A FULL ORDER SLIDING MODE TRACKING CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR AN ELECTROHYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM RAFIDAH BTE NGADENGON @ NGADUNGON UNVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: A FULL ORDER SLIDING MODE TRACKING CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR AN ELECTROHYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM SESI PENGAJIAN: Saya 2004/2005 RAFIDAH BTE NGADENGON @ NGADUNGON (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sabagai pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan (9 ) 9 SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam (AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat tetap: Nama Penyelia: KG. PT. KADIR,_______ 83210 SENGGARANG,__ BATU PAHAT, JOHOR._ Tarikh: 4 APRIL 2005____ CATATAN: (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) P.M. DR. MOHAMAD NOH B. AHMAD Tarikh: 4 APRIL 2005___ * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby, declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of degree of Master of Engineering (Electrical-Mechatronics and Automatic Control) Signature : ______________________ Name of Supervisor : ASSOC. PROF DR. MOHAMAD NOH AHMAD Date : 4 APRIL 2005 A FULL ORDER SLIDING MODE TRACKING CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR AN ELECTROHYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM RAFIDAH BTE NGADENGON @ NGADUNGON A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a award of the degree of Master of Engineering ( Electrical-Mechatronics and Automatic Control) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2005 ii I declare that this thesis “A Full Order Sliding Mode Tracking Controller design for an Electrohydraulic Control System” is the result of my own research except for works that have been cited in the reference. The thesis has not been accepted any degree and not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ______________________ Name of Author : RAFIDAH BTE NGADENGON@ NGADUNGON Date : 4 APRIL 2005 iii To my dearest father, mother and family for their encouragement and blessing To my beloved fiance for his support and caring … … … iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I am greatly indebted to ALLAH SWT on His blessing to make this project successful. I would like to express my gratitude to honourable Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Noh Ahmad, my supervisor of Master’s project. During the research, he helped me a lot especially in guiding me, tried to give me encouragement and assistance which finally leads me to the completion of this project. I would like also to dedicate my appreciation to my parents, my family, my fiance and my friends who helped me directly or indirectly help me in this project. v ABSTRACT Electrohydraulic control system are widely use in industry due to continuous operation, higher speed of response with fast motion etc. However, there is a drawback that it is difficult to control because of the highly nonlinear and parameters uncertainties. In this project, a Full Order Sliding Mode Controller is design to control the system. First, the mathematical model of the electrohydraulic servo control system is developed. Then the mathematic model will be transformed into state space representation for the purposed of designing the controller. The system will be treated as an uncertain system with bounded uncertainties where the bounded are assumed known. The proposed controller will be designed based on deterministic approach, such that the overall system is practically stable and tracks the desired trajectory in spite the uncertainties and nonlinearities present in the system. The performance and reliability of the proposal controller will be determined by performing extensive simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Lastly, the performance of the controller is to be compared with Independent Joint Linear Control and advanced deterministic controller. vi ABSTRAK Sistem elektrohidraulik banyak digunakan secara meluas di industri kerana operasi yang berterusan, tindakbalas halaju yang lebih tinggi dengan gerakan yang pantas. Bagaimanapun kekurangan utama sistem ini ialah sukar untuk dikawal kerana kadar ketaklelurusan yang tinggi dan wujudnya ketidak pastian parameter. Dalam projek ini, sebuah pengawal ragam gelincir tertib penuh telah direkabentuk untuk mengawal sistem. Tahap pertama melibatkan pembangunan model matematik bersepadu yang mewakili sistem elektrohidraulik. Kemudian, model matematik tersebut ditukar kepada perwakilan dalam bentuk keadaan ruang bagi tujuan rekabentuk pengawal sepertimana telah dicadangkan. Sistem akan diperlakukan sebagai sistem tidak pasti dengan ketidak pastian sempadan dimana had maksimum sesetengah parameter dianggap diketahui. Pengawal yang dicadangkan akan direkabentuk berdasarkan pada kaedah deterministic, dimana keseluruhan sistem secara praktikalnya di anggap stabil dan mengikut kehendak trajektori. Walaupun wujudnya ketidak pastian dan ketaklelurusan dalam sistem. Perlakuan atau simulasi dan kebolehharapan cadangan kawalan akan ditentukan dengan bantuan perisian MATLAB/SIMULINK. Akhir sekali, keupayaan diantara pengawal ragam gelincir tertib penuh akan dibandingkan dengan kawalan lelurus bebas lipatan dan deterministic kawalan termaju. vii CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF SYMBOLS x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Objective 8 1.3 Scope of Project 9 1.4 Research Methodology 9 1.5 Literature Review 10 1.6 Thesis Layout 11 CHAPTER 2 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Mathematical Modelling 14 2.3 System in State Space 16 viii CHAPTER 3 CONTROLLER DESIGN 3.1 Introduction to Variable Structure Control (VSC) 22 22 with sliding mode control 3.2 Decomposition Into An Uncertain Systems 23 3.3 Problem Formulation 25 3.4 System Dynamics During Sliding Mode 27 3.5 Tracking Controller Design 28 CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1 Introduction 32 32 4.2 Simulation Using Integrated Sliding Mode Controller 33 4.2.1 The Selection of Controller Parameters 33 4.2.2 Simulation of Full Order SMC 35 4.4.3 The Effect of the Value of Controller 36 Parameter, α 4.3 Simulation Using Independent Joint Linear 43 Control (IJC) 4.4 Simulation Using Advanced Control CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION 47 51 5.1 Conclusion 51 5.1 Suggestion For Future Work 52 REFERENCES 53 APPENDIX A : Matlab Program Listing 56 APPENDIX B : Simulink 60 ix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NUMBER 1.1 TITLE Physical model of nonlinear electrohydraulic servo PAGE 3 control system 4.1 Angular Displacement vs Time with satisfied control 38 parameter 4.2 Angular Velocity vs Time with satisfied control 39 parameter 4.3 Angular Acceleration vs Time with satisfied control 39 parameter 4.4 Control Input with satisfied control parameter 40 4.5 Sliding surface with satisfied control parameter 40 4.6 Angular Displacement vs Time with unsatisfied control 41 parameter 4.7 Angular Velocity vs Time with unsatisfied control 41 parameter 4.8 Angular Acceleration vs Time with unsatisfied control 42 parameter 4.9 