rating: 2 E Position: 0639+0844 Type: Gn Dimensions: 2' x 1' Class: E+R - 32 - Magnitude: 10.7 Zone 160 Notes: It was discovered by William Herschel in 1783 and was the first object photographed by the Hale 200-inch telescope (Mt. Palomar) in 1949. The variability of the star (and hence the nebula) was discovered at Athens Observatory in 1861. Carl Lampland (Lowell Observatory) made the most intense study of NGC 2261, taking more than 900 photographs over a 30-year period. He showed that whereas the star's period is very regular, the shape of the nebula changes a great deal with time. These rapid changes (some amounting to as much as 1" of arc in 4 days) may be shadows being cast on the nebula by material orbiting near the star. NGC 2261 is known as a Herbig-Haro object, small, odd and brightly lit nebulae discovered in 1946-7 by George Herbig and Guillamero Haro while studying NGC 1999. They are lit by bipolar flows streaming outward from T Tau stars, young sun-like G-stars with strong emission lines (due to active chromospheres) that are still approaching the Main Sequence. (T Tauri is thought to be only 300,000 years old.) They have a high abundance of lithium (which is destroyed early in a star's life and only formed again late in the lives of some stars) and have strong solar winds (up to 300 km/sec) and rapid rotation. Observations: C8 at 83x. It is bright and fan-shaped. The variable R Mon is easy to spot, too. It is brighter in the S end, and longer on the W side. NGC 2261 (Hubble’s Variable Nebula) Reflection nebula with variable star Observed with C8 on 2/1/92 Magnification: 200x Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 487 miles. Distance (LY): 6,520 - 33 - Zone 160 Collinder 95 Rating: 4 E Position: 0631+0956 Type: Oc Cluster population: 10 Class: IV 2 p n Dimensions: 19' Notes: This cluster is 229 million years old. Observations: C11 at 115x. Kite-shaped group, sparse, some 9 stars counted. The brightest star is in the base of the kite. Difficult NGC 2245 Other Names: H IV 3 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 4 D Position: 0633+1010 Type: Gn Class: R Dimensions: 5' x 3' Observations: C8 at 65x. It is small and comet-like, with a few 9m stars embedded. The apex points NE. Distance (LY): 9,780 Trumpler 5 Other Names: Collinder 105 Rating: 4 D Position: 0637+0926 Type: Oc Dimensions: 7' Class: II 3rn Cluster population: 150 - 34 - Magnitude: 10.0 Zone 160 Notes: The cluster is 4 billion years old. Observations: C8 at 104x. It appears as a misty ball, best seen with averted vision. The red star you see is the carbon star V493 Mon. Glorious field! Distance (LY): 9,780 Luminosity (suns): 750 NGC 2259 Other Names: Melotte 48; Collinder 108; H VI 28 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 D Position: 0639+1053 Type: Oc Dimensions: 4' Class: II 2pn Cluster population: 25 Magnitude: 10.8 Notes: The brightest star is 14m. The cluster is 316 million years old. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is nebulous, with only 1 star resolved at high powers. Use averted vision and see if you can spot the one star I did on the N edge. Very rich field. Distance (LY): 10,800 Total luminosity (Suns): 440 - 35 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 6 Reference Star 13 Mon (; HD 46300; SAO 114034) Position: 0633+0720 Mag : 4.47 Assumed distance: 1,510 light years Spectrum : A0 I Color : W Assumed luminosity (suns): 2,900 Notes: This star is a member of the Mon OB1 Association. Double Stars Easy STF 926 Fabricius 5 (a); ADS 5162; HD 46105; SAO 114002 Position: 0632+0546 A B a Magnitude 7.21 8.52 9.67 Separation — 11.0 + 0.9 PA — 290 + 19 Rating: 2 E Year — 1997 1991 Spectra A1p A0 Colors Y! dB! No Notes: AB 1829: 10.7 @ 287. 