Herrera Campus Handbook Herrera Elementary Mission Statement It is the mission of Herrera Elementary to create self-disciplined creative problem solvers who are versatile with today’s technological advances. We are committed to integrating a variety of technologies and methods to intrinsically motivate individual students to reach their potentials both academically and socially. We actively provide an open environment that unites school staff, parents, and community members to work together in support of our students as they become life-long learners. Theme Herrera Huskies: Leading the Pack! Motto Every Child, Every Class, Every Day -Doing what it takes! Mascot HUSKY – “Hector” 1 Herrera Campus Handbook Houston ISD A Declaration of Beliefs and Visions PURPOSE The Houston Independent School District exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. GOALS The district’s primary goal is to increase student achievement. Primary Goal 1: Increase Student Achievement—HISD student performance will demonstrate gains as evidenced by scores on STAAR, SAT, and other state and national tests, while performance gaps between minority and nonminority students will narrow. Additional goals are established in support of increasing student achievement, as follows: Goal 2: Provide a Safe Environment—The district shall develop and implement a strategic plan with specific long-range actions that ensure the safety and security of all who are at district schools and facilities or attending district-related events. Goal 3: Increase Management Efficiency—HISD will have in place a decentralized organizational structure with operational practices and procedures that distinguish between the school district’s pedagogical and business aspects and employ best practices with proven business and administrative operational principles for efficient delivery of services and goods to the schools. Goal 4: Improve Public Support and Confidence in Schools—The local, state, and national public will view HISD as a large urban district in which achievement is primary, performance is high, educators accept responsibility for student learning, administrators and support services personnel exist to support the relationship between teacher and student, accountability exists at all levels, and there is respect among all segments of the community. Concomitantly, public confidence in public schools will improve. Goal 5: Create a Positive District Culture—HISD will have a clearly articulated purpose, with specific goals and objectives that support it. Those will serve as the catalysts for creating a powerful sense of community and shared direction among HISD personnel, parents, students, and the public. Goal 6: Provide Facilities-to-Standard Program—There will be in place a program designed to make all necessary repairs and renovations to bring HISD facilities up to standard. The plan will include the level of long-range and preventive maintenance necessary to keep the buildings properly up to standard. 2 Herrera Campus Handbook Table of Contents: Section I: Section II: 3 Houston ISD District Policies 1. Herrera Mission Statement 2. HISD Beliefs and Vision 3. Code of Ethics and Standards 4. Faculty dress code 5. Internet use policy 6. Attendance Policies (student) 7. Faculty and Staff Absences 8. Staff development requirements 9. Field Experiences 10. Instructional Policies p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 Herrera Faculty and Staff Procedures and Policies 1. Office Staff Roster and Contact info p. 14 2. Teacher Responsibilities p. 15 3. Classroom Management p. 17 4. Safety Procedures p. 18 5. Grades and Gradebook p. 19 6. Lesson Plans p. 19 7. Sign-in and out Procedures p. 20 8. Substitute Folders p. 20 9. Classroom Equipment p. 21 10. Guest Speakers p. 21 11. Clinic p. 22 12. Housekeeping p. 22 13. Library p. 22 14. Student Records p. 22 15. Keys p. 23 16. Inventory Control p. 24 17. Textbooks p. 24 18. Maintenance Work Orders p. 24 19. Reimbursement p. 25 20. Emergency Procedure p. 26 Herrera Campus Handbook Code of Ethics RULE §247.2 Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators Statement of Purpose The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and shall safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Texas educator, in accepting a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Texas educator, in fulfilling responsibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices and Performance Standard 1.1 The educator shall not knowingly engage in deceptive practices regarding official policies of the school district or educational institution. Standard 1.2 The educator shall not knowingly misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for personal gain or advantage. Standard 1.3 The educator shall not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement, expense, or pay. Standard 1.4 The educator shall not use institutional or professional privileges for personal or partisan advantage. Standard 1.5 The educator shall neither accept nor offer gratuities, gifts, or favors that impair professional judgment or to obtain special advantage. This standard shall not restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from students, parents, or other persons or organizations in recognition or appreciation of service. Standard 1.6 The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so. Standard 1.7 The educator shall comply with state regulations, written local school board policies, and other applicable state and federal laws. Standard 1.8 The educator shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications. 4 Herrera Campus Handbook Ethical Conduct Toward Professional Colleagues Standard 2.1. The educator shall not reveal confidential health or personnel information concerning colleagues unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. Standard 2.2. The educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system. Standard 2.3. The educator shall adhere to written local school board policies and state and federal laws regarding the hiring, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel. Standard 2.4. The educator shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political, professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities. Standard 2.5. The educator shall not discriminate against or coerce a colleague on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, or family status. Standard 2.6. The educator shall not use coercive means or promise of special treatment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues. Standard 2.7. The educator shall not retaliate against any individual who has filed a complaint with the SBEC under this chapter. Ethical Conduct Toward Students Standard 3.1. The educator shall not reveal confidential information concerning students unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. Standard 3.2. The educator shall not knowingly treat a student in a manner that adversely affects the student's learning, physical health, mental health, or safety. Standard 3.3. The educator shall not deliberately or knowingly misrepresent facts regarding a student. Standard 3.4. The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits to a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, or family status. Standard 3.5. The educator shall not engage in physical mistreatment of a student. Standard 3.6. The educator shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student. Standard 3.7. The educator shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or knowingly allow any student to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence of the educator. 