Zone 142, Master Map Normal View +24°00' Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV c +22°00' e Coma Berenices d M85 +16°00' f +18°00' +20°00' Black-eye Galaxy M64 M100 M98 M91 Pinwheel Nebula M99 M88 Virgo 13h 04m 12h 56m 12h 48m 12h 40m 12h 32m 12h 24m 12h 16m 12h 08m 12h 00m Zone 142, Map 1 Normal Image +24°00' NGC 4022 +25°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 4162 +23°00' STF 1637 rej Pourteau 3123 +22°00' STF 1634 Kustner 103 +21°00' Zeta Com h2601 12h 30m 12h 25m 12h 20m 12h 15m 12h 10m 12h 05m 12h 00m Zone 142, Map 1 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +24°00' +25°00' NGC 4022 NGC 4162 +23°00' STF 1637 rej Pourteau 3123 +22°00' STF 1634 Kustner 103 +21°00' Zeta Com Hough 534 h2601 12h 00m 12h 05m 12h 10m 12h 15m 12h 20m 12h 25m 12h 30m Zone 142, Map 2 Normal Image +20°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +19°00' NGC 4336 NGC 4147 NGC 4394 NGC 4064 +18°00' NGC 4293 M85 NGC 4382 +17°00' 11 Com NGC 4450 NGC 4350 NGC 4340 +16°00' NGC 4405 NGC 4152 M100 NGC 4321 NGC 4379 NGC 4237 NGC 4419 M98 NGC 4192 NGC 4262 NGC 4377 12h 30m 12h 25m 12h 20m 12h 15m 12h 10m 12h 05m 12h 00m Zone 142, Map 2 Mirror Image +20°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +19°00' NGC 4336 NGC 4064 NGC 4147 NGC 4293 +18°00' M85NGC 4394 NGC 4382 +17°00' 11 Com NGC 4014 +16°00' NGC 4340 NGC 4350 NGC 4405 NGC 4152 M100 NGC 4321 NGC 4379 NGC 4237 NGC 4419 NGC 4192 M98 NGC 4262 NGC 4377 12h 00m 12h 05m 12h 10m 12h 15m 12h 20m 12h 25m 12h 30m Zone 142, Map 3 Normal Image +25°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +24°00' STF 1650 +23°00' Engelmann 48 +22°00' Kuiper 60 Black-eye Galaxy M64 35 Com 13h 00m 12h 55m STF 1663 OS 253 12h 50m 12h 45m 12h 40m 12h 35m +21°00' NGC 4826 STF 1652 12h 30m Zone 142, Map 3 Mirror Image +25°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +24°00' STF 1650 +23°00' Engelmann 48 +22°00' Kuiper 60 STF 1663 STF 1652 12h 30m 12h 35m 35 Com OS 253 12h 40m 12h 45m +21°00' NGC 4826 Black-eye Galaxy M64 12h 50m 12h 55m 13h 00m Zone 142, Map 4 Normal Image +19°00' +20°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 1685 Bergh 5 Bur 112 32 Com NGC 4498 +17°00' +18°00' 24 Com NGC 4515 h213 NGC 4710 STF 1686 13h 00m 12h 55m 12h 50m 12h 45m 12h 40m 12h 35m 12h 30m +16°00' NGC 4651 Zone 142, Map 4 Mirror Image +19°00' +20°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 1685 Bergh 5 NGC 4450 +17°00' +18°00' 24 Com 32 Com NGC 4498 NGC 4651 +16°00' NGC 4515 h213 NGC 4710 STF 1686 12h 30m 12h 35m 12h 40m 12h 45m 12h 50m 12h 55m 13h 00m Zone 142 1 Reference Star, 19 Double Stars, 1 Globular Cluster, 19 Galaxies Flamsteed NGC 4350 ............................................ 10 NGC 4379 ............................................ 11 NGC 4382 .............................................. 6 NGC 4394 .............................................. 9 NGC 4405 ............................................ 14 NGC 4419 ............................................ 11 NGC 4450 .............................................. 8 NGC 4498 ............................................ 24 NGC 4651 ............................................ 24 NGC 4710 ............................................ 23 NGC 4826 ............................................ 19 11 Com .................................................. 6 24 Com ................................................ 20 32 Com ................................................ 23 35 Com ................................................ 17 B Bergh 5 ................................................ 22 E Engelmann 48 ...................................... 16 H O h213 ..................................................... 22 h2601 ..................................................... 4 OS 253 ................................................. 16 K P Kuiper 60 ............................................. 17 Kustner 103............................................ 