Angular Displacement vs Time with IJC 45 4.10 Angular Velocity vs Time with IJC 45 4.11 Angular Acceleration vs Time with IJC 46 4.12 Angular Displacement vs Time with Advanced Control 49 4.13 Angular Velocity vs Time with Advanced Control 50 4.14 Angular Acceleration vs Time with Advanced Control 50 x LIST OF SYMBOLS SYMBOL 1. DESCRIPTION UPPERCASE A(*,*) N x N system matrix for the intagrated electrohydraulic control system B(*,*) N x 1 input matrix for the intagrated direct drive robot arm Δ B(*,*) Bm matrix representing the uncertainties in the input matrix βe effective bulk modulus of the system C C1 1 x N constant matrix of the sliding surface Cd the coefficient Dm volumetric displacement E(*) a continuous function related to Δ B(*,*) G(*) a continuous function related to Δ W(*,*) Gnθ m3 nonlinear stiffness of the spring various damping coefficient of the load total leakage coefficient of the motor Jt total inertial of the motor and load Kc flow pressure coefficient Kq PL flow gain which varies at different operating points load pressure Ps supply pressure QL load flow Td disturbance of the system Vt total compressed volume U(*) N x 1 control input vector for a N DOF robot arm X(*) 2N x 1 state vector for the intagrated direct drive robot arm Xv displacement of the spool in the servo valve Z(*) 2N x 1 error state vector between the actual and the desired states of the overall system xi (*)T T ||(*) || 2. transpose of (*) Euclidean norm of (*) LOWERCASE w area gradient t time (s) 3. GREEK SYMBOLS γ norm bound of continuous function H(*) β ρ norm bound of continuous function E(*) θ joint displacement (rad) θ& joint velocity (rad/s) θ&& joint acceleration (rad/s2) θd desired joint angle (rad) θ&d desired joint velocity (rad/s) θ&&d desired joint acceleration (rad/s2) σ Integral sliding manifold τ time interval for arm to travel from a given initial position to a final fluid mass density desired position (seconds) xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IJC Independent Joint Control LHP Left Half Plane PI Proportional-Integral PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative SMC Sliding Mode Control VSC Variable Structure Control 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Hydraulic servo system are widely used in industry due to their capabilities of providing large driving force or torques, higher speed of response with fast motion and possible speed reversals and continuous operation. Many industrial applications of electrohydraulic servo systems are in a load condition application such as suspension of electrohydraulic servo system, fly by wire system of aircraft, sheep steering gear system and numerical machine tools. Electrohydraulic servo system combine together the versatile and precision available from electrical technique of measurement and signal processing with the superior performance which high pressure hydraulic mechanism can provide when moving heavy loads and applying large forces. Servos of this type are commonly used to operate the control surface of aircraft with actuators which are very compact because they operate at high pressure. 2 The control of hydraulic system is difficult because of the nonlinear dynamics, load sensitivity and parameter uncertainties due to fluid compressibility, the flow pressure relationship and internal leakage. In addressing this problem, many advanced control approaches have been proposed. The other methods employed variable structure control is sliding mode control. Sliding Mode Control has been known as an efficient and robust approach to control the nonlinear system with uncertainties. Hydraulic system can always be made to responds quickly than electrical devices of the same power rating. The electrical signal processing take place almost instantaneously and occurs at a very low power level. There is thus rapid response even with large distance between the source of the control signal and the actual mechanism. And its including servo valve itself. The hydraulic system also good in moving a large mass and its responds must inevitably be relatively slow. Electrohydraulic system uses low power electrical signals for precisely controlling the movements of large power pistons and motors. The interface between the electrical equipment and the hydraulic (power) equipment is called ‘hydraulic servo valve’. These valves that use in the system must responded quickly and accurately. One of the examples is in aircraft controls. Many mechanism which use other methods of control particularly if they are already employed hydraulic could benefit from incorporating electrohydraulic technique. The physical model of a nonlinear electrohydraulic servo motor shown in Figure 1.1.The inertial-damping with a nonlinear torsional spring system is driven by an hydraulic motor and the rotation motion of the motor is controlled by a servo valve. Higher control input voltage can produce larger valve flow from the servo valve and fast rotation motion of the motor. 3 Td G Motor Jt θm Servo valve Figure 1.1 : Physical model of nonlinear electrohydraulic servo control system There are many unique feature of hydraulic control compared to other types of control. Some of the advantages are the following [Herbett E. Merrit, 1967]: 1. Heat generated by internal loses is a basic limitation of any machine. Lubricants deteriorate, machine parts seize, and insulation breaks down as temperature increase. Hydraulic components are superior to others in this respect since the fluid carries away the heat generated to a convenient heat exchanger. This features permits smaller and light components. 2. The hydraulic fluid also acts as a lubricants and makes possible long components life. 3. There is no phenomena in hydraulic components comparable to the saturation and loses in magnetic materials of electrical machine. The torque developed by an electrical is proportional to currents and is limited by magnetic saturation. The torque developed by hydraulic actuators (examples motor and piston) is proportional to pressure difference and is limited only by safe stress levels. 4 Therefore hydraulic actuators developed relatively large torques for comparatively small devices. 4. Electrical motors are basically a simple lag device from applied voltage to speed. Hydraulic actuators are basically a quadratic resonance from flow to speed with a high natural frequency. Therefore hydraulic actuators have a higher speed of response with fast start, stop and speed reversal possible. Torque to inertia ratios are large with resulting high acceleration capability. On the whole, higher loop gains and bandwidths are possible with hydraulic actuators in servo loops. 5. Hydraulic actuators may be operated under continuous, intermittent, reversing and stalled condition without damage. With relief valve protection, hydraulic actuators may be used for dynamics breaking. Larger speed range are possible with hydraulic actuators. Both linear and rotary actuators are available and add to the flexibility of hydraulic power elements. 6. Hydraulic actuators have higher stiffness, that is inverse of slope of speed-torque curves, compared to other drive deices since leakage are low. There is a little drop in speed as loads are applied. In closed loop system, this results in greater positional stiffness and less position error. 