Modeling Disease Surveillance and Assessing Its Effectiveness for Detection of Acute Respiratory Outbreaks in Resource-Limited Settings L. Ramac-Thomas1, T. Philip1, H. Burkom1, J. Coberly1, S. Happel Lewis1, J.P. Chretien2 1The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 2Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Global Emerging Infections System 7th Annual Ann al Conference of the International Society for Disease Surveillance Track 1: Surveillance Innovations (2) – Evaluation of Detection Approaches Raleigh NC Raleigh, December 4 4, 2008 This presentation was supported by funding from DoD Global Emerging Infections System (GEIS). Outline • Objectives • Background • Approach A h and dM Methods h d • Validation and Study Design • Results • Conclusions Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 2 Acute Respiratory Infection Epidemic p Simulator (ARIES) ( ) Develop model to – – Evaluate acute respiratory illness surveillance in resourceresource limited settings Measure potential benefit of policy decisions and countermeasures Required features – – – – Focus on early outbreak stages Restrict demographic modeling to features relevant to disease spread Include knowledge of existing surveillance capability Portability Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 3 Background A U.S. Department of Defense program is underway to assess health surveillance in resource-poor settings and to evaluate the Early Warning Outbreak Reporting System (EWORS) This program has included several informationgathering trips, including a trip to Lao PDR in September 2006 Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 4 Challenges of Surveillance in Resource-Poor Regions Healthcare access is limited byy – Available transportation – Lack of trained care providers or insurance/ability to pay for care – Preference f for f herbal, spiritual healers – Lack of modern communication technology Magnified Threat of Major Epidemics – Infectious disease outbreaks not uncommon – Many workers at human-animal interface – Vaccine, antiviral supplies scarce if available Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 5 Application to EWORS Systems and Lao PDR EWORS Systems – 35 sites in 4 countries in SE Asia and in 2 sites in Peru – Daily transfer of patient records from network hospitals to national hub – Popular p at each installation Initial Application in Lao PDR – IInvestigative ti ti trip t i by b 6-member 6 b EWORS International I t ti l Working W ki Group – Interviews at hospitals, National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiolog Ministr Epidemiology, Ministry of Health Health, and other go government ernment agencies – Collection of healthcare-seeking behavior information – Discussions of both theoretical and actual surveillance practices Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 6 Key Features of ARIES • Model is individual-based, individual based but includes only infected and exposed • Attention limited to the stages of the event before population behavior radically changes • Assumptions of near-instantaneous detection in published research are unrealistic, especially in resource-limited settings g • Goal is to implement realistic surveillance modeling Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 7 Components of ARIES Demographic model generates features relevant to outbreak spread. Disease model simulates progression of disease in infected agents. Travel model simulates agent travel patterns to mimic geographic spread. y in detection, data entry, y Surveillance model simulates delays data transmission, and epidemiologic investigation. Information basis census data, population survey reports, site-visit interviews, acquired data from EWORS, area geography, disease model Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 8 Household Model Accurately estimate household makeup of specified province in Lao Considerations – – Household size Age group and sex Preserve census dependency ratios Sex of household head for comparison to census distributions P Pregnancy status t t 1600 1400 Number of Ho ouseholds – – – sim total sim urban sim rural w/roads sim rural w/o roads actual total actual urban actual rural w/roads actual rural w/o roads 1800 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Members per Household 10 11 Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 9 Disease Model Disease stages model [Feighner] – Stage S lengths l h – Probability of complications – Percentage of asymptomatic Disease transmission