Madison Public Schools Grade 7 Health

Madison Public Schools
Grade 7 Health
Written by:
Jessica Rosella
Jill Tyburczy
Reviewed by:
Matthew A. Mingle
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Sean Dowling
Supervisor of Health & Physical Education/Athletic Director
Approval date:
October 13, 2015
Members of the Board of Education:
Lisa Ellis, President
Kevin Blair, Vice President
Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson
David Arthur
Debra Coen
John Flynn
Johanna Habib
Leslie Lajewski
Madison Public Schools
359 Woodland Road
Madison, NJ 07940
Course Overview
The 7th grade health curriculum is designed to provide the middle school student with experiences
in wellness, in an effort to promote optimum physical, mental, emotional, and social development.
The topics studied include personal and social development; eating disorders; mental health and
stress management; violence prevention with an emphasis on bullying; health services and careers
and first aid. The health curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content
Standards and is taught to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to live a healthy lifestyle.
Within each topic, activities are provided for students to develop an understanding of fundamental
health concepts and to promote health enhancing behaviors. Taught as part of a required cycle
course, this curriculum is designed to prepare seventh grade students to meet future health
challenges, now and throughout their lifetime.
This course aims to:
● Give students in 7th grade the opportunity to develop health knowledge.
● Allow students to practice life skills.
● Practice health goals that protect them from risk behaviors.
● give students the knowledge and skills in the following health related areas: body image and
self esteem, eating disorders, mental illness, health and wellness and basic first aid.
● Inform students on how to prevent, handle and cope with the different types of bullying such
as cyber bullying, physical bullying and verbal bullying.
Suggested Activities and Resources
Unit 1 Overview
Unit Title: Self Esteem
Unit Summary: In this unit students will understand that everyone is an individual created by their
own life experiences and backgrounds. The media and society play a big role in how students feel
about themselves. Students will understand how and why this is. Students will understand their
are many factors that can contribute to a person’s self esteem both positive and negative. Finally
students will be given strategies to improve their self esteem and their perception of themselves.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● Why is it important to understand that everyone has different backgrounds and life
experiences that make us individuals?
● What may contribute to positive self esteem?
● What may contribute to negative self esteem?
● How does the media affect the way people feel about themselves?
● How does society affect the way people feel about themselves?
● What are some way to improve an individual’s self esteem?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● A person’s self esteem can be positive or negative depending on a person’s life experiences
and the image they have of themselves.
● The media can affect the perception a person has of themselves.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
● MY T-Shirt Activity
(Students will be able to…)
Students will understand
that everyone is an
individual created from
their own life experiences
and background.
Students will create a
“T-Shirt” which is a
collage about themselves
and their experiences.
1. Student’s finished
2. Class discussion
3. Class participation
Students will present the
collage to the class.
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
1 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
Students will
communicate with one
another in an activity
called “All About Me”
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global
Students will understand
the role society has on an
individual’s self esteem.
Students will listen to and
analyze a variety of songs
that have to do with
positive and negative
1. Open ended
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Completed music
analysis worksheet
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.2.A.5 Integrated Skills
2 Lessons
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global
Students will understand
the role that the media
plays on an individual’s
perception of themselves.
Students will watch and
react to the “Dove Self
Esteem Initiative”
1.Completed reaction
to video clips
2. Class discussion
3. Class Participation
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
1 Lesson
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global competence
Unit 2 Overview
Unit Title: Body Image/Eating Disorders
Unit Summary: Students will see the evolution of the ideal body image throughout history. In this
unit students will understand the importance of a positive body image. They will have a better
understanding of the role that society and the media play in a person’s image of themselves.
Students will see the detrimental effects of a poor body image and the disorders that may develop.
Students will explore the cause, signs, symptoms and treatments for the various eating disorders.
Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● How did the perception of the ideal body image change throughout history?
● How does society affect a person’s body image?
● How does the media affect a person’s body image?
● What disorders can develop if a person has a chronic negative body image?
● What are the causes of eating disorders?
● What are signs, symptoms and treatment of the different eating disorders?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● There are important sign and symptoms individuals with eating disorders portray.
