Madison Public Schools Grade 6 Health

Madison Public Schools
Grade 6 Health
Written by:
Jessica Rosella
Jill Tyburczy
Reviewed by:
Matthew A. Mingle
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Sean Dowling
Supervisor of Health & Physical Education/Athletic Director
Approval date:
October 13, 2015
Members of the Board of Education:
Lisa Ellis, President
Kevin Blair, Vice President
Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson
David Arthur
Debra Coen
John Flynn
Johanna Habib
Leslie Lajewski
Madison Public Schools
359 Woodland Road
Madison, NJ 07940
Course Overview
The 6th Grade Health Education Curriculum is designed to teach students the information and
skills they need to become health-literate, to maintain and improve health, prevent disease, and
reduce health-related risk behaviors. Through this curriculum, students will develop critical
thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. In addition, the students will demonstrate
good character and behaviors that promote a healthy community, nation, and world. The health
lessons are intended to be clustered and taught during the breaks between the various science
This course aims to:
● Give students in 6th grade the opportunity to develop health knowledge
● Allow students to practice life skills
● Help students work to achieve health goals that protect them from risk behaviors.
● Obtain knowledge and skills in the following health related areas: growth and development,
nutrition, fitness, and body systems.
● Recognize community and environmental health.
Suggested activities and resources page
Unit 1 Overview
Unit Title: Health Triangle
Unit Summary:
The activities in this unit introduce the student to an overview of general health. Create a plan using
life management skills to address personal and social concerns that are a part of daily living (e.g.
learning to manage time and stress, setting goals, dealing with conflicts, working collaboratively)
Describe patterns of physical, social, and mental/emotional health that promote healthy long term
relationships (e.g. dating, work environment, friendship, and marriage) Students will evaluate the
role the media can play in influencing young adults self concept.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are the three parts of the health triangle?
● How does one side of the health triangle affect the other two sides?
● What other factors affect an individual health triangle?
● How do you maintain a balanced health triangle?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Personal choices impact current and long term outcomes on individuals, family and society.
● Mental and emotional health affects a person’s physical health and overall well being.
● Assertive communication skills enhance health by avoiding and/or reducing health risks.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT understand the
differences between
physical health,
mental/emotional health
and social health
Students will create a
triangle and describe what
factors go into each
category of health.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
Explain how to use
pro-social behaviors to
build and maintain healthy
family and peer
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
Identify people to talk to
about mental and
emotional health issues,
concerns, and worries
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
Demonstrate ways to
communicate respectfully
and assertively
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
2 Lessons
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
SWBAT evaluate the role
the media can play in
influencing young adults’
self-concept by idealizing
body image and elite
performance levels of
famous people.
Students will evaluate how
all social media influences
young adults body image.
Students will then create a
compare and contrast
board between all social
media outlets.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
2 Lessons
Unit 2 Overview
Unit Title: Body Systems
Unit Summary: This unit will help the students identify the body’s basic building blocks, names the
major body systems and identifies their functions and list ways to care for body systems.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● How are body systems interrelated?
● What is the importance of knowing the proper functions of the body systems?
● How might an injury or illness to one body system affect the health of another body system?
● Which body systems are affected by environmental factors and how are they affected?
● How does being physically fit affect your body systems?
● How does proper nutrition affect your body systems?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Personal choices impact current and long term outcomes on individuals, family and society.
● Mental and emotional health affects a person’s physical health and overall well being.
● Assertive communication skills enhance health by avoiding and/or reducing health risks.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT to understand the
main parts of the different
body systems such as
skeletal system, circulatory
system, digestive system,
endocrine system, skin
system, respiratory system,
Label the body system
parts through different
body system worksheets
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Body System project
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT know the
differences between the
control systems and
transport systems.
Following the pathways of
how each body system
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
2 Lessons
Unit 3 Overview
Unit Title: Growth and Development / Puberty
Unit Summary: This unit will help the students discuss the changes that occur in the body during
adolescence. It analyzes how teens are influenced by peers during adolescence. The unit also
explains how to care for the reproductive systems. This unit will explain how inherited traits are
passed along from one generation to the next, recognize stages in the life cycle.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are the changes in the body that adolescence experience?
● How do the changes that adolescents experience affect their mood?
● How could one teen’s adolescence changes affect a peers mood or behavior?
● Why is proper care of the reproductive system healthy for adolescence?
● How do inherited traits affect one’s health?
● How does knowing the life cycle affect the importance of make healthy decisions?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Students will identify the changes that occur in the body during adolescence and how it may
impact their physical, mental/emotional and social health.
● Student will gain an understanding on the functions of the reproductive systems and how to
properly care for them.
● Students will identify how inherited traits can affect their overall health.
● Students will identify the stages of life that they will encounter and the possible changes will
occur in each stage.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT list physical
changes that occur in the
body during puberty.
SWBAT l identify what
causes the changes in the
body during puberty.