model [Glass] [ ] – Susceptibility and infectivity are functions of disease stage and age – Transmission is also dependent on type of contact (household, peer, random) Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 10 Disease Stage Model STAGE 1: Infected, NonSymptomatic, Non-Contagious Non Contagious STAGE 2: Infected, NonSymptomatic, Contagious Stage 2 > 2 days? YES NO STAGE 3a: Infected, Symptomatic Symptomatic, Contagious Person Dies? Recovered NO YES YES Complications? NO Dead STAGE 3b: Infected, Symptomatic, Contagious w/Complications YES Person Dies? NO Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 11 Travel Model Establish location of an infected individual throughout course of infection C Considerations id ti – – – – – Subdivide province into rural and urban districts Update agent locations on time scale of days Movement is district-to-district Occupation and age influence agent itinerary For each new agent location, location recompute probabilities of travel to other districts – Multi-day trips are allowed Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 12 Surveillance Model • To include surveillance in a disease model need to consider both surveillance lag and the effect of surveillance system on surveillance lag • Model both traditional surveillance and EWORS • Investigate advantage of proposed EWORS expansion – Additional provincial EWORS hospitals – EWORS systems in chosen district hospitals – Other interventions • EWORS hospital currently in Luang Prabang District • Simulations will also be run with an additional EWORS system at Nam Bak Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 13 Surveillance Model Time for Patients to Seek Care Apx. 1-14 days Onset of Illness Time for patient to seek care depends on: 1. Health beliefs & attitudes 2. Income 3. Availability of health care & transportation to it 4. Relationship with HCP 5. Severity of illness 6. Status of patient within household Effect of Surveillance System Surveillance Lag Time for Dr to ID O tbreak Outbreak Up to 1 week Without Rapid Test 1-3 days Time for PH response Effect of Surveillance systemdepends dependson: on: 1. How soon investigation is initiated 1. Design of the system 2.pHow until LPH acts or contacts RPH a. Paper or long electronic 3. How long until RPH or investigates b. Data pre-computerized specially entered 4. How long until RPH actslag or contacts NPH c. Data source & its reporting 5. How long until NPH investigates d. System validity (IT & Epi) 6. How long NPH acts e. Integration of until system into surveillance f. Nodal differences 2. PH Belief in system 3 PH U 3. Use off system t Flu A 0-1 days H5N1 Components of Surveillance System Outbreak identification depends on: 1. Time from visit to entry into system 1. Availability of rapid tests 2. Time from entry to analysis 2. No. (+) tests 3. Time from analysis to review of results 3. No. patients with complications 4. Time from review to investigation 4. No. &/or rapidity of deaths 5 Time from investigation to action 5. 5. Age patients with 6. Other, e.g. time variation by site complications/death 0-1 0-1 days days 0-2 days 1-3 days Time for Public Health Response to Start Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 14 Target vs. Simulated Values • • • • Serial Interval: 2.6 days (for an effective reproductive rate of about 1.6) Household Attack Rate: 0.25 Fraction of symptomatic cases: 0.67 Overall case fatality rate: 6% Histogram of Serial Intervals 18 Histogram of Household Attack Rates 16 30 Histogram of Symptomatic Ratios CFR Histogram 25 2.45 More 2.44 2.43 10 0.29 0.295 0.3 More 5 Household 0.63 0.635 0.64Attack 0.645 Rate 0.65 0.655 0.66 0.665 0.67 0.675 0.68 0.685 0.69 More 0 M or 7. 5 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 Ratio of Symptomatic Cases e 0.285 11 0.28 .5 0.275 10 0 10 0.27 15 9. 5 0.265 20 9 0.26 5 25 8. 