3 Pourteau 3123 ........................................ 4 N STF 1634................................................ 2 STF 1637 rej .......................................... 3 STF 1650.............................................. 15 STF 1652.............................................. 15 STF 1663.............................................. 18 STF 1685.............................................. 21 STF 1686.............................................. 21 S NGC 4064............................................ 12 NGC 4147............................................ 10 NGC 4152............................................ 13 NGC 4162.............................................. 5 NGC 4237............................................ 13 NGC 4293.............................................. 8 NGC 4321.............................................. 7 NGC 4336.............................................. 9 NGC 4340............................................ 12 Z Zeta Com................................................ 2 -1- Zone 142 Zone 142, Map 1 Double Stars Easy Zeta Com 2 Com; STF 1596; ADS 8406; HD 104827; SAO 82123 Position: 1204+2128 A B Magnitude 5.89 7.40 Separation PA — — 3.7 236 = Year — 1997 Rating: 2 E Spectra F0 IV AiV Colors Y B Notes: 1820: 3.8 @ 236. Over 100 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary. The stars have common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.40 inches; B = 7.80 inches. Separation: AB = 2.07 miles. Distance (LY): 359 Total luminosity (Suns): 52 STF 1634 Rating: 3 E ADS 8520; HD 107400; SAO 82255 Position: 1221+2255 A B Magnitude 8.46 9.80 Separation PA — — 5.4 + 148 - Notes: 1830: 5.2 @ 149. 22 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. -2- Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors yW ? Zone 142 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.9 inches. Separation: AB = 5.64 miles. Distance (LY): 670 Total luminosity (Suns): 18.3 Kustner 103 Rating: 4 E SAO 82263 Position: 1222+2130 A B Magnitude 9.63 10.77 Separation PA — — 25.6 345 - Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors W bW Notes: 1892: 36.7 @ 2. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 9m star is 12 min S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.4 inches. Separation: AB = 9.06 miles. Distance (LY): 227 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.8 STF 1637 rej Rating: 4 E HD 107864; SAO 82284 Position: 1224+2326 A B Magnitude 8.93 11.16 Separation PA — — 120.9 + 146 + Notes: 1904: 120.7 @ 145. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. -3- Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors W ? Zone 142 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 15.8 inches. Separation: AB = 142 miles. Distance (LY): 750 Total luminosity (Suns): 13.7 h2601 Rating: 5 E SAO 82179 Position: 1212+2024 A B Magnitude 10.17 11.51 Separation PA — — 26.7 67 + Year — 1991 Spectra F3 V Colors bW W Notes: 1893: 26.9 @ 66. 5 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. It was blasted by a 4m Y star 10 min NNE! Pourteau 3123 Position: 1223+2323 A B Magnitude 10.59 11.01 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 17.3 342 = Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1895: 17.5 @ 342. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It looks fainter, by about a magnitude for each star. A 10m star lies 5 min E. Distance (LY): 14 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.002 -4- Zone 142 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 4162 Other Names: UGC 7193; H II 353 Rating: 5 D Position: 1212+2407 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.3 Class: (R)SA)rs)bc II Dimensions: 2' x 1' Magnitude: 12.6 PA: 174 Observations: C8 at 65x. Faint, with a N-S axis. An 11m star lies 2 min E and 6.8m one (SAO 82177) 49 min S. Distance (LY): 110,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,510 Total luminosity (Suns): 8,700,000,000 -5- Zone 142 Zone 142, Map 2 Reference Star 11 Com (Hough 52; HD 107383; SAO 100053) Position: 1221+1748 Mag : 4.72 Spectrum : G8 III Color : Y Assumed distance: 361 light years Assumed luminosity (suns): 137 Notes: 1883: 9.1 @ 44. 