2014-15 Area Plan Technology Requests - Sorted by Amount Number Name Academic Affairs Objective 31.1 Status Y LRC STATE FUND 1 Academic Affairs 12.4 Y ASO Academic Affairs 33.1 Y LRC STATE FUND Academic Affairs 6.8 Y FUNDED Academic Affairs 31.2 Academic Affairs 2 Objective Description Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, the Library will digitize all issues of El Paisano since its first issue in the 1960s and make the complete run of El Paisano accessible online. Type Computer Hardware Amount $150.00 Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, various pieces of Technology Related to Facilities (e.g., Smart $500.00 computer/audiovisual equipment will be purchased for use Classrooms, etc.) by members of the Rio Hondo Forensics Speech & Debate Team. The Library will replace scanners used by students in the 2 Flatbed Scanners $500.00 Library Computer Commons. 3 Description 3TB External hard drive. Reason Location An external hard drive with 3TB minimum storage is needed for College Archives Room storage and back up of El Paisano and Rio Hondo archival photographs. This objective supports the Library's SAOs #2, #3, and #4 (equal access to students, up-to-date technology, and convenient access to library resources) and is necessary to implement the Board of Trustees' recommendation to digitize El Paisano. 2 Sony USB Bloggies (recording devices). These devices will allow Speech students to record themselves in order to improve their skills with public speaking and Forensics team members to prepare for Forensics events. Replacement of the hand-me-down scanners currently available to students with 2 new flatbed scanners in the Library Computer Commons. Both scanners in the Library Computer Commons are old, very slow, and sometimes fail to work at all. These scanners are heavily used by students and are essential for using the Library's special software for disabled students. We need two replacement scanners before they die. This objective addresses two of the Library's SAOs: providing equal access to all students and providing up-to-date technology to support student learning. Forensics Squad Room: A222. By Fall 2013, a light dimmer will be installed in A223. Technology Related to Facilities (e.g., Smart $500.00 Classrooms, etc.) A dimmer switch has been requested for numerous years to be installed in A223. The classroom is too bright for optimal viewing of PowerPoint slides. A223 When lights are turned off, it is too dark for students to adquate take notes. A dimmer switch, similar to those installed in numerous classrooms across campus, would allow the overhead lights to be turned off, yet allow dim lighting to remain for PowerPoint viewing and student note taking. Y LRC STATE FUND During the 2014-15 academic year, the Library will digitize the most fragile and most significant photographs of the College's history, consisting of approximately 1200 photographs and 2000 slides. Camera $600.00 Nikon D3000 Some of the College Archives materials cannot be scanned and need to be photographed for digitization and preservation. This objective supports Library SAOs #2, #3, and #4 (equal access to students, up-todate technology, and convenient access to library resources). 12.4 Y ASO Computer Hardware $800.00 All-in-one scanner/printer/copier/text reader. This hardware will permit Forensics Team members to conduct the Forensics Squad Room: A222. research, writing, document filing, and printing activities necessary to be successful intercollegiate Forensics competitors. Academic Affairs 12.4 Y ASO Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, etc.) $1,000.00 Full HD 1080 Video Digital SLR Camera (Nikon or Canon). This camera will be used to record Forensics activities and events, as Forensics Squad Room: A222. well as for students to record and play back their performances to improve delivery. Academic Affairs 31.1 Y LRC STATE FUND Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, various pieces of computer/audiovisual equipment will be purchased for use by members of the Rio Hondo Forensics Speech & Debate Team. Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, various pieces of computer/audiovisual equipment will be purchased for use by members of the Rio Hondo Forensics Speech & Debate Team. Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, the Library will digitize all issues of El Paisano since its first issue in the 1960s and make the complete run of El Paisano accessible online. Computer Hardware $1,200.00 Purchase of a replacement computer and monitor for the College Archives room. A dedicated computer is necessary for the scanning and processing College Archives Room of archival materials. The archives computer is very old and generates lots of error messages. This objective supports the Library's SAOs #2, #3, and #4 (equal access to students, up-to-date technology, convenient access to library resources) and is necessary to implement the Board of Trustees' recommendation to digitize El Paisano. Academic Affairs 6.6 Y FUNDED Computer Hardware $1,400.00 Purchase and installation of new classroom Basic classroom and office technology will be maintained. The computer (A207), classroom VCR (S334), current classroom computer has many "bugs" and instructors will and faculty office printer. often have to shut down and reboot the computer in order to login. The current computer in A207 is on it's "last leg," as is the VCR in S334. The faculty member does not have a functioning printer. A207, S334, Faculty Office Academic Affairs 12.3 Y LRC STATE FUND A "SmartBoard" interactive whiteboard. Reading Lab: LR118. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Date:" 7/7/2014 2:36 PM By Fall 2014, a new computer will be installed in the Philosophy classroom A207, a new VCR in S334, and an office printer for faculty member Patricia Kempner. By Fall 2014, an interactive white board ("SmartBoard") Technology Related to Facilities (e.g., Smart $1,500.00 will be purchased and installed in the Reading Lab to assist Classrooms, etc.) with lab orientations and lab instruction for basic skills students enrolled in Reading courses. Page 1 of 4 The "SmartBoard" will assist lab instructors and instructional assistants in delivering orientations and lab instruction for students enrolled in basic skills Reading courses. RA Requests Tech Facil Addit 2014-2015.xlsx 2014-15 Area Plan Technology Requests - Sorted by Amount Number Name Academic Affairs Objective 35.1 Status N RECOMMENDED NOT TO FUND 11 Objective Description Type Twice a year during the 2014-15 academic year, the Office Computer Hardware of Grant Development and Management (GDM) will produce a newsletter updating the college community on grant opportunities, highlighting specific grant-funded projects and some “how to get started” or “did you know” information to encourage grants awareness and participation. This may include announcements on “best practices," industry trends, and labor market data. The GDM office will also host an annual open house and other information sessions to foster awareness and collaboration between our office and the college community. Amount $1,500.00 Description Purchase and installation of a desktop computer to replace the outdated laptop with docking station currently being used as a desktop computer. By Fall 2014, the Division of Arts and Cultural Programs will Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, purchase three document cameras for in-class music etc.) instruction and performance critiques. $1,800.00 The document camera is a "presentation Document cameras will add a level of dynamism to the music support tool," designed to enhance and classroom which enhances student engagement, retention and preseve lecture presentations in real time. success. Instructors will be able to provide and capture immediate When connected to an LCD projector, the feedback for students, as well as to provide past lectures for review. document camera allows the instructor to blend pre-recorded media with live material, such as notes, drawings, and diagrams, drawn on a projection surface. It also enables the entire lecture to be recorded digitally for late use by students for review. Purchase equipment to allow for flexibility in supporting current campus acivities Camera and recording equipment $3,500.00 During the 2014-15 academic year, the Library will digitize the most fragile and most significant photographs of the College's history, consisting of approximately 1200 photographs and 2000 slides. High resolution scanner $3,500.00 One higher quality and two consumer level There has been an increase in request to video record meetings and camcorders and supporting supplies events. This would allow for such recording to take place and allow for the checking out of cameras for smaller events where a technician is not needed. Flatbed Photo Scanner Epson XL11000. This is a high resolution scanner that is necessary for the digitizing process of materials for the College Archives. In May 2013, in response to Adele Enright's report to the Board of Trustees about her sabbatical spent researching best practices and standards in Archives management, the Trustees recommended that the Library purchase a scanner to scan significant items from the collection. This objective supports Library SAOs #2, #3, and #4 (equal access to students, up-todate technology, and convenient access to library resources). Academic Affairs 24.1 Y ASO Finance & Business 16.1 Y BOND Academic Affairs 31.2 Y LRC STATE FUND Academic Affairs 6.4 Y TITLE V GRANT By Fall 2014, six document cameras will be purchased and Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, installed in the following classrooms:A223, A224, A208, etc.) A229, S336, S220. $4,800.00 Academic Affairs 42.2 12.4 Student Services 12.1 Y SSI FUNDING Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, the Division of Math and Sciences will continue to update lab equipment and furniture in all Science laboratories. Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, various pieces of computer/audiovisual equipment will be purchased for use by members of the Rio Hondo Forensics Speech & Debate Team. Purchase the upgraded College Source softward $4,800.00 Academic Affairs Y TITLE V GRANT WIP Y ASO Academic Affairs 12.1 Y LRC STATE FUND 12 13 14 15 16 17 Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, etc.) Technology Related to Facilities (e.g., Smart $5,000.00 Classrooms, etc.) Upgraded College Source software $5,000.00 18 19 Date:" 7/7/2014 2:36 PM By Fall 2014, 3 desktop computers and 3 data Computer Hardware projectors/projection screens will be purchased to assist faculty instructors in the Writing Center when conferencing with students, and to assist lab instructional assistants when conducting lab orientations for students and faculty (specific rooms indicated below). $6,000.00 Page 2 of 4 Reason Word processing, data management, and graphic design for production of the newsletter and general, ongoing grants development and management activities. Location A203 Music Classrooms Purchase and