5 Serial0 Interval (days) 2.42 2.4 2.39 2.38 2.37 10 8 F re quency 2.41 10 5 30 15 2.36 2.3 2.31 2.29 2.28 2.27 2.26 0 15 2.35 2 20 20 2.34 4 Frequency y 6 2.33 8 2.32 10 Fre equency 12 2.25 Fre equency 14 Case Fatality y Rate ((%)) Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 15 Study Design Three scenarios • No EWORS system • EWORS in Luang Prabang • EWORS in Luang Prabang and Nam Bak Each scenario - 5 seed cases in single province • Luang Prabang • Chomphet • Nam Bak • Vieng Kham 100 runs for each province scenario/seed p Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 16 Epidemic Curve Variability • Curves show number of new symptomatic cases by day for one of the simulated epidemics. • Runs R start t t with ith 5 seed d cases iin L Luang P Prabang b tto iincrease lik likelihood lih d of spread. Nr. Ne ew Symptomattic Cases Epidemic Curve Early Variability 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Outbreak Day Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 17 Rate of Epidemic Spread D is tr i b u t io n o f D a y s U n til a n In fe c tio n o u t o f D is tr i c t 50 S e e d D is t ric t 45 L u a n g P ra b an g Cho m phe t N a m B ak V ie n g K h a m 40 Numbe er of Runs ( out of 99 ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 D a y o f O u tb re a k Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 18 Time to Outbreak Identification No EWORS Mean= 23.2, Med = 18 N = 56 EWORS in LP Mean= 15.9, Med = 13 N = 70 EWORS in LP & NB Mean= 8.4, Med = 8 N = 99 Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 19 Media an Days to Outbre eak ID Outbreak Identification & Reporting 35 No EWORS 30 EWORS in Luang Prabang 25 EWORS in Luang Prabang & Nam Bak 20 15 10 5 0 Luang Prabang Chomphet Nam Bak Vieng Kham Seed Province Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 20 Conclusions • Outbreak identification time – up to 2-week improvement in median identification time with EWORS system – Additional few days’ advantage with district-level system in Nam Bak • Rate off epidemic spread – Probability of out-of-district infection within 3 days > 50% in every scenario – Infection reaches town of Luang Prabang within 4 days, regardless of seed district • Variability among runs • Effect of rapid test capability at provincial hospital: the median dropped below 6 days, even without EWORS, in each scenario • Modeling g surveillance capability p y is important p Objectives Background Approach & Methods Validation & Study Design Results Conclusions 21 References • • • • Lao PDR, M. (2001). Report on National Health Survey, health status in Lao PDR. Vientiane. F Ferguson, N., N ett al. l (2005) (2005). "St "Strategies t i ffor containing t i i an emerging i influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia." Nature 437: 209-14 Glass, R., et al. (2006). "Targeted Social Distancing Design for P d i IInfluenza Pandemic fl E Emerging i IInfectious f ti Di Diseases."" E Emerging i Infectious Diseases 12(11). Feighner, B. (2007). Pandemic influenza policy model, 2007 comprehensive h i project j t report. t L Laurel, l MD MD, JJohns h H Hopkins ki U University i it Applied Physics Laboratory and the Department of Defense Global Emerging Infections System (DoD-GEIS). 22 BACKUPS 23 Included Modeling Elements Population details for “agents” • Age group and sex • Statistics for rural/urban, north/south/central • Occupation category from census data • Travel survey information • Provincial geography • SES surrogates – Occupation – Literacy, education – Clean water availability – Household income Disease spread Health-care-seeking care seeking • Health behavior • Travel patterns (interregional spread) • Immunocompetence, based on statistics for: – Age – Pregnancy – Nutrition – Vitamin A intake 24 Infected Agent Attributes – Static attributes (drawn from population data ) • • • • • • • • Age Sex/pregnancy status Family size Peer group size Region / Location (Province) Rural Access to Road Road, Rural No Access to Road Road, Urban Occupation Type of Health Care Access – Dynamic Attributes • Disease State • Ambulatory A b l t • Infectiousness 25 Modeling Person-to-Person Transmission • D Draw IInfector’s f ’ Disease Di Stage S Times, Ti TD(stage) • Compare time to infection TI to TD at each stage • If TI > TD for all stages, stages contact not infected. Adapted from: Glass RJ, Glass LM, Beyeler WE, Min HJ. Targeted social distancing design for pandemic influenza. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Nov;12(11):1671-81. 26 Lao PDR Statistics Related to SES Key y Survey y Percentages g Literacy Safe water Ru ra l Ur ba n na l Na t io So ut h Nearest hospital <4 km away Medical practitioner in village Villages with 4 essential drugs g Ce nt ra l No r th 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ministry of Health, Health National Institute of Public Health, Health Lao State Planning Committee, Committee National Statistical Center, Report of National Health Survey: Health Status of the People In Lao P.D.R., Vientiane, 2001. 27 Inference of Reporting Delays from Data Comparison by year: Ratio of (Visits sent by day)/All Visits Days Late: < 40% 40-60% 60-80% 60 80% > 80% 28