Madison Public Schools Honors Physics Grade 9 Written by: Kevin Braine Luis Largo Carole Rawding Reviewed by: Matthew A. Mingle Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tom Paterson Supervisor of Science and Technology Approval date: November 18, 2014 Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President Kevin Blair, Vice President Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson David Arthur Johanna Habib Thomas Haralampoudis Leslie Lajewski James Novotny Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison, NJ 07940 Course Overview Description Honors Physics is a laboratory science course designed to introduce the high achieving student to comprehensive, in-depth quantitative and conceptual understanding of physics. Honors Physics provides students with a solid foundation and preparation for future study in a second year Physics course. Students study the major units of physics, which include motion and forces, momentum and energy, thermodynamics, electric current and magnetism, waves, sound and light. Students should build upon their existing knowledge of relationships in the physical world and learn to interpret these relationships and make predictions based upon their analyses. Students participate in hands-on lab activities and interactive simulations which are observed, described and interpreted to develop an understanding of the laws of the physical world. Students are required to perform quantitative analysis of laboratory data, understand and explain abstract concepts and apply knowledge to new situations. Extensive application of mathematical reasoning is used to solve multi-step problems. Goals This course aims to: develop analytical and critical thinking skills as well as an appropriate physics vocabulary to comprehend a variety of challenging and sophisticated problems; support the comprehension and analysis of a variety of scientific disciplines; develop and nurture both a love of scientific reading and advanced skills in interpreting scientific literature through individually selected journals throughout the year; develop the scientific process through which students compose a variety of questions and analyze data which leads to meaningful predictions identify problems within a specific framework and design solutions to solve those problems Resources Suggested activities and resources page ‘ Unit 1: Overview Unit Title: Kinematics Unit Summary: This unit combines kinematics and dynamics in a qualitative, nontraditional way. This approach helps students see mechanical phenomena holistically first, and then later with mathematics. Students learn to construct a qualitative overview of the major ideas in kinematics and Newtonian dynamics. Students will devise qualitative relations, focused on physical quantities, investigate velocity and acceleration; in the process they will reexamine their intuitive ideas, which are sometimes incorrect. Students will learn to represent motion multiple different ways in order to analyze the motion, make predictions, and communicate using a consistent, sophisticated, domain specific physics vocabulary. Students will use different representations for motion: words, pictures, motion diagrams, data tables, graphs, and mathematical relationships or models. Students will construct the concepts of motion by describing and analyzing patterns in data. Suggested Pacing:22 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Kinematics: Vectors In what situations does the direction of a physical quantity make a significant difference? ∙ How are some physical quantities affected by direction? ∙ How do you add vector quantities? ∙ How do you use vector analysis to interpret systems in equilibrium or with a non-zero net force? ∙ How are velocity vectors utilized to interpret relative motion? Linear Motion How can we analyze, compare and make predictions for different kinds of motion using multiple representations? ∙ How can we analyze motion with constant velocity using multiple representations? ∙ How can we analyze motion with constant acceleration using multiple representations? ∙ What are the differences between motion with constant velocity and constant acceleration? ∙ How can the physical quantities of motion be derived from graphical representations? ∙ How can mathematical models be utilized to analyze and predict physical quantities of motion? Projectile Motion What makes projectile motion different from linear motion? ∙ How can we analyze projectile motion using multiple representations? ∙ How can you use mathematical models to predict properties of a projectile’s trajectory? ∙ How can you graphically represent the motion in the x and y directions for a projectile? Unit Enduring Understandings: There are multiple ways to represent the motion of an object A collection of information about a given motion can enable predictions to be made about the motion Use of proper symbols and units allows for clear communication. An object in motion can be described by its change in position over elapsed time (velocity) and by its change in velocity over elapsed time (acceleration). ∙ When falling, all objects, regardless of mass, are uniformly affected by the acceleration due to the gravitational force of the earth and will undergo the same constant increase in its change in position during each unit of time. ∙ In projectile motion an object’s vertical and horizontal motion can be analyzed independently to make predictions for range and time of flight. ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Honors Physics Unit 1 Assessment: Scoring with Projectiles Objectives (Students will be able to…) Identify vector quantities in physics and utilize appropriate mathematical skills to solve vector problems Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Vectors Vector characteristics Vector physical quantities Vector components Vector addition Application of vectors SKILLS: 1. Distinguish between vector and scalar quantities. Give examples of each 2. Draw a vector to scale, graphical representation of a single vector. 3. Completely name a vector, Ex: F = 25 N, 20°N of E 4. Use both systems: the +x axis and the West – East line (Ex: 50° N of W) to name the angle of a vector 5. Use the graphical “vector box” method to find a resultant 6. Use the Pythagorean Theorem and tan Q to find a resultant of vectors at right angles, perpendicular vectors. 7. Draw and calculate the components of a given vector, graphically and mathematically using sin θ, cos θ, and tan θ. 8. Use the coordinate system to assign + and – signs to component vectors 9. Use components to add vectors and find the resultant 10. Define equilibrium and determine whether or not a given set of vectors is in equilibrium Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Vectors Vector addition Vector components Labs: Vectors Projects: Vector Treasure Hunt Unit test: Vectors Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HSN-Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4),(HS-PS2-5),(HSPS2-6) HSA-SSE.A.1 Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context. (HS-PS2-1),(HSPS2-4) HSA-SSE.B.3 Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity represented by the expression. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-4) HSA-CED.A.1 Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-2) HSA-CED.A.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph Pacing 4 lesson s Determine the missing vector in an equilibrium situation 12. Define and find the equilibrant for a given set of vectors 13. Name and calculate the components of weight (force of Earth on the object) vectors on inclined planes, FEonOx and FEonOy or Fgx and Fgy equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. (HS-PS2-1),(HSPS2-2) 11. Use a motion diagram to CONTENT: qualitatively represent an objects motion. Linear Motion Motion with constant velocity Learn to use precise Motion with constant acceleration language to describe one-dimensional motion SKILLS: quantitatively. 1. State the difference between distance and displacement and between speed Learn that velocity and velocity. characterizes the rate of 2. Name which motion quantities are change of an object’s vector quantities. position while 3. State three ways that velocity can be acceleration changed. characterizes the rate of 4. Differentiate between average speed change of the object’s and average velocity. State the velocity. mathematical model for average velocity and average speed using the Learn to represent variables, xi, xf, vavg, Δt. motion verbally and with 5. Interpret position vs. time graphs as a a sketch, motion model for motion. Explain the meaning diagram, graph, and of a horizontal line, a straight diagonal mathematically. line and a curved line. Recognize positive and negative velocity. State the Become adept at reading relationship between the steepness of and extracting the line and the speed of the object information from represented by the graph. graphs. 6. Draw and interpret motion diagrams; dots and arrows, used to represent Become increasingly various motions. Classwork /Homework: Distance vs Position Motion Diagrams Position vs. time Velocity vs. time Acceleration vs. time Math models Displacement Labs: Motion Diagrams Linear motion Projects: Unit test: Motion direction with HS-PS2 Motion Stability: Forces Interactions and 12 and lesson s HS-PS2-1. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation to predict the gravitational force between objects. RST.11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science one and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. RST.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources comfortable moving 7. Explain how a tangent line drawn at a between different specific point along a curve can be used representations of to determine the instantaneous motion. velocity. 8. Calculate the average velocity of the Learn to describe moving object as represented on a mathematically patterns position vs. time graph. in data. 9. Interpret motion problems for objects traveling at a constant velocity, identify and list the given quantities, diagram the event, choose and solve motion equations 10. Choose and apply a coordinate system for motion problems 11. Use the quantities of vi, vf, Δt, and Δx to calculate average velocity, displacement and time. 12. For a steady change in velocity, differentiate between acceleration and velocity. State how acceleration is related to velocity and explain the units for acceleration. 