7. Open and closed loop control of hydraulic actuators is relatively simple using valve and pumps. 8. The transmission of power is moderately easy with hydraulic line. Energy storage is relatively simple with accumulators. 5 Although hydraulic offers many distinct advantages, several advantages tend to limit their use. Major disadvantages are the following [Herbett E. Merrit, 1967]: 1. Hydraulic power is not so readily available as that if electrical power. This is not a serious threat to mobile and airborne application but most certainly affect stationary application. 2. Small allowable tolerance results in high cost of hydraulic components. 3. The hydraulic fluid imposes an upper temperature limit. Fire and explosion hazard exists if a hydraulic system is used near a source of ignition. However, these situation have improved with the available of high temperature and fire resistant fluids. Hydraulic systems are messy because it is difficult to maintain a system free from leaks and there is always a possibility of complete loss of fluid if a break in the system occurs. 4. It is impossible to maintain the fluid free of dirt and contamination. Contaminated oil can clog valve and actuators and, if the contaminant is abrasive, cause a permanent loss in performance and failure. Contaminated oil is the chief source of hydraulic control failure. Clean oil and reliability are synonymous terms in hydraulic control. 5. Basic design procedure are lacking and difficult to obtain because of the complexity of hydraulic control analysis. For example, the current flow through a resistors is described by a simple law – Ohm’s law. In contrast, no single law exists which describe the hydraulic resistance of passages to flow. For this seemingly simple problem there are almost endless details of Reynolds number, laminar or turbulent flow, passage geometry, friction factors and discharge coefficients to cope with. This factor limits the degree of sophistication of hydraulic control devices. 6 6. Hydraulics are not so flexible, linear, accurate and inexpensive as electronics and electromechanical computation, error detection, amplification, instrumentation and compensation. Therefore, hydraulic devices are generally not desirable in the low power portions of control systems. The outstanding characteristic of hydraulic power elements have combined with their comparative inflexibility at low power levels to make hydraulic control attractive primarily in power portions of circuit and systems. The low power portions of systems are usually accomplished by mechanical and electromechanical means. All control system can be reduced to a few basic groups of elements, the elements of each group performing a specific function in the system. The division into group of elements can be carried out in a number of different ways, but selecting the following four groups forms a convenient structure for the deviation of hydraulic and electro-hydraulic system. i) The power source. ii) The control elements. iii) The actuators. iv) The data transmission elements. The power source consists invariable of a pump or combination of pumps and ancillary equipments, examples accumulators, relief valves, producing hydraulic energy which is processed by the control elements to achieve the required operation of the actuators. In system which have the supply pressure maintained at a constant level, the hydraulic power source can be either a fixed or variable displacement pump. The control elements control the output variable by manipulating the hydraulic variables, pressure and flow. The input variable to the control elements are usually in 7 the form of mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical signal. The input variable is mostly a low power electrical or digital signal. The actuator convert the hydraulic energy generated by the power source and processed by the control elements into useful mechanical work. The actuator have either a linear or rotary output, can be classified into cylinders or jacks, rotary actuators and motors. The actuator producing linear output is referred as a cylinder or jack.Cylinder can be either single acting or double acting. Single acting cylinders are power driven in one direction only, while double acting cylinders are power driven in both direction. Cylinder can be constructed as an single ended or double ended. Double ended symmetric cylinder are frequently used for high performance servo system, but have greater overall length and more expensive than single-ended actuators. Single ended cylinder widely used for industrial and aerospace control system cause of smaller size and lower cost. Hydraulic motors are essentially hydraulic pumps in which the sense of energy conversion has been reversed. While a pump converts mechanical energy supplied to its drive shaft by a primary mover into hydraulic energy.The motor reconverts the hydraulic energy provided by the pump into mechanical energy at its output shaft. The control elements act on information received from the data transmission elements. In a simple hydraulic control system the data transmission elements are mechanical linkage or gears. But in complex systems data transmission can take at many form for examples electrical, electronic, pneumatic and optical or combination of these types of data transmission. The function of the data transmission elements is to sense he controlled output quantity and to convert it to a signal which can be used to either monitor the output or to act as a feedback devices in a closed loop control 8 system. The control output variable in a hydraulic operated force motion can be force, velocity, position acceleration, pressure and flow. 1.2 Objective The objectives of this research are as follows: 1. To transform the integrated nonlinear dynamic model of the Electrohydraulic control system into a set of nonlinear uncertain model comprising the nominal values and the bounded uncertainties. These structured uncertainties exist due to the limit of the angular positions, speeds and accelerations. 2. To design a controller using the Full Order Sliding Mode Controll approach and prove the stability of the system using Lyapunov approach. 3. To simulate the Electrohdraulic control system controlled by the Full Order Sliding Mode Controller and to compare its performance with other conventional controllers. 1.3 Scope of Project The scopes of work for this project are The electrohydraulic system considered is as described in [Rong-Fong Fung, 1997]. 9 Design a controller using Full Order Sliding Mode Controller and prove that the system is stable using Lyapunov approach. A simulation study using MATLAB/Simulink as platform to prove the effectiveness of this controller. The performance of the Full Order Sliding Mode Controller is to be compared with Independent Joint Linear Control (IJC) and advanced controller in [Yeoh Aik Seng, 1998]. 