5 Herrera Campus Handbook Faculty and Staff Dress Expectations It is the expectation of the administration at Herrera that all faculty and staff members will: ■ Model modesty and appropriate dress selections at school and at all school functions ■ Wear jeans that meet the district requirements for students on designated days ■ Wear jeans and staff shirts on Fridays and other special days as designated by the administrators. Staff may also wear jeans on Wednesdays, if wearing a college shirt to promote college day or school spirit shirt. ■ Wear staff shirts any day of the week provided that the shirt has Herrera logo sewn, embroidered, or otherwise professionally applied. ■ Dress professionally and in good taste when representing Herrera on and off our campus. A professional standard of dress requires that staff members should be readily distinguishable from students. Role modeling is a part of the employee’s professional responsibilities. Supervising administrators shall inform employees of the standard of dress and grooming and to appraise any fashion or fad to determine if it is appropriate in the employee’s setting. The supervising administrator shall advise employees needing to modify their dress and /or grooming to achieve high standards of neatness, appropriateness, and good taste. Employees shall be expected to abide by the dress and grooming standards specified for students, with the following exceptions: ■ ■ Male employees shall be allowed to wear a well-trimmed mustache and beard Male employees shall wear collared dress shirts or collared polo shirts with school, or department logos ■ Employees may wear tennis shoes (on casual days only) ■ Employees may not wear flip-flops or other loose fitting sandals ■ Employees shall not be allowed to wear jeans or Bermuda shorts unless the supervising administrator relaxes this requirement for special designated spirit days on Friday, for field trips or for campus-sponsored staff development programs on non-instructional days. 6 Herrera Campus Handbook Faculty and Staff Internet Use The district email (Outlook) system is the property of the district. Please be reminded of the following: ■ All emails are subject to subpoena by the authorities ■ All emails are considered documentation and may be used as evidence ■ All emails are considered public information and can be spooned through the Open Records Act ■ All emails should contain professional and carefully selected language ■ Emails to parents should not contain confidential information about a student ■ Inappropriate emails and/or attachments to emails should not be circulated on District email ■ If you receive an inappropriate email and/or attachment to an email, delete the message and report the incident to the administration ■ Internet should be related to the curriculum or student activities ■ Content material from the internet presented to students on the classroom LCD projectors should be previewed by the teacher prior to classroom use. Inappropriate use of email and/or the internet will not be tolerated by the administration at Herrera. Time on the internet that distracts from your professional responsibility to adequately prepare for students and/or create and deliver instruction. All computers should be shut down and unplugged prior to holidays. Do not leave your computer accessible to a substitute teacher or a student. Substitute teachers will be allowed to use classroom computers logged in as the student. Alternate procedures will be provided for attendance records for substitute teachers. 7 Herrera Campus Handbook Student Attendance Policies ABSENCES—STUDENTS Attendance for all students is taken at 9:45 a.m. each day. If a student is present at that time he/she is counted present all day. Please check absences carefully each day. These records are audited by the state and also must coincide with students purchasing lunches in the cafeteria. Houston ISD receives money for each student each day they are in attendance. Most importantly, we can’t teach our students if they are not in school. If a student has been absent for 2 days, the homeroom teacher should call and find out the reason for the absence on the 3rd day and document the call on the Parent Communication Form. Please communicate with the attendance clerk about the student’s absences. When the student returns, he or she must have a written excuse. If the student does not bring one, teacher will need to send notice home that an excuse is required. Send the excuse to the office on the day you receive it. Doctor’s Notes - After a student is absent from school six days due to illness or other circumstances he/she will be required to provide a doctor’s note. Failure to provide a doctor’s note after the sixth absence will result in the student receiving an unexcused absence, and the student will be required to make up all work missed. If the student fails to make up the work and/or has not been in attendance 90% of the time the student will not be promoted to the next grade. For students who provide a doctor’s note for all absences over six, the time missed may have to be made up as per discretion of the attendance committee. Students with either an unexcused or excused absence will be afforded the opportunity to make up the work. Tardies- Students must be in the classroom by 7:55 a.m. otherwise they will be counted tardy. If the student arrives after morning announcements, the student must FIRST report to the office prior to entering the classroom. Students will receive a tardy slip from the front office. Please encourage all your students to be on time. Early Pick-Up - Please document early releases for all students. Students who are picked up early on a frequent basis and/or an apparent pattern has been established which disrupts instructional time, can be referred to the courts under attendance and truancy issues. Please notify an administrator and the attendance clerk when you determine there is a problem in this area. 8 Herrera Campus Handbook Herrera Faculty and Staff Absences The faculty at Herrera will be expected to follow these procedures when absent from school; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Verbally or via email inform your administrative appraiser and your team leader if you have advance notice