13. Interpret position vs. time graphs in order to generate a sketch of the velocity vs. time graph representing the same motion 14. Interpret a velocity vs. time graph as a model for motion. 15. Use the area to determine the displacement traveled and displacement of the moving object and use slope to determine the acceleration of the moving object. Use the initial vertical and horizontal velocity of a projectile to predict the landing spot and height of a projectile. CONTENT: Projectile Motion Projectile motion free fall Projectile horizontal of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. WHST.9-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. (HS-PS2-6) Classwork/Homework: HS-PS2 Motion and 6 Stability: Forces and lesson Projectile motion free Interactions s fall Projectile horizontal HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange Projectile vertical Explain how the Projectile angled direction of the unbalanced force causes SKILLS: the difference between 1. Describe and name the path of a uniform circular motion projectile and projectile motion. 2. Compare the motion of two balls released from the same height, one horizontally launched projectile and the other dropped straight down 3. Describe projectile, 2- D motion, in terms of x- motion, velocities, time and acceleration 4. Describe projectile, 2- D motion, in terms of y-motion, velocities, time and acceleration 5. State the independence of the x-motion and the y-motion, State whether a change in the horizontal (x) velocity of a projectile effects vertical (y) velocity projectile 6. State and explain the acceleration in both the x and y directions of a projectile 7. Mathematically predict the landing spot of a horizontally launched projectile 8. Name and calculate the components of an angled velocity vector 9. Use the measured values of range and time in air for a projectile launched from the ground to find the launch velocity 10. Combine the horizontal (vx) velocity and the vertical (vy) velocity of a projectile to find the velocity vector at a given point on a trajectory 11. Describe the effect a changing horizontal (vx) velocity has on range, Projectile vertical Projectile angled Labs: Projectile horizontal. Projectile Vertical Projectile Angled Projects: Homemade Launcher Unit test: Projectile motion mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) HSS-ID.A.1 Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots). (HS-PS2-1) 12. 13. 14. 15. time, height, Calculate the x and y values for displacement, velocity, time and acceleration for projectiles; launched from the ground Dy = 0 m, launched up to a new height and launched from a height above the ground. Describe situations in terms of frame of reference Name velocities in terms of varying frames of reference Apply two-dimensional motion problem solving techniques to relative velocity problems. Unit 2: Overview Unit Title: Forces and Newton’s Laws Unit Summary: This unit combines kinematics and dynamics in a qualitative, nontraditional way. This approach helps students see mechanical phenomena holistically first, and then later with mathematics. Students learn to construct a qualitative overview of the major ideas in kinematics and Newtonian dynamics. Students will devise qualitative relations, focused on physical quantities, investigate velocity and acceleration; in the process they will reexamine their intuitive ideas, which are sometimes incorrect. Students will learn to represent motion multiple different ways in order to analyze the motion, make predictions, and communicate using a consistent, sophisticated, domain specific physics vocabulary. Students will use different representations for motion: words, pictures, motion diagrams, data tables, graphs, and mathematical relationships or models. Students will construct the concepts of motion by describing and analyzing patterns in data. Suggested Pacing: 12 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Forces and Newton’s Laws How do balanced forces or unbalanced forces relate to the change in motion of an object? ∙ How do you identify different types of forces and the factors that affect them? ∙ How is the motion of an object affected by balanced forces versus unbalanced forces? ∙ How can you analyze graphical representations of the factors affecting the acceleration of an object? ∙ How is the force one object exerts on another related to the force exerted on the first object? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ When an unbalanced force is exerted on an object, the greater the mass of the object, the less acceleration the object will experience (and vice versa). ∙ The motion of an object changes when an unbalanced force is exerted on the object. The change in motion is not always a change in speed; it can be a change in direction of motion. ∙ Objects do not always move in the direction an unbalanced force is exerted on them. ∙ Weight and mass are not the same. You weigh more on the Earth than you do on the moon because the Earth has more mass than the moon. Weight is an expression of gravitational force between two objects. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Learn that a force describes an interaction between two objects (force is not that entity that becomes part of the object). Use a force diagram to represent the forces exerted on an object by other objects. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Forces and Newton’s Laws Types of forces Newton’s First Law: Inertia and equilibrium Newton’s Second Law: Force causes accelerated motion Newton’s Third Law: Paired forces Two-mass systems SKILLS: Understand the different 1. Distinguish forces exerted on their types of interactions system and forces exerted on objects between objects (the outside of the system. types of forces). 2. Determine the direction of an unbalanced force from an objects Understand that motion diagram. unbalanced interactions 3. Define and explain inertia. State cause an object’s motion examples of inertia in action. to change; the change in 4. Define an inertial reference frame as motion, not the motion one in which an object continues to itself, is in the direction move at a constant velocity if the sum of the unbalanced force. of forces exerted on the object is zero. 5. Differentiate between mass and weight Learn the quantitative 6. Utilize the mathematical model to forms of Newton’s solve for the force of the Earth on second law and objects. (weight) understand Newton’s 7. Explain why objects all fall with the third law. same acceleration in a vacuum even though the Earth exerts very different Understand how linear forces on them. motion is used with 8. Draw force diagrams identifying and forces in problem displaying all forces exerted on an solving. object. Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Introduction to force Force of Earth Force of Tension Force of Spring Force of Surface Force of Friction Inclined Planes Newton’s Laws Net Forces Atwood Machine Connected objects Labs: Forces Mass vs. weight Tension force Force of friction Force of static friction (inclined) Newton’s laws Atwood machine Connected objects Projects: Unit test: Forces I Forces II Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions WHST.9-12.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (HS-PS23),(HSPS2-5) WHST.11-12.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding Pacing 12 lesson s 9. Learn how to apply Newton’s second law on inclines, for multiple connected objects, and for horizontal and vertical motion. 10. 11. 12. Learn to represent the same situation using words, pictures, motion diagrams, force diagrams, and mathematical models and to check for consistency of these different representations. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Identify the force of tension in a given problem. Define the normal force and calculate the normal force in various scenarios. Explain the relationship between the acceleration of an object and the net force exerted on the object. Students will describe the qualitative relationship between the acceleration of an object and the object’s mass, as well as the net force exerted on the object. State Newton’s second Law as a mathematical relationship between the resulting force, the acceleration and the mass of an object and in terms of the direction of the resulting acceleration. Use Newton’s Second Law to solve accelerated motion problems. *Differentiate between static and kinetic friction, FK = μK·FN and FS MAX = μS·FN Calculate the force of kinetic friction exerted on an object in various situations; given the mass and the coefficient of friction. State the factors which affect the friction force. Find the friction force in an equilibrium problem. Find the friction force in a problem with uniform accelerated motion. Solve problems involving two objects in motion, either constant velocity or accelerated motion; Atwood’s machine and modified Atwood’s machines State Hooke’s Law and utilize the relationship between the spring force, plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. (HS-PS2-5) WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the spring constant and the stretch of a given spring. 