1.4 Research Methodology The research work is undertaken in the following five developmental stages: a) Decomposition of the complete model into an uncertain model. b) Determination of the system dynamics during Sliding Mode. c) Design a controller using Full Order Sliding Mode Control approach. d) Prove the stability of the Full Order SMC controlled electrohydraulic system using Lyapunov stability approach. e) Perform simulation of this controller in controlling electroydraulic control system. This simulation work will be carried out on MATLAB platform with Simulink as it user interface. f) Compare of the performance of Integral Sliding Mode Controller with other controllers. 10 1.5 Literature Review Electrohydraulic servomechanism is highly nonlinear with inherit parameter uncertainties. Various type of Sliding Mode Control based on Variable Structure Control has been proposed by researchers to control such a system. Some of the existing results will be briefly outlined in this section. In [ Rong-Fong Fung, 1997] a new technique of the variable structure control is applied to an electrohydraulic servo control system which is described by thirdorder nonlinear equation with time-varying coefficient. A two-phase variable structure controller is designed to get the precise position control of an electrohydraulic servo system. A reaching law method is implements to the control procedure, which make fast response in the transient phase and good stability in the steady state of a nonlinear hydraulic servo system. Sliding mode control with time-varying switching gain and a time-varying boundary level has been introduced in [L-C.Huang, 1996] to modify the traditional sliding mode control with fixed switching gain and constant width bounded layer to enhance the control performance of electrohydraulic position and different pressure. Under certain condition, for a time-varying switching gain and boundary layer, the combination of weighted position error and differential pressure can be asymptotically tracked even when the system is subject to parameters uncertainties. One of the important feature is to use only one input to simultaneously controls the angular position and torque the electrohydraulic servo system in a different load condition.By using this technique, the high frequency and large amplitude of control input are attenuated. 11 An approach using variable structure control (VSC) with integral compensation for an electrohydraulic position servo is presented in [Tzuen-Lih Chern,1992]. The design involves the choice of the control function to guarantee the existence of a sliding mode.The procedure include the determination of the switching function and the control gain such that the system has an optimal motion with respect to a quadratic performance index and the elimination of chattering of the control input. [Miroslav Mihajlov, 2002] introduced a new technique of the sliding mode control which is enhanced by fuzzy Proportional-Integral (PI) controller. The position control problem in the presence of unmodelled dynamics, parametric uncertainties and external disturbances was investigated. Fuzzy controller is added in the feedforward branch of the closed loop in parallel with the Sliding Mode Controller with boundary layer to improved the performance of the system. 1.6 Thesis Layout This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter 2 deals with the mathematical modelling of the Electrohydraulic control system. The formulation of the integrated dynamic model of this electroydraulic is presented. The nonlinear differential equation of the dynamics model of the system are derived then transform into state space representations. Chapter 3 presents the controller design using Full Order sliding mode control. The Electrohydraulic control system is treated as an uncertain system. The model comprising the nominal and bounded uncertain parts is computed, based on the allowable range of the position, velocity and acceleration of the electrohydraulic servo 12 control system. It is shown mathematically that Full Order SMC is practically stable using Lyapunov stability approach. Chapter 4 shows some of the simulation results. The performance of the Full Order sliding mode controller is evaluated by simulation study using Matlab/Simulink. Chapter 5 conclude the work undertaken, suggestions for future are also presented in this chapter. 13 CHAPTER 2 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 2.1 Introduction An important initial step in designing the controller for electrohydraulic servo control system is to obtain a complete and accurate mathematical model. This model mathematical is useful for computer simulation of the electrohydraulic servo system and synthesis processes before applied into real application. Basically, this chapter deals with the formulation of a mathematical model of the electrohydraulic servo control system in state space form for the purpose of deriving a control algorithm for controlling the system. 14 2.2 Mathematical Modeling Consider the electrohydraulic servo system as depicted in Figure 1.1. The servo valve flow can be described by the [Rong-Fong Fung, 1997]: QL = K q X v − K c PL (2.1) where QL is the load flow, X v is the displacement of the spool in the servo valve, K c is the flow pressure coefficient, PL is the load pressure K q is the flow gain The flow gain Kq, which varies at different operating point is basically nonlinear and can be expressed as: K q = C d w ([ Ps − PL sgn( X v )] / ρ ) where Cd is the coefficient , w is the area gradient ρ is the fluid mass density Ps is the supply pressure. (2.2) 15 The continuity equation to the cylinder can be formulated as: ⋅ QL = Dm θ m + C1 PL + Vt ⋅ PL 4β e (2.3) where Dm is the volumetric displacement ⋅ θ m is the angular velocity of the motor shaft C1 is the total leakage coefficient of the motor Vt is the total compressed volume βe is the effective bulk modulus of the system. Substituting equation (2.1) into (2.3) gives: ⋅ K q X v = Dm θ m + K1 PL + Vt ⋅ PL 4β e (2.4) where K l = K c + C1 is the total leakage coefficient of the hydraulic system. The torque balance equation for the motor is described as: ⋅ ⋅⋅ PL D m = J t θ m + B m θ m + G (θ m + G m θ m3 ) + T d Jt is the total inertial of the motor and load Bm is the various damping coefficient of the load. Td G nθ is the disturbance of the system 3 m is the nonlinear stiffness of the spring (2.5) 16 From equation (2.4), the supply pressure can be written mathematically as: PL = 2.3 ⋅ 1 ⎛ V ⋅ ⎞ ⎜⎜ K q X v − Dm θ m − t PL ⎟⎟ 4βe ⎠ K1 ⎝ (2.6) System in State Space Differentiate both side of equation (2.5) with respect to time gives: • ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ P L Dm = J t θ + Bm θ m + G (θ m + G mθ m3 ) + T d or • PL = ... ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1 [ J t θ + Bm θ m + G (θ m + G mθ m3 ) + T d ] Dm (2.7) Substitute equation (2.6) into equation (2.5) ⋅ ⋅ ⎛K X ⎞ ⎜ q v − Dm θ m − Vt PL ⎟ D = J θ⋅⋅ + B θ⋅ + G (θ + G θ 3 ) + T m t m m m m m m d ⎜⎜ K Kl 4β e K l ⎟⎟ l ⎝ ⎠ or Dm K q X v Kl ⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅ D2 θ D V ⋅ − m m − m t PL = J t θ m + Bm θ m + G (θ m + Gmθ m3 ) + Td Kl 4β e K l (2.8) Substitute equation (2.7) into equation (2.8) ⋅ Dm K q X v Kl D2 ⋅ J V ⋅⋅⋅ B V ⋅⋅ GVt ⋅ 3GGnVt 2 θ m θm− θm − m θm − t t θm − m t θ m − Kl 4β e K l 4β e K l 4β e K l 4β e K l ⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅ Vt − Td = J t θ m + Bm θ m + G (θ m + Gmθ m3 ) + Td 4β e K l (2.9) 17 Rearranging equation (2.9) and solving for acceleration of the motor shaft gives: ⋅⋅⋅ θm =− + 4β e K l Gθ m ⎛ 4β e Dm2 + 4β e K l Bm + GVt − ⎜⎜ J tVt J tVt ⎝ 4 β e Dm K q X v J tVt − ⎞⋅ ⎛ 4 β K J + BmVt ⎟⎟ θ m − ⎜⎜ e l t J tVt ⎝ ⎠ ⋅ ⎞ ⋅⋅ ⎟⎟ θ m ⎠ ⋅ 4β e K l GGnθ 3GGnVtθ θ m 4β e K l Td Vt Td − − − J tVt J tVt J tVt J tVt 3 m 2 m (2.10) Define the state variable as: X 1 = θ m = angular displacement of motor shaft ⋅ (2.11) ⋅ X 2 = θ m = X 1 = angular velocity of motor shaft .. (2.12) ⋅ X 3 = θ m = X 2 = angular velocity of motor shaft (2.13) X v = K vu (t ) = displacement of the spool in the servo valve (2.14) The state equation can be found by rewriting equation (2.10) in terms of state variable as follows: ⎛ 4 β e Dm2 + 4β e K l Bm + GVt 4β e K l G X3 =− X 1 − ⎜⎜ J tVt J tVt ⎝ ⋅ ⎞ ⎛ 4 β K J + BmVt ⎟⎟ X 2 − ⎜⎜ e l t J tVt ⎝ ⎠ 4 β e Dm K q K v 4β K GGn 3 3GGnVt 2 4β K + X1 − X 1 X 2 − e l Td − u (t ) − e l J tVt J tVt J tVt J tVt ⎞ ⎟⎟ X 3 ⎠ Vt ⋅ Td J tVt (2.15) Equation (2.15) can be rewritten as • X 3 (t ) = −∑ ai X i + bu (t ) − N ( X , t ) − d (t ) (2.16) 18 where 4β K G a1 (t ) = e l J tVt (2.17) a2 (t ) = 4 β e Dm2 + 4β e K l Bm + GVt J tVt (2.18) a3 (t ) = 4β e K l J t + BmVt J tVt (2.19) b( X , t ) = N ( X , t) = d (t ) = 4 β e Dm K q K v J tVt 4 β e K l GGn 3 3GGnVt 2 X 1 (t ) + X 1 (t ) X 2 (t ) J t Vt J t Vt 4β e K l V ⋅ Td (t ) + t Td (t ) J t Vt J tVt (2.20) (2.21) (2.22) According to the [Q.P Ha et al, 1998], the last term in the RHS of equation (2.16) is the disturbance of the system: d (t ) = 4β e K l V ⋅ Td (t ) + t Td (t ) J tVt J t Vt (2.23) where Td = 56.526 X 1 (t ) ⋅ ⋅ Td = 56.526 X 1 (t ) = 56.526 X 2 (t ) (2.24) 19 So equation above can be rewrite as d (t ) = = 4 β e K l 56.526 X 1 (t ) + Vt 56.526 X 2 (t ) J tVt 226.124 β e K l X 1 (t ) + 56.526Vt X 2 (t ) J tVt (2.25) Define W (t ) = − N ( X , t ) − d (t ) ⎛ 4 β e K l GGn X 13 (t ) + 3GGnVX 12 X 2 (t ) + 226.124 β e K l X 1 (t ) + 56.526Vt X 2 (t ) ⎞ ⎟ = −⎜⎜ ⎟ J tVt ⎝ ⎠ (2.26) Using equation (2.12), (2.13), (2.16) and (2.26), the dynamics equation for the electrohydraulic servo can be written in state space form as: ⋅ X (t ) = AX (t ) + BU (t ) + W (t ) (2.27) where ⎡ X 1 (t ) ⎤ X (t ) = ⎢⎢ X 2 (t )⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ X 3 (t ) ⎥⎦ ⎡ ⋅ ⎤ ⎢ X 1⋅(t ) ⎥ ⋅ X = ⎢ X 2 (t )⎥ ⎢ ⋅ ⎥ ⎢ X 3 (t ) ⎥ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ (2.28) (2.29) 20 1 ⎡ 0 ⎢ A=⎢ 0 0 ⎢⎣− a31 − a32 0 ⎤ 1 ⎥⎥ − a33 ⎥⎦ ⎡0⎤ B = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣b31 ⎥⎦ ⎡ 0 ⎤ W (t ) = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ w31 ⎥⎦ (2.30) (2.31) (2.32) The last row elements of matrices A,B and W are as follows: a31 (t ) = 4β e K l G J tVt (2.33) a32 (t ) = 4β e Dm2 + 4β e K l Bm + GVt J tVt (2.34) a 33 ( t ) = b31 = 4 β e K l J t + B mV t J tV t 4 β e Dm K q K v J tVt (2.35) (2.36) 21 ⎛ 4 β K GG n X 13 (t ) + 3GG nVX 12 (t ) X 2 (t ) + 226.124 β e K l X 1 (t ) + 56.526Vt X 2 (t ) ⎞ ⎟ w31 = −⎜⎜ e l ⎟ J tVt ⎝ ⎠ (2.37) 22 CHAPTER 3 CONTROLLER DESIGN 3.1 Introduction to Variable Structure Control with Sliding Mode Control The conventional controller such as Proportional Integral and Derivative(PID) and Linear Quadratic Regulator(LQR) may not able to control the system very well because these type of controllers ignore the nonlinear term and uncertainties that exist in the system. A controller based on sliding mode will be proposed to control the electrohydraulic tracking servo system because SMC is has been known as an efficient approach to control the nonlinear system with parameters uncertainties. Sliding mode plays a dominant role in variable structure system (VSS). The core idea of designing VSS control algorithms consists of enforcing sliding mode in some manifold of system space. Traditionally, these manifold are constructed as the intersection of hypersurfaces in the state space. This intersection domain is normally called a switching manifold. Once the system reaches the switching plane, the structure of feedback loop is adaptively altered to slide the system state along the switching plane. The system response depends thereafter on the gradient of the switching plane and remains insensitive to variations of system parameters and 23 external an disturbances under so-called matching condition. The order of the motion equation in sliding mode is equal to (n-m). Where n being dimension of the state space and m the dimension of the control input. However, during the reaching phase, before sliding mode occurs, the system possesses no such insensitivity property. Therefore, insensitivity cannot be ensure throughout an entire response. The robustness during the reaching phase is normally improved by high-gain feedback control. Stability problem inevitably limit the application of such high-gain feedback control schemes. The concept of Full Order sliding mode concentrates on robustness during the entire response. The order of the motion equation is equal to the dimension of the plant model. Therefore, the variance of the system to parametric uncertainty and external disturbances is guaranteed starting from the initial time instant. 3.2 Decomposition Into An Uncertain Systems Consider the uncertainties of the system described by the equation: • X (t ) = AX (t ) + B( X , t )U (t ) + W ( X , t ) = AX (t ) + [ B + ΔB( X , t ]U (t ) + [W + ΔW ( X , t )] where A,B and W - nominal constant matrices ΔB( X , t ) and ΔW ( X , t ) - matrices uncertainties U(t) - control input B(X,t) - the control gain W(X,t) - nonlinear term and system disturbance (3.1) 24 The nominal value of elements A and B can be computed respectively, as B31 = W31 = B31 MAX ( X , t ) + B31 MIN ( X , t ) 2 W31 MAX ( X , t ) + W31 MIN ( X , t ) 2 (3.2) (3.3) With the uncertainties ΔB and ΔW computed as ΔB( X , t ) = B − BMIN ( X , t ) (3.4) ΔW ( X , t ) = W − WMIN ( X , t ) (3.5) The nominal matrices A and B as well as the bounds on nonzero element of the matrices can be computed from the maximum and minimum value obtained from equation (3.2), (3.3),(3.4) and (3.5). Substituting the nominal values gives the system and input nominal matrices. 