ATMCC Truck•• M•tldowa Community Calt.g• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Program/Unit Reviewed: Manufacturing Technologies Self-Study Chair: Kelly Oswald Division: AIT Dean: Jim New Vear of Last PUR: 2011-2012 Date of next PUR: 2017-18 Program/Unit Mission Statement: To deliver thorough, industry-relevant curriculum and effective, student-centered instruction capable of providing students with the intellectual tools and physical skillsets required to pursue successful employment, career advancement, and personal growth within manufacturing industries. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphosis(s)/Certificote(s) for your PUR area ore listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement- Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machining: The CNC Machining Certificate of Achievement provides students with the skills and knowledge required for an entry level position as a computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool operator. This certificate stresses the skill sets required to set up, program, and operate CNC mills and lathes in order to produce high quality, precision machined components required by today's competitive and diverse manufacturing industries along with the general education skills that are strongly requested by commercial and industrial employers. Manufacturing Technologies Degree - Drafting Emphasis: Drafting is a critical skill for a diversity of industries, including manufacturing, engineering, construction and architecture. Students in the TMCC drafting program develop both manual and computerized drafting skills, including standard twodimensional drawings and three dimensional solid modeling. With an AAS degree, drafters are prepared to work with designers and engineers to develop graphic instructions used to complete a variety of projects. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement - Drafting Technology: The drafting technology certificate is designed to provide training and technical job skills to students seeking employment and/or skill upgrades. A drafting technician works with designers and engineers within a variety of industries including manufacturing, architecture, construction and landscaping. The program is competency-based. Students complete a variety of hands-on learning exercises ranging from manually drafted drawings to advanced computerized two and three dimensional wireframe and solid modeling projects. Manufacturing Technologies Degree - Food Processing Technology Emphasis: The Food Processing Technology emphasis prepares students for entry level employment in the food manufacturing industry. It provides an understanding of the selection, preparation, processing, packaging and distribution of safe, nutritious, and wholesome foods. Manufacturing Technologies Degree - Machining Emphasis: The manufacturing technologies, machining emphasis AAS degree program is a two-year degree program designed to provide training and technical job skills to students seeking employment and/or skill upgrades within the manufacturing ATMCC ll"uckee Meadow• community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 and machine trades. The program is competency-based, requiring students to complete a variety of hands-on learning exercises ranging from manually machined projects to advanced multi-axis CNC tasks. This program is offered in a flexible open-entry/open-exit format to respond to the needs of industry and the working professional. Manufacturing Technologies Degree - Production Systems Emphasis: The manufacturing technologies production systems emphasis MS degree program is a two-year program designed to provide training and technical job skills to students seeking employment and/or skill upgrades as an industrial production, assembly, or fabrication manager or technician. The program utilizes an advanced automated production lab in which students demonstrate and manipulate production systems controls and techniques at both the technician and managerial levels. This program is offered in a flexible openentry/open-exit format to respond to the needs of industry and the working professional. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement - Production Technician: The program prepares individuals in the core competencies of front-line production employment for the manufacturing industry. It complies with nationally recognized industry standards and emphasizes basic skills in workplace safety, quality practices and measurement, manufacturing processes and production, and maintenance awareness. Manufacturing Technologies Degree-Welding Emphasis: The associate of applied science manufacturing technologies degree with a welding emphasis gives the student the training necessary to earn the American Welding Society structural steel certifications, which are required for employment in most areas of the construction and manufacturing fields involving welding, along with the general education requirements and employability skills that are sought after by all employers in the construction and manufacturing trades. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement- Welding Technology: Based on the American Welding Society Entry Level Welder Standards, the welding technology certificate of achievement program gives students the welding skills necessary to qualify for an entry-level position in a diversity of occupations that utilize welding from construction to manufacturing along with part of the general education skills that are strongly requested by commercial and industrial employers. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy. This w/11 be the first year that we officially collect data through the PUR process concerning these degree level learning outcomes. If your area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. (NO ACTION REQUIRED - PLEASE REVIEW) Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement - Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machining Goals/Outcomes: • Read and interpret technical prints for the production and inspection of manufactured work pieces. • Produce precision machined work pieces within print specifications on computer numerical controlled (CNC} machine tools. ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community Call•&• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 Manufacturing Technologies AAS Degree - Drafting Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Understand drafting conventions including symbols, linetypes, lineweights, and dimension styles as applicable to mechanical drawings. • Create complex drawings including orthographic projections, pictorials, working drawings, and development drawings; and prepare drawing details including auxiliary views, sections, tolerances, and surface finishes, all within specifications. • Create complex 3D models to specifications using advanced commands. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement- Drafting Technology Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of drafting theory as it relates to working with designers and engineers within a variety of industries including manufacturing, architecture and construction. • Prepare technical drawings and presentations demonstrating understanding of manual drawing and CAD techniques. Manufacturing Technologies AAS Degree- Food Processing Technology Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Practice occupational safety at all levels in a modern food processing plant. • Have the ability to work in commercial food processing plants. • Apply sanitation standards in a bulk food preparation environment. Manufacturing Technologies AAS Degree - Machining Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Manufacturing Technologies AAS Degree - Production Systems Emphasis Degree Goals/outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate an ability to read and interpret technical prints for the production and inspection of manufactured work pieces. • Demonstrate an ability to manage complex production systems, equipment, and controls. • Demonstrate an ability to apply quality and statistical process control techniques to complex manufacturing and production systems. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement - Production Technician Goals/Outcomes: • Practice safety at all levels in a modern manufacturing and distribution plant. • Diagnose and repair electrical and mechanical components commonly used in a production operation. ATMCC Truck- M••dowa community Coll•V- TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 • Use quality control standards to troubleshoot inefficiencies in a production system. Manufacturing Technologies AAS Degree - Welding Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Be proficient in four major welding processes and prepared for industry-standard certification. • Understand the basic concepts of technical drawings and apply print reading techniques required in the welding industry. • Understand and consistently demonstrate safe and proper use of welding equipment, power tools, and accessories In the performance of welding and joinery. Manufacturing Technologies Certificate of Achievement - Welding Technology Goals/Outcomes: • Be proficient in two major welding processes and prepared for industry-standard certification. • Understand the basic concepts of technical drawings and apply print reading techniques required in the welding industry. • Understand and consistently demonstrate safe and proper use of welding equipment, power tools, and accessories In the performance of welding and joinery. ATMCC Truak•• M••dawa Community Coll•O• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 SECTION II The following Strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timefine, and if resource issues are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategies Develop specific strategies to increase student diversity (females and Hispanic Statusi.e. ongoing, complete Ongoing students) and graduation rates; these need to be framed in the context of a collegewide diversity effort. Continue to assess courses as part of the proposed five-year schedule, including the development of meaningful and measurable learning outcomes for those courses not yet assessed. More assessment of courses in the different program areas is needed. Curriculum development or assessment strategies should be equally applied throughout all Ongoing Action Recap of accomplishments Work to do To help increase the female enrolments in the Manufacturing Technologies, TMCC held a woman's technology Expo at the Edison Campus. Efforts to increase both female and Hispanic enrollments and graduation rates are also being developed through the future Ace High School and Round One and Round Three of the TAACCCT Grant. The Welding program has also hired a full time bilingual employee (English and Spanish) and the Machining program had hired a part-time bilingual (English and Spanish) Instructional Assistant. The Manufacturing Technologies programs are in the process of embedding mathematics and human relations into the curriculum. During the process all courses were evaluated for meaningful and measurable learning outcomes in compliance with TMCC best practice strategies. Randy Walden, Trenton Schoppe and Laure'I Santos have committed extensive efforts to revamp the learning outcomes and measures for courses within the Machining, Production Technician and Welding sequence. These three new hires provide a consisted approach which is believed will aid in the development of consistent application of assessment across the different disciplines. Timeline Anticipated Resource Issues None None ATMCC Tl'uckH M•.-cfow. community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013-14 the areas of Manufacturing Technology. Address other areas of the program not discussed within the curriculum section: fabrication, machining, welding. This would include elaborating on the unique industry trends for each of the unit's program areas and addressing how each of these areas is responding to its particular industry Ongoing trends. Address resources needed for the three externally driven initiatives. Ongoing The Machining Program has met with unique Industry trends by purchasing new CNC lathes and milling machines; purchasing new inspection equipment such as an optical comparator and a coordinate measuring machine; and has preapproval for ordering 9 new manual lathes and 6 new manual milling machines. The Production Technician Program is in the process of setting up an industrial robot, and has pre-approval for ordering a new conveyor system and several industrial electronic trainers. The Welding Program has pre-approval for ordering upgrades and new equipment to enhance existing machines to create 18 dual feed GMAW welding machines. The IBEST Model has been modified. Mathematics is embedded into the curriculum and English will be offered as separate course (English 107) tailored and delivered in a cohort model. Pursuant to the Dream It Do It initiative the Machining program has initiated the NIMS Accreditation process. With regards to the Right Skill Now initiative, the first two of three sessions were completed in the Summers of 2012 and 2013 respectively. The final session is in place, scheduled for the Summer of Waiting for final approval from the Dept. of Labor to purchase new and required equipment. None 2014. Search out additional resources to acquire new equipment. Ongoing The Machining, Production Technician and Welding programs are currently seeking new funding through the Round One and Round Three of the TAACCCT Grant. Manufacturing unit is currently holding discussions regarding options for participation in the TAACCCT Acceptance and participation In round four. A TMCC TrUck- M•a d ow. Comnn'"lty Collage TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2013·14 Continue to press for facilities upgrades, especially those that affect safety. Ongoing Work with Advisory Board to develop strategies to expand students' use of new equipment. Ongoing grant round four. New doors and a new ventilation system were added to the welding lab. A new floor is being planned for the machine shop that would create a level surface and also create a brighter surface that would enhance the lighting in the shop. Anew Production Technician lab is also being built as part of the Edison build out. It is expected that the drafting program will relocated to the Edison facility following the proposed build out. The manufacturing unit programs all continue to work with advisory boards to create internships, student placement opportunities and to also advise the programs on new and emerging equipment. Dependent on final approval. None Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) 4/ 8/ 2014 Dean:._"""4--~.--~;._=-------- Date:_......1'71_,_l_<i'.+~-l..o/',.__ VPAA:~--~~~_,l__,)..~~~~1Date: __,~J-~~--·_;s ,_~-=--"'-' _ __,__ q ·1·- _ -