26 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Aa 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. Moderate field. Webb saw them as Y and W. - 36 - Zone 160 STF 939 Rating: 2 E HD 46867; SAO 114112 Position: 0636+0518 A B C D Magnitude 8.30 9.16 9.39 11.99 Separation — 30.2 + 39.7 35.4 PA — 106 = 51 + 305 Year — 1991 1991 1987 Spectra B0 III B8 B5 Colors bW dB pO No Notes: AB 1832: 29.8 @ 106. 17 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. AC 1832: 39.8 @ 49. L 17 measurements. Similar proper motions. AD 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. Webb called it "beautiful." Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches; B = 4.57 inches; C = 2.95 inches. Separation: AB = 137 miles; AC = 180 miles; AD = 160 miles. Distance (LY): 2,900 Total luminosity (Suns): 560 STF 915 V648 Mon; ADS 5097; HD 45530; SAO 113926 Position: 0628+0516 A B C Magnitude 7.39 8.82 11.20 Separation — 5.9 = 39.2 + PA — 43 + 127 + Rating: 3 E Year — 1991 1912 Spectra A1p Colors W G ? Notes: AB 1822: 5.9 @ 37. 22 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. AC 1905: 38.3 @ 126. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Moderate field. - 37 - Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.31 inches. Separation: AB = 12.0 miles; AC = 79.6 miles. Distance (LY): 1,300 Total luminosity (Suns): 154 STF 895 rej Rating: 4 E HD 44213; SAO 113741 Position: 0621+0544 A B Magnitude 8.06 10.25 Separation PA — — 29.0 59 = Year — 1991 Spectra M3 Ib-II A2 Colors Y bW Notes: 1897: 29.2 @ 59. 9 measurements. The stars have different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. John Herschel saw them as R! and G. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 1.05 inches; B = 8.00 inches. Separation: AB = 294 miles. Distance (LY): 6,500 Total luminosity (Suns): 2,300 STF 930 rej Rating: 4 E HD 259787; SAO 114060 Position: 0634+0759 A B C Magnitude 8.27 9.98 9.60 Separation — 26.3 43.8 = PA — 277 + 107 = Year — 1991 1987 Spectra F8 II A0 Colors W W W Notes: AB 1898: 26.4 @ 275. 8 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. The stars have a large difference in proper motion. AC 1898: 43.8 @ 107. 9 measurements. - 38 - Zone 160 Abt discovered 4 other very faint comes in 1987. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.5 feet; B = 6.84 inches. Separation: AB = 164 miles; AC = 273 miles. Distance (LY): 4,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 910 14 Mon STF 938; ADS 5211; HD 46642; SAO 114085 Position: 0635+0734 A B Magnitude 6.50 10.70 Separation PA — — 10.8 + 209 + Rating: 4 E Year — 1958 Spectra A0 V Colors W ? Notes: 1831: 10.3 @ 207. 11 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Rich field. Distance (LY): 490 Total luminosity (Suns): 49 STF 931 rej Rating: 5 E HD 259829 Position: 0634+0759 A B Magnitude 9.69 10.42 Separation PA — — 23.7 + 22 - Year — 1954 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1906: 23.5 @ 24. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. It gets lost in a rich field. Distance (LY): 311 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.52 - 39 - Zone 160 Moderate OS 142 AC = Jonckheere 2004; ADS 5124; HD 45789; SAO 113953 Position: 0630+0707 A B C Magnitude 7.12 11.23 11.10 Separation — 8.6 + 27.0 PA — 354 = 206 Year — 1991 1942 Rating: 4 M Spectra B3 IV Colors W B ? Notes: AB 1848: 8.4 @ 354. 9 measurements. AC 1942: 27 @ 206. 1 measurements. The primary is a spectroscopic binary. The pair formerly listed as Jonchkeere 2004 appears to be identical, with distance doubled. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.9 inches. Separation: AB = 12.2 miles; AC = 38.3 miles. Distance (LY): 910 Total luminosity (Suns): 98 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 2251 Rating: 2 E Other Names: Collinder 101; H VIII 3 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club, Binocular Deep Sky Club Position: 0635+0822 Type: Oc Dimensions: 10' Class: III 2m Cluster population: 30 - 40 - Magnitude: 7.3 Zone 160 Notes: It is 267 million years old and lies 32,000 light years from the galactic center and right on the galactic plane. At least 92 stars belong to this group. The brightest star is 9.1m (440 times brighter than the Sun). Observations: C8 at 83x. Nice wedge with a NW to SE axis, and some nebulosity. The overall shape reminds Dean Williams of a dolphin. But Glenn Bock's description takes the cake: "a man running towards the SW edge of the field." His observation notes go on to describe in intricate detail the stars that make up the head, torso, arms and legs. Very creative! C11 at 115x. Sparse and oblong (about three to one in dimensions), I counted 15 stars. Very rich field. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 4,780 miles with its stars 780 miles apart. NGC 2251 Open cluster (III 2 m; 30 stars) Observed with C8 on 2/1/92 Magnification: 80x Distance (LY): 4,330 Luminosity (suns): 1,760 Collinder 97 Rating: 3 E Position: 0631+0555 Type: Oc Dimensions: 21' Class: IV 3p Cluster population: 15 Magnitude: 5.4 Notes: The cluster is 100 million years old. Observations: C8 at 104x. A very uneven group of stars dominated by three 7m stars in a large right triangle. The star at the right angle is a lovely W-B double (about 12" @ 320). Rich field. - 41 - Zone 160 Distance (LY): 2,050 Total luminosity (Suns): 2,270 NGC 2254 Other Names: Collinder 103; H VII 22 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 4 E Position: 0636+0740 Type: Oc Dimensions: 4' Class: I 1m Cluster population: 50 Magnitude: 9.1 Notes: This cluster is 203 million years old and is 34,000 light years from the galactic center and lies right on the galactic plane. At least 93 stars are known to be members of the group. The brightest star is 11.9m (60 times brighter than the Sun). 1.5o SW is Plaskett's Star (at 0637+0608), one of the most massive known, discovered by J. S. Plaskett at Victoria Observatory in 1922. It is actually a close pair of O8 giants, each about 55 Suns in mass. They orbit one another every 14.3961 days. Their surface temperatures are about 28,000o K each and the total magnitude is 6.05m. The secondary is actually underluminous for its mass and may be smaller than the primary. They are a part of the Mon OB2 Association. Observations: C8 at 206x. It resembles a planetary nebula; I could only resolve 6 stars at high power. It has a "U" shape and is small and dense. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 2,700 miles. Its stars would be 370 miles apart. Distance (LY): 7,710 Luminosity (suns): 1,070 Collinder 106 Rating: 4 E Position: 0637+0557 Type: Oc Dimensions: 45' Class: III 3p Cluster population: 20 - 42 - Magnitude: 4.6 Zone 160 Notes: This cluster is 5.5 million years old. Observations: C8 at 83x. It lies 15 min S of Plaskett's Star. It is dominated by three bright stars, but is very much spread out. Distance (LY): 5,220 Total luminosity (Suns): 31,000 Collinder 92 Rating: 5 E Position: 0623+0507 Type: Oc Magnitude: 8.5 Dimensions: 11.0' Notes: Asterism? Observations: C8 at 104x. A very poor cluster that is hardly discernible from the rest of the moderate field. The digitized sky survey shows no appreciable concentration in this area. Collinder 111 Rating: 5 E Position: 0639+0654 Type: Oc Magnitude: 7.0 Dimensions: 3.2' Notes: Asterism? Observations: C8 at 104x. Disappointing. The integrated magnitude must be driven by the 6.9 m star at its center, as the other 8 or 10 stars I saw were all around 10m or less. - 43 - Zone 160 Moderate NGC 2236 Other Names: Collinder 94; H VII 5 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 M Position: 0630+0650 Type: Oc Dimensions: 6' Class: II 2m Cluster population: 50 Magnitude: 8.5 Notes: It is 1.2 billion years old and lies 38,000 light years from the galactic center and 320 light years below the galactic plane. Observations: C8 at 83x. It is bright and small. There is a 10m star in the center. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 6,180 miles with its stars 830 miles apart. Distance (LY): 9,550 Luminosity (suns): 2,840 NGC 2252 Other Names: Collinder 102; H VIII 50 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 M Position: 0635+0523 Type: Oc Dimensions: 20' Class: III 2mn Cluster population: 30 Magnitude: 7.7 Notes: The brightest star is 9m. Observations: C8 at 83x. I found a patch of field just S that is just as rich as this cluster! Distance (LY): 5,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,630 - 44 - Zone 160 Difficult NGC 2237 Other Names: Rosette Nebula Astronomical League Program: Caldwell Club Position: 0632+0503 Type: Gn Dimensions: 80' x 60' Class: E Rating: 3 D Magnitude: 5.5 Notes: The nebula is some 80’ in diameter and so is of incredibly low surface brightness. The center of the nebula appears rarified, perhaps having been blown out by the fierce stellar gales (one hesitates to say mere "winds") of the hot young stars of NGC 2244. It has several NGC numbers (NGC 2237, 2238, 2239, 2246) because when William Herschel discovered it, it would only fit into his scope in small pieces. It is 55 light years in diameter and has the mass of about 11,000 suns. Observations: C8 at 47x. This is an object best seen with a nebular filter and a rich field adapter (telecompressor). In moments of good seeing, knotty structure is suggested. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): DIts diameter would be 2,000 miles. Distance (LY): 5,600 Luminosity (suns): 15,000 - 45 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 7 Reference Star Xi Gem (31 Gem; Alzirr; HD 48737; SAO 96074) Position: 0645+1254 Mag : 3.40 Spectrum : F5 IV Color : W Assumed distance: 57 light years Assumed luminosity (suns): 11.1 Notes: The primary may be a Delta Sct variable. It is also an infra-red source. Double Stars Easy 38 Gem STF 982; ADS 5559; HD 50635; SAO 96265 Position: 0655+1310 A B C Magnitude 4.73 7.74 10.30 Separation — 7.2 + 111.5 + PA — 146 328 = Rating: 2 E Year — 1997 1932 Spectra F0 V G4 Colors Y B W? Notes: AB 1822: 5.7 @ 179. Over 100 measurements. The orbital period may be 3,190 years (Hopmann, 1949). The primary is also a spectroscopic binary and a Delta Scuti variable. AC 1912: 109.3 @ 328. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Webb saw them as Y and B or Y and V. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.70 inches; B = 18.6 inches. Separation: AB = 1.02 miles; AC = 15.8 miles. Distance (LY): 91 Total luminosity (Suns): 9.19 - 46 - Zone 160 OSS 80 Rating: 2 E HD 51502; SAO 96325 Position: 0658+1414 A B C Magnitude 7.30 7.36 8.27 Separation — 124.7 + 80.2 - PA — 54 + 112 = Year — 1992 1992 Spectra B9 A5 G5 Colors W W W Notes: AB 1876: 124.4 @ 53. 5 measurements. AC 1897: 81.6 @ 112. 10 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. However, Hipparcos shows different distances (2,300 and 670 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. It forms a beautiful little right triangle. Rich field. Kustner 27 Rating: 4 E ADS 5348; HD 262229 Position: 0642+1451 A B Magnitude 9.96 10.10 Separation PA — — 6.9 187 + Year — 1952 Spectra G0 Colors W W Notes: 1901: 7.1 @ 186. 10 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. STF 959 Rating: 4 E SAO 96066 Position: 0645+1346 A B Magnitude 9.70 9.90 Separation PA — — 11.7 + 175 - - 47 - Year — 1987 Spectra G5 Colors W W? Zone 160 Notes: 1828: 11.6 @ 176. 10 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 9m star is 4 min E. The field is very rich but faint. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 21.3 inches. Separation: AB = 8.38 miles. Distance (LY): 459 Total luminosity (Suns): 4 Hough 239 Rating: 4 E ADS 5491; HD 49638; SAO 96164 Position: 0650+1442 A B C Magnitude 8.44 9.40 10.46 Separation — 0.5 = 34.7 - PA — 146 + 338 + Year — 1995 1981 Spectra G0 Colors yW No bW Notes: AB 1886: 5.0 @ 130. 17 measurements. AC 1887: 36.1 @ 336. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It forms the E vertex of a 9m triangle. Nice field to the N. Moderate Jonckheere 273 Rating: 5 M ADS 5577; HD 266265 Position: 0655+1235 A B C Magnitude 9.91 10.34 13.30 Separation — 4.5 7.4 - PA — 338 208 - - 48 - Year — 1991 1987 Spectra G5 V Colors Y W ? Zone 160 Notes: AB 1908: 5.2 @ 339. 10 measurements. AC 1910: 9.2 @ 212. 5 measurements. There are three other very faint comes. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.00 inches. Separation: AB = 2,798 feet; AC = 4,594 feet. Distance (LY): 76 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.085 Difficult 30 Gem Lamont 3; ADS 5387; HD 48433; SAO 96051 Position: 0644+1314 A B Magnitude 4.49 11.10 Separation PA — — 27.2 184 - Rating: 5 D Year — 1904 Spectra K0 III Colors Y!! ? Notes: 1836: 32.0 @ 185. 4 measurements. The primary is an infra-red source. Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 46.2 inches. Separation: AB = 11.7 miles. Distance (LY): 276 Total luminosity (Suns): 96.2 - 49 - Zone 160 Zone 160, Map 8 Double Stars Easy STF 953 Rating: 1 E ADS 5328; HD 47888; SAO 114265 Position: 0641+0859 A B Magnitude 6.53 7.05 Separation PA — — 7.1 = 330 - Year — 1991 Spectra F5 F5 Colors pO pB Notes: 1832: 7.1 @ 331. 27 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 83x. Moderate field. Webb saw them as yW and bW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 11.8 inches; B = 12.2 inches. Separation: AB = 8.64 miles. Distance (LY): 780 Total luminosity (Suns): 190 STF 965 Rating: 3 E ADS 5448; HD 263869 Position: 0647+1055 A B C D a Magnitude 8.80 9.30 13.20 9.41 13.70 Separation — 5.5 = 20.0 +! 42.6 12.1 + PA — 345 318 59 19 - - 50 - Year — 1962 1962 1991 1962 Spectra G0 Colors yW O No No No Zone 160 Notes: AB 1829: 5.5 @ 352. 11 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. AC 1879: 14.4 @ 322. 7 measurements. AD 1829: 47.0 @ 71. 16 measurements. Aa 1905: 11.0 @ 36. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.7 inches. Separation: AB = 27.9 miles; AC = 101 miles; AD = 216 miles; Aa = 61.4 miles. Distance (LY): 3,250 Total luminosity (Suns): 500 STF 986 Rating: 3 E ADS 5572; HD 50769; SAO 114602 Position: 0655+0930 A B Magnitude 9.10 9.60 Separation PA — — 5.4 + 163 - Year — 1992 Spectra A2 Colors W W Notes: 1828: 5.2 @ 167. 22 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.53 inches. Separation: AB = 2,534 feet. Distance (LY): 57 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.12 - 51 - Zone 160 STF 995 Rating: 4 E HD 51073; SAO 96293 Position: 0656+1102 A B Magnitude 8.50 9.10 Separation PA — — 21.7 + 293 = Year — 1988 Spectra G5 Colors Y W Notes: 1828: 21.6 @ 293. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Zone 160, Map 9 Double Stars Easy Jonckheere 2009 Rating: 4 E ADS 5388; HD 48473; SAO 114332 Position: 0644+0729 A B Magnitude 8.56 9.73 Separation PA — — 7.6 + 38 - Notes: 1902: 7.3 @ 42. 5 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 52 - Year — 1991 Spectra A2 Colors W Y Zone 160 OSS 79 Rating: 4 E HD 50557; SAO 114580 Position: 0654+0641 A B Magnitude 7.09 7.55 Separation PA — — 113.9 89 = Year — 1995 Spectra G5 A0 Colors W W Notes: 1875: 116.1 @ 89. 15 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. However, Hipparcos shows different distances (760 and 1,250 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. h2347 Rating: 5 E HD 265181 Position: 0651+0533 A B Magnitude 9.85 10.09 Separation PA — — 21.9 + 21 + Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1910: 22.8 @ 19. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Distance (LY): 79 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.101 - 53 - Zone 160 Moderate A 2823 Rating: 4 M ADS 5374; HD 48347; SAO 114314 Position: 0643+0607 A B Magnitude 7.87 10.13 Separation PA — — 4.5 + 300 = Year — 1991 Spectra A2 V Colors W O Notes: 1914: 4.1 @ 300. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.40 inches. Separation: AB = 5.54 miles. Distance (LY): 790 Total luminosity (Suns): 26 STF 949 Rating: 5 M ADS 5323; HD 47889 Position: 0641+0542 A B Magnitude 8.90 9.90 Separation PA — — 3.5 + 289 + Year — 1992 Spectra B9 V Colors W ? Notes: 1831: 3.4 @ 288. 12 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It forms the acute angle of an 8.9m triangle. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.60 inches. Separation: AB = 1.76 miles. Distance (LY): 323 Total luminosity (Suns): 3 - 54 - Zone 160 Jonckheere 666 Rating: 5 M ADS 5388; HD 48473; SAO 114332 Position: 0644+0729 A B C Magnitude 8.36 11.10 11.10 Separation — 1.8 15.1 + PA — 30 + 24 + Year — 1985 1955 Spectra A0 Colors W No W? Notes: AB 1911: 2.1 @ 26. 6 measurements. AC 1911: 14.1 @ 22. 5 measurements. There is a 14th mag star 8" np C. Observations: C8 at 104x. Zone 160, Map 10 Double Stars Easy 15 Mon S Mon; STF 950; ADS 5322; HD 47839; SAO 114258 Position: 0641+0954 A B C D E Magnitude 4.66 7.99 9.80 9.60 9.90 Separation — 2.9 + 17.0 + 41.5 + 72.9 - PA — 213 + 15 + 308 = 139 = Year — 1998 1998 1938 1985 Rating: 2 D Spectra O7 Ve B7 Colors W ? ? ? W? Notes: This star complex is part of the Mon OB1 Association, and is listed as star #131 of NGC 2264. - 55 - Zone 160 The primary is a spectroscopic binary and an infra-red source. AB 1825: 2.8 @ 209. 1912 (Bowyer): 3.5 @ 128. 62 measurements. AC 1831: 16.6 @ 13. 28 measurements. AD 1841: 41.3 @ 308. 4 measurements. AE 1874: 74.2 @ 139. 14 measurements. There are also other components (F of 9.08m and G of 8.30m, with FG being measured in 1873 at 39.4 @ 262 and 1985 at 38.8 @ 263, 5 measurements) and an S star (magnitude not listed in the WDS). CHARA also found an "a" component. Observations: C8 at 206x. It lies at the base of the Christmas Tree cluster, and has a hint of nebulosity around it. Webb saw them as G, B and ?. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 24.0 inches; B = 3.61 inches. Separation: AB = 11.1 miles; AC = 65.0 miles; AD = 159 miles; AE = 279 miles. Distance (LY): 2,450 Total luminosity (Suns): 7,790 STF 951 Ward; ADS 5316; HD 47755; SAO 114241 Position: 0640+0949 A B C D E Magnitude 8.47 10.91 12.46 9.13 12.77 Separation — 21.5 + 26.1 103.8 103.9 Rating: 4 E PA — 311 + 286 137 64 Year — 1987 1984 1987 1987 Spectra B3 Vn Colors bW pO No No ? Notes: AB 1830: 21.4 @ 309. 11 measurements. AC, AD and AE all 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. It is totally overpowered by the Christmas Tree cluster (NGC 2264). 15 Mon lies 2 min NE. Very rich field. - 56 - Zone 160 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.6 inches. Separation: AB = 37.6 miles; AC = 45.6 miles; AD = 181 miles; AE = 182 miles. Distance (LY): 1,120 Total luminosity (Suns): 112 STF 952 Hussey; Doberck 7 (C); ADS 5322 Position: 0641+0953 A B C Magnitude 9.75 10.05 10.20 Separation — 14.0 + 133.3 Rating: 4 E PA — 116 +? 320 Year — 1991 1914 Spectra B9 Colors W W W Notes: AB 1829: 13.6 @ 295. 15 measurements. Quadrant reversal? AC 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Swamped by a bright, rich field (the Christmas Tree Cluster, NGC 2264). Dembowski 11 CHR 168 (a); ADS 5325 Position: 0641+0954 A B C Magnitude 8.93 10.40 9.70 Rating: 4 E Separation — 3.4 41.4 + PA — 45 + 223 + Notes: AB 1869: 3.8 @ 45. 15 measurements. AC 1873: 40.8 @ 222. 5 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Flooded by a bright, rich field. - 57 - Year — 1990 1990 Spectra B6 V Colors W W? Zone 160 STF 954 Soulie 558 (C); ADS 5327; HD 47887; SAO 114264 Position: 0641+0928 A B C Magnitude 7.18 10.23 12.20 Separation — 13.8 + 58.1 PA — 154 + 118 Rating: 4 E Year — 1984 1984 Spectra B3 III B9 V Colors W ? No Notes: AB 1829: 12.7 @ 154. 