Survey Results Page 1 of 8 PAGE: RHC LEADERSHIP ACADEMY 1. Have you participated in formal leadership training/academies previously? Response Response Percent Count Yes 30.8% 53 No 69.2% 119 answered question 172 skipped question 2 2. Would you be interested in participating in a leadership academy provided to employees on campus? Response Response Percent Count Yes 47.7% 83 No 14.4% 25 Don't Know 37.9% 66 answered question 174 skipped question 0 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 2 of 8 3. If you participated in a Leadership Academy, what would be the ideal length of time for this experience? Response Response Percent Count One semester 23.7% 40 Two semesters 25.4% 43 Two semesters and summer 4.7% 8 More than a year 5.3% 9 37.3% 63 3.6% 6 answered question 169 Don’t know Other (please specify) Show replies skipped question 5 4. How often would you be able to meet for a Leadership Academy? Response Response Percent Count Once a week 14.8% 24 Twice a month 38.3% 62 Once a month 46.9% 76 answered question 162 skipped question 12 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 3 of 8 5. Given what you know about Rio Hondo, what are the key elements that should be included in a potential Leadership Academy? (Please mark your top 3 choices) Response Response Percent Count Balancing personal life and work 18.8% 32 Budgeting 19.4% 33 Building and mending relationships 28.2% 48 Compassion and sensitivity 15.3% 26 Communicating effectively 59.4% 101 Developing organizational skills 24.7% 42 Diversity and cultural awareness 18.2% 31 Inspiring commitment 23.5% 40 Leading people 30.0% 51 Managing change 34.7% 59 7.1% 12 Mentorship 22.9% 39 Participative management 34.7% 59 Self-awareness 11.8% 20 Strategic Planning 36.5% 62 Team-building 48.8% 83 7.6% 13 answered question 170 Managing one’s career Other (please specify) Show replies skipped question 4 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 4 of 8 5. Given what you know about Rio Hondo, what are the key elements that should be included in a potential Leadership Academy? (Please mark your top 3 choices) answered question 170 skipped question 4 6. What outcomes would you expect from a Leadership Academy? (Choose all that apply) Response Response Percent Count Be a better leader in general 68.2% 116 Be more prepared to assume a leadership role on campus 62.9% 107 Gain confidence in myself 34.1% 58 Become more aware of my personal strengths and weaknesses 52.9% 90 Better organizational skills 51.8% 88 Better public speaking skills 27.6% 47 Certificate of completion 26.5% 45 Preparation for possible promotion 32.9% 56 8.2% 14 answered question 170 Other (please specify) Show replies skipped question 4 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 5 of 8 7. In what areas do you think Rio Hondo most needs to improve related to leadership? Response Count 110 Show replies answered question skipped question 110 64 8. Is there anything else you would like the subcommittee to take into consideration regarding leadership as they explore the possibility of an academy? Response Count 70 Show replies answered question skipped question 70 104 9. Please indicate employee type: Part-Time Hourly Response Response Percent Count 5.4% 9 answered question 168 skipped question 6 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 6 of 8 9. Please indicate employee type: Classified 32.7% 55 Full-Time Faculty 38.7% 65 Part-Time Faculty 8.9% 15 Administration/Management/Confidential 8.9% 15 Prefer not to say 5.4% 9 answered question 168 skipped question 6 10. Gender Response Response Percent Count Female 63.0% 104 Male 37.0% 61 answered question 165 skipped question 9 11. Ethnic Background (Choose all that apply) answered question skipped question 158 16 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 7 of 8 11. Ethnic Background (Choose all that apply) Response Response Percent Count White 50.6% 80 Asian 7.6% 12 Black/ African-American 3.2% 5 41.8% 66 Native American/ Alaskan Eskimo 1.3% 2 Pacific Islander 0.6% 1 Filipino 1.9% 3 Other Non-White 1.9% 3 answered question 158 Hispanic/ Latino skipped question 16 12. How long have you worked at the College? Response Response Percent Count 0 to 5 years 31.0% 53 6 to 10 years 18.1% 31 11 to 15 years 19.3% 33 answered question 171 skipped question 3 2/19/2014 Survey Results Page 8 of 8 12. How long have you worked at the College? 16 to 20 years 21 years and greater Prefer not to say 9.4% 16 13.5% 23 8.8% 15 answered question 171 skipped question 3 2/19/2014