● The media can affect the image we have of our bodies.
● A negative body images can have a detrimental effect on an individual's mental and physical
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
● Eating Disorder group presentation
(Students will be able to…)
Students will understand
the evolution of the ideal
body image throughout
presentation of the
interactive body image
1.Class discussion
2.Student participation
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.2.A.5 Integrated Skills
1 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors
related to cyber safety, bullying,
cyber security including
appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural global
Students will understand
the role society and the
media has on an
individual’s body image.
Students will watch and
react to video clips
portraying different
societal values as it
pertains to body image.
Students will react to the
“barbie doll debate”
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Completed student
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.2.D.2 Character
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors
related to cyber safety, bullying,
cyber security including
appropriate use of social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
1 Lessons
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural global
Students will understand
the cause, signs,
symptoms and
treatments of the various
eating disorders.
Students will work in
groups and create a
presentation of the
various eating disorders
which include: Anorexia,
Bulimia, Body dysmorphic
Disorder, Binge eating
disorder, Bigorexia, over
exercise disorder.
1.Group poster
2. Group presentation
2. Class discussion
3. Class Participation
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.5 Social And
Emotional Health
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.4 Nutrition
Standard 2.2.B.1.2 Decision
Standard 2.2.A.2 Communication
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors
related to cyber safety, bullying,
cyber security including
appropriate use of social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural global
Students will understand
why eating disorders are
so difficult to treat.
Students will understand
the emotional impact it
has on families with a
loved one with an eating
students will watch a
documentary that shows
families and how they
deal with loved ones with
eating disorders
1.Students will hand in a
2 page reaction to the
Standard 2.1.A.2 Personal Health
Standard 2.1.F.5 Social &
Emotional Health
Standard 2.2.B.5 Decision Making
2 lessons
Unit 3 Overview
Unit Title: Mental Illness
Unit Summary: This unit will allow the students to explore their emotions and feelings. Students
will understand that there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with there emotions.
They will learn healthy and unhealthy ways to communicate their feelings. Students will explore a
variety of mental illness including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder and impulse disorders. They
will understand the various causes, signs, symptoms and treatments of the different disorders.
Students will be able to identify prominent figure past and present who have helped to break down
the stigma of Mental Illness.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are the causes of mental illness?
● What are the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders?
● What are signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder?
● What are the treatments for the different mental illnesses?
● Why is it important to seek treatment for mental illness?
● What are healthy ways to deal with your emotions?
● What are unhealthy ways to deal with your emotions?
● Who are some famous people advocating for acceptance of those with mental illness?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Effective communication skills are necessary for successful decision making in life.
● There are positive and appropriate ways to express an individual’s emotions.
● An individual with mental illness will portray various signs and symptoms.
● an individual with mental illness can lead a healthy and productive life.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations
Short video clip analysis
(Students will be able
Students will
understand their
are healthy and
unhealthy ways to
deal with emotions.
Students will
understand the
appropriate coping
strategies as it
pertains to their
Presentation by CST on
overview of their role in
the school system,
healthy and unhealthy
ways to deal with
emotions as well as
appropriate coping
1.Class discussion
2.Student participation
Standard 2.1.D.4.5 Disease and Health
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.2.A.4 Integrated Skills
Standard 2.2.A.5 Integrated Skills
1 Lessons
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
Students will be
able to identify the
cause, signs,
symptoms and
treatment of
Anxiety disorders.
Students will
explore prominent
figures who have
achieved although
they battle mental
students will watch clip
outlining the cause,
signs, symptoms and
treatment of Anxiety
Students will watch clip
on Howie Mandel and his
battle with OCD.
1. Students will hand in
completed question sheet
on anxiety disorders
2. Class discussion
3 Student participation
Standard 2.1.D.4.5 Disease and Health
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.2.D.2 Character
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
1 Lessons
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global competence.
Students will be
able to identify the
cause, signs,
symptoms and
treatment of
Bipolar Disorder.