of the need to be absent (jury duty, personal day, staff development, etc.) Complete a “Request to be Absent” form and submit to Mrs. Sanchez. Log onto the Houston ISD ASOEP system to request a substitute. Confirm that your absence has been filled by a substitute. If the scheduled absence is for staff development and there is not a substitute you should report to Herrera. Assemble a substitute folder that will be left in an easily accessible place for the substitute teacher, an administrator, or your team leader. Provide the following information in the Substitute Folder: ● Class seating chart ● Detailed lesson plans ● General information about special needs students (confidentiality is applicable) ● Name and room number of your team leader ● Name(s) of students that can be of help to the substitute teacher ● Diagram of assigned lunch seating for your students ● Your lunch and conference schedule ● Dismissal procedures and student normal transportation method Emergencies and unplanned situations do occur from time to time. In the event of an emergency, please call the sub-finder system and your administrative appraiser as soon as possible. If you are unable to reach your appraiser send a text message and an email. 9 Herrera Campus Handbook Staff Development Requirements Herrera is committed to the continued professional development of each faculty member. Our SDMC, Team Leaders/STAAR coordinators, and the Houston ISD Curriculum Specialists will work together to provide relevant and meaningful opportunities for professional growth. As an employee of HISD, and a representative of Herrera Elementary School, it is the expectation that our staff will enthusiastically participate in all professional development opportunities provided by our administrative staff, our district, the Region IV Service Center, and various professional organizations. Professional development sessions will begin on time and staff is expected to be in place prior to the start time. Cell phones must remain off during staff development. Field experiences Each Herrera grade level is expected to execute a minimum of two field experiences a year, with a maximum of 4 yearly field experiences. Request to execute more than 4 field experiences must be approved by the principal. All field experiences must make connections with the IB planner being executed, or the upcoming IB planner. Follow up lessons are expected upon return of the trip, reflecting on the information learned and how it connects to the IB planner/learning profile. Field experience organization and execution must follow the district and campus policies. The key to school improvement is human capital improvement, which Herrera is committed to. 10 Herrera Campus Handbook Instructional Policies TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT Houston ISD embraces diagnostic/prescriptive teaching in order to meet the needs of individual students. The intent of the district’s re-teaching-reassessment policy is to ensure that students have an opportunity to master the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.) Instructional Timelines Instructional timelines encompassing the TEKS is established by the Houston ISD curriculum department through the Planning Guides for all content areas. These documents can be found online in the Houston ISD secure portal under the Curriculum department website. Teams of master teachers led by instructional specialists will establish timelines. Campuses may adjust instructional timelines to introduce concepts at an earlier time if campus data indicates the need. Teaching Teachers are responsible for teaching the TEKS and IB planners. Lesson design should be challenging and planned to meet the individual learning styles of students. Concepts should be taught using brain compatible learning strategies. Assessment After teaching, the teacher may use a variety of assessment techniques to determine mastery. Assessments may include but are not limited to the following: oral questioning, observation, assessment instrument, demonstration, project, or an assignment. Periodic assessments will be given at the end of a grading period (all levels.) Re-teaching Teachers are expected to reteach objectives/concepts to individuals/groups of students when assessments demonstrate lack of mastery. Re-teaching may be integrated into lessons during guided practice and may be part of the explanation phase when checking for understanding is taking place. A variety of strategies should be used for re-teaching. Re-teaching for critical skills should take place immediately following an assessment. Re-teaching for recurring skills may be referred to a later time in the grading period. A teacher will determine when re-teaching will take place as a part of their lesson planning. Reassessment After re-teaching, the teacher may use a variety of reassessment techniques to determine mastery: oral questioning, observation, retesting, demonstration, project, additional assignment, or alternative form of the assignment. This applies to all forms of assessments. ■ 11 Reassessing Groups: During formative assessments a group should be retaught and reassessed when the teacher determines that 40% of more of the class have failed to Herrera Campus Handbook perform at a passing level (70 %.) If a group of students are reassessed, the students improved score can be recorded up to seventy percent. If the entire class is retested, then the higher of the two grades will be recorded. ■ Reassessing Individuals: During formative, periodic (on-going) assessments, the students should be given an opportunity to retake the assessment. Seventy percent will be the highest grade recorded for individual reassessments. Progress Reports Progress reports will be sent to parents every three weeks for any student not making satisfactory progress. Teachers will issue progress reports during the fourth and seventh week of each nine-week grading period to each student, which can be printed directly from GradeSpeed. Unsatisfactory progress is determined numerically as a grade average below 75. Report Cards Report cards are issued for elementary and high school students at the end of each nineweek period. Mrs. Amanda will notify you when final grades are due to ensure that report cards are accurate and may be printed in time to go home. Tutorials Tutorials must be provided for all students whose grades have fallen below a 75% average. A student who is experiencing difficulty may be provided tutorials regardless of their grade average. Tutorials may be provided during the school day or during the extended day period. Students may be required to attend. The district is not responsible for transportation. However transportation may be provided for students who attend extended day sessions if they are an eligible bus rider. Grading Grades are based on the following combinations: ■ classroom daily work, participation ■ notebooks, projects, reports ■ assessments administered