installation of six document cameras/readers for the following classrooms:A223, A224, A208, A229, S336, S220 to be used by faculty for classroom learning. The placement of these document cameras in classrooms would A223, A224, A208, A229, S336, S220 greatly enhance the teaching of certain courses (e.g., PHIL 112). These document cameras will enable projection of non-electronic resources onto the screen for classroom viewing and provide long overdue classroom technology that is quickly becoming a standard at other community colleges. Six document cameras for Math and Document camera/reader technology can save time in a classroom Various Math and Science Classrooms. Science classrooms to replace outdated setting by eliminating the need to endlessly copy material from the overhead projectors. book onto the white boards. Full HD 1080 USB recording system Forensics students will be able to record and play back their Forensics Squad Room: A222 (mounted camera and connected recording performances to improve their delivery, in conjunction with feedback device, such as iRecord) and projection from Forensics coaches and fellow Forensics team members. screen. We are currently spending $5000 per year This is a much faster method of securing course equivalency and for the older software; this additional $5000 descriptions for Degree Works; this would be in place of doing simple will give us the upgraded version that will web searches at each individual school to find equivalency and course speed up our services in all areas mentioned descriptions. above. Three desktop computers equipped with Windows 7 OS and 3 data projectors/screens compatible with those in neighboring classrooms (LR119 and 123). Faculty members assigned to the Writing Center conduct Computers: LR124 conferences in three conference rooms separate from the main lab Projectors: LR114, 117, & 124 area. Data projection capabilities are needed in all the LRC labs. Surprisingly, none of the labs in the new LRC were originally equipped with computer technology. Instructional assistants in each of the labs periodically conduct student orientations and need data projection capability, as do faculty conducting specialized workshops. Portable data projectors from the library--often not available--are relied on for this purpose. RA Requests Tech Facil Addit 2014-2015.xlsx 2014-15 Area Plan Technology Requests - Sorted by Amount Number Name Student Services 20 Finance & Business Objective 13.1 Status Y DSPS FUNDS Objective Description Purchase CCTV-closed circuit television system for enlarging print for students with visual impairments. Type Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, etc.) Amount $7,000.00 Description Reason 2 closed circuit television enlarging systems Budget increase needed for purchase. for students with visual impairments. Location SS 330 Identify software program that will adequately fulfill our purchasing and fixed asset requirements. Obtain budget to purchase new purchasing and fixed asset software. Place order for the new software. Train both purchasing and District staff on how to use the new software. Implement the new software During the 2014-15 academic year, 24 Dell computers will be purchased for installation in the B112 journalism classroom/lab to be used by journalism students involved in the production of the campus newspaper and magazine (including digital versions of the campus newspaper and magazine) and completion of journalism course requirements. Throughout the 2014-15 academic year, the Division of Math and Sciences will continue to update lab equipment and furniture in all Science laboratories. Budget for new purchasing software $10,000.00 License and maintenance of the software. Software requires renewal annually for license and maintenance to keep it operational. Computer Hardware $15,000.00 24 Dell desktop computers to replace existing outdated Macintosh computers. The ongoing production of the campus newspaper and magazine (as well as digital versions of these publications) requires reliable computer hardware that is compatible with other computer technology on campus. Non-computer Equipment (e.g., copier, etc.) $15,000.00 Infrared Spectrophotometer (IR) for Chemistry Lab. An IR is used in a Chemistry lab to determine the partial structure of Chemistry Lab, S326A. a molecule. In order to check to see that chemical modifications have been done correctly in a lab, an IR is needed to confirm the structure. Purchase equipment to allow for flexibility in supporting current campus acivities Speakers and PA equipment $15,000.00 Speakers, microphones, cables, equipment This would allow the College to support many of the larger scale racks, stands, and protective cases events on and off campus that are currently under-supported. It would also increase the longevity of equipment be allowing for the right equipment to be used when needed and providing cases to protect the equipment. 1 iPad cart with 30 iPads with loaded This technology will introduce the Studio Arts student to digital art software for digital drawing, painting, and making, which is a trend in creative expression and is rapidly 2D design use. becoming an industry standard for arts-related employment. This technology will primarily support the new Digital Painting course that will be offered beginning next year. 6.1 Y DEFER FUTURE PLANNING YEAR Academic Affairs 12.2 WIP Academic Affairs 42.2 Finance & Business 16.1 Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND Y BOND Academic Affairs 21.3 Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND By Fall 2014, to purchase iPad cart and 30 iPads for use in the Visual Arts classrooms, including appropriate software to support the digital painting curriculum. 