1 0 ⎡ 0 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ A=⎢ 0 0 1 ⎥ ⎢⎣− 0.3998 − 2999.4 − 169.9804⎥⎦ (3.6) ⎡ 0 ⎤ B = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣0.8844⎥⎦ (3.7) ⎡ 0 ⎤ W = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣− 85422⎥⎦ (3.8) 25 The uncertainties for system and input matrices can be obtained by substituting uncertainty value ⎡ 0 ⎤ ΔB = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣0.2049⎥⎦ (3.9) 0 ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ΔW = ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢⎣− 148230⎥⎦ (3.10) 3.3 Problem Formulation Define the state vector as X (t) = [ X1 (t) X 2 (t) X 3 (t)]T . .. = [θ m (t) θ m (t) θ m (t)]T (3.11) and the desired state trajectory X d (t) = [ X d1 (t) X d 2 (t) X d 3 (t)]T (3.12) Define the tracking error as Z (t ) = X (t ) − X d (t ) (3.13) 26 In this research the following assumptions are made: i- The state vector X(t) can be fully observed. ii- There exists continuous function E and G such that ΔB(t ) = BE ( X , t ) ; E (t ) ≤ β ΔW (t ) = BG ( X , t ) ; G (t ) ≤ γ (3.14) iii-There exist a Lebesgue function Ω(t ) ∈ R m×n • X d (t ) = AX d (t ) + BΩ(t ) (3.15) iv- The pair (A,B) is controllable. The continuous function H(X,t) and E(X,t) exist if and only if the following rank condition is satisfied. rank[B]=rank[B,∆B(X,t)] rank[B]=rank[B,∆W(X,t)] (3.16) The error dynamics can be obtained from equations (3.12),(3.13),(3.14) and (3.15) • • • Z (t ) = X (t ) − X d (t ) = AX (t ) + [ B + ΔB( X , t )U (t ) + [W + Δ( X , t )] − ( AX d + BΩ(t ) = AZ (t ) + [ B + BE ( X , t )]U (t ) − BΩ(t ) + [W + BG ( X , t )] (3.17) Define the Sliding surface as [Ahmad, 2003]. σ (t ) = CZ (t ) − ∫0t [CA + CBK ]Z ( τ)dτ (3.18) The structure of matrix C is as follow : C = diag [ c1 c2 …… cn] (3.19) 27 The matrix C is also chosen such that CB ∈ R nxn The matrix K designed such that λ max ( A + BK ) < 0 (3.20) The matrix K can be computed using pole-placement technique. The condition imposed by equation above guarantees that all desired poles are located at the half plane to ensure the stability. 3.4 System Dynamics During Sliding Mode Differentiating equation (3.18) • • σ (t ) = C Z (t ) − [CA + CBK ]Z ( t ) (3.21) Substituting equation (3.17) into (3.21), gives • σ (t ) = C[ B + BE ( X , t )]U (t ) + CW − CBΩ(t ) + CBG ( X , t ) − CBKZ (t ) (3.22) The equivalent control Ueq(t), can be found by equating equation (3.22) to zero U eq (t ) = −(CB ) −1 [ I n + E ( X , t )]−1{(CW + CBG ( X , t ) (3.23) − CBΩ(t ) − CBKZ (t )} The system dynamics during sliding mode by substituting (3.23) into (3.17 ) • Z (t ) = AZ (t ) + [ B + BE ( X , t )U (t ) + W + BG ( X , t ) − BΩ(t ) (3.24) = [ A + BK ]Z (t ) Equation (3.24) shows that, the error dynamics of the system during sliding mode are independent of the system uncertainties and insensitive to the parameter 28 variation. In fact the response of the system can be pre-determined through proper selection of the gain K. 3.5 Tracking Controller Design Equation (3.18) is asymptotically stable in large, if the following hitting condition is held [Yan et al, 1997]: • σ T (t ) σ (t ) <0 σ (t ) (3.25) To proof it, let the positive definite function be V (t ) = σ (t ) (3.26) Differentiating equation (3.26) with respect to time t • σ T (t ) σ (t ) V (t ) = σ (t ) • (3.27) Based on Lyapunov Stability Theory, if equation (3.25) holds, then the manifold σ(t) is asymptotically stable in large. Theorem The hitting condition (3.25) of the manifold given by equation (3.18) is satisfy if the control U(t) of the system (3.17) is given by: U (t ) = −(CB ) −1 [α 1 Z (t ) + α 2 Ω(t ) + α 3 W + α 4 ] SGN (σ(t )) + Ω(t ) (3.28) 29 where: α 1 > ( CB ) /(1 + β) α 2 > ( β CB ) /(1 + β) (3.29) α 3 > ( C ) /(1 + β) α 4 > (γ CB ) /(1 + β) Proof : Substitute (3.28) into (3.22) gives: • σ(t ) = −(CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )]{(CB ) −1 [α 1 Z (t ) + α 2 Ω(t ) + α 3 W + α 4 ] SGN (σ(t ))} − CBKZ (t ) + CBE ( X , t )Ω(t ) + CW + CBG ( X , t ) (3.30) Substituting equation (3.30) into equation (3.27) gives: • V(t ) = (σ T (t ) / σ (t ) {−CBZ (t ) − CB[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 [α 1 Z (t ) SGN (σ (t )) + CBE ( X , t )Ω(t ) − CB[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 α 2 Ω(t ) SGN (σ (t )) + CW (t ) − CB[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 α 3 W SGN (σ (t )) (3.31) + CBG ( X , t ) − CB[ I n + E ( X , t )(CB ) −1 α 4 SGN (σ (t ))} Equation (3.31) can be broken down as: • • • • • V (t ) = V 1 (t ) + V 2 (t ) + V 3 (t ) + V 4 (t ) (3.32) where: • V 1 (t ) = (σ T (t ) / σ(t) ){−CBKZ (t ) (CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 α 1 Z (t ) SGN (σ(t ))} (3.33) 30 • V 2 (t ) = (σ T (t ) / σ(t) ){CBE ( X , t )Ω(t ) − (CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )] (3.34) (CB ) −1 α 2 Ω(t ) SGN (σ(t ))} • V 3 (t ) = (σ T (t ) / σ(t) ){CW − (CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 (3.35) α 3 W (t ) SGN (σ(t ))} • V 4 (t ) = (σ T (t ) / σ(t) ){CBG (t ) − (CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )] (3.36) (CB ) α 4 SGN (σ(t ))} −1 Note that: (σ T (t ) SGN (σ (t )) = 1 σ (t ) (3.38) Then the first parts for equation (3.33) can be simplified as − (σ T (t ) {CBKZ (t ) ≤ ( σ T (t ) / σ(t) ) CBK Z (t ) σ (t ) = − CBK Z (t ) (3.37) The second part of equation (3.33), can be written as follow: − σ T (t ) {(CB )[ I n + E ( X , t )](CB ) −1 α 1 Z (t ) SGN (σ(t ))} σ(t) ≤ − CB [ I n + E ( X , t ) ] (CB ) −1 α 1 Z (t ) = −(1 + β)α 1 Z (t ) (3.39) 31 Combining the first term and second term can be written as follow: • V 1 (t ) ≤ −[(1 + β)α1 + CBK ] Z (t ) (3.40) Similarly, equation (3.34),(3.35) and (3.36) can be simplified in the same manner. The results are summarized as follows: • V 2 (t ) ≤ −[(1 + β)α 2 − β CB ] Ω(t ) (3.41) • V 3 (t ) ≤ −[(1 + β)α 3 − C ] W (3.42) • V 4 (t ) ≤ −(1 + β)α 4 + γ CB (3.43) If the condition (3.29) hold, then the global hitting condition (3.24) is satisfied . Based on the Lyapunov Theory, the system dynamics is stable. 32 CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1 Introduction This chapter deals with the simulations carried out on the electrohydraulic servo control system. The performance of the system determined by the controller designed to control the system. The controller is a nonlinear controller which provides an effective and robust for controlling a nonlinear system with uncertainties and disturbances that exists in system. The nonlinear equations of (2.27) is used in the simulation to represent a real electrohydraulic servo control system without any approximation and simplification of the highly non-linear elements. The main purpose of these simulation is to study the performance of the proposed controller in controlling the system. This simulation work was carried out on MATLAB platform with Simulink as it user interface. 33 4.2 Simulation Using Full Order Sliding Mode Controller In this section, the simulation is carried out using the controller described by equation (3.21). 4.2.1 The Selection of Controller Parameters The selection of the values of the sliding surface constant C and the desired poles location will determine the shape of the plant output in response to the desired input trajectory. The constant c n , will determine the magnitude of the ith input, U i (t ) , while the constants c1 , c 2 ,L c ni −1 will determine the shape of the trajectories during the reaching phase [Ahmad, 2003]. The desired poles location can be placed anywhere on the left half plane (LHP) of the s-plane to guarantee stability during the sliding phase. However, if the locations of the desired closed-loop poles are placed too far on the LHP of the s-plane, high gain K will be produced and will somehow affects the shape of the Full Order sliding surface of equation (3.18). The values of the controller parameters α i's must be large enough to accommodate for the constraint as stated in equations (3.29) but not too large to avoid excessive magnitude of the control input U i (t ) . A specific tuning rule for the controller parameters is needed to overcome any