during the grading period ■ quality of work ■ promptness of fulfilling assignments Teachers will maintain records of numerical grades on assignments and tests. The actual grade earned shall be recorded for record keeping and conferencing purposes. No grade below 50 or greater than 100 will be recorded for the official grading period. Impacts of Absences on Grades If a student exceeds the absence limit for a semester or for the year on an annual promotion course, an asterisk (*) will appear next to the grade on the report card for the 12 Herrera Campus Handbook appropriate cycle. Even though the grade may be passing, no credit is awarded. Student Promotion Standards The Houston Independent School District uses three different academic measures to decide whether a student will be promoted to the next grade level. They are course grades, a local or state test (High-Frequency Word Test or STAAR), and a nationally norm-referenced test (Stanford or Aprenda). Grade Changes Teachers must initiate all grade changes and principals must approve any changes. Principals, counselors, or other administrators may not arbitrarily change grades issued by teachers. Grades may only be changed at the school where they were issued. Grade appeals may be addressed to the teacher and the principal. If the parent believes that the teacher has violated HISD or school policies and procedures regarding grading, and the teacher and/or principal do not settle the appeal, the parent may appeal to the appropriate ESO. The only reasons for changing a student's grade after it has been recorded are: ♦ If there were an error in the computation of the student's grade; or ♦ If an error were made marking the grade sheet. All such changes must be initiated by the teacher assigning the grade and must be approved in writing by the principal and the rationale for the change kept on file. A principal may not arbitrarily change a grade. All changes must be made before the end of the next grading period. After a cycle grade has been recorded, no additional class work may be accepted to improve a student's grade. If work assigned during the cycle was not completed, the student should receive an "I," and the grade changed when the work is completed within the required time frame. Rounding a Grade All grade averages with a remainder of .5 or above will be rounded up to the next highest number, including 69.5, which rounds up to 70. In order to receive credit for a course, a student must earn an average of 70.0 or better. What Does Not Impact a Grade Nonacademic considerations such as attendance or participation in extracurricular activities should not be used in determining grades. -Scores on the required STAAR may not be used in any way when determining any student's course grade. -Conduct "cuts" in a class should be recorded in the Conduct section of the grade sheets. Under no circumstance may conduct infractions be used to affect the student's academic grade. 13 Herrera Campus Handbook Herrera - Policies and Procedures Herrera Office Staff Roster Administration Principal – Chris Carnes (832) 526-5429 Asst. Principal – Mandy Gutierrez (915)588-2352 Magnet Coordinator – Melody Vizi (281) 433-7617 Instructional Coordinator – Sandra Castillo (832) 294-3101 Counselor – Herlinda Trevino (832) 524-1926 CAMPUS OFFICE SUPPORT Melody Vizi Sandra Castillo Magnet Coordinator Renita Salinas Data / Technology Herlinda Trevino Reading Intervention 3-5 Tari Tangney Counselor Amanda Saucillo Nurse Emma Sancez Student Information - SIMS Kassie Saucillo Executive Secretary Isela Soto Data Clerk / Purchaser SAP Office Support 14 Herrera Campus Handbook Responsibilities Page – Teacher - Be an instructional leader by providing relevant and applicable classroom instruction to all students. - Plan and evaluate your classroom instruction. -Must follow all logistical planning and needs of the IB program, ISA requirements, and any other programming established at the campus. - Prepare weekly common lesson plans with the grade level and submit to your appraiser no later than Friday afternoon. - Lesson plans for the week will be posted on provided clipboard and hung the classroom door. - Provide opportunities for students to participate in multiple groupings including independent work, paired work, small group work, and large group activities. - Implement reading and writing activities into all content areas. - Teach the TEKS for your subject and be knowledgeable of the expectations for students on STAAR. - Integrate English/LA, S.S., Science, and Math TEKS and/or STAAR objectives into all content and elective areas (when applicable). - Attend monthly department meetings and help facilitate the implementation of strategies and initiatives presented by department chairpersons. - Attend professional development opportunities. - Provide information on student grades and progress upon request by students and/or parents. - Maintain open lines of communication with parents and students utilizing phone conferences, email, notes, and face to face conferences. Teachers should be sure the “tone” of materials sent home is positive. Everything should be proofread for grammar, spelling and/or typing errors. Materials are to be sent home in both English and Spanish. Teachers are to obtain approval from an administrator before sending letters to parents or the community. See Mrs. Pacheco for official school letterhead. ***Giving parents your personal phone number is highly discouraged. - Teachers are to help monitor students at all times to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment at Herrera. Be sure to monitor students in assemblies, hallways, cafeteria, hall, and restroom or in any area where students are in your presence. Avoid punishing an entire group or entire class when misbehavior occurs. 15 Herrera Campus Handbook - Maintain accurate records of discipline intervention strategies (calls home, conferences, and referrals). - Assist Special Education teachers in the implementation of the inclusion model. - Attend ARD meetings as requested. - Follow the appraisal and development rubric. Teachers must strive to achieve a 3 or 4 level in all domains. Teachers receiving lower than a 3 on the A & D rubric may be subject to a PPA for that domain to support professional growth. -Cell phone may ONLY be present during the teacher’s instructional and/or duty and monitoring times: If there is an emergency case which have been directly reported to the principal prior, or If the teacher is using the cellular device as part of the instructional lesson. Cell phone may be used by the staff during scheduled lunch break and/or conference/planning times. - Implement campus-based staff development strategies in the classroom. Monitor strategies for effectiveness and provide feedback in positive uses and areas in need of improvement. - The teacher workday is from 7:45 am to 3:30 pm. All teachers are required to sign in and out through the raptor system in the front office. - Teachers are not permitted to leave school during the assigned duty day without notifying the front office. (Exceptions may occur for school business or personal emergencies.) All early departures must be approved by the principal and the teacher must “sign out” documenting destination and “sign in” upon returning. MODEL THE HIGH EXPECTATIONS AND PROFFESIONALISM YOU EXPECT FROM STUDENTS! 