12 measurements. The primary is an infra-red source. Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 4382 Other Names: UGC 7508, M85 Astronomical Leage Program: Messier Club Rating: 2 E Position: 1225+1811 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: SA(s)0+ pec Dimensions: 7' x 5' Magnitude: 9.2 Notes: It was discovered by P. Mechain in 1781; Messier noted it too on March 18. It is 150,000 light years in diameter and has a mass of 100 billion suns. This galaxy produced supernova SN 1960r. Virgo Cluster member. Observations: C8 at 65x. Bright and grainy, with little structure visible and a N-S axis. A 12m star is 1 min NNE and may, in fact, lie in front of the halo. A 10m star lies 5 min NW. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 42.6 million miles. -6- Zone 142 Distance (LY): 65,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +721 Luminosity (suns): 69,000,000,000 NGC 4382 (M85) Galaxy (SA(s) 0+ pec) Observed with C-8 on 5/3/92 Magnification: 80x NGC 4321 Other Names: UGC 7450, M100 Astronomical Leage Program: Messier Club Rating: 3 E Position: 1223+1549 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: SAB(s)bc I Dimensions: 7' x 6' Magnitude: 9.4 PA: 30 Notes: It was discovered by P. Mechain on March 15, 1781, the same year Messier added it to his catalog (April 13). (The same night, Mechain also found M98 and M99!) -7- Zone 142 It is 130,000 light years in diameter and the largest spiral of the Coma-Virgo cluster. Supernovae have appeared here in 1901, 1914, 1959 and 1979. The mass is about 160 billion suns. Observations: C8 at 65x. Large and bright, with a prominent nucleus. At higher powers, it looks almost mottled. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 43 million miles. Distance (LY): 65,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,551 Luminosity (suns): 42,700,000,000 NGC 4293 Other Names: UGC 7405; H V 5 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 4 E Position: 1221+1823 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.2 Class: (R)SB(s)0/a Dimensions: 5' x 2' Magnitude: 11.7 PA: 72 Observations: C8 at 65x. Bright, with an E-W axis. There was no apparent nucleus. Rich field including three nice field stars in a row just N of the galaxy. Distance (LY): 36,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +693 Total luminosity (Suns): 2,200,000,000 Moderate NGC 4450 Other Names: UGC 7594; H II 56 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 3 M Position: 1229+1705 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.0 Class: SA(s)ab I-II Dimensions: 4' x 3' -8- Magnitude: 11.1 PA: 175 Zone 142 Notes: Virgo Cluster member and Seyfert galaxy. Observations: C8 at 65x. This galaxy shows as a large, bright oval (N to S axis) with very bright nucleus. Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,995 NGC 4336 Other Names: IC3254; H II 406 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 4 M Position: 1224+1927 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.5 Class: SB0/a Dimensions: 1.5' x 0.8' Magnitude: 12.5 PA: 162 Observations: C11 at 193x. Small, roundish; very gradually brightens to the middle. A 9.6m star is 5 min S. Radial velocity (k/s): +1,031 NGC 4394 Other Names: UGC 7523; H II 55 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 4 M Position: 1226+1813 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.3 Class: (R)SB(r)b II Dimensions: 3' Notes: Virgo Cluster member. -9- Magnitude: 12.0 Zone 142 Observations: C8 at 65x. This galaxy has a starlike nucleus. There is some mottling at high powers. A dim star lies about 5 min SW, and a very, very faint star seems to lie about 30" N of the nucleus. Radial velocity (km/sec): +720 NGC 4147 Other Names: Dunlop 508; H I 19 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 5 M Position: 1210+1833 Type: Gc Dimensions: 4' Class: 6 Magnitude: 11.0 Notes: Discovered by William Herschel on March 14, 1784. The brightest stars are 14.5m and the horizontal branch is 16.9m. Observations: C8 at 65x. Unresolved, and with a starlike core. A neat little asterism of 3 stars lies a few minutes E. A yellow star lies on the W side. Moderate field. