Multi-Vendor Service Orchestration & Network automation for today’s networks (. . . and for NFV) Joachim Jerberg Jensen Systems Engineer, Global Service Providers CCIE SP #42403 Confidential 1 From device-centric to network-as-platform … Phase 1 Orchestration NSO Phase 2 Orchestration NSO SDNWAE Controller ODL Centralized service provisioning Work with existing network devices Confidential On Device Minimal but sufficient AN: Autonomic Networking SR: Segment Routing VPN services: eVPN + static PW 2 What is NETCONF? qNETCONF is an IETF network management protocol designed to support management of configuration, including: § Distinction between configuration and state data § Multiple configuration data stores (candidate, running, startup) § Configuration change validations § Configuration change transactions § Selective data retrieval with filtering § Streaming and playback of event notifications § Extensible remote procedure call mechanism qNETCONF server runs on networking device and client runs as part the management application. Confidential Configuration data <get-config>, <edit-config>, <notification> <rpc>, <rpc-reply> BEEP, SSH, SSL, console XML payload, modeled in YANG. <get>, <get-config>, <edit-config>, <copy-config>, <delete-config>, <lock>, <unlock>, <closesession>, <kill-session>, <notification>, <commit>… 3 YANG YANG (RFC6020 etc.) is a data modelling language • • • “Yet Another Next Generation“ – developed after the NG-SNMP fiasco Data modelling for NETCONF protocol, and more: XML conversion, visualization, code generation... NETCONF/YANG‘s ambition is to provide the ultimate multi-vendor R/W element and service management, thus an open standard programmability architecture Example: change an interface IP address ietf-interfaces.yang Example: configure interface IP address YANG vs. SNMP YANG SNMP Framework (definition language) YANG SMI Content (information model) YANG module MIB Payload (encoded data) XML (ASCII) ASN.1 BER (binary) Protocol (remote access) NETCONF, RESTCONF SNMP IOS Yang Support: XR-XML, XR-YANG (5.1.1 LA/SMU), xOS-YANG (5.3-5.4) Confidential container interfacesencoding="UTF-8"?> { <?xml version="1.0" description "Interface configuration parameters.“; <rpc message-id="9” xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> list interface { key "name“; <edit-config> leaf name { type</target> string; } <target> <candidate/> description { type string; } <configleaf xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0”> leaf xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces"> type { <interfaces type identityref { <interface> base interface-type; <name>GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0</name> } <ipv4 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ip”><address> mandatory true; <ip></ip> } <prefix-length>24</prefix-length> leaf enabled { </address></ipv4> type boolean; </interface> default "true"; </interfaces> } </config> leaf link-up-down-trap-enable { </edit-config> <commit/>type enumeration { enum enabled { value 1; } </rpc> ... ]]>]]> 4 YANG abstraction example Cisco NSO/Tail-F – Abstraction Capabilities using Modeling language (Netconf/Yang) Abstraction enabled with the decoupling of Service Layer to the Underlying Device/Infrastructure Layer NED 1 Confidential NED 2 5 NED ‘N’ 5 Cisco Orchestration and SDN Strategy for SPs NFV View • Generic Orchestration architecture that spans physical and virtual domains and migration • Generic architecture for different use cases BSS including mobility, vCPE and virtual Managed Services OSS (Prime Service Catalogue, etc.) Network Services Orchestrator NFVO CTCM / ESC VNF Manager(s) VNF3 VNF2 VNF1 Openstack EMS Hypervisor PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Confidential Virtualized Infrastructure Manager(s) SDN Controller DC Overlay SDN NFV INFRASTRUCTURE 6 Tail-f NSO Confidential (Network Services Orchestrator) 7 Reality: An Ambitious Layer 3 VPN Peering VLAN, subinterface, and eBPG SVI connectivity and highavailability configuration Transit VLAN Tenant A VLAN 801 VM OS EXT 1 ASR 1 ASR 2 AS 64554 EXT 2 VLAN 801 Routes to enterprise networks need to be established Provider Edges Layer 3 IEEE 802.1Q subinterface OpenStack Computing Node Data Center Layer 2 VLAN Tenant Private VRF OpenStack Layer 3 Neutron Confidential 8 Network Orchestration Layer BSS/OSS Network Service Request Service Attributes Network Orchestration Layer Agility : Model-Driven Operations: Network Transactions Minimal Device Configuration New Service Type: 2 days New Device Type: 2 weeks Confidential 9 NSO Overview OSS/BSS Portals Python, REST, Java Network Engineer Network-wide CLI, WebUI Tail-f Network Control System Service Manager Service Models Device Manager Network Element Drivers OpenFlow Device Models Multi-vendor Transactions Model-driven NETCONF, XML, CLI, SNMP… Large Multi-Vendor Networks: Hardware, Virtual, OpenFlow Confidential 10 10 Tail-f NSO Main Features Tail-f NSO Main Features Tail-f NSO • Model-based architecture • Transactional guarantees • In-memory storage of configuration states for all services and all devices • FastMap* algorithm for service-layer CRUD operations • Reactive FastMap* * Patent No.: US 8,533,303 B2 Confidential 11 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 1: Model-Based Architecture BSS Service Models Tail-f NSO Device Models No hard-coded assumptions about: • Network services • Network architecture • Network devices Instead: • Data models written in YANG (RFC 6020) Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network Confidential 12 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 1: Model-Based Architecture BSS YANG data models for: Service Models Tail-f NSO Device Models • Network services • Network topology • Network devices YANG data models drive: • Northbound APIs • User interfaces • Southbound command sequences Benefits: • Can be used for all types of services and all types of networks Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network Confidential 13 