constraints that may arise due to the physical limitations of the elements of the system. The task of choosing the right controller parameters to get the satisfactory tracking response can be time consuming and in some cases very exhaustive. It is important to note however that the conditions described above can be used to develop an algorithm, which, for each setting of the controller parameters, determines in a systematic way whether the output tracking performance is satisfactory while at the same time 34 guarantee the control input U i (t ) stays within the stipulated limit. The algorithm can be stated as follows [Ahmad, 2003]: Algorithm 4.1 : Step 1. Input data: Numerical values for C =diag[c1, c2 ... c ni ], λ max (A + BK) < 0, and α i > o. Step 2. Check if the sliding mode exists and whether the output tracking response is satisfactory. If the conditions do not hold then try other combinations. If the conditions hold, proceed to Step 3. Step 3. Check if all of the control inputs U (t ) = [U 1 (t ) U 2 (t ) .... U m (t )]T are within the admissible range. If the condition does not hold then increase the value of c n , and place the desired poles closer to the origin until sliding mode exist and the control input U(t) is within the admissible limit. If the condition holds, then proceed to Step 4. Step 4. Check if the output trajectories are satisfactory during the reaching phase. If the conditions do not hold then adjust the values of c1, c2 ... c ni until satisfactory shape of the output trajectories are achieved. If the conditions hold, then proceed to Step 5. Step 5. Check if the tracking errors of the output trajectories are satisfactory. If the conditions do not hold then increase the values of α i ,for i = 1,2,3 until satisfactory tracking errors are achieved. The values of α i should not be too large to guarantee that the control input U(t) is within the admissible limit. If the conditions hold, then go to Step 6. 35 Step 6. Finish. The algorithm presented above not only guarantees that the desired tracking response is achieved, but it also assures that the system control input U(t) is within the permissible range of operation. 4.4.2 Simulation of Full Order SMC The proposed control law described by equation (3.28) – (3.29) will be applied to control electrohydraulic servo control system. The bounds of E (t ) may be computed as follows using equation (3.16). E (t ) = [( B T B) −1 B T ]ΔB(t ) (4.1) where ( BT B) −1 BT is called the pseudo inverse. Hence, E = [0.2317] and β ≥ E (t ) (4.2) Therefore, β ≥ 0.2317 (4.3) Similarly, the bounds of G(t ) may be computed as follows using equation (3.16) G (t ) = [( B T B) −1 B T ]ΔW (t ) (4.4) G (t ) = [167610] and (4.5) Hence, γ ≥ G (t ) 36 Therefore, γ ≥ 167610 (4.6) Define the gain K as: K = [− 0.45 − 3391.4 − 180.9] (4.7) So that the closed-loop poles of the system are: λ = {−0.02, − 0.03, − 10} (4.8) Define the matrix C as: C (t ) = [− 0.08 0.02 1] (4.9) The controller parameter α may be computed using equation (3.29) as follows: α 1 > 0.718; α 2 > 0.1664; α 3 > 0.8146; α 4 > 120350 4.4.3 (4.10) The Effect of the Value of Controller Parameter, α In the following simulation, the effect of the controller parameter α is studied. For comparison purposes, two sets of the controller parameters α have been considered in the simulation. Set 1: ( Control Parameters Condition Are Satisfied ) α 1 = 1.4432 α 2 = 0.3361 α 3 = 1.7107 α 4 = 168000 (4.11) 37 Set 2: ( Control Parameters Condition Are Not Satisfied ) α 1 = 0.3447 α 2 = 0.0749 (4.12) α 3 = 0.4073 α 4 = 44890 The controller parameter in Set 1, are chosen to study the performance of the system when the controller parameters’ conditions of equations (3.29) are satisfied. On the other hand, in Set 2 the controller parameters is selected to represent a situation where the conditions imposed by equations (3.29) are not satisfied. A fourth order Runge-kutta numerical integration method has been used in the simulation to solve the nonlinear differential equation due to effectiveness in terms of accuracy and minimum computing time. The simulation results for Sets 1 are shown in Figure (4.1 - 4.3). Form the simulation results using the control parameter α as in Set 1, the actual output positions can track the desired trajectory if the controller parameter conditions are satisfied. The good tracking performance results for angular displacement as shown in the Figure 4.1, angular velocity as shown in Figure 4.2 and angular acceleration as shown in Figure 4.3. From the result obtained the electrohydraulic servo system able to track the desired trajectory if the conditions of sliding mode controller parameters are fulfilled. The simulation result for control input as shown in Figures (4.4) and sliding surface as shown in Figure (4.5), it is very clear that the range of the control input is very high and there are not exist any switching in the system, although in theoretically control input should switch very fast. 38 Figures (4.6 – 4.8) shows the tracking performance of angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration for the set 2. From the result obtained, controller fail to track the desired positions if the controller parameters conditions are unsatisfied. Displacement vs Time 0.5 0.45 Displacement (rad) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 Actual Desired 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.1 : Angular Displacement vs Time with satisfied control parameter 39 Velocity vs Time 1.5 1 Velocity (rad/sec) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Actual Desired -1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.2 : Angular Velocity vs Time with satisfied control parameter Accelaration vs Time 8 6 Accelaration (rad/sec 2) 4 2 0 -2 -4 Actual Desired -6 -8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.3 : Angular Acceleration vs Time with satisfied control parameter 40 Control Input vs Time 14000 12000 Control input Xv 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.4 : Control Input vs Time with satisfied control parameter Sliding Surface vs Time 0 -0.5 Sliding Surface -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.5 : Sliding Surface vs Time with satisfied control parameter 41 Displacement vs Time 0.5 0.45 Displacement (rad) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 Desired Actual 0.15 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.6 : Angular Displacement vs Time with unsatisfied control parameter Velocity vs Time 1.5 1 Velocity (rad/sec) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Desired Actual -1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.7 : Angular Velocity vs Time with unsatisfied control parameter 42 Accelaration vs Time 8 6 Accelaration (rad/sec 2) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 Desired Actual 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.8 : Angular Acceleration vs Time with unsatisfied control parameter 43 4.3 Simulation Using Independent Joint Linear Control (IJC) Normally, Independent Joint Linear Control method is used in most industrial robot. The performance of the Independent Joint Linear Control is used as a comparison to the Full Order Sliding