7 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. This star actually sits on top of the "Cone" nebula, a fantastic cosmic cloud too faint for an 8" telescope. Moderate field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.2 inches; B = 5.68 inches. Separation: AB = 25.8 miles; AC = 109 miles. Distance (LY): 1,200 Total luminosity (Suns): 216 Moderate STF 3118 Rating: 5 M ADS 5334; HD 47961 Position: 0641+0950 A B Magnitude 9.60 10.30 Separation PA — — 3.3 + 173 - Year — 1997 Spectra B5 A2 Colors R? ? Notes: 1831: 2.4 @ 175. 15 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. It is 5 min S and 10 min E of an 8m star (SAO 114241) at the S end of open cluster NGC 2264. - 58 - Zone 160 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 2264 Rating: 3 E Other Names: Christmas Tree; Cone Nebula; H VIII 5; Melotte 49; Collinder 112; H V 27 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club, Urban Deep Sky Club, Binocular Deep Sky Club Position: 0641+0953 Type: Oc Dimensions: 60' x 30' Class: III 3mn Cluster population: 40 Magnitude: 3.9 Notes: The cluster is 20 million years old. It contains several O7 and O8 stars and two Delta Scu variables. It lies 30,000 light years from the galactic center and 100 light years above the galactic plane. Amateur astronomer Leland Copeland has dubbed this cluster the "Christmas Tree". That's a very fitting name! Observations: C8 at 65x. Very good, and aptly named! The bright star (5m) in the base of the tree is S Mon, the one that lights the Cone Nebula (8,500 times brighter than the Sun). Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 14,610 miles. Its stars would be 2,140 miles apart Distance (LY): 2,170 Luminosity (suns): 10,150 - 59 - Zone 160 Zone 160 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Designation Position Rating Map STF 953 0641+0859 1E 8 STF 859 0610+0540 2E 3 STF 877 0615+1435 2E 1 STF 880 0616+1035 2E 2 STF 926 0632+0546 2E 6 STF 939 0636+0518 2E 6 38 Gem 0655+1310 2E 7 OSS 80 0658+1414 2E 7 A. G. 321 0605+1435 3E 1 STF 840 0606+1045 3E 2 STF 854 0608+0548 3E 3 STF 853 0609+1140 3E 1 STF 898 0622+1058 3E 5 STF 901 0625+1031 3E 5 STF 915 0628+0516 3E 6 A. G. 325 0629+1354 3E 4 STF 965 0647+1055 3E 8 STF 986 0655+0930 3E 8 Component A B A B C A B A B A B a A B C D A B C A B C A B A B C BC A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B C D a A B - 60 - Mag 6.53 7.05 8.39 8.68 9.52 7.02 7.30 8.40 8.71 7.21 8.52 9.67 8.30 9.16 9.39 11.99 4.73 7.74 10.30 7.30 7.36 8.27 7.71 8.85 7.19 9.73 10.10 8.81 9.78 8.42 8.96 8.90 9.60 7.84 10.38 7.39 8.82 11.20 8.52 10.69 8.80 9.30 13.20 9.41 13.70 9.10 9.60 Separation — 7.1 = — 43.5 +! BC 0.4 — 5.7 + — 5.6 + — 11.0 + 0.9 — 30.2 + 39.7 35.4 — 7.2 + 111.5 + — 124.7 + 80.2 — 36.1 — 21.5 + PA — 330 — 243 BC 309 — 264 = — 55 + — 290 + 19 — 106 = 39.7 35.4 — 146 111.5 + — 54 + 80.2 — 188 + — 248 + 0.4 — 5.5 — 35.7 +! — 6.1 = — 19.9 — 5.9 = 39.2 + — 8.4 + — 5.5 = 20.0 +! 42.6 12.1 + — 5.4 + 126 -!! — 321 — 5+ — 120 — 248 = — 43 + 39.2 + — 292 + — 345 20.0 +! 42.6 19 — 163 - Zone 160 Designation Position Rating Map Barton 1188 0600+1313 4E 1 STF 844 0608+1400 4E 1 OSS 71 0614+1148 4E 1 75 Ori 0617+0956 4E 2 STF 885 0617+0600 4E 3 OSS 73 0619+1326 4E 1 STF 891 0620+1217 4E 1 STF 895 rej 0621+0544 4E 6 STF 921 0631+1115 4E 5 A 2816 0631+0956 4E 5 OS 146 rej 0632+1140 4E 5 STF 930 rej 0634+0759 4E 6 14 Mon 0635+0734 4E 6 South 529 0637+1211 4E 4 A. G. 327 0638+1447 4E 4 STF 951 0640+0949 4E 10 STF 952 0641+0953 4E 10 Dembowski 11 0641+0954 4E 10 STF 954 0641+0928 4E 10 Kustner 27 Jonckheere 2009 0642+1451 4E 7 0644+0729 4E 9 Component A B A B A B A B C D CD A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C D E A B C A B C A B C A B A B - 61 - Mag 10.16 10.35 8.40 9.30 7.12 7.64 5.39 10.10 10.08 10.90 9.00 10.60 6.54 7.67 7.67 11.20 8.06 10.25 6.17 9.10 7.85 10.30 11.66 6.03 9.85 8.27 9.98 9.60 6.50 10.70 6.91 9.35 8.30 9.63 10.70 8.47 10.91 12.46 9.13 12.77 9.75 10.05 10.20 8.93 10.40 9.70 7.18 10.23 12.20 9.96 10.10 8.56 9.73 Separation — 5.2 — 23.7 + — 89.3 — 63.0 + 114.2 - PA — 353 -? — 9+ — 311 + — 260 + 114.2 - 5.1 + — 10.1 + — 72.4 — 21.9 = — 29.0 — 16.1 — 1.1 + 23.0 — 29.4 — 26.3 43.8 = — 10.8 + — 56.5 -!! 