vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLS xix LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 5 1.3 Research Gap 5 1.4 Research Aims 6 1.5 Research Objectives 6 1.6 Significance of Study 6 1.7 Scope of Research 7 1.8 Research Limitation 7 viii 1.9 2 10 2.1 Green Roof 10 2.1.1 Environmental Benefits 13 2.1.2 Economical Benefits 15 2.1.3 Social and Psychological Benefits 17 2.3 2.4 Green Roof Research on Environmental Physics 18 Potted Plants 25 2.3.1 26 Potted Plants Benefits Literature on Research Methodology 29 METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Research Design 31 3.2 Site Description 33 3.3 Materials and Methods 33 3.3.1 Plant Selection 37 3.3.2 The Experiments 38 3.4 Data Collection 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 4 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.2 3 Research Framework Experiment 1 – Cells with top cover of 100mm, 150mm and 200mm depth soil 43 Experiment 2 – Cells with potted plants, vegetated and non vegetated top covers 43 Analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 42 Experiment 1 - Top treatment cover of 100mm, 150mm and 200mm soil depth 44 47 47 ix 4.2 5 4.1.1 Indoor Air Temperature (Ti) 48 4.1.2 Indoor Surface Temperature (Ts) 55 4.1.3 Discussion 63 Experiment 2 - Cells with potted plants, vegetated and 150mm soil depth. 68 4.2.1 Indoor Air Temperature (Ti) 68 4.2.2 Indoor Surface Temperature (Ts) 85 4.2.3 Discussion 101 CONCLUSION 104 5.1 Findings 104 5.2 Summary 106 5.3 Recommendation and Future Research 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY Appendices A - D 119-166 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Comparison between intensive and extensive green roof 12 Statistical distribution of leaf area index by biome, for the data set “Global Leaf Area Index Data from field Measurements, 1932-2000”(Source: Scurlock et al. 2001) 22 3.1 Experiment 1 - Cells details description 39 3.2 Experiment 2 - Cells details description 40 3.3 Experiment 1 - The summary of collected data categorization 43 Experiment 2 - The summary of collected data categorization 44 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily peak temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded in four cells for six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 49 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded in four cells for six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 50 Experiment 1 – Comparison of daily peak temperature differences (indoor air temperature) between Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 52 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature differences (indoor air temperature) between Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 52 2.2 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 xi 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Experiment 1 – Comparison of daily total temperature transfer amount (indoor air temperature) recorded in all four cells from the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 54 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily peak temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded in all four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 57 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded in all four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 57 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) between Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 59 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) between Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 60 Experiment 1 – Comparison of daily total surface temperature transfer amount recorded in all four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 63 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily peak temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 1722, 2011) 69 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded between four cells for six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 70 Experiment 2 – Comparison of indoor air temperature differences (at daily peak temperature) recorded between Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 71 Experiment 2 – Comparison of indoor air temperature differences (at daily lowest temperature) recorded between Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 72 xii 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 Experiment 2 – Comparison of total daily indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell C for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 74 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily peak temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), potted plants (Cell B) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 75 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), potted plants (Cell B) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 76 Experiment 2 – Comparison of total daily indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 78 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily peak temperature differences (indoor air temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), vegetated cell (Cell C) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 79 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily lowest temperature differences (indoor air temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), vegetated cell (Cell C) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 80 Experiment 2 – Comparison of total daily indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 81 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak temperature and daily lowest temperature differences (indoor air temperature) recorded between potted plants (Cell B), vegetated cell (Cell C) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 83 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 1722, 2011) 84 xiii 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011 86 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 1722, 2011) 86 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) recorded between Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 89 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) recorded between Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 89 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell C for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 91 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), potted plants (Cell B) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 92 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), potted plants (Cell B) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 93 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 94 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak temperature differences (indoor surface temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), vegetated cell (Cell C) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 96 xiv 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily lowest temperature difference (indoor surface temperature) recorded between reference cell (Cell A), vegetated cell (Cell C) and 150mm soil (Cell D) for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 96 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 98 Experiment 2 – Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor surface temperature recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in comparison to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 99 Experiment 2 – Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 100 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Research Flow Chart 9 2.1 Typical structure for green roof (Theodosiou, 2009) 11 3.1 Research Design 32 3.2 Typical unit of a Test Cell 34 3.3 Cross section of a Test Cell 34 3.4 Inside view of a Test Cell 35 3.5 Thermo Recorders (a) TR-72U and (b) TR-52 35 3.6 Thermo Recorders hanging inside the cells 36 3.7 Weather Station and Environdata 36 3.8 Ipomoea pes capre or beach morning glory 37 3.9 Top cell surface filled with soil 38 3.10 Cells arrangement on site 39 3.11 Cell B – 150mm soil with potted Ipomoea pes capre plant 40 3.12 Cell C – 150mm soil with Ipomoea pes capre plant 41 3.13 Cell D – 150mm soil without plant 42 4.1 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily indoor air temperature recorded between four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) with its peak and lowest temperature. 