22. Diagram the forces exerted in a vertical acceleration (elevator) problem and solve for the missing force or acceleration 23. If an object A exerts a force on object B, Students will be able to identify the force, that object B exerts on Object A as being equal and opposite to the force that object A exerts on object B. the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) Unit 3: Overview Unit Title: Circular motion and Gravitation Unit Summary: This unit combines kinematics and dynamics in a qualitative, nontraditional way. This approach helps students see mechanical phenomena holistically first, and then later with mathematics. Students learn to construct a qualitative overview of the major ideas in kinematics and Newtonian dynamics. Students will devise qualitative relations, focused on physical quantities, investigate velocity and acceleration; in the process they will reexamine their intuitive ideas, which are sometimes incorrect. Students will learn to represent motion multiple different ways in order to analyze the motion, make predictions, and communicate using a consistent, sophisticated, domain specific physics vocabulary. Students will use different representations for motion: words, pictures, motion diagrams, data tables, graphs, and mathematical relationships or models. Students will construct the concepts of motion by describing and analyzing patterns in data. Suggested Pacing: 14 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Circular Motion & Gravitation Uniform Circular Motion What is required to hold an object uniform circular motion? ∙ What is the direction of the velocity, acceleration and force exerted on an object moving in uniform circular motion? Gravitation How can we predict the gravitational force between two objects? ∙ What affects the gravitational force between all objects? ∙ What is the relationship between the motions of planets in the same orbital system? ∙ What are the differences between elliptical orbits and circular orbits? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ Circular motion is caused by an unbalanced centripetal force, the push that you feel is the tendency of your body to continue to move in a straight line, a center seeking force (centripetal) causes your motion to change and conform to a circular path. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand that the net force that other objects exert on an object moving at constant speed in a circle is toward the center of circle. Learn a graphical method of finding the direction of acceleration for two dimensional motion. Understand why the magnitude of this acceleration is v2/r. Learn how to apply the component form of Newton’s second law for circular motion. Learn to represent situations involving circular motion using words, pictures, force diagrams, and mathematical models and to check for consistency among these different representations. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Circular Motion SKILLS: 1. State the direction in which centripetal acceleration and a centripetal force is exerted. 2. Identify and name the unbalanced force exerted on objects in uniform circular motion 3. Diagram the perpendicular relationship between the tangential velocity and forces exerted on an object in circular motion 4. State the relationship between centripetal force and centripetal acceleration 5. State the relationship between with radius, mass and velocity in uniform circular motion 6. Describe uniform circular motion 7. Differentiate between constant speed and constant velocity. 8. Identify the inertia of the object as the tendency for the object to continue in a straight line on a tangent to the circle in the absence of a centripetal force 9. State whether an object traveling in a circle can have a constant velocity 10. Define period. 11. Relate period to frequency. 12. Calculate tangential velocity using radius and period of an object in uniform circular motion. 13. State the origin of the centripetal force Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Circular motion Static Friction Conical Circles Vertical circles Labs: Sources of circular motion Projects: Unit test: Circular motion Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) HSS-ID.A.1 Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots). (HS-PS2-1) Pacing 8 lesson s in various examples of uniform circular motion. 14. Calculate the centripetal force needed to hold various objects in uniform circular motion 15. Relate friction to centripetal force for objects on a turntable and cars turning on a level surface 16. Calculate the centripetal force for an amusement park swinging ride 17. *Use the components of the tension in a chain to analyze a conical pendulum (amusement park swing ride) problem for angle and tension 18. *Use the components of the normal force to analyze the motion of a car on a banked curve. 19. Differentiate between tangential velocity and rotational velocity 20. Use the rotational velocity to calculate tangential velocity of an object. 21. Draw a force diagram of object in vertical circular motion 22. *Calculate the tension in a rope (or the normal force) on an object in vertical circular motion on the top and bottom of the circle 23. *Explain and calculate the critical velocity of an object in vertical circular motion CONTENT: Classwork/Homework: Describe how gravitation Universal Gravitation acts between all objects Gravitation with mass. Universal gravitation Labs: Elliptical orbits and circular orbits Universal Gravitation Calculate your weight on Kepler’s Laws HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation to describe and predict the 6 lesson s various planets. Satellite motion Explain the concept of a gravitational field. Projects: SKILLS: 1. Describe Newton’s law of universal gravitational attraction Unit test: 2. State the factors affecting a Universal gravitation gravitational force between two objects. 3. Describe the inverse square relationship and predict change in gravitational force based upon change in distance between two objects. 4. Differentiate between g and G 5. Calculate the gravitational force exerted between two masses 6. Find the acceleration caused the gravitational force of Earth on a given object using mass of a planet and radius of planet 7. Relate weightlessness to objects in free fall 8. Describe gravitational fields 9. Calculate gravitational field strength 10. State Kepler’s Laws 11. Define ellipses 12. Describe eccentricity 13. Use Kepler’s Third Law to find the period of a planet based upon it’s orbital radius 14. Describe the differences in energy between circular and elliptical orbits 15. Calculate the period and speed of orbiting objects 16. Contrast Newton’s and Einstein’s view of gravitation 17. Describe current theories on the origin and make-up of the gravitational force and its link to the other fundamental forces Express how objects are able to orbit the earth. Determine the connection between orbiting the earth and being in free fall. gravitational force between objects. Unit 4: Overview Unit Title: Work and Energy Unit Summary: This unit strives to achieve an understanding of conservation and the physical quantities of work and energy. Students will learn that the same processes they previously described in terms of forces can also be described by energy. We will use experimental data to construct ideas of the relationships between initial and final energy in varying forms. Students will test these relationships by using them to predict the results of new experiments. Students will represent mechanical processes by using words, pictures, work-energy bar charts, and mathematical models. The ultimate goal is to apply the ideas of the Conservation of mechanical energy to everyday processes. Suggested Pacing: 12 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Work and Mechanical Energy What does an object’s energy (and changes in that energy) tell us about the object’s properties? ∙ What is the difference between “work done on” a system and “work done by” a system? ∙ How does work change the energy of a given system? ∙ How do you identify different types of mechanical energy and the factors that affect them? ∙ How can the Law of Conservation of Energy be used to analyze closed systems? ∙ How can you differentiate between an open and closed system using the Work-Energy Theorem? Unit Enduring Understandings: More power is required to move an object quickly. Forces can do work on an object and either increase or decrease the object’s energy. Energy cannot be destroyed; it just transferred from one object to another and can transform into other forms such as sound, heat, light etc. ∙ The initial gravitational potential energy of a roller coaster can be transformed into a large kinetic energy by changes in the height and velocity of the system. ∙ ∙ ∙ Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Learn to identify a system and the initial and final states of a physical process. Understand the concept of work and how work is related to the concept of dynamics. Learn about different kinds of energy and how to describe them mathematically. Understand energy transformation processes in a system, energy and energy changes caused by external interactions (work). Learn how to describe mechanical processes using words, pictures, energy bar charts, and mathematical models. Apply knowledge about work and energy to reallife situations. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Work & Mechanical Energy Work and power Types of mechanical energy Work-Energy Theorem Conservation of Energy Graphic representations Mathematical models SKILLS: Define work in physics terms. State and apply the mathematical model for work. 3. Explain the relationship between work and the displacement of the object. 4. Show how when a force exerted perpendicular to the displacement of an object the work done will be zero 5. Calculate the net work when more than one force is applied. 6. State the unit for work and energy. (Both in terms of the Newton and without the Newton included) 7. Relate the angle of the applied force to the work done. 8. Recognize that both work and energy are scalar values. 9. Differentiate between positive and negative work. 10. Identify several forms of energy. 11. Apply the work – kinetic energy theorem to problems. 12. Distinguish between kinetic energy (both translational and rotational), 1. 2. Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Work Power Gravitational potential energy Kinetic energy Stored potential energy Conservation of mechanical energy Labs: Work Conservation of mechanical energy Power Stored potential energy Projects: Mouse Trap Car Roller Coaster Unit test: Work, Power, Energy Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pacing HS-PS3-1. Create a 12 computational model to lesson calculate the change in the s energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known. HS-PS3-2. Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles (objects) and energy associated with the relative position of particles (objects). HS-PS3-3. Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy. HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy and calculate values for each type of mechanical energy. Name and differentiate between conservative and non-conservative forces. *Calculate the energy and work of springs. State Hooke’s law. State and apply the conservation of mechanical energy. Use the sum of the mechanical energy to find the missing values in given systems. Calculate the work done by friction and relate it to the mechanical energy in a system Relate the concepts of work (or energy), time and power. Calculate power in two different ways. *Utilize the AREA under a graph of force vs. displacement to find work done by a varying force. equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Unit 5: Overview Unit Title: Impulse and Momentum Unit Summary: This unit strives to achieve an understanding of conservation and the physical quantities of impulse and momentum. Students will learn that the same processes they previously described in terms of forces can also be described by momenta. We will use experimental data to construct ideas of linear momentum and the relationships between initial and final momenta in varying forms. Students will test these relationships by using them to predict the results of new experiments. Students will represent mechanical processes by using words, pictures, impulse-momentum bar charts, and mathematical models. The ultimate goal is to apply the ideas of the Conservation of momentum to everyday processes. Suggested Pacing: 12 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Impulse and Momentum How does an object’s momentum influence its motion? ∙ How does impulse change the momentum of a given system? ∙ How can the Law of Conservation of Momentum be used to analyze collisions? ∙ How can the vector nature of momentum be used to evaluate a glancing collision? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ During a collision an object experiences an impulse; a force is exerted over a period of time. The force can be reduced if the time of the collision is increased and vice versa. It is not softness that prevents injury during a collision, rather an increased time to stop that reduces the required force. ∙ If a bullet is shot forward, the gun that fired the bullet will move in the opposite direction because momentum is conserved in a closed and isolated system. ∙ If an object has a lot of mass and is moving very fast, it will be very hard to stop because it will have a large amount of momentum. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand the idea of conservation and the meaning of the words initial and final states of a system. Learn the physical quantities of momentum and Impulse. Understand that the same process can be described using the language of forces or the language of momenta. Understand different types of collisions and how the quantity total momenta are conserved before and after the collisions. Learn how to describe mechanical processes using words, pictures, momentum bar charts, and mathematical models. Learn to apply the ideas of impulse and momentum to everyday processes. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Impulse & Momentum Impulse changes momentum Conservation of Momentum Collisions and conservation of kinetic energy Graphic representations Mathematical models SKILLS: Define and compare the momentum of various objects. 2. Calculate the change in momentum of an object. 3. Relate force and time to change in momentum. 4. Define impulse 5. Recognize that force, velocity, momentum and impulse are VECTOR quantities. 6. Use the mathematical model for the impulse – momentum theorem, to find unknown quantities. 7. Describe the effect of changing the time over which the momentum is changed. 8. Describe the interaction between two objects in terms of change in momentum and Newton’s third law (equal and opposite forces) 9. State the law of the conservation of momentum. 10. Calculate the unknown quantity of mass or velocity in conservation of 1. Suggested Assessments Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pacing Classwork/Homework: Running with momentum Momentum - Impulse Impulse changes momentum Collisions - Explosions Collisions - Inelastic Collisions - Elastic Collisions - Glancing Ballistic Pendulum Conservation of Kinetic Energy Labs: Collisions Collisions 2D HS-PS2-2. Use 12 mathematical lesson representations to support s the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system. Projects: Save the egg WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) Unit test: Momentum HS-PS2-3. Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision. MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. momentum problems, elastic, inelastic and perfectly inelastic collisions (and explosions). Use the conservation of momentum in both the x and y directions to solve two-dimensional motion problems. Find the vector sum and keep the vector sum the same. Combine the concepts of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to solve ballistics pendulum problems and spring problems. Determine the changes in kinetic energy during perfectly inelastic collisions. Remember KE is a scalar quantity. Compare conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy in perfectly inelastic and elastic collisions. Combine the equations for conservation or momentum and conservation of kinetic energy for elastic collisions to find the relationships between the velocities of the colliding objects. problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) Unit 6: Overview Unit Title: Static Equilibrium, Torque and Rotational Motion Unit Summary: Students will learn what the center of mass of an object is and how to find its location experimentally. They will also understand the difference between force and torque while exploring the two equilibrium conditions. Procedurally students will learn to find patterns in experimental data and to construct a relationship between physical quantities. They will then test those relationships by making predictions and testing them by setting up equilibrium conditions for rigid-object statics situations. Students will understand that an unbalanced torque causes angular acceleration of a rigid-object. Students will experimentally explore the relationship between the unbalanced force, an object’s rotational inertia, and its angular acceleration. Suggested Pacing: 12 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Static Equilibrium and Torque How can objects be put into rotational motion and what object properties affect that motion? ∙ How is rotational motion different from circular motion? ∙ What is an object’s center of mass and how can it be located? ∙ What factors determine if a system is in equilibrium? Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics How can you analyze and predict the motion of a rotating rigid-object and how is rotational motion different from linear motion? ∙ What are the linear counterparts to rotary terms and how can they be converted? ∙ What is the moment of inertia, what does it depend on, and how does it differ from inertia? ∙ What is the relationship between angular acceleration, torque, and the momentum of inertia? ∙ How does the moment of inertia of a spinning object affect the rate of spin? Unit Enduring Understandings: Torque involves both force and distance from application of force to the point of rotation. A longer wrench is easier to use than a smaller wrench when trying to rotate an object due to the fact a longer distance from the pivot point creates greater torque. ∙ An object’s center of mass does not have to reside within the object. ∙ Rotational Motion is when a system pivots about an internal axis and its rotation depends on the system’s moment of inertia and the torque exerted on it. ∙ An object in equilibrium has a net torque of zero and has no angular acceleration ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ An unbalanced torque will change the rate of spin of a rigid object. The kinematics of rotational motion can be analyzed using parallel relationships to those of linear motion. The moment of inertia of an object changes as the distribution of mass changes. A spinning skater can change the rate of spin by adjusting the distribution of mass of their body. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Learn what the center of mass of an object is and how to find its location experimentally. Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Understand the difference between a particle model and a rigid-object model of an object. CONTENT: Torque Static Equilibrium Center of mass Torque Rotational Equilibrium Moment of Inertia Rotational Kinematics Rotational Dynamics Angular Momentum Classwork/Homework: Extended objects Intro to torque Rotational Equilibrium Beams Calculating I (Moment of Inertia) Translational to rotational Motion Understand the difference between force and torque. 1. 2. SKILLS: Define and calculate torque. State the unit for torque and differentiate between work and torque. 3. State the effect of a net torque on an object. 4. Identify the lever arm and the pivot point associated with a given torque. 5. State two ways in which a force applied does not produce a torque. 6. Calculate the torque applied when the applied force and the lever arm are NOT perpendicular to each other. 7. Define the two conditions of equilibrium, both rotational equilibrium and translational equilibrium. 8. Solve problems involving the first and second conditions of equilibrium 9. Calculate the missing torque, force or distance needed to create rotational equilibrium 10. Identify forces creating counterclockwise (positive) torques Labs: Static Equilibrium Exploring Moment of Inertia Learn the conditions of equilibrium. Learn how to find the lever arm of a force. Learn to set up the equilibrium conditions for a rigid-object statics situation. Understand that an unbalanced torque causes angular acceleration of a rigidobject. Learn the relationship between the unbalanced torque, an object’s Projects: Torque mobile Unit test: Static Equilibrium and Torque Rotational Motion Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS2-1. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. HS-PS2-2. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a Pacing 12 lesson s rotational inertia, and its angular acceleration. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. and forces creating clockwise (negative) torques. Identify the center of mass of an object. Describe the path of the center of mass of an object, both thrown through the air and spun along the ground. State two methods for locating the center of mass of an object. Describe the relationship between center of mass, point of support and stability. Describe the relationship between the base supporting an object and the Vector Force of Earth when an object topples. State the movement of the center of mass during displacement when an object is in stable equilibrium. Describe Newton’s Second Law for rotational motion, relating the torque, moment of inertia and rotational acceleration of an object Describe the factors the effect the moment of inertia of an object *Calculate the moment of inertia of given objects *Utilize the relationships between degree measurements, revolutions and radians to convert angular displacement and angular velocity units into radians and radians per second, respectively. *Use the kinematics equations for rotational motion to analyze the movement of a spinning object. *Correctly utilize the units of radians, radians/second and radians/second squared when applying the kinematics equations. way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) State the factors that contribute to the Angular momentum of a spinning object 24. *State and apply the Law of the Conservation of Angular Momentum to given situations 23. Unit 7: Overview Unit Title: Electrostatics and Electric Circuits Unit Summary: The unit begins with a discussion of physically observed phenomena. The concept of electric charge is introduced, and the properties of electric forces are compared with those of other familiar forces, such as gravitation. An introduction to Coulomb's Law allows for the calculation of electrostatic forces from a given charge distribution. Students will understand that electric charge interactions can be explained with an electric field model. The unit then introduces moving charges and leads to the fundamentals of electric circuits, their components and the mathematical tools used to represent and analyze electrical circuits. By the end of the course, the student must be able to confidently analyze and build simple electric circuits. Through hands on work students learn to confront the fear and mystery which surrounds electric circuits while gaining an appreciation for real world applications and the importance of electric current in today’s technology and culture. Suggested Pacing: 20 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Electrostatics How can you charge an object and how do charged objects interact with each other? ∙ What are the relationships between electric force, electric charge and distance? ∙ What are the basic properties of electric charges, fields and forces? ∙ How do electric fields and charges within electric fields relate to electric potential and electric potential energy? ∙ How do you distinguish between the fundamental forces of nature? Electric Circuits What is the relationship is between voltage, resistance, current and power? ∙ How do you set up an electric circuit so electric current can flow? ∙ What is the relationship between electric current, resistance and voltage? ∙ How can you differentiate between circuits in series and circuits in parallel? ∙ How can you predict the magnitude of physical quantities for complex circuits? ∙ How can you relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in the form of separated charges? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ There are two types of electric charge, called positive and negative. Neutral objects have equal positive and negative charge. ∙ Some types of electrically charged particles can move freely inside certain materials, and in other materials the charged particles can only redistribute slightly. Electric force is an interaction between two objects and knowledge of forces and energy applies to processes involving electrically charged objects. ∙ Current flow, voltage and resistance are interrelated in all electric circuits. ∙ Placement and resistance of a resistor controls the flow of current in a circuit. ∙ Electric current will follow the path with least resistance therefore without a load/resistor (a short circuit) in the given pathway, a current surge will occur. ∙ Electric energy can be converted to heat and light and forms of mechanical energy. ∙ Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand a new electric interaction. Understand that there are two types of electric charge, called positive and negative. Neutral objects have equal positive and negative electric charge. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Electrostatics Electric charges Electric interactions Mathematical models SKILLS: 1. Relate the magnitude of the charge on an electron to the magnitude of the charge on a proton. Compare this to Understand that some the mass of these two particles. types of electrically 2. State when electrostatic forces can charged particles can attract and repel. move freely inside 3. State that electric charge is conserved certain materials and in and how charges transfer or shift for an other materials the object to become charged. charged particles can 4. Describe the workings of an only redistribute slightly. electroscope. 5. Compare an insulator to a conductor Understand that and explain the movement of charges preexisting knowledge of within each. forces and energy 6. Describe charging by polarization. applies to processes 7. Describe the three ways to charge an involving electrically object. Friction – rubbing two objects charged objects. together, Conduction- a charged object TOUCHES another object, Induction – Apply knowledge of a charged object is brought NEAR but electric charges, NOT TOUCHING another object conductors, and 8. Describe charging by induction as a insulators to real-life sequence of steps. processes. 9. Explain grounding as the removal of or the addition of excess charge on an Understand that electric object by touching the object to Earth. charge interactions can 10. State the relationship between the Suggested Assessments Classwork/ Homework: Electrostatics Electric Force Electric Field Electric Potential Capacitance Labs: Electrostatics Polarity shift Projects: Electroscope Unit test: Electrostatics Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the electrostatic forces between objects. HS-PS2-6. Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials. HS-PS3-5. Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS- Pacing 8 lesson s be explained with an electric field model. Understand that an electric field is a real “thing” created by charged objects in space. Understand the difference between a source charge and a test charge. Learn to operationally define the physical quantities electric field and electric potential. 11. 12. 13. 14. Learn to use the physical quantities electric field 15. and electric potential to describe electric charge 16. processes. 17. Learn to represent electric force situations 18. with electric field vectors and electric field lines. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. magnitudes of the charges, the distance between the charges and the electrostatic force between the two charges using Coulomb’s Law. Use Coulomb's Law to determine the magnitude of the force between two point charges. Use the rule of opposites attracts and likes repel to determine the direction of the force. Use Newton’s Third Law to describe the magnitude of the two forces. Relate the electric field strength to the magnitude of the force exerted on a charge in the electric field. Identify quantities that are vector quantities in electrostatics. Use the rules for electric fields to represent the electric field with electric field lines graphical representation. State the factors affecting Electric field strength surrounding a charged object. Describe the electric field inside a closed conductor is zero. Describe the electric field outside a charged conductor. Contrast electric field lines to equipotential lines. Describe the electric field formed between two parallel plates. Explain the storage of electric potential energy. Describe the motion of a charged particle accelerated through an electric field. State the purpose of a capacitor. Relate the capacitance of a given capacitor to the potential difference and the charge separated. State the factors affecting the PS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Understand how phenomena occurring in electric circuits are described by physical quantities such as potential difference (voltage), electric current, electric resistance, and electric power. capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor. Calculate the electric potential energy stored in a capacitor. State how a charge must be moved to gain electric potential energy in an electric field. Differentiate between electric potential and electric potential energy. Calculate the potential difference between two charged parallel plates. Define electric potential. CONTENT: Electric Circuits Electric current Ohm’s Law Electric circuits Mathematical models Capacitance SKILLS: Explain what is meant by electric Be able to use analogies current. to explain processes 2. State the requirements for an electrical occurring in electric circuit through. Explain the functions circuits and to provide of each component of the circuit. microscopic 3. State the direction of conventional explanations for these current flow. processes. 4. Differentiate between direct current and alternating current. Understand that a 5. Calculate the electric current in terms battery is not a source of of total amount of charge per unit time. constant electric current. 