Students will
explore prominent
figures who have
achieved although
they battle mental
students will watch clip
outlining the cause,
signs, symptoms and
treatment of Bipolar
research prominent
figures past present who
have achieved with
depression or bipolar
Read Article
Students will be
able to relate
mental illness as it
may pertain to
them or their peers
1. Students will hand in
completed question sheet
on anxiety disorders
2. Class discussion
3 Student participation
1 Class discussion
2 Student participation
3.Completed reaction
Standard 2.1.D.4.5 Disease and Health
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.1.F.5 Social And Emotional
Standard 2.2.B.1.2 Decision Making
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global competence
2 Lessons
Unit 4 Overview
Unit Title: Stress
Unit Summary: In this unit students will understand that stress and stressors is a
necessary part of everyday life. It only becomes a problem when it chronic and we do
not have the ability to cope. Students will understand that chronic stress can have a
negative effect on an individual’s overall health. Students will explore the body’s
physiological response to stress, fight or flight. Students will understand that our
inability to handle stress can have a negative impact on our ability to achieve.
Students will understand the importance of healthy coping strategies including
relaxation techniques.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What is the importance of the fight or flight response?
● What negative affect can chronic stress have on the body?
● Does an individual’s personality have an affect on how they handle stress
● What are some ways to cope with stress?
● How do relaxation Techniques help a person cope with a stressful situation?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● The fight or flight response is an individual’s physiological response to stress.
● Different personalities are prone to allowing stressors to negatively affect
● It is important to practice healthy coping strategies including relaxation
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations
Short video clip analysis
Participation in Relaxation Techniques
Students will understand
the different personality
types and their
Students will take a
survey that will give them
an idea as to what their
personality type is.
Students will understand
the body’s physiological
response to stress.
Students will watch a clip
describing the fight or
flight response.
2.Class discussion
3.Student participation
4. completed question
sheet on clip
(Students will be able to…)
Standard 2.1.B.1.2.3 Growth and
Standard 2.1.D.4.5 Disease and
Health Conditions
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.A.3 Personal Health
2 Lessons
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors
related to cyber safety, bullying,
cyber security including appropriate
use of social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology:
All students will use digital tools to
access, manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to
solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
Students will understand
the impact stress has on
the body’s ability to
Students will learn the
importance of coping
skills as it pertains to
students will watch a PBS
special on the ability to
handle stress in high
pressure situations such
as test taking, sporting
events, musical
presentations etc…
Students will participate
in various relaxation
progressive relaxation
deep breathing
1. Class discussion
2. Student participation
3.Students written
reaction to relaxation
technique experience
Standard 2.1.B.1.2.3 Growth and
Standard 2.1.D.4.5 Disease and
Health Conditions
Standard 2.1.F.1 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.F.2 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.2.D.2 Character
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors
related to cyber safety, bullying,
cyber security including appropriate
use of social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology:
All students will use digital tools to
access, manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to
solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
2 Lessons
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global
Unit 5 Overview
Unit Title: Bullying & Proper Use of Social Media
Unit Summary: Students will be able to react and analyze various situations of
bullying, in order to better understand the effects of bullying on all the individuals
involved. Strategies on how deal with conflict and coping skills will be explored. The
internet and social media are an important part of our students everyday lives. It is
important that they are able to model appropriate online behaviors related to cyber
safety, cyber bullying, cyber security and cyber ethics. Students must be aware of
what is appropriate and what is not when using social media and the internet.
Students will be aware of the consequences, legal, physical and mental that
inappropriate use of social media could bring.
Suggested Pacing: 6 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are ways in which people could be bullied?
● Why is it important that only appropriate material be posted online?
● Could a person be held legally responsible for inappropriate materials posted
on social media?
● What are the long and short term effects on a victim of bullying?
● How can a victim of bullying get help?
● What does it mean to be an “upstander” as opposed to a bystander?
● How can cyber bullying in some way be worse than physical bullying?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● An individual can get help if they are a victim of bullying.
● By posting inappropriate materials on social media individuals could
jeopardize their future.