48 xvi 4.2 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily peak and lowest temperature (indoor air temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (March 712, 2011) 51 Experiment 1 - Daily temperature reduced (at peak temperature) and daily temperature increased (at lowest temperature) recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 53 Experiment 1 – Comparison of daily total temperature transfer amount recorded between four cells from the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 54 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily indoor surface temperature recorded between four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) with its daily peak temperature and lowest values. 56 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily peak and lowest temperature (indoor surface temperature) recorded between four cells for the six days reading (March 712, 2011) 59 Experiment 1 – Comparison of daily temperature reduced (at peak temperature) and daily temperature increased (at lowest temperature) recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 61 Experiment 1 - Comparison of daily total surface temperature transfer amount recorded between four cells for the six days reading (March 7-12, 2011) 62 Various soil depth affect the temperature transfer rate into the cell 64 4.10 Soil layer energy balance model (Liu, Ziyang, 2011) 64 4.11 Surface temperature model changed by soil moisture content 67 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily indoor air temperature recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 68 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak and daily lowest indoor air temperature recorded between four cells for six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 70 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.12 4.13 xvii 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily temperature reduced (at peak temperature) and daily temperature increased (at lowest temperature) recorded in Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 72 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell C for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 74 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor air temperature recorded in Cell B and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 76 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 78 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor air temperature recorded in Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 80 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor air temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 82 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor air temperature recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 83 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 85 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily indoor surface temperature recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 87 xviii 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily peak and lowest indoor surface temperature recorded between four cells for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 88 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily temperature reduced (at peak temperature) and daily temperature increased (at lowest temperature) of indoor surface temperature recorded in Cell B and Cell C in reference to Cell A for the six days reading (June 1722, 2011) 90 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell C for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 91 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (during peak temperature) and daily increased (during lowest temperature) indoor surface temperature recorded in Cell B and Cell D in comparison to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 93 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell B and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 95 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor surface temperature recorded in Cell C and Cell D in comparison to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 97 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell A, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 98 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily reduced (at peak temperature) and daily increased (at lowest temperature) indoor surface temperature recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D in comparison to Cell A for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011) 99 Experiment 2 - Comparison of daily total indoor surface temperature transfer amount recorded in Cell B, Cell C and Cell D for the six days reading (June 17-22, 2011). 100 xix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLS ASHRAE - American Society of Temperatureing, Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers dB - decibel CO2 - Carbon Dioxide DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center EPA - Environmental Protection Agency HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning IAQ - Indoor Air Quality IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer NOx - Nitrogen Oxide ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide UAP - Urban Air Pollution UNEP - United Nations Environment Program UTM - University Technology of Malaysia UHI - Urban Temperature Island VOC - Volatile Organic Compound WHO - World Health Organization % - Percentage °C - Degree of Celsius °F - Degree of Fahrenheit UTS - University of Technology Sydney UV - Ultra Violet LAI - Leaf Area Index Ti - Indoor air temperature xx Ts - Indoor surface temperature TiA - Indoor air temperature in Cell A TiB - Indoor air temperature in Cell B TiC - Indoor air temperature in Cell C TiD - Indoor air temperature in Cell D TsA - Indoor surface temperature in Cell A TsB - Indoor surface temperature in Cell B TsC - Indoor surface temperature in Cell C TsD - Indoor surface temperature in Cell D Ta - Ambient temperature xxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Experiment 1 – Data and results for indoor air PAGE 119 temperature B Experiment 1 – Data and results for indoor surface 131 temperature C Experiment 2 – Data and results for indoor air 143 temperature D Experiment 2 – Data and results for indoor surface temperature 155