6. State the factors that affect the resistance of a wire. Resistance Calculate physical depends on the kind of material quantities related to DC (resistivity), the length, cross-sectional circuits in series, in area, and temperature. Resistance is 1. functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Classwork/Homework: Electric current Electric circuits Combined circuits Labs: Ohm’s Law Challenge Circuits Electric Circuits Projects: LED Poster House Unit test: Electric Circuits HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the electrostatic forces between objects. HS-PS2-6. Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials. HS-PS3-5. Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction. 12 lesson s parallel, or combined. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. proportional to length and inversely proportional to cross-sectional area. Relate current flow, potential difference and resistance using Ohm's Law for an entire circuit and each individual resistor in a circuit. Identify the source of electromotive force (emf) in a circuit. The source of electromotive force is a device that converts chemical, mechanical, or other forms of energy into electric energy. Represent electric circuits using schematic diagrams with appropriate symbols. Describe a series connection and calculate equivalent resistance, current, voltage and power Predict the change in the voltage and current in a parallel circuit when an additional resistor is placed in the circuit. Describe a series connection and calculate equivalent resistance, current, voltage and power Predict the change in the voltage and current in a series circuit when an additional resistor is placed in the circuit. Describe the correct use of a voltmeter to measure potential difference in various positions around a circuit. Describe the correct use of an ammeter to measure current in various positions around a circuit. *Apply the junction rule for current flow. The sum of all the currents entering a junction point equals the sum of all the currents leaving the WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. junction point. This rule is based on the conservation of electric charge. *Apply the loop rule for voltage around a circuit: The algebraic sum of all the gains and losses of potential around any closed path must equal zero. This rule is based on the law of conservation of energy Calculate electrical power used throughout a circuit. Describe power as the rate at which electrical energy is expended. Define a kilowatt-hour and calculate energy consumption. Explain the Conservation of Energy applied to an electrical circuit. Describe the transformation of electrical energy into heat (in most cases) and light Calculate the equivalent resistance for a circuit with multiple resistors in a combination series-parallel circuit. Analyze the current, voltage and power for a circuit with multiple resistors in a combination series-parallel circuit. Trace the electric current delivered to your home back the source. HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Unit 8: Overview Unit Title: Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Unit Summary: The purpose of this unit is to familiarize the students with the role that magnets play in their lives and the scientific principles that explain them. Students will have opportunities to learn this by participating in laboratory investigations and observing demonstrations. The unit begins with a demonstration of magnetic effects which are quantified and used to make predictions of magnetic force. The relationship between electric current and magnetism is then explored. Electromagnetic induction is one of the most important scientific discoveries responsible for the modern age. Suggested Pacing: 16 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Magnetism How is a changing electric field related to a changing magnetic field? ∙ What are sources of magnetic fields? ∙ How can you describe magnetic forces and their effect on other objects? ∙ How can you predict the motion of various particles moving through a magnetic field? Electromagnetic Induction ∙ How can magnetism be used to generate electric current and how can electric current be used to induce a magnetic field? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ A change in electric field will induce a magnetic field and a change in magnetic field will induce an electric field. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain why we believe that magnetic interactions are different from electrostatic interactions. Understand that a magnetic field interacts with moving electrically charged particles and wires with electric currents. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Magnetism Magnetic fields Magnetic force magnitude and direction Mathematical models SKILLS: 1. Identify the source of all magnetic fields. 2. State that the magnetic force is a NONCONTACT force 3. Describe the result of breaking a Understand the magnet in half. difference between 4. Predict the interaction between two source of a magnetic magnets. Like magnetic poles repel field and test objects in a each other, opposite magnetic poles magnetic field. attract each other 5. State the ferromagnetic materials. Learn how to describe 6. Use the model of magnetic domains to magnetic interactions describe the magnetism. Magnetic quantitatively. domains are regions in which the magnetic fields of atoms are grouped Find the interaction of a together and aligned. In a magnetized magnetic field created by materials magnetic poles mostly line the different sources of up and point in the same direction. magnetic field at any 7. Know the shape of the magnetic field given point. surrounding a bar magnet, a horseshoe magnet and the Earth Find the interaction of a 8. Differentiate between magnetic magnetic force exerted declination is the angle between on an electric current magnetic north and true north at a carrying wire and on an particular location on Earth. True electrically charged north is where the lines of longitude. particle. 9. An electromagnet is made by wrapping Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Magnetism Direction of magnetic field Magnetic force exerted on an electric current carrying wire Magnetic force exerted on an electric charge Magnetism Applications Labs: Sources of magnetic Field Projects: Unit test: Magnetism Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the gravitational and electrostatic forces between objects. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; Pacing 8 lesson s 10. 11. 12. 13. a coil of wire around a soft iron core and running current through the wire. The strength of an electromagnet is proportional to the current in the wire and also proportional to the number of turns in the wire. Predict the force exerted on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field. Since current carrying wires are simple lengths of conductor with moving charges within them, a current carrying wire creates a magnetic field. Strength of Magnetic Field (Bfield), symbol used is B, unit is TESLA. Describe the magnetic field formed around a current carrying wire. The shape of the magnetic field around a current carrying wire is concentric circles and the direction of the field can be determined using the right hand rule, RHR, for current carrying wires. State the effects of a magnetic field on a charge moving through the field. Since moving charges create their own magnetic field, when moving charges pass through a magnetic field, the two fields interact. Moving charges in a B-field experience a force. A charged particle moving perpendicularly to a magnetic field will experience of force due to the magnetic field. The force on a moving charge in a magnetic field is always perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. Compare the effects of a magnetic field on a stationary charged particle or a neutral moving particle to that of a moving charged particle. choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Calculate the strength of the magnetic force on a moving charge. The force is calculated by Magnetic Force = magnitude of charge x velocity of charge x strength of magnetic field. All of the relationships are directly proportional. Faster moving, higher charged particles moving perpendicularly through a strong magnetic field will experience a large force. 15. *Use a Right Hand Rule for a charge moving through a magnetic field to determine the direction of the magnetic force on a positively charged particle moving through a magnetic field (Recognize that force is in the opposite direction for negative charges) 16. Represent a uniform B-field out of the page by an array of dots and a Uniform B-field INTO PAGE Can be represented by an array of x’s 17. *Find the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field. Since all current carrying wires are surrounded by their own B-field, all current carrying wires in an existing B-field will experience a force. The strength of the force on the wire is calculated by; Force on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field = strength of current x length of wire in the field x strength of field. Again notice the relationships for the force on a current carrying wire are also all direct. A current carrying wire positioned in a B-field such that the current is flowing perpendicular to the 14. Learn under what conditions an electric current is induced in a coil. Learn how to determine the direction of an induced current using Lenz’s Law. Understand the Physical quantity Magnetic Flux. Understand the relationship between the rate of change of the flux through a coil and the emf induced in it. Learn to represent electromagnetic phenomena with words, pictures, graphs, and mathematical models. B-field will experience a large force when there is a large current flow, a long length of wire and a strong Bfield. 