● A victim of bullying can endure short and long term effects.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations
Short video clip analysis
Reaction paper
(Students will be able to…)
Students will understand
how inappropriate use of
the internet and social
media could jeopardize an
individual’s future
describe inappropriate use
of the internet
explain what to do if
someone sends you
inappropriate material
1. Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
4. Completed question
sheet on clip
5. Questions and and
reactions to articles
describe legal
consequences of sending or
forwarding inappropriate
Standard 2.1.B.1.2. Growth and
Standard 2.1.A.3.4. Personal Health
Standard 2.1.E.1 Safety
Standard 2.1.F.4.5 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.D.4 Diseases and Health
2 Lessons
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related
to cyber safety, bullying, cyber
security including appropriate use of
social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to
access, manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to
solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
Students will understand
the short term and long
term effects of bullying on
a victim.
Video clips will be shown
describing a male and
females experience with
Students will understand
the impact bullying has on
family and friends.
Casey’s Story will be shown
to the class and questions
will be answered to
facilitate discussion.
Students will understand
the concept upstander and
bystander as it pertains to
Stacy’s story will be shown
to the class and questions
will be answered to
facilitate discussion
1, Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
4. Completed question
sheet on clip
5. Questions and
reactions to articles
Standard 2.1.B.1.2. Growth and
Standard 2.1.A.3.4. Personal Health
Standard 2.1.E.1 Safety
Standard 2.1.F.4.5 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.D.4 Diseases and Health
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related
to cyber safety, bullying, cyber
security including appropriate use of
social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to
access, manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to
solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
2 Lessons
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global
Students will explore
options and coping skills
for dealing with conflict.
Cyberbully film will be
1.students will react to
the film by explaining
what the characters
could or should have
done differently in this
depiction of
Standard 2.1.B.1.2. Growth and
Standard 2.1.A.3.4. Personal Health
Standard 2.1.E.1 Safety
Standard 2.1.F.4.5 Social And
Emotional Health
Standard 2.1.D.4 Diseases and Health
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related
to cyber safety, bullying, cyber
security including appropriate use of
social media.
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to
access, manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to
solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental,
social and economic impacts of
CRP12: Work productively in teams
while using cultural global
2 lessons
Unit 6 Overview
Unit Title: First Aid/CPR & AED
Unit Summary: Knowing what to do in an emergency situation is important
knowledge to have . This unit will allow the students to experience basic CPR, AED
and first aid. The unit is taught from the American Red Cross Guidelines. Each
student will have the opportunity practice CPR on mannequins. Students will also
have the opportunity to practice infant CPR, great for those future baby sitter or older
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What steps should be taken in a an emergency situation?
● What are some reasons a person would not want to help in an emergency
● What is the Cardiac Chain of Survival?
● How does an AED increase a person’s chance of survival if they are in cardiac
● What careers could an individual pursue with first aid knowledge?
● How does CPR sustain life till professionals arrive?
● How do the Good Samaritan Laws protect an individual?
● What should you do if a person cannot cough or talk and is choking?
● How do you care for heat and cold related emergencies?
● How would you care for an injury to bones and joints?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● All individuals should know the basic steps to take in a variety of emergency
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations
Short video clip analysis
Reaction paper
Demonstrating First Aid Skills
(Students will be able to…)
Students will understand
the steps to take in an
emergency situation.
Students will understand
the care to provide when a
victim has no signs of life
Students will understand
how to use and AED and
why it is a crucial part of
the Cardiac Chain of
Students will understand
how to care for an infant
who shows no signs of life
Check the scene and the
Call 911
Provide Care as needed
CPR consists of 30
compressions and 2
continue until someone
takes over, scene becomes
unsafe, victim shows signs
of life, ems arrive, or an
AED arrives
1. Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
3.Student participation
4.Students will demonstrate
how to check an unconscious
5. Students will practice
then demonstrate CPR and
the AED
6. Students will know the
acronym “FAST” for a
person experiencing a stroke
teacher and video clips will
demonstrate and explain
CPR and the AED on adult
mannequins and infant
Students will understand
the care to provide to a
conscious choking infant.
Students will understand
what to do if they are
alone and choking.
teacher and video
demonstration of
abdominal thrusts and
back blows on an adult or
Standard 2.1.E. Safety
Standard 2.2.F.1.2.3 Health
Services and Careers
2 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
The signs, symptoms, and
care of a stroke victim.