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 2: Transactional Guarantees BSS Transactional guarantees: Tail-f NSO Transactional Integrity • Help ensure fail-safe operations (automated handling of exceptions) • Keep accurate copy of network configuration state in Tail-f NSO at all times Benefits: • Automation can be based on accurate real-time view of service and network state • Much higher degree of automation possible Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network Confidential 14 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 3: In-memory Data Store Tail-f NSO Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network Confidential • Stores both service and device config states • RAM datastore with persistent journaling • Runs as integral part of NSO application (in the same address space) • Native YANG database with compact binary data encoding • 1:N data replication (asynchronous or synchronous) • Subscription notifications with priority level ordering • In-service schema (data model) upgrade • Distributed 2PC transaction manager 15 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 4: FastMap* Algorithm CREATE SERVICE UPDATE SERVICE DELETE SERVICE REDEPLOY SERVICE Tail-f NSO FastMap: • Only the CREATE operation needs to be specified • UPDATE, DELETE and REDEPLOY operations are automatically generated and compute minimal change set needed FastMap* Benefits: • Reduces service implementation code by two orders of magnitude • Supports modifications of services at runtime * Patent No.: US 8,533,303 B2 Confidential Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network 16 Tail-f NSO Main Feature 5: Reactive FastMap* CREATE SERVICE UPDATE SERVICE DELETE SERVICE Tail-f NSO REDEPLOY SERVICE FastMap* Changed network state triggers service redeploy Benefits: One algorithm supporting: • Provisioning • Orchestration • Elasticity • Virtual machine and VNF mobility • Self-healing network * Patent No.: US 8,533,303 B2 Multivendor Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4-7 Network Confidential 17 NSO Overview, Zoom 3 Network Engineer OSS/BSS NETCONF NSO REST CLI EMS/NMS Web UI SNMP JAVA/Javascri pt Service Models Service Manager Script API AAA Package Manager Mapping Logic Core Engine Templates Fast Map Developer API Alarm Manager Notification Receiver REST Device Models OpenFlow Controllers Network Element Drivers NETCONF SNMP Device Manager CLI WS Openflow Switches Multi-Vendor Network Confidential 18 18 NED Overview • NED’s are created and maintained by Cisco Engineering. • NED’s are classified as either Production or POC grade by Cisco Engineering. • Production Grade • Can be sold as a license • Used in production today and continuously tested towards all active NCS/NSO versions on real equipment (reference hardware and software versions). • Fully supported by the Cisco Support team. • It covers at least the use cases of its current customers and the coverage is continuously expanded. • Messaging to customers: The NEDs you purchase will support all the configuration you require for when you need it • Provided that the customer has support contract, makes available the required configurations in advance. • POC Grade • Can be used for demos or POC’s. • Can be sold if upgraded to Production Grade. • Not tested continuously on real equipment. • Messaging to customers: The NED can show case NCS towards the devices in a POC but for a real deployment, the NED needs to be upgraded to production grade. Confidential 19 Supported Vendors Production Grade Confidential PoC Grade 20 Tail-f NSO Differentiation: Agility and Flexibility Implementation of new service = 2 days How? Data model for MPLS L3 VPN service: 100 lines of YANG Mapping MPLS L3 VPN service model to network of Cisco 7600, Cisco ASR 9K and devices: 300 lines of XML template Confidential Support for new device type = 2 weeks How? Develop YANG device model Network Element Driver automatically generates sequences of device-specific commands (CLI, REST, SOAP, SNMP, NETCONF, etc). How? How? FASTMAP algorithm NED algorithm 21 21 NSO for Network Engineers – User Interfaces Auto-rendered Web UI with powerful extensibility features Confidential IOS-XR or J-style CLI for networkwide configuration changes 22 Tail-f NSO & NFV Confidential 23 NSO is providing a migration path to NFV BSS Tail-f NSO VNF Virtual Compute VNF VNF Virtual Storage VNF Virtual Network Virtualization Layer Compute Hardware Traditional networking Storage Hardware Network Hardware NFV/SDN Technology migration path Confidential 24 24 End-to-End Service Orchestration with ESP (3) Customer orders new Services from the Catalog: a) service chain for new branch b) IaaS container at DC Portal / Service Catalog (PSC) (0) Customer Orders CPE for a New Site SP OSS/BSS REST API (11) Customer Order (1) CPE Order ESP (13) Push policies to the CPE as necessary CPE Controller (2) Call Home, Zero touch CPE Provisioning done (4) Spin up the Managed Service Chain for the tenant NFV Orch. (DSC) (14) CPE policies modified as per Service request (6) Perform workload (11) Optimize & Perform necessary BW reservation in placement decision as per SLA requirement the WAN (12) Analyze WAN, reoptimize and program new path as necessary Web VM NAT © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. DB VM FW DC “A” PE vESA DCI Customer Premise (9) Service spin-up as per the tenant’s order DCI NFV POD vCPE CPE Arrives @ Site (10) Program DCI and Propagate new service routes to the DCI MP-BGP Route Propagation vFW (8) Spin-up IaaS + NFV service at the identified DC/POD DC & NFV Orchestration (ACI+DSC) WAN SDN Controller (WAE) (5) Managed Service Chain Spinned up in the NFV POD PE-CE Route Propagation (7) Most optimal DC & POD Identification as per SLA requirement Service Assurance Cross Domain Orchestrator (NSO) (1) CPE Order, Provisioning parameters EPN (15) Perform Service Activation à Notify BSS about Service Activation to Commence Billing. Start Service Assurance / Monitoring DC “B” Service Provider WAN Cisco Confidential 25 Tak Confidential 26