18. *Use the right hand rule to find the direction of the force on a current carrying wire 19. *State that the force on the wire will be perpendicular to the movement of the charge and to the magnetic field CONTENT: Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic induction Mathematical models SKILLS: 1. Describe the contributions of Michael Faraday regarding changing magnetic field induces an emf in the coil of wire. 2. State the factors that affect the induced emf in a loop of wire. 3. State the changes that could increase the amount of current induced in a wire loop passing through a magnetic field 4. Describe the induced voltage in straight length of wire moved perpendicularly through a magnetic field. The emf induced will be proportional to the length of the wire, the strength of the field and the velocity that the wire is moved through the B-field. 5. A coil of wire with an alternating current through it will produce a steadily changing magnetic field. This steadily changing magnetic field can be used to induce a current in a secondary Classwork/Homework: Labs: Electromagnetic Induction Projects: Unit test: Magnetism HS-PS2-5. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current can produce a magnetic field and that a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current. HS-PS3-5. Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS- 8 lesson s 6. 7. 8. 9. coil of wire. Explain the basic function and makeup of a transformer. This combination of two coils of wire connected by a soft iron core (to accentuate the magnetic field) is known as a transformer. This device can be used to step-down or step-up voltage. Use the mathematics of a transformer to find the voltage and current in each coil. The ratio of the turns in the primary vs. turns in the secondary coils equals the ratio of voltages in the primary to voltage in the secondary coil. In order for a transformer to stepup the voltage it must also change the current flow. Both voltage and current cannot be increased together because this would cause the power to increase. Remember, voltage X current equals power. For power to be constant, the product of voltage X current must stay the same in the primary and the secondary coils. Differentiate between a step-up and step-down transformer. A step-up transformer increases voltage. To increase the amount of voltage, the number of turns in the primary coil must be less than the number of turns in the secondary coil. The current produced in the secondary coil will decrease if the voltage in the secondary is higher than the voltage in the primary. Use Lenz’s Law to predict the magnetic field induced in a given situation. An induced emf produces current which produces magnetic field that always PS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph OPPOSES the change in magnetic field that induced it. This is known as Lenz's law. 10. Compare an electric generator to an electric motor. An electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy that can be used to do work. An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy obtained from an external source into electrical energy as the output. 11. Describe the basic function and makeup of an electric generator. An electric generator is a device in which multiple loops of wires are forced to rotate in a steady magnetic field. As the loops rotate, the magnetic flux through the loops varies as the number of magnetic field lines through the loops varies from a maximum to zero. 12. State the function of a galvanometer. The current in the wire can be detected by a device which detects very small amounts of current flow called a galvanometer. functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Unit 9: Overview Unit Title: Waves, Sound and Light Unit Summary: This unit plan is intended to cover basic wave phenomena, sound and light. A conceptual approach will be emphasized, though mathematical models will be taught as well and students will be expected to solve problems. At the end of this unit, students will be able to define relevant terms in the areas of waves, light and sound. Students will be able to qualitatively describe wave behavior and phenomena of light and sound such as interference, the Doppler effect, etc. Demonstrate an understanding of basic mathematical models associated with waves, sound and light, and to be able to solve simple problems utilizing those mathematical models. At the end of this unit, students will have a better understanding of wave phenomena and how it affects the real world. An understanding of the wave nature of sound and light is fundamental to much of today’s technology. At the end of this unit, the students will have a better understanding of how television, radio, and many other devices function. Suggested Pacing: 24 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Waves & Sound How can the properties and behaviors of waves and other periodic motion be explained and used to make predictions? ∙ What is the motion of a simple vibrating system? ∙ What are wave types, properties, and interactions? ∙ What are the properties and behaviors of sound waves? ∙ How are standing waves formed in strings and pipes? Light How can experimental evidence explain a particle model of light and how can experimental evidence explain a wave model of light? ∙ What are the properties of visible light and other electromagnetic radiation? ∙ How does light interact with various optical devices? ∙ How can the properties of waves be used to explain specific behaviors of light? ∙ How can the behaviors of light be explained with wave-particle duality? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ ∙ ∙ Objects classically thought of as particles can exhibit properties of waves Certain phenomena classically thought of as waves can exhibit properties of particles A wave is a travelling disturbance that transfers energy and momentum Waves can propagate via different oscillation modes such as transverse and longitudinal For propagation, mechanical waves require a medium, while electromagnetic waves do not. For example light can travel in a vacuum, while sound cannot. ∙ A periodic wave is one that repeats as a function of both time and position and can be described by its amplitude, frequency, wavelength, speed, and energy ∙ Only waves exhibit interference and diffraction ∙ When two waves cross, they travel through each other; they do not bounce off each other. ∙ Interference and superposition lead to standing waves and beats; beats arise from the addition of waves of slightly different frequency. ∙ When light travels from one medium to another, some of the light is transmitted, some is reflected, and some is absorbed. ∙ When light hits a smooth reflecting surface at an angle, it reflects at the same angle on the other side of the line perpendicular to the surface; and this accounts for the size and location of images seen in plane mirrors. ∙ When light travels across the boundary of one transparent material to another, it will refract. ∙ Reflection and refraction can be used to form images ∙ Electromagnetic radiation can be modeled as waves or as fundamental particles. ∙ Types of electromagnetic radiation are characterized by their wavelength, and ranges of wavelength have specific names. These include (in order of increasing wavelength from picometers to kilometers) gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves. ∙ ∙ Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Learn the difference between vibrational and linear circular motions. Learn the new vibrational quantities period and amplitude. Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Waves & Sound Simple harmonic motion Types of waves Graphic representations Mathematical models Wave Properties and Interactions Properties and behavior of sound waves Standing waves Understand that the frequency of a wave is determined by the source, that the speed of SKILLS: a wave depends on the 1. Explain the link between simple properties of the harmonic motion and waves. medium in which it 2. Identify two different types of propagates, and that the harmonic motions, pendulum and wavelength is mass on a spring. determined by both the 3. State what is transferred when a wave frequency and the speed. travels through a medium 4. Differentiate between longitudinal, Understand how waves transverse and surface waves in terms from more than one of particle movement within the wave. source add to make 5. Calculate the velocity of a wave using waves of smaller or the distance traveled and the time to larger amplitude, cover that distance. depending on the 6. Apply the equation for wave velocity in location where the waves terms of its frequency and wavelength, meet. , or period and wavelength, 7. Describe the relationship between Learn to apply the wave energy and its amplitude previously mentioned 8. Describe the behavior of waves at a ideas to beats, standing boundary: fixed-end, free-end waves on strings, and boundary between different media, standing waves in pipes. include both the transmission and the reflection Learn that the relative 9. State the factors affecting the velocity Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Simple Harmonic Motion Mechanical transverse waves Mechanical longitudinal waves Basic properties of waves Standing waves Standing sound waves Doppler effect Labs: Simple harmonic motion Mechanical waves Wave superposition Sound waves Projects Wind Chime Project Unit test: Waves Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pacing HS-PS4-1. Use 12 mathematical lesson representations to support s a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in velocities of the sources of waves and the observers affect the frequency of the observed wave. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Understand that we see objects by light emitted from or reflected off their surfaces into our eyes. Understand that each point of a light-emitting object sends light in all of a wave in a string Calculate the velocity of a wave on a string given the tension, mass and length of the string, Distinguish between constructive and destructive interference State and apply the principle of superposition, addition of waves Define resonance and state examples of resonance occurring in everyday life Describe the formation and characteristics of standing waves on a string Calculate the frequency of the harmonics on a string State the frequency range of human hearing and distinguish between ultrasonic and infrasonic sound waves. State the relationship between air temperature and the speed of sound in air. Speed of sound in air in m/s = 331.5 m/s + 0.60 T(°C) Sketch and the frequencies for the standing waves formed in an open pipe, and a closed pipe, Explain the formation of beats and calculate beat frequency. CONTENT: Light Properties of electromagnetic radiation Dual nature of light Reflection Refraction *Diffraction, interference and polarization *Young’s Two Slit Experiment graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) Classwork/Homework: Speed of Light Refraction and Snell’s Law Critical Angle Tracing Ray Diagrams for image locations Lens/Mirror equation HS-PS4-3. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is more useful than 12 lesson s directions. Understand that light travels in straight lines only in the same medium. *Photoelectric Effect Graphic representations Mathematical models SKILLS: 1. State the law of reflection. The law of reflection states that the angle of Understand how a incidence is equal to the angle of particle model can reflection. Angles are measured with explain some aspects of the normal drawn perpendicular to the light propagation. reflective surface. 2. Describe the images formed in plane Understand how a wave mirrors, convex mirrors and concave model can explain other mirror aspects of light 3. Differentiate between real and virtual propagation. image 4. Use the lens/mirror equation to solve Understand how plane for p, q and f and calculate the mirrors, curved mirrors, magnification of images and lenses form images 5. Relate the speed of light to the index of of objects. refraction of light in a new material. 6. Recognize which material has a faster Understand the speed of light given a diagram of the difference between a real bending of light at the boundary image and a virtual between the two materials image. 7. Trace a beam of light as it passes through a rectangular block of glass Describe mathematically 8. State and apply Snell’s law of refraction the location of an object 9. Explain total internal reflection. and image. 10. State the requirements necessary for total internal reflection to occur. Understand the process 11. State the angle of refraction at which through which we total internal reflection occurs derived the curved 12. Calculate the critical angle of a mirror and lens material. equations. 13. State the types of images formed by diverging lens. Use ray diagrams to 14. State the types of images formed by a reason qualitatively converging lens when the object is Labs: Reflection with plane mirrors Snell’s Law and Critical Angle Converging Lenses and Mirrors Diffraction and Interference Projects: Light Phenomenon Presentations Unit test: Light Test the other. HS-PS4-5. Communicate technical information about how some technological devices use the principles of wave behavior and wave interactions with matter to transmit and capture information and energy. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. about objects and images and to evaluate quantitative work. Identify experimental evidence that is explained best by a particle model of light and experimental evidence that is explained by a wave model of light. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Apply the Huygens’s principle to explain how light propagates through small openings. 20. 21. Describe interference and diffraction patterns quantitatively. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. beyond 2f, at 2f, between f and 2f and inside f. Describe an interference pattern of light. Explain how different wavelengths of light behave through a diffraction grating. Explain what happens to the pattern when the spacing between the slits changes. Differentiate between refraction and diffraction. Describe the diffraction pattern formed when waves pass through a small opening. State Huygens theory to explain the behavior of light through an opening. *Describe the interference pattern formed when laser light shines through a single-slit, a double-slit and a diffraction grating. *Compare the pattern seen when viewing a monochromatic light source through a diffraction grating vs. the pattern seen when viewing white light. *Predict the diffraction angle for a given wavelength of light shined through a diffraction grating. Explain how different wavelengths of light behave through a diffraction grating. *Relate diffraction angle to spacing between the slits. Explain what happens to the pattern when the spacing between the slits changes. *Describe Young’s double-slit experiment. State the significance of Young’s finding. *Use the relationships between slit (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1) separation, slit to screen distance and distance from central maximum to first order bright to calculate the wavelength of light shined through a double slit. Unit 10: Overview Unit Title: Heat and Thermodynamics Unit Summary: An introduction to the laws of thermodynamics and their applications to equilibrium and the properties of materials. Provides a foundation to treat general, observable phenomena in materials and their applications in engineering; change of temperature, thermal expansion, and change of state. Develops graphical constructions that are essential for the interpretation of phase diagrams. Focuses on conceptual understanding of temperature as the interactions between particles that make up a system. Suggested Pacing: 16 lessons Learning targets Unit Essential Questions: Heat How does the motion of particles that make up a system affect that system’s temperature, internal energy and its ability to heat or be heated? ∙ How are heat, internal energy and temperature different? ∙ How does the addition or subtraction of heat energy affect the phase of matter? ∙ How do you analyze the change in temperature of a system when heat is added or taken away? ∙ What is the relationship between heat and work? ∙ How does a heat engine do work? Unit Enduring Understandings: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Heat is the transfer of energy. Heat is transferred from objects that have a higher temperature to objects with a lower temperature. When objects are heated, the molecules move faster. Temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy. When objects are heated there are three possible results; an increase in temperature, expansion, change of state Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand and distinguish between the concepts of heating and thermal energy. Understand and distinguish between the concepts of thermal energy and temperature. Learn to reason qualitatively about thermodynamic processes. Learn to use the first law of thermodynamics quantitatively in problem solving. Understand the difference between reversible and irreversible processes. Understand that some processes are allowed by the first law of thermodynamics do not occur in nature in isolated systems. Learn that there is a hierarchy for desirable types of energy in terms Essential Content/Skills CONTENT: Heat Temperature Internal energy Heat transfer Change of state *Laws of Thermodynamics *Heat and Work in Engines Graphic representations Mathematical models SKILLS: 1. Differentiate between heat and temperature. State the units for each. 2. Convert between the three temperature scales. 3. Relate temperature to the average kinetic energy of the molecules. 4. Describe heat flow. 5. State the Laws of Thermodynamics. 6. *Differentiate between adiabatic, isobaric, isothermal and isochoric systems. 7. Describe the relationship between heat and work. 8. Describe a simple heat engine. State how work can be done with this engine. 9. *Identify a pressure vs. volume graph of the various systems. 10. *Explain a p v. V graph of the Carnot cycle 11. Calculate heat transfer. Define thermal equilibrium. 12. Define specific heat. Relate the specific Suggested Assessments Classwork/Homework: Heat Transfer Temperature Conversion Specific Heat and Thermal Equilibrium Heat for Phase Changes Linear Expansion Labs: Specific Heat Heat of Fusion Projects: Unit test: Heat and Thermodynamics Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) HS-PS1-5. Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs. HS-PS3-1. Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known. HS-PS3-4. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that the transfer of thermal energy when two components of different temperature are combined within a closed system results in a more uniform energy distribution among the components in the system (second law of thermodynamics). HS-PS4-4. Evaluate the Pacing 16 lesson s of their usefulness for doing work. 13. Learn that natural processes tend to occur so that a system moves from having more desirable types of energy that allow the system to do useful work toward having less desirable types of energy that do not allow the system to do work. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. heats of common materials to the specific heat of water. Use the relationship Q = mcDT to find the heat energy transferred in a given problem. Define the latent heat (or hidden heat) during phase changes. Relate phase changes to a change in the potential energy of the molecules. Use the graph of heat added vs temperature to find the total heat energy needed to convert from ice to steam. Use Q = mHf and Q = mHv appropriately. Describe linear expansion. Use the coefficient of linear expansion to find the new length of a given material. Describe the function of a bimetallic strip. validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter. WHST.9-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS2-5) MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HSPS2-1),(HS-PS2-2),(HSPS2-4) MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS2-4) HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in mathematical models; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. (HS-PS2-1),(HS-PS22),(HS-PS2-4),(HS-PS25),(HS-PS2-6) HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2),(HS-PS24),(HS-PS2-5),(HS-PS26) HSA-CED.A.4 Rearrange mathematical models to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. (HS-PS21),(HS-PS2-2) HSF-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. (HSPS2-1)