1 iPad cart, 30 iPads, Styluses, and Software. $19,000.00 Finance & Business 17.1 Y LRC STATE FUND Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) expansion to 200 workstations. Computer Software $25,000.00 Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure software This software will be used to expand the use of virtual machines out of the test lab, currently the Writing Lab, and into four additional labs. Virtual desktops have many administrative and management advantages over traditional PCs. Student Services 16.1 Purchase, refine, and utilize technology for use in future semesters. Computer Software $30,000.00 Read and Write Gold Software and other hardware and software programs. Provide students with diverse learning challenges additional resource SWEC and SS Building options to maximize their potential to comprehend class instruction. Academic Affairs 19.1 Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND Y DEFER FUTURE PLANNING YEAR During Spring 2013, quotes for computers and associated AV equipment will be obtained and, once approved, requisitions forwarded to Purchasing for processing. Computer Hardware $47,000.00 Replacement of 40 Dell Optiplex 745 computers in Room B114, as well as associated AV equipment. Current computer hardware in B114 cannot support the B114, Business Computer Lab "programing" software used in CIT classes. The replacement units will enable instruction on appropriate CIT software to take place. Identify software program that will adequately fulfill our Purchasing and Fixed Asset Management purchasing and fixed asset requirements. Obtain budget to Software purchase new purchasing and fixed asset software. Place order for the new software. Train both purchasing and District staff on how to use the new software. Implement the new software $50,000.00 Purchasing and Fixed Asset Management Software. Existing software is DOS based. It is antiquated and has more and more down time. Current software and does not allow customers/end users to enter their requistions electronically, track their orders from inception to delivery or interface with their budget. New purchasing and fixed asset management software will allow users to process their requisitions electronically, users will be able to track the progress of their order form inception to delivery, budget managers will be able to interface with their accounts and approve requisitions for online, and purchasing staff will be able to extract more information from historical records. Y FUNDED FROM EQUIPMENT PURCHASE SURCHARGE The Office of Academic Affairs will establish a budget for replacing or upgrading educational technology software and equipment in Rio Hondo classrooms resulting from unanticipated "emergency" technology failures in the classroom. $50,000.00 Ongoing budget for purchase of educational technology replacement equipment or replacement/upgrade of software, as-needed, when classroom equipment breaks down. To maintain current levels of educational technology in classrooms without disruption to students and faculty. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Finance & Business 6.1 Academic Affairs 3.2 29 30 Date:" 7/7/2014 2:36 PM Classroom technology emergency replacement budget Page 3 of 4 Journalism Lab/Classroom: B112. College Data Center RA Requests Tech Facil Addit 2014-2015.xlsx 2014-15 Area Plan Technology Requests - Sorted by Amount Number Name Academic Affairs Objective 42.1 Status NA 2015-2016 REQUEST DEFER FUTURE PLANNING Objective Description Type Over the next few years, in conjunction with the long-term Computer Hardware Facilities Master Plan, the current bookstore will be remodeled to create three classrooms to accommodate high-demand courses in the Division of Math and Science-particularly in the Calculus program, but in all areas of math and science. Amount $62,600.00 Description Purchase and installation of 35 computers and a data projector for one of the newly remodeled classrooms. Reason Location Math pedagogy is currently moving toward a more technology-rich Current Bookstore environment. With computers and appropriate software, students are able to visualize 3-D and other phenomena that are very abstract in nature. Also, in a computer-rich environment, students can spend more time doing math themselves rather than watching the instructor doing math. Time on task is one of the most critical aspects of success in math classes. In the new math lab/classroom, students will be able to visualize and perform better in math curriculum, improving success rates and increasing the number of degrees and transfers in this discipline. $65,000.00 Disaster Recovery Service Rio Hondo needs to enter into a contractual relationship with a disaster recovery vendor to provide data and network services to the College when a disaster is declared. These services include facilities, hardware and software support, and network integration. The goal is to recover the College's data systems in a remote location in the event of a serious disaster. $66,000.00 Audio/Visual Technology Refresh of the Science Building. The Audio/Visual equipment in the Science Buildings is aging and needs to be upgraded. The technology in this facility does not compare in quality and manageability to the equipment that has been recently installed in the new buildings. This equipment is less reliable and of lower quality, and the College needs a plan to replace this equipment over the next couple years. 