16 Herrera Campus Handbook Classroom Management A quality-learning environment is dependent upon the teacher’s ability to manage the students in the classroom. Student discipline is a responsibility that the teacher must take seriously. The following is expected from every teacher: 1. Good planning (this includes adapting lessons to individual needs). 2. Essential Agreements are developed with student input and followed consistently 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. throughout the year. Essential Agreements must be posted in the classroom. Teachers are to be in the middle of the hallway during passing rotations and restroom breaks. This enables the teacher to monitor the area outside the classroom during the passing time (position yourself so that you can see both inside and outside of your classroom). Work closely with teachers on your team to determine methods that work. If an office discipline referral is necessary, please be certain to fill out the appropriate form and send it to the office. Do not send a student with a referral unescorted. a. If needed, please refer to the HISD Student Code of Conduct Parents are to be notified before a student’s behavior is disruptive to the point that an office discipline referral is necessary. Never leave students alone, unsupervised and unmonitored in the hallway or in the classroom for any reason. Any form of corporal punishment is not an acceptable method of punishment for the classroom teacher to use and NOT to be administered by a classroom teacher. Students will have reading materials when going to the restroom and lunch. RULE OF THUMB Be fair, firm, friendly, impartial and consistent. 17 Herrera Campus Handbook Safety Procedures Passing Times between Periods Teachers will use this procedure as a guideline for developing structured passing times between class rotations: 1. Student behavior during passing times must be clearly defined, modeled, practiced and monitored. 2. Teachers will be present in the hallway during class rotations. 3. Disruptive behavior will be redirected by the classroom teacher. Lunch Procedures-Students 1. Enter into the cafeteria in a straight line with minimal talking. 2. Proceed quietly to lunch line and assigned table. 3. Stay in seat and talk quietly. 4. When you are dismissed, line up in a straight and quiet line back to classroom. 5. Cafeteria student monitors will wipe tables and return to class. Lunch Procedures-Teachers 1. Teachers will bring students to cafeteria at their designated time 2. Teachers will have a 30 minute duty free lunch period 3. Teachers will pick up students on time. * Promptness is mandatory for the continuous flow of students exiting the cafeteria...those not meeting expectation will be reported to the administration. Afternoon Dismissal 1. Bus riders in PreK-K will be picked up by staff members and taken to the library. 2. Bus riders in grades 1-5 will be dismissed in an orderly fashion to the library hallway. 3. PreK-K Husky Club students will be picked up by staff members. 4. Husky Club students will be dismissed in an orderly fashion to the cafeteria. 5. Car riders will exit through their respective locations. 6. Walkers will exit through the PreK entrance. 7. Students that have not been picked up by 3:50pm should report to the office. Teachers may be dismissed at this time. Grade PreK/Kinder First Second-Fifth Exit Location PreK Exit Classroom Cafeteria or PreK exit *A duty schedule will be developed and distributed for entry and exit procedures. 18 Herrera Campus Handbook Grades and Gradebook Information Throughout HISD the following grading scale is used: A= 90-100 B=80-89 C=75-79 D=70-74 F=69 and below Teachers will maintain records of numerical student grades based on assigned work and assessments. From these grades, teachers will compute averages which will be used in figuring student grades as reported to parents. Teachers will record a minimum of two grades for each content area weekly. Teachers will use the Making the Grade online grading system when completing grades for each grading period. Specific instructions for grading procedures will be given out prior to each grading deadline. This will include procedures for reporting grades, editing grades, incomplete grades, and changing grades. Progress Reports are to be issued to all students at the end of the fourth week of each grading cycle. Parents should be contacted if the student is not passing grade level expectations. A fifty is the lowest grade that can be given for any reporting period. Grade percent category distribution school wide will be: Daily grades: 70% (may break down to include participation in the %) Test grades: 30% Students will receive a computer produced report card each nine week grading period. All report cards must be signed by the parent and returned to school the next day. If the report card is not returned teachers must make contact with parents and keep documentation. Lesson Plans Lesson plans are to be placed on the clipboard that placed on your door. Grade-level chairpersons will ensure that lesson plans are current and that state objectives are stated in the plans. 19 Herrera Campus Handbook Sign-in and Sign-out Procedures All Herrera personnel are to sign in and out using the Raptor System. Teachers participating with after school tutorials will sign in the front office using extended hours Sign-In Sheet. Compensation will not be given to teachers that fail to sign-in and/or follow expectations of the function. **If you leave during the day for any reason including lunch, signing in and out is required along with administrative approval.** Substitute Folder All teachers are responsible for creating a substitute folder for use by a substitute teacher and/or administrative staff member in the event you are absent. The folder should be provided by the classroom teacher and should contain the following information: 1. An appropriate lesson for your grade level including page numbers, handouts and directions 2. The name of your “buddy” teacher who can offer assistance and/or direction to the substitute teacher 3. The name of a responsible student for each rotation that can provide assistance and/or information to the substitute 4. Seating chart 5. A list of special needs students. (Include information that will be helpful in managing behavior and/or helping the student to learn. Do not include confidential information.) 6. Lunch schedule 7. Ancillary Schedule/Planning Period 8. Class Roster for checking roll 9. Emergency Procedures 10. Dismissal Procedures 11. Any other information you feel would be helpful to the substitute. 