Identify health practices
during puberty.
Demonstrate proper
hygiene practices
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Body System project
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
2 Lessons
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
SWBAT understand the
process through which the
body changes during
puberty. They will
understand what occurs as
females and males become
sexually mature.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT understand
physical, emotional, and
social growth changes that
occur during adolescence
SWBAT understand the
importance of remaining
Compare and contrast
what changes go through
males and females
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Video analysis
Standard 2.4.6.B.1: Compare growth
patterns of males and females during
What are some similarities
that are seen in both boys
and girls through puberty
2.4.6.B.2: Summarize strategies to remain
abstinent and resist pressures to become
sexually active
Role play in resisting
2.4.6.B.3: Determine behaviors that place
one at risk for for HIV/AIDS, STIs and
HPV or unintended pregnancy.
2.4.6.B.4 Predict the possible physical,
social and emotional impacts of
adolescent decisions regarding sexual
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
2 Lessons
Unit 4 Overview
Unit Title: Relationships
Unit Summary: This unit will help the students discuss the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy
relationships found in adolescent dating. This unit will help students acquire knowledge about the
physical, emotional, and social aspects of relationships.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What characterizes healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships?
● What are ways to resolve conflict within a relationship?
● How are dating relationships affected over time?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Relationships evolve over time within families and between and among adolescents.
● There are strategies that can help minimize or resolve conflict among adolescents.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT describe
characteristics of healthy
and unhealthy
SWBAT resolve conflict
within relationships.
SWBAT understand
different roles in dating
and dating behaviors.
Role Playing
Video Analysis
Article questions relating
to relationships.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Articles on relationships
Standard 2.4.6.A.2: Analyze the
characteristics of healthy relationships
and other relationships
Standard 2.4.6.A.3 Examine relationships
adolescents may experience
Standard 2.4.6.A.4 Demonstrate
successful resolution of a problem(s)
among friends and in other relationships.
Standard 2.5.6.A.4 Compare and contrast
the role of dating and dating behaviors in
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
4 Lessons
Unit 5 Overview
Unit Title: Fitness
Unit Summary: In this unit students will learn how to achieve and maintain age appropriate fitness.
The components of fitness such as intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise will be discussed
throughout the unit. Ongoing feedback and assessment is necessary in determining the
effectiveness of developing a personal fitness program. Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are the components of wellness?
● What are the principles of fitness?
● What is my personal fitness plan?
● How can one have a healthy body image?
● What goes into developing a age appropriate fitness plan?
● What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Personal choices impact current and long term outcomes on individuals, family and society.
● Mental and emotional health affects a person’s physical health and overall well being.
● Assertive communication skills enhance health by avoiding and/or reducing health risks.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT understand how to
develop a fitness plan
students make a fitness
plan according to what
they have learned in a
power point.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Developing own fitness
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT understand the 5
components of fitness and
how it related to the
F.I.T.T principle.
Students will develop
definitions for the 5
components of fitness such
as strength training,
endurance training,
cardiovascular training
and flexibility and body
Students will break down
each part of the FITT
principle and explain and
demonstrate how it is used
in fitness.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
2 Lessons
Unit 6 Overview
Unit Title: Nutrition
Unit Summary: This unit is developed to teach students which foods they eat are healthy for their
bodies and which foods they eat are not. The students should understand why they are expected to
eat more vegetables and fruit than other foods. This unit will help the students to grow into healthy
adults by teaching the importance of a healthy diet and what a healthy diet consists of. An overview
of MYPLATE and nutrition labels will be discussed on what the ideal plate should look like.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What happens when you eat too much
● What makes foods good for you
● How much food is enough
● Why do we have a food pyramid?
● What role does vitamins and minerals play in nutrition?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Personal choices impact current and long term outcomes on individuals, family and society.
● Mental and emotional health affects a person’s physical health and overall well being.
● Assertive communication skills enhance health by avoiding and/or reducing health risks.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT understand
key nutrients and their
specific functions and
influences on body
Students will learn about
what the overall definition
of nutrition is.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Develop own MYPATE
Breakdown of each part of
MY PLATE such as fruits,
vegetables, grains, dairy
and protein.
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT develop a
nutritional plan based on
the relationship between
food intake and activity
level with regard to weight
management and healthy
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
SWBAT understand
concepts using food labels
to meet the dietary needs
of individuals for a healthy
Students will analyze a
food label.
They will take the food
label and be able to answer
important questions about
the food label
Students will answer
questions on how eating
healthy can relate to health
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Video Analysis
2 Lessons
Unit 7 Overview
Unit Title: Safety at home and outdoors
Unit Summary: This unit discusses the parts of the accident chain, describes ways to prevent
accidental injuries and helps students recognize good safety habits. This unit emphasizes safety in
the home, school and community. It will discuss strategies for responding to injuries and describes
first aid measures.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● How do you choose roles for the accident chain?