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 27,000 miles. Distance (LY): 71,000 Luminosity (suns): 16,000 NGC 4350 Other Names: UGC 7473; H II 86 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 5 M Position: 1224+1642 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 11.8 Class: SA0 Dimensions: 2' x 1' Notes: Virgo Cluster member. - 10 - Magnitude: 12.0 PA: 28 Zone 142 Observations: C8 at 65x. A stellar nucleus and a NE-SW axis are all there is to see with an 8" scope. A 6.5m star lies 30 min W. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 12 million miles. Distance (LY): 62,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,122 Luminosity (suns): 5,000,000,000 NGC 4379 Other Names: UGC 7502; H II 87 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 M Position: 1225+1536 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.3 Class: S0- pec: Dimensions: 1.5' x 1' Magnitude: 11.7 PA: 105 Notes: This galaxy lies well behind the Virgo Cluster, being over 10 times farther away. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is a soft, round glow that is 17 min SSW of 7m SAO 100095. It has a starlike nucleus. C11 at 98x. Small, very bright nucleus (about 5" diameter) and very small halo. Distance (LY): 424,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,069 Total luminosity (Suns): 294,100,000,000 NGC 4419 Other Names: H II 113; UGC 7551; H I 113 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club Rating: 5 M Position: 1227+1503 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.0 Class: SB(s)a Dimensions: 2' x 0.7' - 11 - Magnitude: 12.2 PA: 133 Zone 142 Notes: This is a Seyfert galaxy. This galaxy produced supernova 1984A (type Ia). Observations: C8 at 65x. Faint oval with SE to NW axis; the center brightens suddenly. A star of about 11.5m lies 3 min S. Radial velocity (km/sec): -261 Difficult NGC 4340 Other Names: UGC 7467; H II 85 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 4 D Position: 1224+1643 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.7 Class: SB(r)0+ Dimensions: 3.6' x 3' Magnitude: 12.5 PA: 102 Notes: This galaxy produced supernova 1977A. It actually lies beyond the Virgo Cluster. Observations: C8 at 65x. Featureless, faint, small, round with only a slightly brighter middle. NGC 4350, an even fainter puff of light, lies ESE about 5 min. C11 at 98x. Nice pairing with 4350. Small disc with a slightly brighter middle. Distance (LY): 71,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +950 Total luminosity (Suns): 4,000,000,000 NGC 4064 Other Names: UGC 7054 Rating: 5 D Position: 1204+1827 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.3 Class: SB(s)a: pec Dimensions: 2.5' x 1' - 12 - Magnitude: 12.8 PA: 150 Zone 142 Observations: C8 at 65x. Very faint and elongated SE-NW. Distance (LY): 42,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +967 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,100,000,000 NGC 4152 Other Names: UGC 7169; H II 83 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 D Position: 1211+1602 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.4 Class: SAB(rs)c II Dimensions: 1.3' x 1' Magnitude: 12.7 PA: 175 Notes: It lies well beyond the Virgo Cluster. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies 23 min SSE of a 7m–8m pair of stars. C11 at 98x. Small, with a very tiny halo, and fairly strong middle. Distance (LY): 91,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,167 Total luminosity (Suns): 5,400,000,000 NGC 4237 Other Names: UGC 7315; H II 11 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 D Position: 1217+1519 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.5 Class: SAB(rs)bc III Dimensions: 1.4' x 1' Magnitude: 12.6 PA: 108 Observations: C8 at 65x. This one is faint and round, but with a well-defined core. The glare of SAO 100023 (6m, 12 min SE) is evil; an Aries-like asterism lies to the SE; a small parallelogram of four stars lies 30 min N. Distance (LY): 38,000,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,100,000,000 - 13 - Zone 142 Radial velocity (km/sec): +867 NGC 4405 Other Names: IC 788; H II 88 Rating: 5 D Position: 1226+1611 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.4 Class: SA(rs)0/a: Dimensions: 1.7' x 1.1' Magnitude: 12.0 PA: 20 Notes: A quasar lies 2 min SW. Observations: C8 at 104x. A very indistinct puff of misty light, seen with tube movement and averted vision. Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,747 - 14 - Zone 142 Zone 142, Map 3 Double Stars Easy STF 1650 Rating: 3 E SAO 82351 Position: 1232+2437 A B Magnitude 9.54 10.47 Separation PA — — 16.6 178 - Year — 1991 Spectra F6 V Colors W ? Notes: 1830: 17.17 @ 178. 8 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. It is fried by a 5.5m star 8 min SW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.20 inches. Separation: AB = 7.90 miles. Distance (LY): 305 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.61 STF 1652 Rating: 4 E ADS 8592; SAO 82367 Position: 1233+2106 A B Magnitude 9.45 9.78 Separation PA — — 6.0 = 178 - Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors W W? Notes: 1830: 6.0 @ 182. 22 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. - 15 - Zone 142 Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.3 inches. Separation: AB = 5.71 miles. Distance (LY): 610 Total luminosity (Suns): 15 Engelmann 48 Rating: 4 E HD 111066; SAO 82490 Position: 1247+2409 A B Magnitude 6.88 10.51 Separation PA — — 160.3 + 13 = Year — 1911 Spectra F8 V Colors W W Notes: 1894: 156.0 @ 13. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.60 inches. Separation: AB = 35.5 miles. Distance (LY): 142 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.90 Moderate OS 253 Rating: 4 M ADS 8649; HD 110721; SAO 82462 Position: 1244+2111 A B Magnitude 6.99 11.20 Separation PA — — 6.5 + 238 + Year — 1991 Spectra F0 Notes: 1843: 5.8 @ 232. 18 measurements. Common proper motion. - 16 - Colors W O Zone 142 Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.75 inches. Separation: AB = 5.57 miles. Distance (LY): 550 Total luminosity (Suns): 20.8 Kuiper 60 Rating: 5 M HD 109996; SAO 82420 Position: 1239+2240 A B Magnitude 6.39 12.50 Separation PA — — 33.8 + 225 + Year — 1989 Spectra K1 III Colors Y ? Notes: 1958: 32.8 @ 224. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 2.40 inches. Separation: AB = 19.2 miles. Distance (LY): 364 Total luminosity (Suns): 29.1 Difficult 35 Com STF 1687; ADS 8695; HD 112033; SAO 82550 Position: 1253+2114 A B C Magnitude 5.17 7.17 9.76 Separation — 1.1 28.8 + PA — 181 +!! 126 + - 17 - Rating: 3 D Year — 1998 1988 Spectra G8 III F6 Colors Y Y B Zone 142 Notes: AB 1829: 1.4 @ 25. Over 100 measurements. The orbit takes 510 years (Heintz, 1973) with a semi-major axis of 1.42" and direct motion. The AB pair has mass of 2.7 and 1.4 Suns. The A star is an infra-red source. AC 1830: 28.6 @ 125. 80 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 280x. Webb saw them as Y, B. The galaxy M64 (NGC 4826) is 1o NE of this star. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.35 inches; B = 12.9 inches. Separation: AB = 2,904 feet; AC = 14.6 miles. Distance (LY): 324 Total luminosity (Suns): 89 STF 1663 Rating: 5 D ADS 8611; HD 109782; SAO 82402 Position: 1237+2112 A B Magnitude 7.67 8.58 Separation PA — — 0.6 72 -! Year — 1999 Spectra F3 V Colors W W Notes: 1830: 0.8 @ 118. Over 100 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. I got a peanut with an occassional total split on a night of moderate seeing. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.80 inches. Separation: AB = 3,062 feet. Distance (LY): 620 Total luminosity (Suns): 37 - 18 - Zone 142 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 4826 Rating: 2 E Other Names: Black Eye Galaxy; UGC 8062, M64 Astronomical Leage Program: Messier Club, Urban Deep Sky Club Position: 1257+2141 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.4 Class: (R)SA(rs)ab Dimensions: 8' x 4' Magnitude: 8.6 PA: 115 Notes: J. Bode discovered it on April 4, 1779; Messier added it to his catalog on March 1, 1780. It is 65,000 light years in diameter, is a Seyfert galaxy, and a member of the Canes Venatici I Cloud. Observations: C8 at 83x. I could not see the "black eye", but the galaxy is large and bright. The nucleus is very well-defined. It has a W-E axis, and a 10m star 5 min NE. (The "eye" should be visible in an 8" scope just NE of the center.) The surface is mottled under high power. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 710,000,000. Distance (LY): 25,000,000 Luminosity (suns): 17,800,000,000 NGC 4826 (M64) Galaxy ((R)SA(rs)ab II-III) Observed with C-8 on 5/3/92 Magnification: 80x Radial velocity (km/sec): +364 - 19 - Zone 142 Zone 142, Map 4 Double Stars Easy 24 Com STF 1657; ADS 8600; HD 109511; SAO 100159 Position: 1235+1822 A B Magnitude 5.20 6.70 Separation PA — — 20 = 271 - Rating: 1 E Year — 1990 Spectra K2 III A7 V Colors Y!! B!! Notes: Star B is a spectroscopic binary (7.3366 day period). It is also an infra-red source. Its spectrum suggests a distance of 250 light years. 1830: 20.4 @ 272. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 65x. Webb saw them as Y, B! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 49.5 inches; B = 6.80 inches. Separation: AB = 19.0 miles. Distance (LY): 610 Total luminosity (Suns): 312 24 Com (STF 1657) Observed with C-8 Magnification: 65x - 20 - Zone 142 STF 1685 Sh 123; ADS 8690; HD 111845; SAO 100307 Position: 1252+1910 A B C Magnitude 7.29 7.75 8.70 Separation — 16.0 + 246.0 - PA — 202 + 326 - Rating: 2 E Year — 1991 1918 Spectra A8 IVp F8 V Colors W W W Notes: AB 1822: 15.6 @ 198. 68 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. AC 1723L 247.4 @ 327. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It forms a very acute triangle. From the separation and pa listing, I did not expect it to look quite like this. Webb saw A as W or Y. STF 1686 Rating: 2 E ADS 8693; HD 111959; SAO 100314 Position: 1253+1501 A B Magnitude 7.92 8.07 Separation PA — — 5.7 + 187 - Year — 1991 Spectra F5 Colors W W Notes: 1829: 5.4 @ 188. 48 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.0 inches. Separation: AB = 4.28 miles. Distance (LY): 482 Total luminosity (Suns): 18 - 21 - Zone 142 Bergh 5 Rating: 4 E HD 112573; SAO 100348 Position: 1258+1842 A B Magnitude 8.96 9.82 Separation PA — — 58.0 222 Year — 1936 Spectra K0 Colors Y W Notes: 1 measurement. The stars share a very large common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. An 8.5m star is 10 min S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 25.7 inches. Separation: AB = 12.3 miles. Distance (LY): 136 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.8 h213 Position: 1241+1517 A B Magnitude 10.11 11.61 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 22.5 222 Year — 1907 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Distance (LY): 136 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.13 - 22 - Spectra Colors W W Zone 142 32 Com SI 23; HD 111862; SAO 100309 Position: 1252+1704 A B C Magnitude 6.32 6.93 8.78 Rating: 5 E Separation — 196.1 + 904.7 + PA — 51 + 262 = Year — 1991 1991 Spectra M0 III F8 Colors Y W No Notes: AB 1836: 194.7 @ 49. 13 measurements. AC 1910: 897.3 @ 262. 2 measurements. The stars have different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. C was difficult due to the glare. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 63.0 inches; B = 13.9 inches. Separation: AB = 560 miles; AC = 2,583 miles. Distance (LY): 1,830 Total luminosity (Suns): 1330 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 4710 Other Names: UGC 7980; H II 95 Rating: 3 E Position: 1250+1510 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.5 Class: SA(r)0+ sp Dimensions: 3' x 0.5' Magnitude: 12.0 PA: 27 Observations: C8 at 65x. Bright streak (NE-SW), with a dust lane at high powers. A 12.5m star is 2 min E. A close pair of stars lies 18 min NW— (8.1m and 9.4m). - 23 - Zone 142 Distance (LY): 47,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,125 Total luminosity (Suns): 2,800,000,000 Difficult NGC 4498 Other Names: H III 69; UGC 7669 Rating: D Position: 1232+1652 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.8 Class: SAB(s)d Dimensions: 3.5' x 1.7' Magnitude: 12.2 PA: 133 Observations: C8 at 104x. Located 20 min NE of a 7m star. Radial velocity (km/sec): +1,507 NGC 4651 Other Names: UGC 7901; H II 12 Rating: 5 D Position: 1244+1624 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 12.9 Class: SA(rs)c II Dimensions: 3' x 2.5' Magnitude: 10.7 PA: 80 Notes: It is a radio source. In 1987, SN 1987K (type II pec) was discovered in this galaxy. Observations: C8 at 65x. Faint, but with brighter center and E-W axis. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 13 million miles. Distance (LY): 46,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +805 Luminosity (suns): 8,700,000,000 - 24 - Zone 142 Zone 142 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Designation Position Rating Map 24 Com 1235+1822 1E 4 Zeta Com 1204+2128 2E 1 STF 1685 1252+1910 2E 4 STF 1686 1253+1501 2E 4 STF 1634 1221+2255 3E 1 STF 1650 1232+2437 3E 3 Kustner 103 1222+2130 4E 1 STF 1637 rej 1224+2326 4E 1 STF 1652 1233+2106 4E 3 Engelmann 48 1247+2409 4E 3 Bergh 5 1258+1842 4E 4 h2601 1212+2024 5E 1 Pourteau 3123 1223+2323 5E 1 h213 1241+1517 5E 4 32 Com 1252+1704 5E 4 OS 253 1244+2111 4M 3 Kuiper 60 1239+2240 5M 3 35 Com 1253+2114 3D 3 STF 1663 1237+2112 5D 3 Component A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B C A B - 25 - Mag 5.20 6.70 5.89 7.40 7.29 7.75 8.70 7.92 8.07 8.46 9.80 9.54 10.47 9.63 10.77 8.93 11.16 9.45 9.78 6.88 10.51 8.96 9.82 10.17 11.51 10.59 11.01 10.11 11.61 6.32 6.93 8.78 6.99 11.20 6.39 12.50 5.17 7.17 9.76 7.67 8.58 Separation — 20 = — 3.7 — 16.0 + 246.0 — 5.7 + — 5.4 + — 16.6 — 25.6 — 120.9 + — 6.0 = — 160.3 + — 58.0 — 26.7 — 17.3 — 22.5 — 196.1 + 904.7 + — 6.5 + — 33.8 + — 1.1 28.8 + — 0.6 - PA — 271 — 236 = — 202 + 246.0 — 187 — 148 — 178 — 345 — 146 + — 178 — 13 = — 222 — 67 + — 342 = — 222 — 51 + 904.7 + — 238 + — 225 + — 181 +!! 28.8 + — 72 -! Zone 142 Deep Sky Objects Object NGC 4382 NGC 4826 NGC 4321 NGC 4710 NGC 4293 NGC 4450 NGC 4336 NGC 4394 NGC 4147 NGC 4350 NGC 4379 NGC 4419 NGC 4498 NGC 4340 NGC 4064 NGC 4152 NGC 4162 NGC 4237 NGC 4405 NGC 4651 Position 1225+1811 1257+2141 1223+1549 1250+1510 1221+1823 1229+1705 1224+1927 1226+1813 1210+1833 1224+1642 1225+1536 1227+1503 1232+1652 1224+1643 1204+1827 1211+1602 1212+2407 1217+1519 1226+1611 1244+1624 Rating 2E 2E 3E 3E 4E 3M 4M 4M 5M 5M 5M 5M 4D 4D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D Map 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 Specifications Surface Type Mag Br Gal (SA(s)0+ pec) 9.2 13.0 Gal ((R)SA(rs)ab II-III) 8.6 12.4 Gal (SAB(s)bc I) 9.4 13.0 Gal (SA(r)0+ sp) 12.0 12.5 Gal ((R)SB(s)0/a) 11.7 13.2 Gal (SA(s)ab I-II) 11.1 13.0 Gal (SB0/a) 12.5 12.5 Gal ((R)SB(r)b II) 12.0 13.3 Gc (6) 11.0 Gal (SA0) 12.0 11.8 Gal (S0- pec:) 11.7 12.3 Gal (SB(s)a) 12.2 12.0 Gal (SAB(s)d) 12.2 13.8 Gal (SB(r)0+) 12.5 13.7 Gal (SB(s)a: pec) 12.8 13.3 Gal (SAB(rs)c II) 12.7 13.4 Gal ((R)SA)rs)bc II) 12.6 13.3 Gal (SAB(rs)bc III) 12.6 12.5 Gal (SA(rs)0/a:) 12.0 12.4 Gal (SA(rs)c II) 10.7 12.9 - 26 - Pop.