12. A contingency plan for splitting up students within your grade level. Keep in mind ancillary schedule. 20 Herrera Campus Handbook Classroom monitor/TV/VCR/LCD projector usage Each classroom is equipped with an LCD projector and Document Camera. The projector is to be used for displaying instructional information from the teacher’s computer, materials from the campus instructional collection or instructional materials from cable TV or the Region IV ESC video and digital curriculum collection. The following procedures will be observed in using the classroom monitor/TV/VCR/LCD projector. 1. Any video or internet materials displayed must be directly related to the educational sequence of the course and must be for instructional purposes. 2. Any video materials that do not belong to the campus video library collection must have PRIOR APPROVAL from the campus administrator. They must also have copyright permission to be shown in an educational setting. 3. Any internet materials or web sites to be displayed must be viewed PRIOR to classroom use and should be screened CAREFULLY. 4. Specific instructions on the video system will be provided. Guest Speakers Guest speakers are encouraged as a part of the regular instructional program in order to provide more meaningful learning opportunities for students. School personnel will preview program content to ensure that these presentations are both relevant and appropriate for the student audience. The principal shall approve all guest speakers and will maintain a record detailing the speaker’s name, sponsoring organization, classroom and the subject of the presentation. The principal will determine when the content of guest speaker presentations merits parent contact. In those cases, parent permission will be required and student participation will be entirely optional. Parents are welcome to attend any guest speaker presentations, but are asked to make prior arrangements to attend so that appropriate accommodations may be made. Parents should feel free to address any questions or concerns about guest speakers to their child’s teacher or to the school principal. 21 Herrera Campus Handbook Clinic If a student is feeling ill and requires a visit to the school clinic, please be certain to fill out a clinic referral form and send it with the student. Students will not be admitted without a signed referral. If a student comes to the clinic during the day, the nurse will inquire about the nature of their illness. His/her temperature and condition will be determined and a decision will be made as to whether the student will need to go home or be sent back to class. If a student is ill, they must be referred to the nurse before contacting their parent. Housekeeping Teachers are to adjust blinds daily, clean the classroom at the end of each day, and place student chairs on top of the desk. These are excellent rolls to assign students. Do not cover the windows on the classroom doors. The inside of the classroom should be visible to personnel such as administrators, counselors, security, and staff. Hallways should be kept clean at all times. Library The library will be open from 7:50 am until 3:30 pm. All teachers need to work closely with Ms. Flores to schedule classes in the library. All books, magazines, Region IV materials and A-V materials need to be checked out or ordered according to the appropriate established procedures. See Ms. Flores for more information. Student Records Student records that are maintained in the office areas are NOT to be removed from the office. Teachers requesting to view records must sign out the folders from Mrs. Soto and sign in folders upon return. All records are confidential and are not to be left out or placed in a manner where other people would have the opportunity to view them. 22 Herrera Campus Handbook Keys The issuing and receiving of keys shall constitute a contract between Herrera and the individual receiving the keys and shall be considered an obligation to follow the policies and procedures outlined by the administration of Herrera. Issuing of Keys Keys are issued to the building principal and are in turn issued to the members of the campus. Master and sub-master keys will be issued ONLY with prior approval from the campus principal. Maintenance of Keys Employees shall make every reasonable effort to maintain and keep track of their keys. Remember, security is a major issue in key management. Keys should NEVER be loaned to students. Be careful when loaning keys to colleagues. Returning Keys Keys shall be returned at the end of the year for a key audit. The key audit will be part of the end of the year close out. All keys must be returned immediately if the work relationship between the employee and Herrera is terminated. Loss of Keys In the unlikely event that a key is misplace or stolen, notify an administrator immediately. A request for a replacement key(s) needs to include a signed written statement by the individual who lost the key as to the conditions existing when the key(s) were lost or stolen. A replacement cost will also be charged for lost or stolen keys using the following schedule: Auxiliary keys $10.00 Classroom & cabinet keys $15.00 Sub-master keys $25.00 Master keys $50.00 Key Card $5.00 No replacement keys will be issued until the written statement and the replacement cost obligations have been completed. Duplication of Keys All keys will be duplicated by the HISD locksmith. It is a violation of school policy to have a key made or duplicated by anyone other than the HISD locksmith. 23 Herrera Campus Handbook Inventory Control We must work as a TEAM to maintain an accurate inventory of our furniture, fixtures, equipment, and technological devices. To that end, we will conduct periodic inventory control procedures to monitor the movement and placement of campus materials. Inventory Control Guidelines The following procedures will serve as guidelines for our inventory control. 1. Computers, printers, scanners, LCD projectors, Smartboards, fax machines, classroom TV monitors, and copy machines must not be moved from one location to another without an inventory transfer form completed and approved by an administrator. This form must be approved PRIOR to moving anything. 2. Tables, chairs, teacher desks, teacher chairs, file cabinets, and bookcases should not be moved from one location to another without completion of an inventory transfer form. This form must be submitted to the administrator responsible for campus inventory. 