163.0 -!! — 11.3 + — 21.5 + 26.1 103.8 103.9 — 14.0 + 133.3 — 3.4 41.4 + — 13.8 + 58.1 — 6.9 — 7.6 + 228 + — 297 + — 44 = — 293 + — 59 = — 3— 321 + 23.0 — 140 — 277 + 43.8 = — 209 + — 137 -!! 163.0 -!! — 20 — 311 + 26.1 103.8 64 — 116 +? 133.3 — 45 + 41.4 + — 154 + 58.1 — 187 + — 38 - Zone 160 Designation Position Rating Map STF 959 0645+1346 4E 7 Hough 239 0650+1442 4E 7 OSS 79 0654+0641 4E 9 STF 995 0656+1102 4E 8 STF 856 0609+0703 5E 3 South 509 0614+1429 5E 1 74 Ori 0616+1216 5E 1 Hough 24 0618+0919 5E 2 STF 892 rej 0620+1220 5E 1 h725 0621+0944 5E 5 h726 Jonckheere 2742 0623+0854 5E 5 0623+1431 5E 4 A 2720 0623+1432 5E 4 Abetti 5 0633+1010 5E 5 STF 931 rej 0634+0759 5E 6 h2347 0651+0533 5E 9 STF 848 0608+1358 2M 1 Hough 230 0619+1347 3M 1 Tycho 241 0621+0857 4M 5 A. G. 114 0628+0834 4M 5 Component A B A B C A B A B A B A B C BC A B C A B C D E A B A B A B C A B A B C A B A B A B A B C D E A B A B A B - 62 - Mag 9.70 9.90 8.44 9.40 10.46 7.09 7.55 8.50 9.10 8.52 10.95 7.27 7.96 11.40 5.04 12.50 9.30 7.46 11.17 13.00 12.60 13.10 10.50 11.50 8.06 10.50 9.73 10.67 11.21 9.30 11.57 9.24 10.80 9.56 7.57 10.90 9.69 10.42 9.85 10.09 6.93 7.83 11.00 8.70 9.19 8.39 9.90 9.49 11.27 9.14 9.90 Separation — 11.7 + — 0.5 = 34.7 — 113.9 — 21.7 + — 10.3 = — 170.5 + PA — 175 — 146 + 34.7 — 89 = — 293 = — 50 + — 198 = 3.1 + — 29.7 + 205.2 + — 4.1 25.0 30.2 45.0 — 30.0 — 23.7 + — 22.4 23.0 + — 60.0 — 1.2 + 66.9 — 102.5 — 23.7 + — 21.9 + — 2.4 = 15.9 + 28.3 43.3 + — 1.7 + — 2.1 — 5.0 = 245 — 171 + 205.2 + — 157 + 25.0 30.2 20 — 48 — 71 + — 155 + 23.0 + — 315 — 49 + 66.9 — 257 + — 22 — 21 + — 111 + 15.9 + 28.3 184 + — 63 + — 92 — 0= Zone 160 Designation Position Rating Map OS 142 0630+0707 4M 6 A 2823 0643+0607 4M 9 STF 852 0609+0722 5M 3 A 2717 0615+0631 5M 3 A. G. 324 0620+1143 5M 2 Jonckheere 1951 0630+1348 5M 4 Smart 60 0634+1124 5M 5 STF 3118 0641+0950 5M 10 STF 949 0641+0542 5M 9 Jonckheere 666 0644+0729 5M 9 Jonckheere 273 0655+1235 5M 7 15 Mon 0641+0954 2D 10 Chevalier Jonckheere 407 0607+0754 4D 3 0600+0942 5D 2 Engelmann 26 0617+0506 5D 3 STF 932 0634+1445 5D 4 30 Gem 0644+1314 5D 7 Component A B C A B A B C A B C D A B A B C A B A B A B A B C A B C A B C D E A B A B A B C D A B A B - 63 - Mag 7.12 11.23 11.10 7.87 10.13 10.68 11.70 12.50 7.69 8.13 13.00 10.57 9.33 11.50 10.73 10.90 10.54 8.60 11.40 9.60 10.30 8.90 9.90 8.36 11.10 11.10 9.91 10.34 13.30 4.66 7.99 9.80 9.60 9.90 8.84 11.20 8.74 10.37 5.71 11.36 10.00 13.02 8.39 8.59 4.49 11.10 Separation — 8.6 + 27.0 — 4.5 + — 10.1 + 44.5 + — 0.5 + 14.1 +! 38.6 — 10.2 + — 5.0 25.0 — 10.3 — 3.3 + — 3.5 + — 1.8 15.1 + — 4.5 7.4 — 2.9 + 17.0 + 41.5 + 72.9 — 6 — 2.2 + — 45.2 -! 178.8 -! 68.4 — 1.7 — 27.2 - PA — 354 = 27.0 — 300 = — 310 44.5 + — 350 = 14.1 +! 38.6 — 269 = — 130 + 25.0 — 160 — 173 — 289 + — 30 + 15.1 + — 338 7.4 — 213 + 17.0 + 41.5 + 139 = — 170 — 196 + — 246 178.8 -! 68.4 — 310 -! — 184 - Zone 160 Deep Space Object NGC 2251 NGC 2261 Collinder 97 NGC 2264 Collinder 95 NGC 2254 Collinder 106 NGC 2143 NGC 2202 Collinder 92 Collinder 111 NGC 2169 NGC 2186 NGC 2236 NGC 2252 NGC 2237 NGC 2141 NGC 2194 NGC 2245 Trumpler 5 NGC 2259 Position 0635+0822 0639+0844 0631+0555 0641+0953 0631+0956 0636+0740 0637+0557 0603+0550 0617+0600 0623+0507 0639+0654 0608+1357 0612+0527 0630+0650 0635+0523 0632+0503 0603+1026 0614+1248 0633+1010 0637+0926 0639+1053 Rating 2E 2E 3E 3E 4E 4E 4E 5E 5E 5E 5E 5M 5M 5M 5M 3D 4D 4D 4D 4D 5D Map 6 5 6 10 5 6 6 3 3 6 6 1 3 6 6 6 2 1 5 5 5 Type Oc (III 2m) Gn (E+R) Oc (IV 3p) Oc (III 3mn) Oc (IV 2 p n) Oc (I 1m) Oc (III 3p) Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc (III 3m) Oc (II 2m) Oc (II 2m) Oc (III 2mn) Gn (E) Oc (II 3r) Oc (II 2r) Gn (R) Oc (II 3rn) Oc (II 2pn) - 64 - Specifications Surface Mag Br 7.3 10.7 5.4 3.9 9.1 4.6 10.0 Population 30 15 40 10 50 20 8.5 7.0 5.9 8.7 8.5 7.7 5.5 10.8 8.5 100 100 10.0 10.8 150 25 30 30 50 30