31 Finance & Business 20.1 Y DEFER FUTURE PLANNING YEAR Work with the College administration to classify the criticality of the Rio Hondo's systems and develop a disaster recovery plan that addresses the risks posed by various types of disasters. Evaluate disaster recovery vendors to assist in the implementation of the disaster recovery plan. Finance & Business 13.1 Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND AND BOND Develop implementation plans and oversee the installation Audio/Visual Technology Refresh of audio/visual equipment in the older classrooms of the Science Building. Academic Affairs 23.1 WIP GRANT FUNDING Convert B119 lecture room to a classroom with 45 computer work stations SLO assessment has supported the need for additional and updated technology in both the Business degree and certificate programs. Finance & Business 22.3 Y DEFER FUTURE PLANNING YEAR During Spring 2013, quotes for computers, desks, and Technology Related to Facilities (e.g., Smart $90,000.00 chairs and necessary AV equipment for B119 will be Classrooms, etc.) obtained. Facilities will be asked to restore power in floor outlets. Once approved, requisitions will be forwarded to Purchasing for processing. Re-install the Banner suite of products to support the Banner Consulting Services $100,000.00 acquisition of new hardware. In 2014-15 the hardware currently used for Banner will reach its end of life. When new hardware is acquired, the entire Banner system databases, application servers, AccessRio, etc. - needs to be re-installed on the new hardware. Retain Banner consultants to assist with the installation of the Banner products on new hardware. The hardware that supports Banner will be seven years old in 2014 and needs to be replaced. To install Banner on new hardware requires that the entire system - databases, application servers, portal software, DegreeWorks, etc. - be installed on the new hardware. The knowledge to complete this project is beyond the scope of the RHC IT staff. This additional budget request is required to complete this objective. Finance & Business 17.1 Y LRC STATE FUND Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) expansion to 200 workstations. Computer Hardware $135,000.00 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure hardware This hardware will be used to expand the virtual desktop rollout to four additional labs. It is currently only being used in the Writing Lab, but this test has been successful. Virtual desktops have many administrative and management advantages over traditional PCs. Various locations on campus Finance & Business 21.1 Purchase servers and desk arrays to replace the seven year Computer Hardware old Banner hardware. $450,000.00 Servers and Disk Arrays Migrate Banner from its seven year old hardware to new hardware. RHC Data Center Finance & Business 19.1 Y DEFER FUTURE PLANNING YEAR Y INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT FUND AND BOND Technology refresh of RHC's switch infrastructure for 2015. Computer Hardware This objective is to replace the swtich equipment that is reaching end of support in 2015. $550,000.00 Wired network distribution switches and other networking equipment. These purchased equipment will be used to replace switches Wiring closets across the campus throughout the campus that have reached end of support and are no longer maintained by the vendor. 32 33 34 35 Disaster Recovery Service Contract 36 37 38 Date:" 7/7/2014 2:36 PM Page 4 of 4 Room B-119 RA Requests Tech Facil Addit 2014-2015.xlsx The Superintendent/President recommends approval of 2013-2014 Institutional Planning Process resource allocation requests. Sub-committees of the Planning Fiscal Council for Facilities and Equipment/Technology reviewed and prioritized requests from the 2013-2014 Institutional Planning Process. The following requests are recommended for approval by the Superintendent/President. Facilities Requests Administration of Justice Administration of Justice Remodel of the AJ Annex. $2,000,000 Funded State/Bond $300,000 Funded State Bond / Edison Fund $10,000 Funded Facilities Operations Solar and hard wired light posts Health Sciences CNA Instructional space will be identified, and furniture and equipment installed Behavioral & Social Sciences Behavioral & Social Sciences Ceiling Mounted Projectors $5,200 Funded Business Accounting Counseling & Student Development Career Center Technology related to facilities (e.g., Smart classrooms, etc.) Database software $90,000 Bond $5,000 Funded Information Technology Information Technology Computer Hardware $200,000 May cost less Funded Bond Information Technology Information Technology Computer Hardware $135,000 Funded Bond Technology Requests Additional Budget Requests Unit Program Requested Item Amount Arts & Cultural Programs Visual Art Painting racks and Ventilation System for two Visual Art classrooms. $10,000 Funded Career Technical Education Automotive Technology Transmission Tester $40,000 Funded Bond Health Services Health Services Medical Services Cart $6,000 Funded Library & Learning Support Library Desensitizer / Resensitizer P122-3515 Library & Learning Support Student Success & Retention Student Worker Classification – Gateway Tutors and Peer Mentors Math & Science Math & Science Replacement Laboratory chairs Physical Education Fitness Center Fitness equipment $10,000 Funded One Time $7,500 Funded $69,600 Funded Bond $200,000 Funded Bond