3. Each staff member will complete an annual inventory update and verify the location of all items assigned to them. 4. If a need develops for additional furniture, fixtures, or technological materials, please contact the administrator responsible for inventory in writing (by email). Textbooks Mr. Cesar is our textbook clerk. It is the responsibility of the teacher to account for every textbook that is received from him. The cost of replacing lost books is the responsibility of the teacher. You must keep accurate records on all books distributed. Textbook checks should be done every nine weeks. It is imperative that teachers inform Cesar, Arley and the office when textbooks are lost or damaged. Teachers are NOT to issue a second textbook to a student who has not cleared his/her lost textbook account. Teachers may request additional textbooks by sending an email to Cesar Reyes. Work Orders: Maintenance and/or Technology Every teacher will receive an e-mail at the beginning of the year with a template and web-link attached. The template can be saved to the hard drive and used every time that a work order is placed. The work order can be submitted electronically via email or weblink. Note: The bar code numbers must be provided for any work order request for computers or other school district property that has been bar coded. 24 Herrera Campus Handbook Reimbursement Mrs. Sanchez, our school secretary will be responsible for the activity fund budget and the school budget. Please follow these guidelines for making all purchases: 25 ● You MUST have prior administrative approval before making a purchase. If you make a purchase without prior approval, you likely will NOT be reimbursed for your expenses. ● We will not be writing school checks for supplies. Orders should be made through SAP, or only with permission from an Administrator we will reimburse you for your purchase. ● We cannot reimburse sales tax. You must take a tax ID form with you in order to be tax exempt. Mrs. Sanchez will have the forms. ● We cannot reimburse without a receipt- no matter what happened to the receipt!! ● Items that you purchase for your classroom such as motivational posters, decorative items, specialty office/school supply items, etc. will not be reimbursed. These items are your property and may be taken with you if you leave us. Items purchased using school funds are the property of the school/district and must be accounted for if you leave us. Personal items left after your official last duty day will become Herrera ES property. ● Items that are required for the curriculum will be purchased by the school. ● All school budgets are governed by Texas bid laws. We have to follow procedures outlined in District Policy when making large purchases. Please see an administrator for information and/or direction when planning a large dollar purchase. ● The school activity fund will be utilized for specialty items and for items that we purchase for our students. The school budget will be utilized for curriculum materials and other items needed for instructional purposes. ● Prior approval from the principal is required for out of town workshops and/or conferences ● See Mrs. Sanchez for information on allowable travel reimbursements, requests for travel advancements, and a travel packet. ● Submit all forms to Mrs. Sanchez in a timely manner, or by any specific dates given. ● Follow the procedures for securing a substitute if you will be out of the classroom. Herrera Campus Handbook Emergency Procedures & Drills As part of the Emergency Operations Plan, Herrera Elementary shall have effective emergency procedures that can be implemented on short notice and that will ensure safety for students and school personnel. The Emergency Preparedness Handbook shall be available in the front office and for every classroom teacher. Fire Drill Procedures In accordance with the law, we will conduct monthly fire drills. Evacuation routes will be posted in every occupied classroom. Students are expected to exit the building in silence. Teachers are required to carry classroom rosters, close classroom doors and proceed to designated location. Fire drills are held for the safety of all students. Drills should be conducted with as much efficiency as possible. Please know your signals and follow procedures accordingly. 1. Firm Alarm – Vacate the building immediately. 2. All Clear Announcement – Return to building. 3. Stay in place announcement – HALT! Stand at attention. Students at lunch during a fire drill will be escorted out by the cafeteria monitors. Student will exit cafeteria doors and proceed to the front of the building in a quick and quiet manner. Teachers having lunch will report to their classes located in Area 4 (refer to evacuation map) on the Northeast side of the building. Teachers are expected to call attendance to ensure all students have vacated the building. Teachers will hold up the “C” sign to signal that all students are accounted. If a student is missing, the teacher will immediately inform a Crisis Team Member. Crisis Team Members will ensure that their assigned location has been cleared in the following areas: 1. Students and teachers have exited the building 2. Restrooms have been cleared 3. All doors closed **Crisis team members that are classroom teachers will ensure that their students have been escorted out by their respective grade level team members. 26 Chris Carnes Melody Vizi Mandy Gutierrez Sandra Castillo Herlinda Trevino Isela Soto Amanda Saucillo Kassie Saucillo Cesar Reyes Herrera Campus Handbook Severe Weather In the event of a hurricane or tornado, students will be directed to proceed into the interior hallways. Students should sit with their backs against the wall quietly waiting for instructions from staff members. Teachers are required to: 1. Keep students in secure and safe area away from windows and glasses. 2. Close all windows and doors. 3. Turn on cellular phones and email for information. Upon notification from the Administrative Team, classes held in temporary buildings will be brought into the cafeteria to their assigned posts. Off Campus Evacuation In the event of an immediate evacuation to an off campus location, specific directions will be given over the PA system. Students are requested to take only their sweaters/coats. Teachers are expected to take classroom rosters and line his/her class into no more than two students abreast. Further instructions will be given at the Spark Park, located at northwest side of the building located at the intersection of Appleton and Plymouth. The students are to travel in a calm, quiet manner. The alternative evacuation site is Sam Houston High School, located at the intersection of Irvington and Tidwell. Teachers are expected to call attendance to ensure all students have vacated the building. Teachers will hold up the “C” sign to signal that all students are accounted. If a student is missing, the teacher will immediately inform a Crisis Team Member. Enrollment binders will be used by office personnel to ensure safe and orderly dismissal procedures for all students. Bus Evacuation Upon notification, and in the event of a bus evacuation, Herrera faculty will be instructed to help load the buses parked in the front of the building located on Bennington Street. PreK – Second will load the buses first. Third-Fifth will follow in a calm, and orderly manner. The destination site is Sam Houston High School located at the intersection of Irvington and Tidwell. Administrative Team members will monitor classes and will aid and assist as needed. Teachers are expected to call roll to ensure all students are safe. Enrollment binders will be used by office personnel to ensure safe and orderly dismissal procedures for all students. 