Students will understand
the care to provide don a
conscious choking adult or
1, Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
3.Student participation
5. Students will demonstrate
and simulate the skills
get consent
call 911
5 back blows
5 abdominal thrusts
continue until ems arrive
object pushed up
victim becomes
Standard 2.1.E. Safety
Standard 2.2.F.1.2.3 Health
Services and Careers
1 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and
teacher will assure proper
hand position
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
students will simulate the
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
teacher will demonstrate
on infant mannequin
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural global
students will role play
providing care for a
conscious choking victim
demonstrate alone and
Students will understand
how to provide care for
heat and cold related
Students will be able to
provide care for injuries to
bones and joints
students will watch the
clips pertaining to each
The teacher will elaborate
and when needed
demonstrate the skills for
each emergency
1.Student participation
2. students will demonstrate
skills taught
4. teacher observation
Standard 2.1.E. Safety
Standard 2.2.F.1.2.3 Health
Services and Careers
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will use
digital tools to access, manage,
evaluate, and synthesize
1 lessons
Students will understand
how to care for the
different severity of burns.
Students will be able to
control severe bleeding.
Heat exhaustion
heat Stroke
Frost bite
apply pressure
1st degree
2nd degree
3rd degree
information in order to solve
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and
CRP3: Attend to personal health
and financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural global
Unit 7 Overview
Unit Title: Current Health Issues and Concerns
Unit Summary: This unit will look at the major health issues affecting our world and
society. At this moment in time and very relevant to our students is concussion
education. Students will also explore a variety of sudden and chronic illnesses.
Students will learn signs, symptoms and treatments of diabetes, stroke, allergic
reactions or anaphylaxis shock. There are always new health headlines, whether a
new cure, treatment or epidemic. This unit will look to educate the students on
what’s new and making headlines. Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Target
Unit Essential Questions:
● Why is it important to know the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
● Why is it important not to return to activity unless you are symptom free.
● What is a concussion?
● What does FAST mean as it pertains to a stroke
● What is a Stroke?
● What is Diabetes?
● Why do some people have Diabetes in childhood and other get it later in life?
● What is anaphylaxis?
● What is the treatment for anaphylaxis?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying
health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors.
● Being consistently aware of the environment and taking safety precautions can
reduce the risk of injury to oneself and others.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations
Short video clip analysis
Reaction paper
● Demonstrating First Aid Skills
● Brainpop Challenges
(Students will be able to…)
students will understand
the signs and symptoms
of a concussion.
teacher will explain
concussion fact sheet from the
Students will understand
the importance of not
returning to activity until
symptom free.
teacher will show a clip on and
explain second impact
Students will understand
the long term effects of
multiple concussions
1. Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
3.Student participation
4.article analysis
5.NFL debate
Standard 2.1.D.
Disease and Health
Standard 2.1.E. Safety
Standard 2.2.F.1.2.3 Health
Services and Careers
2 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will
use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in
order to solve problems
teacher will show a clip and
explain the long term effects
of multiple concussions
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and
CRP3: Attend to personal
health and financial
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of
Students will understand
the signs,symptoms,
causes and treatments of
a Stroke.
Students will understand
the signs,symptoms,
causes and treatments of
Students will understand
the signs,symptoms,
causes and treatments of
students will watch
educational clips on all the
disorders mentioned which
will outline the
signs,symptoms, cause and
students will understand
acronym FAST
students will be taught Type 1
and Type 2
students will learn histamine
1, Video clip questions
2.Class discussion
3.Student participation
5. Students will participate
in Brainpop interactive
Standard 2.1.D.
Disease and Health
Standard 2.1.E. Safety
Standard 2.2.F.1.2.3 Health
Services and Careers
8.1.8.B.1: Educational
Technology: All students will
use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and
synthesize information in
order to solve problems
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and
CRP3: Attend to personal
health and financial
CRP5: Consider the
environmental, social and
economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in
teams while using cultural
global competence.
2 Lessons