Mode Control proposed in this thesis. This controller is designed with the dynamics of the mechanical linkage completely ignored. Each joint of the robot arm is treated as an independent servomechanism problem represented by an actuator state equation as follows: X& (t ) = Aaci X i (t ) + Baci U i (t ) (4.13) The element of matrices Aaci and Baci are calculated as follows: Aac1 0 1 0 ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ =⎢ 0 0 1 ⎥ ⎢⎣− 0.3998 − 2999.4 − 169.9804⎥⎦ Bac1 ⎡ 0 ⎤ = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣0.8844⎥⎦ (4.14) The linear state feedback controller employed in each of the subsystem is described as follows: U i (t ) = K i Z i (t ) + Ω i (t ) where, Ki - 1x3 linear state feedback gain (4.15) 44 Ω i (t ) - control component to eliminate the steady state error Z i (t ) - state vector of each sub-system Z i (t ) = X i (t ) − X d i (t ) (4.16) To ensure stability all desired poles are located in the left half plane. Each of the sub-system has been assigned with the following closed-loop poles: λ i ( Ai + Bi K i ) = {−2 − 1.5 − 1} ; i=1,2 (4.17) The feedback gains K are obtained using the pole placement method and the results is as follows: K = [− 0.45 − 3391.4 − 180.9] (4.18) From the simulation results as shown in Figure (4.9-4.11), it is very obvious that the Independent Joint Linear Control fails to track the desired positions of displacement, velocity and acceleration. Therefore, the simulation result confirmed that the Independent Joint Linear Control is not suitable for electrohydraulic servo control system control application. 45 Displacement vs Time 0.8 0.7 0.6 Displacement (rad) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Desired Actual -0.1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.9 : Angular Displacement vs Time with IJC Velocity vs Time 1.5 1 Velocity (rad/sec) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Desired Actual -2 -2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.10 : Angular Velocity vs Time with IJC 46 Accelaration vs Time 10 5 Accelaration (rad/sec 2) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Desired Actual -25 -30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.11 : Angular Acceleration vs Time with IJC 47 4.3 Simulation Using Advanced Control [Yeoh Aik Seng, 1998] An advanced control technique as described in [Yeoh Aik Seng, 1998] also can be used and applied to control the system. The integrated model of the electrohydraulic servo control system can be represented in the following form. X& (t ) = A( x, t ) X (t ) + B( x, t )U (t ) = [ AN + ΔA( x, t )] X (t ) + [ BN + ΔB( x, t )]U (t ) (4.19) where x(t ) - state variables U (t ) - control signal AN and B N - constant matrices of appropriate dimension ΔA( x, t ) - system matrix uncertainties ΔB( x, t ) - input matrix uncertainties Criterion to be satisfied: rank ( B, ΔA) = rank ( B, ΔB) = rank ( B) (4.20) where ΔA( x, t ) = BH ( x, t ) and max || H ( x, t ) ||= 9.1189 (4.21) ΔB( x, t ) = BE ( x, t ) and max || E ( x, t ) ||= 0.3333 (4.22) 48 The error is (4.23) Z (t ) = X (t ) − X d (t ) The nonlinear controller, Φ (t ) will have the following form ⎧ μ (Z , t ) Φ ( Z , t ) = ⎨− ρ (Z , t ) ⎩ || μ ( Z , t ) || ⎧ μ (Z , t ) = ⎨− ρ (Z , t ) ε ⎩ if if || μ ( Z , t ) ||> ε (4.24) || μ ( Z , t ) ||≤ ε where ε - allowable steady state error and it is suggested that 0.001 ≤ ε ≤ 0.1 μ ( Z , t ) = B NT PL Z (t ) (4.25) and ρ ( Z , t )Δ[1 − max || E ( x, t ) ||]−1[max || H ( x, t ) X (t ) || + max || E ( x, t ) KZ (t ) ||] (4.26) The gain vector K using pole placement method (4.27) K = [ -28.9778 -0.4424 -3.9118-E] PL is the solution of the Lyapunov equation 4.96 E 3 2.50 E − 9⎤ ⎡ 2.48E 5 ⎢ 1.25 E 2 1.24 E − 3 ⎥⎥ PL = ⎢ 4.96 E 3 ⎢⎣2.50 E − 9 1.24 E − 3 2.48E − 5⎥⎦ (4.28) 49 The simulation results for Advanced Control are shown in Figure (4.12-4.14). From the results obtained, Advanced Control can track the desired positions of displacement and velocity but cannot track the angular acceleration. Therefore, the simulation result shows that Advanced Control is not really suitable for electrohydraulic servo control system control for although the performance are better than Independent Joint Linear Control. Displacement vs Time 0.5 0.45 Displacement (rad) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 Desired Actual 0.15 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.12 : Angular Displacement vs Time with Advanced Control 50 Velocity vs Time 1.5 1 Velocity (rad/sec) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Desired Actual 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.13 : Angular Velocity vs Time with Advanced Control Acceleration vs Time 50 Acceleration (rad/sec 2) 40 30 20 10 Desired Actual 0 -10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.14 : Angular Acceleration vs Time with Advanced Control 51 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion The modelling and control of a electrohydraulic servo system is presented in this thesis. Electrohydraulic servo system need a robust controller to handle the highly nonlinear. A Full Order sliding mode control was designed to control the system. Decompose the mathematical model into a system with bounded uncertainties was the basis for Full Order sliding mode controller formulation. The control law is formulated based on the assumption that the system uncertainties and non-linear ties are bounded and these bounded are known. Sufficient condition based on Lyapunov theory are provided to guarantee asymptotic tracking of a desired position output. The Lyapunov theory proved that the proposed controller is stable In this project, the simulation results shows that the Full order sliding mode controller can give good performance to track displacement, velocity and acceleration.Basically, the objective of this project is achieved as the proposed controller which is designed based on deterministic approach is able to control the 52 electrohydraulic position servo control system very successfully. For comparison purpose, the electrohydraulic servo system was also simulated Independent Joint Linear Control and Advanced Control. From the simulation results obtained, IJC fails to track the desired position and Advanced Control not really suitable to control the system. 5.2 Suggestion For Future Work Currently, the performance of the proposed controller is evaluated based on the simulation result. The voltage for control input is very high. Although in theoretical the deterministic controller can give good performance but not suitable for real application. Thus, for the future development, it is suggested that the performance of the sliding surface and the voltage for control input need to be study and investigate to make sure this controller can be applied under real application. For the simulation, the suitable value for C and K are obtained based on try and error. Research must be done to solve this problem. 53 REFERENCES 1. Ahmad M.N., Osman J.H. S., (2000). “A Controller Design for Electrohydraulic Position Servo Control System”, Proc. TENCON, Vol.3, pp 314-318. 2. Ahmad M.N., Osman J.H. S., and Ghani M. 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