27 Herrera Campus Handbook Natural Disasters In preparing for potential problems and disasters, the following administrative directives should be followed: 1. All staff and students will be required to participate in all of the fire and disaster drills. The district’s safety education program trains students to be alert and obedient to emergency drills. The more these drills become routine, the less apt staff and students are to panic if or when a disaster occurs. 2. Unless otherwise directed, students shall be held at school during a disaster until clearance for their dismissal has been obtained from the Superintendent or city emergency officials. Emergency Lockdown Plan In the event of a hostage situation, terrorist threat, emergency, or any other situation that poses imminent danger for the students and faculty of Herrera Elementary the following plan will be imitated. In the event of a lockdown, the campus administrator(s) will evaluate the situation to determine if the situation requires a campus lockdown. Once it has been determined that a lockdown is required, the campus administrator(s) will call the emergency code phrase (“The building is going into lock down at this time”) two times on the public address system. Once the emergency code phrase has been announced, all faculty and staff will do the following: 1. Go to the classroom door, look in the hallway and remove any person from the hallway into the classroom. Then lock the door from the outside and close the door. 2. Remove all students from their desks and quickly have them move to the inner wall of the classroom (the same side of the room where the door is located) and have them kneel or squat without talking. Please make sure that all students are not within view of the classroom door window. ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING AT THIS TIME! 3. Please wait for further instructions from an administrator. ******Communication should be silent. Cell phones must be placed on Vibrate***** Once the lockdown is complete and it is safe for all, an administrator will call the emergency code phrase (“You may now resume daily procedures”) twice on the public address system. At this time, the teachers will have all students return to their seating assignments and resume class. 28 Herrera Campus Handbook Silent Lockdown – Notification Procedure In the event there should be a “silent” notification of lockdown, the team leaders will be contacted by their grade level administrator. At this point, the grade level administrator will instruct the team leaders to notify all teachers on their team to follow the above listed procedures. Once the lockdown is complete, the grade level administrator will contact the academic team leaders to notify their team members. All communication between teachers will originate from the team leaders. **Communication should be silent. Cell phones should be placed on Vibrate** Shelter in Place Plan Shelter in place is a special designation used when a situation requires the lock down of a school campus in order to protect students and staff from threats usually associated with, but not limited to, chemical or environmental disasters. In the event of shelter in place, an administrator will announce “Shelter in Place.” Once the emergency code has been announced, all faculty and staff will do the following: 1. Close all doors and windows. 2. Turn off fans and air condition units. 3. Keep all students in classroom. (Absolutely no students are to be in the hallway.) Any student found in the hall/restroom will be escorted to the nearest classroom. Please call or email the homeroom teacher assigned to the student. 4. No one is allowed to enter or exit the building.(except under circumstances defined in HISD’s crisis policies) 5. The campus may return to regular status once the all clear signal is given by an administrator. Bomb Threats In order to prevent the implantation and explosion of a bomb in the school building, the following will be observed: 1. Teachers maintain an awareness of the contents of their rooms. Any suspicious 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 29 containers or changes should be reported to administration. Teachers will lock their rooms whenever they are not in them. Cabinets and closets should be locked when not in use. Custodial personnel will lock rooms after cleaning them. During the evening occupancy of the building, the community will be limited to those areas set aside for their use. Supply areas, boiler room, and fan rooms shall be kept locked and secure at all times. All people entering the building who are neither staff or students must check into the main office using the Raptor System before going anywhere in the building. Herrera Campus Handbook Principal will execute the following: 1. Call HISD Police. Under no circumstances anyone should touch any suspicious package. 2. Use runners to coordinate communication. DO NOT USE RADIOS, ELECTRONIC BELLS, OR CELL PHONES. Bombs can be activated by radio signals and electronic devices. Pass information and instruction orally. 3. Wait for “ALL CLEAR” from police department before allowing students back into building. Teachers will execute the following: 1. Remain calm 2. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will personnel touch or allow students to touch 3. 4. 5. 6. any object deemed to be suspicious. Collect classroom roster. Evacuate when advised. Take attendance when students are assembled away from school. Inform Crisis Team Member if anyone is not accounted. Phone Threats 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be calm; do not panic. Keep caller on the phone as long as possible and do not hang up. Signal to someone near you to alert the principal. Write down everything the caller says as soon as possible. After call is over, write down any impressions of the caller. Acts of Terror or War Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released accidentally or intentionally into the environment. If this should occur, the following procedures will be implemented: 1. In the event of an act of terror, the school will implement “SHELTER IN PLACE” procedures, which require all students and staff to take immediate shelter inside a designated place until the proper authorities give clearance. 2. For the safety of students, parents will be refrained from picking up their children from school and wait for further instructions through the media. 3. Office personnel will take parent phone calls. 4. If evacuation is called by the city authorities, everyone will follow the Off Campus Evacuation Procedures. 30