Madison Public Schools 6-8 Physical Education Written by: Jessica Rosella Jill Tyburczy Reviewed by: Matthew A. Mingle Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Sean Dowling Supervisor of Health & Physical Education/Athletic Director Approval date: October 13, 2015 Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President Kevin Blair, Vice President Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson David Arthur Debra Coen John Flynn Johanna Habib Leslie Lajewski Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison, NJ 07940 Program Overview Description The Madison Junior School Physical Education Curriculum seeks to provide each student with the necessary skills and experiences to achieve optimal wellness and success. The curriculum exposes students to a wide range of fitness based games and activities, team and individual sports, and lifetime recreational and leisure activities. This exposure will enhance their ability to achieve an optimal fitness level as well as have the skills and knowledge to engage in lifelong fitness. The Junior School Physical Education Department recognizes that students will achieve optimal wellness by learning and applying movement and fitness concepts and skills to their daily routines. We strive to create a learning environment where all our students no matter the skill level or knowledge base will feel safe, confident, and able to succeed. Goals This course aims to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● have the students analyze their own fitness levels. have students receive information on how to improve or maintain their fitness level. have to ability develop and maintain a healthy fitness level. give the students opportunities to practice their communication skills and the ability to work with others. have the students experience healthy spirited competition and develop the ideals of fair play, teamwork and good sportsmanship. give students the opportunity to develop positive social behavior patterns and skills. teach the skills and concepts needed to participate in various team sports. teach the skills and concepts needed to participate in various individual sports. teach the skills and knowledge to engage in lifelong fitness. give the students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the appropriate, rules, regulations and strategies. provide opportunities to learn and apply the components of health related fitness using the technology of the time. Resources Suggested activities and resources page Unit 1 Overview Unit Title: Flag Football- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the flag football are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups, upper body strength), relate to successful playing in a flag football game and improve your overall health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, good sportsmanship and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in football skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in flag football. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Flag Football Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate how to put the belt and flags on. Demonstrate safety procedures in the game of flag football Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to play flag football. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Define the following terms: (Center, QB, end, guard, safety, three point stance, four point stance, blocking, lateral, hand off, punt, place kick, first down, fumble, turnover, touchdown, rushing, off sides, line of scrimmage). Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4: Communicate effectively and clearly CRP8: Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence Demonstrate how to throw the ball to a fixed target, moving target Demonstrate how to catch the ball Demonstrate how to center the ball Demonstrate the hook in and square passing patterns Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: pair passing shuttle passing, position passing, punting drills, place kicking drills Active Participation Demonstrate man to man defensive and offensive positions. Skill development-small groups (2 v. 2; 3 v. 3). Student and Teacher Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Demonstrate game like situations. Lead up games Games: 8 v 8 (depending on class size) Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 1 Overview Unit Title: Flag Football- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the flag football are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good physical fitness and playing flag football relate to good health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, responsibility ,courtesy, judgment, good sportsmanship and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in football skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in flag football. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Flag Football Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: (Center, QB, end, guard, safety, three point stance, four point stance, blocking, lateral, hand off, punt, place kick, first down, fumble, turn over, touch down, rushing, off sides, line of scrimmage). Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to play flag football. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and perservere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrate how to throw the ball to a fixed target, moving target Demonstrate how to catch the ball Demonstrate how to center the ball Demonstrate the hook in and square passing patterns Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: pair passing shuttle passing, position passing, punting drills, place kicking drills Active Participation Demonstrate man to man defensive and offensive positions. Skill development-small groups (2 v. 2; 3 v. 3). Student and Teacher Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Demonstrate game like situations. Lead up games Games: 8 v 8 (depending on class size) Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 1 Overview Unit Title: Flag Football- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the flag football are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does physical fitness and playing flag football relate to good health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, responsibility, courtesy, judgment, good sportsmanship, integrity, and perseverance and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Implementing effective offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies is necessary for all players to be successful in game situations. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in football skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in flag football. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Flag Football Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: (Center, QB, end, guard, safety, three point stance, four point stance, blocking, lateral, hand off, punt, place kick, first down, fumble, turn over, touch down, rushing, off sides, line of scrimmage). Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to play flag football. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and perservere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrate how to throw the ball to a fixed target, moving target Demonstrate how to catch the ball Demonstrate how to center the ball Demonstrate the hook in and square passing patterns Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: pair passing shuttle passing, position passing, punting drills, place kicking drills Active Participation Demonstrate man to man defensive and offensive positions. Skill development-small groups (2 v. 2; 3 v. 3). Student and Teacher Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Demonstrate game like situations. Lead up games Games: 8 v 8 (depending on class size) Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 2 Overview Unit Title: Soccer- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the soccer unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, sit ups, push ups and upper body strength) relate to playing soccer and your health? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How do team rules make individual sports more enjoyable? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are respect, honesty, good sportsmanship and cooperative play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in soccer skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in soccer. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Soccer Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: dribble inside/outside of foot, through pass, triangular pass, give and go pass, throw in, goal kick, corner kick, defensive positions, offensive positions, penalty kick, guarding, tackling, heading the ball, goal keeper skills Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills needed to play soccer. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrate how to dribble the ball in a straight line, in and out of cones, around an opponent. Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: Coordination Dribbling. Inside and outside foot dribbling. Pass and Go skills. Trapping Partner group activity (throw and trap) (throw and head) Dribbling through cones Relay Races Active Participation Demonstrate how, when and where to take a goal kick. Demonstrate when and where to take a corner kick. Demonstrate how to set up for a goal and corner kick when playing either offense or defense. Shooting Drills Corner Kick and shoot Goal Kick- learning how to clear a ball. Learning how to and where to kick the ball from. Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate the ability to play a lead up game of soccer using the rules, good skills and being respectful of all players abilities. Lead up games Demonstrate the correct body mechanics of a throw in. Indoor soccer in case of inclement weather. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Learning the dimensions and boundaries of the soccer field. Games: 11 v. 11 (depending on class size) 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 2 Overview Unit Title: Soccer- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the soccer unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, sit ups, push ups and upper body strength) relate to playing soccer and your health? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How do team rules make individual sports more enjoyable? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are respect, honesty, good sportsmanship and cooperative play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in soccer skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in soccer. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Soccer Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: dribble inside/outside of foot, through pass, triangular pass, give and go pass, throw in, goal kick, corner kick, defensive positions, offensive positions, penalty kick, guarding, tackling, heading the ball, goal keeper skills Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills needed to play soccer. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrate how to dribble the ball in a straight line, in and out of cones, around an opponent. Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: Coordination Dribbling. Inside and outside foot dribbling. Pass and Go skills. Trapping Partner group activity (throw and trap) (throw and head) Dribbling through cones Relay Races Active Participation Demonstrate how, when and where to take a goal kick. Demonstrate when and where to take a corner kick. Demonstrate how to set up for a goal and corner kick when playing either offense or defense. Shooting Drills Corner Kick and shoot Goal Kick- learning how to clear a ball. Learning how to and where to kick the ball from. Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate the ability to play a lead up game of soccer using the rules, good skills and being respectful of all players abilities. Lead up games Demonstrate the correct body mechanics of a throw in. Indoor soccer in case of inclement weather. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Learning the dimensions and boundaries of the soccer field. Games: 11 v. 11 (depending on class size) 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 2 Overview Unit Title: Soccer- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the soccer unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, sit ups, push ups and upper body strength) relate to playing soccer and your health? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● How do team rules make individual sports more enjoyable? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are respect, honesty, good sportsmanship and cooperative play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Teacher observation of proper technique in soccer skills. ● 20 question unit summative assessment based on the history, rules, regulations of the sport and terminology used in soccer. Assessment also contains questions about skill technique learned throughout the unit. ● Soccer Study Guide Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: dribble inside/outside of foot, through pass, triangular pass, give and go pass, throw in, goal kick, corner kick, defensive positions, offensive positions, penalty kick, guarding, tackling, heading the ball, goal keeper skills Essential Content/Skills Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills needed to play soccer. Suggested Assessments Reviewing all discussed terms through a study guide hand out. Summative written evaluation. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 1 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence. Demonstrate how to dribble the ball in a straight line, in and out of cones, around an opponent. Skill development-small groups Student and Teacher Observation Drills: Coordination Dribbling. Inside and outside foot dribbling. Pass and Go skills. Trapping Partner group activity (throw and trap) (throw and head) Dribbling through cones Relay Races Active Participation Demonstrate how, when and where to take a goal kick. Demonstrate when and where to take a corner kick. Demonstrate how to set up for a goal and corner kick when playing either offense or defense. Shooting Drills Corner Kick and shoot Goal Kick- learning how to clear a ball. Learning how to and where to kick the ball from. Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate the ability to play a lead up game of soccer using the rules, good skills and being respectful of all players abilities. Lead up games Demonstrate the correct body mechanics of a throw in. Indoor soccer in case of inclement weather. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Learning the dimensions and boundaries of the soccer field. Games: 11 v. 11 (depending on class size) 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 3 Overview Unit Title: Speedball- 6th Grade Unit Summary: Throughout this unit of study, students will experience the promotion of effective movement development and fitness through Speedball skills and game participation. Skill development will include focusing on the development of the jump ball, ground ball dribbling, air ball passing, the lift, game rules and safety Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups, upper body strength), relate to successful playing in a speedball game and improve your overall health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, good sportsmanship and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill testing, ○ Speedball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain and demonstrate the transition of speedball skills from a drill into a speedball game. Discuss how the principles of force and motion impact the quality of each speedball skill. Demonstrate the use of offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies in speedball. Essential Content/Skills Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Understand how energy and flow add to a more effective and efficient speedball game. Assess the effectiveness of specific mental strategies applied to improve performance. Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate how to increase ball and body control when performing speedball skills. Indicate ways to modify speedball skills in response to dynamic and interactive environment. Analyze how speedball skills and games allow for teamwork. Apply rules and procedures for speedball and describe how they enhance participation and safety. Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2 lessons Unit 3 Overview Unit Title: Speedball- 7th Grade Unit Summary: Throughout this unit of study, students will experience the promotion of effective movement development and fitness through Speedball skills and game participation. Skill development will include focusing on the development of the jump ball, ground ball dribbling, air ball passing, the lift, game rules and safety Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups, upper body strength), relate to successful playing in a speedball game and improve your overall health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, good sportsmanship and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill testing, ○ Speedball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain and demonstrate the transition of speedball skills from a drill into a speedball game. Discuss how the principles of force and motion impact the quality of each speedball skill. Demonstrate the use of offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies in speedball. Essential Content/Skills Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence. Understand how energy and flow add to a more effective and efficient speedball game. Assess the effectiveness of specific mental strategies applied to improve performance. Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate how to increase ball and body control when performing speedball skills. Indicate ways to modify speedball skills in response to dynamic and interactive environment. Analyze how speedball skills and games allow for teamwork. Apply rules and procedures for speedball and describe how they enhance participation and safety. Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2 lessons Unit 3 Overview Unit Title: Speedball- 8th Grade Unit Summary: Throughout this unit of study, students will experience the promotion of effective movement development and fitness through Speedball skills and game participation. Skill development will include focusing on the development of the jump ball, ground ball dribbling, air ball passing, the lift, game rules and safety Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness (dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups, upper body strength), relate to successful playing in a speedball game and improve your overall health? ● How can people protect themselves from sore muscles or injury from over exercising? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our behavior? What is the purpose for rules of play in sports and cooperative games? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? How does knowledge of the purpose and care of the equipment help create responsible physical education participants? ● Why are honesty, respect, good sportsmanship and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill testing, ○ Speedball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain and demonstrate the transition of speedball skills from a drill into a speedball game. Discuss how the principles of force and motion impact the quality of each speedball skill. Demonstrate the use of offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies in speedball. Essential Content/Skills Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrate how to increase ball and body control when performing speedball skills. Indicate ways to modify speedball skills in response to dynamic and interactive environment. Analyze how speedball skills and games allow for teamwork. Apply rules and procedures for speedball and describe how they enhance participation and safety. Skill development-small groups Drills Lead-up games (Sideline Speedball; Modified Steal the Bacon; Zone Speedball) Discussion regarding playing by the rules and skills need to perfect Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 4 lessons Unit 4 Overview Unit Title: Basketball- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the basketball unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness ( dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups and upper body strength) relate to playing basketball and your health? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? ● How do team rules make individual sports more enjoyable? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? Why are honesty, respect, sportsmanship, and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Basketball Study Quiz ○ Basketball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain the importance and demonstrate good warm up exercises for basketball -Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the following skills: dribble with right/left hand, bounce pass, chest pass, lay up shot, set shot, free throw. Demonstrate B.E.E.Fproper way of shooting a basketball Essential Content/Skills Skills developing how to dribble properly. Fingertips, head up, dribbling the ball waist high. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Pass and Move 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Partner passing; step to receiver, stepping when passing, coming to the ball. Chest pass to partner’s chest. Bounce pass to partners waist. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Triple Threat position. Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. Full court lay-ups, full court dribbling, Outside shots around the perimeter Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Demonstrate the correct body mechanics for guarding an opponent. Demonstrate good body mechanics in rebounding and how it relates to a basketball game. Demonstrate the basic guarding skills in man to man play and explain the guarding skills in zone play. Demonstrate the twostep stop and pivot, and explain the travel rule. Staying low Explain the basic rules and court markings and apply them to a game of basketball using good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of both teammates and Lead up games Sliding feet, do not cross feet Hands out, guarding the passing lanes. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Stay between man and ball, always seeing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation 2 v. 2 games Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Game like situations. Summative Unit Evaluation. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 3 lessons Unit 4 Overview Unit Title: Basketball- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the basketball unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness( dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups and upper body strength) relate to playing basketball and your health? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? Why are honesty, respect, sportsmanship, and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help create responsible physical education participants? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Basketball Study Quiz ○ Basketball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain the importance and demonstrate good warm up exercises for basketball -Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the following skills: dribble with right/left hand, bounce pass, chest pass, lay up shot, set shot, free throw. Demonstrate B.E.E.Fproper way of shooting a basketball Essential Content/Skills Skills developing how to dribble properly. Fingertips, head up, dribbling the ball waist high. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Pass and Move 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Partner passing; step to receiver, stepping when passing, coming to the ball. Chest pass to partner’s chest. Bounce pass to partners waist. Triple Threat position. Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. Full court lay-ups, full court dribbling, Outside shots around the perimeter Demonstrate the correct body mechanics for guarding an opponent. Demonstrate good body mechanics in rebounding and how it relates to a basketball game. Demonstrate the basic guarding skills in man to man play and explain the guarding skills in zone play. Demonstrate the twostep stop and pivot, and explain the travel rule. Staying low Explain the basic rules and court markings and apply them to a game of basketball using good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of both teammates and Lead up games Sliding feet, do not cross feet Hands out, guarding the passing lanes. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Stay between man and ball, always seeing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation 2 v. 2 games Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Game like situations. Summative Unit Evaluation. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 4 Overview Unit Title: Basketball- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the basketball unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● How does good fitness( dynamic stretches, push ups, sit ups and upper body strength) relate to playing basketball and your health? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior? ● What is the purpose for rules of play in sports? ● How do class rules and team rules help make team and individual sports more enjoyable? ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? Why are honesty, respect, sportsmanship, and cooperative team play important skills in P.E. and in life? ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help create responsible physical education participants? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Basketball Study Quiz ○ Basketball game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Explain the importance and demonstrate good warm up exercises for basketball -Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the following skills: dribble with right/left hand, bounce pass, chest pass, lay up shot, set shot, free throw. Demonstrate B.E.E.Fproper way of shooting a basketball Essential Content/Skills Skills developing how to dribble properly. Fingertips, head up, dribbling the ball waist high. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Pass and Move 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence. Partner passing; step to receiver, stepping when passing, coming to the ball. Chest pass to partner’s chest. Bounce pass to partners waist. Triple Threat position. Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. Full court lay-ups, full court dribbling, Outside shots around the perimeter Demonstrate the correct body mechanics for guarding an opponent. Demonstrate good body mechanics in rebounding and how it relates to a basketball game. Demonstrate the basic guarding skills in man to man play and explain the guarding skills in zone play. Demonstrate the twostep stop and pivot, and explain the travel rule. Staying low Explain the basic rules and court markings and apply them to a game of basketball using good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of both teammates and Lead up games Sliding feet, do not cross feet Hands out, guarding the passing lanes. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lessons Movement Skills Movement Concepts Stay between man and ball, always seeing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation 2 v. 2 games Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Game like situations. Summative Unit Evaluation. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 5 Overview Unit Title: Floor Hockey- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the floor hockey unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What are the proper physical mechanics for dribbling the hockey ball? ● What are the proper physical mechanics for passing the hockey ball? ● What are the proper mechanics of shooting the hockey ball ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● What are the safety concerns in floor hockey ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help create responsible physical education participants? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Floor Hockey Study Guide ○ Floor Hockey game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Students will be able to use proper stick work stationary and with movement. Students will be able to dribble the hockey ball up and down the gymnasium. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a partner. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a moving target Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Getting use to using both sides of the stick. Student and Teacher Observation Hand positioning of the shaft of the stick. Dominant hand on the shaft and non dominant on the “butt” or the end of the stick. Active Participation understand the importance of safety goggles and goalie equipment. Demonstration of proper shooting. Clarifying the importance of using a wrist shot and keeping the stick below the waist. 2 lessons CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence. Using proper dribbling skills around cones, and shooting at a target Rules and safety discussed when going over study guide. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Practicing passing using the wrist and not bringing the stick above the waist Explain the importance and demonstrate keeping the stick down and under control for everyone’s safety. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation on vocabulary, rules and regulations of the sport. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rules while playing a game of Floor Hockey. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of peers. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 4 lessons Unit 5 Overview Unit Title: Floor Hockey- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the floor hockey unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What are the proper physical mechanics for dribbling the hockey ball? ● What are the proper physical mechanics for passing the hockey ball? ● What are the proper mechanics of shooting the hockey ball ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● What are the safety concerns in floor hockey ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help create responsible physical education participants? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Floor Hockey Study Guide ○ Floor Hockey game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Students will be able to use proper stick work stationary and with movement. Students will be able to dribble the hockey ball up and down the gymnasium. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a partner. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a moving target Essential Content/Skills Getting use to using both sides of the stick. Student and Teacher Observation Hand positioning of the shaft of the stick. Dominant hand on the shaft and non dominant on the “butt” or the end of the stick. Active Participation Using proper dribbling skills around cones, and shooting at a target Rules and safety discussed when going over study guide. understand the importance of safety goggles and goalie equipment. Demonstration of proper shooting. Clarifying the importance of using a wrist shot and keeping the stick below the waist. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Practicing passing using the wrist and not bringing the stick above the waist Explain the importance and demonstrate keeping the stick down and under control for everyone’s safety. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rules while playing a game of Floor Hockey. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of peers. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation on vocabulary, rules and regulations of the sport. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 4 lessons Unit 5 Overview Unit Title: Floor Hockey- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the floor hockey unit are appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What are the proper physical mechanics for dribbling the hockey ball? ● What are the proper physical mechanics for passing the hockey ball? ● What are the proper mechanics of shooting the hockey ball ● Why are consequences for not following rules necessary? ● What are the safety concerns in floor hockey ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help ● How does knowledge of the purpose and care of equipment help create responsible physical education participants? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation and testing ○ Floor Hockey Study Guide ○ Floor Hockey game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Students will be able to use proper stick work stationary and with movement. Students will be able to dribble the hockey ball up and down the gymnasium. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a partner. Students will be able to pass the hockey ball, with proper mechanics to a moving target Suggested Assessments Getting use to using both sides of the stick. Student and Teacher Observation Hand positioning of the shaft of the stick. Dominant hand on the shaft and non dominant on the “butt” or the end of the stick. Active Participation understand the importance of safety goggles and goalie equipment. Demonstration of proper shooting. Clarifying the importance of using a wrist shot and keeping the stick below the waist. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Using proper dribbling skills around cones, and shooting at a target Rules and safety discussed when going over study guide. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Practicing passing using the wrist and not bringing the stick above the waist Explain the importance and demonstrate keeping the stick down and under control for everyone’s safety. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rules while playing a game of Floor Hockey. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and respecting the playing ability of peers. Essential Content/Skills Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation on vocabulary, rules and regulations of the sport. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 4 lessons Unit 6 Overview Unit Title: Fitness- 6th, 7th and 8th Unit Summary: The fitness unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and is designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of the whole year broken down into different aspects of fitness. Each marking period is broken down into four categories of fitness. Categories through the fitness unit include baseline fitnessgram testing, circuit training with an emphasis on resting and target heart rate, technology infused through the XBOX Kinect Fitness system, and fitnessgram post testing. All these aspects of fitness uses a combination of individual, small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards and encourage and emphasis of the importance of lifelong fitness. Suggested Pacing: 24 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● Why is it important to be physically fit and how can someone stay fit? ● How will physical activity help us now and in the future? ● What are the 5 components of fitness? ● How can someone find their pulse? ● How is resting and target heart rate calculated? ● What is proper technique found in the fitness unit? ● How can someone move effectively and efficiently through fitness? ● How can technology be incorporated into lifelong fitness? ● Why is it important to know your fitness level? ● What are ways to maintain and improve on your fitness level? ● What is the importance of knowing BMI? ● What is a healthy weight for gender and age of an individual? ● Why is it important to have a baseline test and a posttest at the end of the year? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors. ● There are many short and long term health benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices. ● Developing and implementing a plan to reach realistic wellness goals increases the likelihood of reaching those goals. ● Giving a variety of different fitness options will increase the likelihood of staying physically fit through the lifetime. ● How fitness plans will change and modify overtime due to different stages of life. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● ● ● ● ● (SCAN HEARTRATE SHEETS) Recording on the XBOX Fitnessgram report card Class and group participation Teacher and Student Observation Objectives (Students will be able to…) define important fitness terms such as strength training, cardio training, endurance training, plyometric training. Calculate resting and target heart rates. Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Standards Muscular strength will be tested in the pushup test, pull-up test, and flex-arm hang test Target heartrate sheet 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Core Strength will be tested by the sit up test Fitness Gram report card Teacher and Student Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Cardio Strength will be tested in the pacer, mile test and the shuttle run. Flexibility will be tested by the sit and reach test, the trunk lift test, and yoga CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Students will fill in an equation sheet allowing them to understand how to find resting and target heart rate. To use the correct technique for each piece of equipment. Follow all instructions posted for each station. Stay with their group to keep the class in an orderly and enjoyable atmosphere. Test to the best of their ability and their skill level in order to get accurate results. Use technology to incorporate fitness in a different aspect. Take care and be responsible for technology equipment. SWBAT have pedometers to track their steps during a period of physical education. proper way to use medicine balls, jump ropes, steppers, hurdles, ladders, bosu balls, hand weights, and resistance bands. Finding Pulse ability to move through stations at an orderly fashion to get the maximum amount of time in each station. Teacher observation Peer teamwork Student observation/ Participation XBOX fitness activities. Zumba Yoga Biggest Loser Adventure Ed Aerobics Cleaning up equipment (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Recording target heart rate Student observation/ Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 2.6 Fitness All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. A. Fitness and Physical Activity B. Training C. Achieving and Assessing Fitness Teacher observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 8.1.8.F.1 Explore Educational Technolgoy. Pacing Unit 7 Overview Unit Title: Nitro Ball- 6th, 7th and 8th Unit Summary: The activities in the nitro ball is a lead up beginner game to the unit of volleyball. This unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What is the similarities of nitro ball compared to volleyball? What are the differences of nitro ball compared to volleyball? What is the proper way to bump a nitro ball? What is the proper way to set a nitro ball? What is the proper way to spike a nitro ball How do you serve in the game of nitro ball? How many times can you hit the nitro ball on one side? How do you score in the game of nitro ball? What is the scoring procedure for nitro ball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games * Students will have the skills and terminology testing in the volleyball unit. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand the following skills: underhand serve, set, bump. Demonstrate the correct ready position on the court. Demonstrate how to rotate with more than two players. Define the court markings, and rules of the game. Essential Content/Skills Proper technique will be demonstrated by teacher for bumping, setting and spiking. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Bumping skill, keeping hand over hand, using the forearms when you bump. Ace of spades with fingertips when properly setting the ball. Indian drill with the use of bump and set Emphasis on underhand serve only used in nitro ball. The ball must bounce before a person hits the ball. Participate lead up games allowing students to practice nitro ball skills without net. Maximum amount of hits is three on each time. Game play with the net sequences of bump, set and spike will be emphasised. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Spiking using an open hand using heal. Define the court markings, and rules of the game. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 4 lessons Unit 8 Overview Unit Title: Volleyball- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the volleyball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in volleyball? How does your movement affect performance? What role does cooperation play in volleyball? What is the importance of the sequence of bump, set and spike in volleyball? Why is communication so important in the game of volleyball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Volleyball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Standards Understand the following skills: underhand serve or overhand serve, set, bump and spike. Proper technique will be demonstrated by teacher for bumping, setting and spiking. Student and Teacher Observation 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Demonstrate the correct ready position on the court. Demonstrate how to rotate with six players. Bumping skill, keeping hand over hand, using the forearms when you bump. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Active Participation Bow and Arrow technique for serving the ball overhand. Indian drill with the use of bump and set Emphasis on underhand serve only used in nitro ball. Define the court markings, and rules of the game. King of the court lead up game Student and Teacher Observation Participate lead up games allowing students to practice volleyball skills without net. Beach balls, and lighter weight balls are used for modifications Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Maximum amount of hits is three on each time. Rally scoring is used. Combining skills, strategy and scoring to game play. Student Participation Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation at the end of the unit. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2 lessons CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence . Spiking using an open hand using heal. Participate in game situations. Pacing 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Ace of spades with fingertips when properly setting the ball. Undersatnd the importance of blocking a spike. (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 3 lessons Unit 8 Overview Unit Title: Volleyball- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the volleyball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in volleyball? How does your movement affect performance? What role does cooperation play in volleyball? What is the importance of the sequence of bump, set and spike in volleyball? Why is communication so important in the game of volleyball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Volleyball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Understand the following skills: underhand serve or overhand serve, set, bump and spike. Proper technique will be demonstrated by teacher for bumping, setting and spiking. Demonstrate the correct ready position on the court. Demonstrate how to rotate with six players. Bumping skill, keeping hand over hand, using the forearms when you bump. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Ace of spades with fingertips when properly setting the ball. Spiking using an open hand using heal. Bow and Arrow technique for serving the ball overhand. Indian drill with the use of bump and set Emphasis on underhand serve only used in nitro ball. Define the court markings, and rules of the game. King of the court lead up game Student and Teacher Observation Participate lead up games allowing students to practice volleyball skills without net. Beach balls, and lighter weight balls are used for modifications Active Participation Understand the importance of blocking a spike. Participate in game situations. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Maximum amount of hits is three on each time. Rally scoring is used. Combining skills, strategy and scoring to game play. Student Participation Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation at the end of the unit. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 1 lesson 3 lessons Unit 8 Overview Unit Title: Volleyball- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the volleyball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in volleyball? How does your movement affect performance? What role does cooperation play in volleyball? What is the importance of the sequence of bump, set and spike in volleyball? Why is communication so important in the game of volleyball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Implementing effective offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies is necessary for all players to be successful in game situations. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Volleyball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Understand the following lls: underhand serve or overhand serve, set, bump and spike. Proper technique will be demonstrated by teacher for bumping, setting and spiking. Demonstrate the correct ready position on the court. Demonstrate how to rotate with six players. Bumping skill, keeping hand over hand, using the forearms when you bump. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Ace of spades with fingertips when properly setting the ball. Spiking using an open hand using heal. Bow and Arrow technique for serving the ball overhand. Indian drill with the use of bump and set Emphasis on underhand serve only used in nitro ball. Define the court markings, and rules of the game. King of the court lead up game Student and Teacher Observation Participate lead up games allowing students to practice volleyball skills without net. Beach balls, and lighter weight balls are used for modifications Active Participation Undersatnd the importance of blocking a spike. Participate in game situations. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Maximum amount of hits is three on each time. Rally scoring is used. Combining skills, strategy and scoring to game play. Student Participation Teacher Observation Active Participation Unit Evaluation at the end of the unit. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 1 lesson 3 lessons Unit 9 Overview Unit Title: Badminton- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the badminton unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in badminton? How does your movement affect performance in badminton? How does badminton compare to tennis? What are the key concepts in the game of badminton? What are the proper mechanics of serving the shuttlecock/birdie in badminton? How can students apply the skills to a badminton game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Badminton Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Apply the rules and terms when playing a singles game and a doubles game. Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Looking at the study guide with rules and terminology Student and Teacher Observation Serving skills- cues like underhand serve, starting on the right side of the court, rotation when serve is won, Serve has to be diagonal cross court and has to land in the service box. Can only be returned by opponent on the opposite side of the serve. Active Participation Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the skills : holding the racket, forehand, backhand contact of the shuttlecock below the waist. Define the terms : birdies/shuttlecock, short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives? Forehand and Backhand drills with partner with no net in between them. Student and Teacher Observation Successfully perform the following skills: short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives in a game like situation. Service back and forth with partners. Practicing the skills like smash, forehand, and backhand with no net. Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate 2 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Active Participation Hand eye coordination drills. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety 1 lesson 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Game like contests to test the student’s skill in their badminton skills. Students will have fun learn strategy of the game. Students will peer critique positive reinforcement. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing Assessment in rules and regulations of badminton. Hold racquet properly Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 9 Overview Unit Title: Badminton- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the badminton unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in badminton? How does your movement affect performance in badminton? How does badminton compare to tennis? What are the key concepts in the game of badminton? What are the proper mechanics of serving the shuttlecock/birdie in badminton? How can students apply the skills to a badminton game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Badminton Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Standards Looking at the study guide with rules and terminology Student and Teacher Observation Serving skills- cues like underhand serve, starting on the right side of the court, rotation when serve is won, Serve has to be diagonal cross court and has to land in the service box. Can only be returned by opponent on the opposite side of the serve. Active Participation 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the skills : holding the racket, forehand, backhand contact of the shuttlecock below the waist. Define the terms : birdies/shuttlecock, short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives? Forehand and Backhand drills with partner with no net in between them. Student and Teacher Observation Successfully perform the following skills: short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives in a game like situation. Service back and forth with partners. Practicing the skills like smash, forehand, and backhand with no net. Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Students will have fun learn strategy of the game. Students will peer critique positive reinforcement. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Apply the rules and terms when playing a singles game and a doubles game. (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pacing 2 lessons Assessment in rules and regulations of badminton. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Hold racquet properly Movement Skills Movement Concepts Hand eye coordination drills. Game like contests to test the student’s skill in their badminton skills. Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 9 Overview Unit Title: Badminton- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the badminton unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in badminton? How does your movement affect performance in badminton? How does badminton compare to tennis? What are the key concepts in the game of badminton? What are the proper mechanics of serving the shuttlecock/birdie in badminton? How can students apply the skills to a badminton game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Implementing effective offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies is necessary for all players to be successful in game situations. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Badminton Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Apply the rules and terms when playing a singles game and a doubles game. Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Looking at the study guide with rules and terminology Student and Teacher Observation Serving skills- cues like underhand serve, starting on the right side of the court, rotation when serve is won, Serve has to be diagonal cross court and has to land in the service box. Can only be returned by opponent on the opposite side of the serve. Active Participation Demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the skills : holding the racket, forehand, backhand contact of the shuttlecock below the waist. Define the terms : birdies/shuttlecock, short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives? Forehand and Backhand drills with partner with no net in between them. Student and Teacher Observation Successfully perform the following skills: short serve, long serve, overhead clear, underhand clear, smash, forehand & backhand drives in a game like situation. Service back and forth with partners. Practicing the skills like smash, forehand, and backhand with no net. Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Students will have fun learn strategy of the game. Students will peer critique positive reinforcement. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Assessment in rules and regulations of badminton. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Hold racquet properly Movement Skills Movement Concepts Hand eye coordination drills. Game like contests to test the student’s skill in their badminton skills. Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 10 Overview Unit Time: Pickleball- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the pickleball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in pickleball? How does your movement affect performance in pickleball? What are the rules and history of the game of pickleball? What are the key concepts in the game of pickleball? What are the proper mechanics of serving in pickleball? How can students apply the skills to a pickleball game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Pickleball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic pickleball rules and the terms as they relate to cooperative doubles games. Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and regulations of terms. Review with study guide. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Demonstration of all the rules in the game of pickleball. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as the double bounce rule, non volley zone, service rotation, and scoring. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Demonstrate the proper skills of forehand, backhand, and serving in a game like setting. Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication. Example: “Mine, You got it, Short, Let it go out of bounds, did not let it double bounce. Student and Teacher Observation Lead up games Student and Teacher Observation Drills of hand eye coordination. Pickleball taps with paddle. Active Participation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Movement Skills Movement Concepts Strategy Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Summative Assessment Game like situations with partners. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 10 Overview Unit Time: Pickleball- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the pickleball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in pickleball? How does your movement affect performance in pickleball? What are the rules and history of the game of pickleball? What are the key concepts in the game of pickleball? What are the proper mechanics of serving in pickleball? How can students apply the skills to a pickleball game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Pickleball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic pickleball rules and the terms as they relate to cooperative doubles games. Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and regulations of terms. Review with study guide. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Demonstration of all the rules in the game of pickleball. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as the double bounce rule, non volley zone, service rotation, and scoring. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Demonstrate the proper skills of forehand, backhand, and serving in a game like setting. Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication. Example: “Mine, You got it, Short, Let it go out of bounds, did not let it double bounce. Student and Teacher Observation Lead up games Student and Teacher Observation Drills of hand eye coordination. Pickleball taps with paddle. Active Participation Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. 1 lesson Movement Skills Movement Concepts Active Participation Summative Assessment Game like situations with partners. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Unit 10 Overview Unit Time: Pickleball- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the pickleball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in pickleball? How does your movement affect performance in pickleball? What are the rules and history of the game of pickleball? What are the key concepts in the game of pickleball? What are the proper mechanics of serving in pickleball? How can students apply the skills to a pickleball game? How is communication important to the success of the game? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Implementing effective offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies is necessary for all players to be successful in game situations. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Pickleball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic pickleball rules and the terms as they relate to cooperative doubles games. Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and regulations of terms. Review with study guide. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Demonstration of all the rules in the game of pickleball. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as the double bounce rule, non volley zone, service rotation, and scoring. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication. Example: “Mine, You got it, Short, Let it go out of bounds, did not let it double bounce. Student and Teacher Observation Demonstrate the proper skills of forehand, backhand, and serving in a game like setting. Lead up games Student and Teacher Observation Drills of hand eye coordination. Pickleball taps with paddle. Active Participation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Summative Assessment Game like situations with partners. Depending on class size singles or doubles will be played. Score can be modified due to class time and class size. Skill levels can be combined to get more of a success rate. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Pacing Unit 11 Overview Unit Time: Softball- 6th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the softball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the skills needed to be successful in softball? How does hand eye coordination help in the game of softball? Why is it important to know the role of each position on the field? What are the proper techniques of throwing, catching and batting? What is the correct way of running the bases in the game of softball? What is the proper way of pitching in the game of softball? Why is it important to communicate and work with teammates in the game of softball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Performing movement skills in a technically correct manner improves overall performance and increases the likelihood of participation in lifelong physical activity. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Softball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic softball rules and the terms as they relate to playing a game. . Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and terminology of the game related to the study guide that is handed out to students. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as pitch count, strikezone, force plays, fly ball rules, stealing, tagging, and baserunning. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication Demonstrate the proper technique of throwing, catching, batting and pitching. Stepping with the opposite foot. Throwing over the top. Stepping towards the target. Forming a triangle when fielding with glove out in front. Hand over top of the ball for protection. Making a target for partner throwing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Summative Assessment Partners will give each other five ground balls to practice. Having a catch with a partner to develop good throwing and catching skills. Batting skills- Hands together on the bat, swing through the ball, Proper positioning to the plate. Watch the ball hit the bat. . To make decisions based off of scenarios found in the game of softball. Students will have time to focus on what type of play is needed to make a successful out. Offense will practice watching the Active Participation Teacher Observation Student Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. ball hit the bat and running to the appropriate base. Students have a choice to what position they play. Unit 11 Overview Unit Time: Softball- 7th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the softball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the skills needed to be successful in softball? How does hand eye coordination help in the game of softball? Why is it important to know the role of each position on the field? What are the proper techniques of throwing, catching and batting? What is the correct way of running the bases in the game of softball? What is the proper way of pitching in the game of softball? Why is it important to communicate and work with teammates in the game of softball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Softball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic softball rules and the terms as they relate to playing a game. . Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and terminology of the game related to the study guide that is handed out to students. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as pitch count, strikezone, force plays, fly ball rules, stealing, tagging, and baserunning. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication Demonstrate the proper technique of throwing, catching, batting and pitching. Stepping with the opposite foot. Throwing over the top. Stepping towards the target. Forming a triangle when fielding with glove out in front. Hand over top of the ball for protection. Making a target for partner throwing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 3 lessons Summative Assessment Partners will give each other five ground balls to practice. Having a catch with a partner to develop good throwing and catching skills. Batting skills- Hands together on the bat, swing through the ball, Proper positioning to the plate. Watch the ball hit the bat. . To make decisions based off of scenarios found in the game of softball. Students will have time to focus on what type of play is needed to make a successful out. Offense will practice watching the ball hit the bat and running to the appropriate base. Students have a choice to what position they play. Active Participation Teacher Observation Student Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Unit 11 Overview Unit Time: Softball- 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the softball unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the skills needed to be successful in softball? How does hand eye coordination help in the game of softball? Why is it important to know the role of each position on the field? What are the proper techniques of throwing, catching and batting? What is the correct way of running the bases in the game of softball? What is the proper way of pitching in the game of softball? Why is it important to communicate and work with teammates in the game of softball? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Implementing effective offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies is necessary for all players to be successful in game situations. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: ● Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation ○ End of unit evaluation ○ Softball Study Guide ● Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic softball rules and the terms as they relate to playing a game. . Essential Content/Skills Discussion of rules and terminology of the game related to the study guide that is handed out to students. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Demonstrate and apply rules such as pitch count, strikezone, force plays, fly ball rules, stealing, tagging, and baserunning. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with a teammate Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication Demonstrate the proper technique of throwing, catching, batting and pitching. Stepping with the opposite foot. Throwing over the top. Stepping towards the target. Forming a triangle when fielding with glove out in front. Hand over top of the ball for protection. Making a target for partner throwing the ball. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Partners will give each other five ground balls to practice. Having a catch with a partner to develop good throwing and catching skills. Batting skills- Hands together on the bat, swing through the ball, Proper positioning to the plate. Watch the ball hit the bat. . Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Summative Assessment 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson 3 lessons To make decisions based off of scenarios found in the game of softball. Students will have time to focus on what type of play is needed to make a successful out. Offense will practice watching the ball hit the bat and running to the appropriate base. Students have a choice to what position they play. Active Participation Teacher Observation Student Observation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Unit 12 Overview Unit Time: Ultimate Frisbee- 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Unit Summary: The activities in the ultimate frisbee unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of three weeks (or 6 lessons) Each lesson uses a combination of individual and small and large group skill development activities that are in alignment with the 2014 New Jersey State Physical Education Standards. Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● What are the skills needed to be successful in ultimate frisbee? How does hand eye coordination help in the game of ultimate frisbee? What are the proper techniques of throwing, catching a frisbee? Why is it important to communicate and work with teammates in the game of ultimate frisbee? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will develop an enduring understanding that a physically educated person is aware of the skills necessary to contribute to a group working towards a common goal. ● In order for all participants and spectators to experience the maximum benefit from games and sports, everyone must demonstrate knowledge and commitment to sportsmanship, rules and safety guidelines. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Summative Assessment: ○ Completion of skill evaluation ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Define the following terms: backhand throw, grip, thumb up, thumb down catch, footworkopposite shoulder points to the target, forehand throw, sandwich or pancake catch, one hand catch foul, end zone, mids, longs and handlers. Essential Content/Skills With partners, students will work on how to throw a frisbee correctly. Use the wrist, point to target, step with same foot as throwing hand. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1 Wellness: All Students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy active lifestyle. D. Safety Pacing 2 lessons Summative Assessment Partner catch and throw, practicing the different kinds of catches. 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Students can practice throwing the frisbee through a target. Group frisbee practice. Students work on all three skills with a larger group. Pass and go with learning how to incorporate movement with the frisbee Apply the rules and skills to a game like situation All the skills practiced are applied to game like situations. Students will apply the rules found in frisbee. Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Summative Assessment Demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation with teammates. Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. E. Movement Skills Movement Concepts 3 lessons 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 1 lesson 2.5 Motor Skill Development All Students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Unit 13 Overview Unit Time: Backyard Games- 6th, 7th and 8th Grade. Unit Summary: The activities in the backyard games unit is appropriate for use with students between grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) and are designed to be delivered during a standard 40 minute physical education class over the course of two weeks or 3 lessons. As the weather gets warmer and the school year winds down, we provide an opportunity for the students to relax. Students get to participate in activities that they will be playing in their backyards in the summer months. Suggested Pacing: 3 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● ● ● ● What are some games associated with backyard picnics and bbq’s? What is teamwork and cooperation needed to play these games? What are the different rules that go into playing the assorted games? What role does hand eye coordination play in the various backyard games? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will understand the importance of communication skill to achieve success when working in a group as well to overcome conflict in game situations. ● Students will understand the importance of strategy when attempting to be successful in various life gatherings Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Summative Assessment: ○ Game participation ○ Class preparation Formative Assessment: ○ Class and group participation ○ Sportsmanship and cooperative behavior ○ Teacher observation during drills and games Objectives (Students will be able to…) Participate in backyard games such as ladder ball, horseshoes, bocce ball, shuffleboard, and croquet. Essential Content/Skills Playing each game appropriately. Following all safety procedures with each game. Suggested Assessments Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) CRP1: Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP4:Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason CRP8:utilize critical thinking to make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9:Model integrity,ethical leadership and effective management. CRP12:Work productively in teams while using cultural competence 2.5 A, B,C- Movement Skills Demonstrate teamwork and partner work while playing against peers. Positive reinforcements. Self critique, teamwork and communication Student and Teacher Participation 2.5 D- Sportsmanship, Rules and Safety Active Participation Prepare students with the knowledge of the rules of games played during the summer months at picnics and bbq’s. Explain and demonstrate how each backyard game is played and scored. Handle equipment properly and be responsible for the appropriate use of all equipment explain proper use of each piece of equipment. Student and Teacher Observation 2.5 D- Sportsmanship, Rules, and Safety. Active Participation Student and Teacher Observation Active Participation 2.5 D- Sportsmanship, Rules, and Safety Pacing 3 lessons