● How can accidents be prevented in the home?
● What are some safety procedures found around the home?
● How can accidents in schools be prevented?
● How are injuries prevented in different scenarios around the house and outdoors?
● How do the media influence community health during a natural disaster or weather
● How does the surrounding environment affect safety?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Students will gain a better understanding on how to prevent injuries.
● Students will learn the chain of survival and how they play a role in the chain.
● Students will develop the skills to caring for life threatening emergencies.
● Students will gain a better understanding on how practicing healthful behaviors and good
decision making skills can prevent injuries.
● Students will learn how to make safety plans for emergencies
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
SWBAT Identify ways to
prevent fires and reduce
the risk of injuries in case
of fire.
Students will understand
the nature of fire, how fires
start and how fires can be
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Develop a comic strip
based on a safety issue.
Respond to peers who
might of had a safety issue
in and around the house.
What did they do, what
kind of safety measures did
they accomplish
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT develop ways to be
safe while playing, riding
bikes, skating and
Worksheets that students
will complete to help
develop ways to involve
safety in every aspect of
their lives.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP1: Act as a responsible and
contributing citizen and employee
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
SWBAT understand how to
develop an emergency plan
increase of a natural
disaster. Examples
hurricanes, tornadoes,
earthquakes, and flooding
Video analysis of real life
experiences with natural
disasters. Example,
Hurricane Sandy,
Hurricane Irene. Develop
a safety plan of their own
to follow.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Video Analysis
2.1.E.1-5: Safety Issues
Evaluate work and leisure situation for
perceived and actual risk of intentional
and unintentional injuries. Develop
personal protection strategies to reduce
the incidence of injuries and evaluate their
effectiveness. Short and Long term effects
of injuries on the individual.
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
2 Lessons
CRP12: Work productively in teams while
using cultural global competence.
Unit 8 Overview
Unit Title: Prevention and Control of Disease
Unit Summary: This unit discusses the main types of disease and describes the common disease
causing pathogens. The unit describes ways pathogens are spread, identifies common
communicable diseases and explains how demonstrate healthful behaviors that limit the spread of
pathogens. This unit also discusses causes of various non-communicable diseases, explains how to
develop behaviors to maintain heart health and identifies ways to help prevent diseases such as
cancer and diabetes.
Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons
Learning Targets
Unit Essential Questions:
● What are pathogens and how do they enter the body?
● How do the bodies defenses protect against pathogens?
● What are some causes, symptoms and preventions of common communicable diseases?
● Why is it important to keep family history?
● What are some of the causes, symptoms and risk reducers for cancer?
● What are the causes, symptoms and risk reducers for heart disease?
● How can you care for someone with either communicable or non-communicable diseases?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
● Personal choices impact current and long term outcomes on individuals, family and society.
● Mental and emotional health affects a person’s physical health and overall well being.
● Assertive communication skills enhance health by avoiding and/or reducing health risks.
Evidence of Learning
Unit Benchmark Assessment Information:
Combination of magazine articles and powerpoint presentations,
Software and internet demonstrations
Teacher guided class discussions
Individual and group projects
Class presentations as well as short video clip analysis
(Students will be able to…)
Students will identify the
disease causing pathogens.
SWBAT explain the
difference between
communicable and
Articles pretaining to
different types of
Brainpop technology to
learn about all the different
pathogens that can come
into the body.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Develop a comic strip
based on a safety issue.
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2 Lessons
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
8.1.8.B.1: Educational Technology: All
students will use digital tools to access,
manage, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to solve problems
8.1.8.D.1: Understand and model
appropriate online behaviors related to
cyber safety, bullying, cyber security
including appropriate use of social media.
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
SWBAT identify the
causes of various
communicable diseases
SWBAT identify the causes
of various
Listing and researching
about the communicable
diseases and how they can
be prevented.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Role playing
List and research about the
diseases and how they can
be prevented.
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions
Students will be able to
recognize environmental
factors that cause diseases
like cancer and diabetes.
SWBAT will understand
different treatments that
can help people with
communicable and
Look into environmental
factors that increase the
likelihood of obtaining
diseases like heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, and
chronic diseases.
1. Open ended questions
2. Class discussion
3. Class situations
4. Video Analysis
Standard 2.1.A.8 Wellness: Personal
Growth and Development: By the end of
Grade 6, all students will acquire health
promotion concepts and skills to support
a healthy lifestyle.
2.1.D.1-5: Analyze the availability and
effectiveness of current and emerging
diagnostic and treatment modalities for
various diseases and the health conditions
Standard 2.1.C.8 Wellness: Disease and
Health Conditions: By the end of Grade 6,
all students will acquire health promotion
concepts and skills to support a healthy
2 Lessons
2.3.A.1: Medcines
CRP3: Attend to personal health and
financial well-being
CRP5: Consider the environmental, social
and economic impacts of decisions