TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW Self-Study Summary PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: Criminal Jostice =:..:=:..:~:..=:.::.==-~~~~-~-------~----~~~--School: Truckee Meadows Community College Year of Review: =20__1=3"""" /2=0-.14 ___ _ _ _ __ Date Submitted to Dean: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Self Study Committee Members: Name Title Dr. I-leather Gr.1rnm Williams Nutrition lnstruchir Susan Lentz• .l.D. Profos ... or Randy Floccini I MCC. C'hiefof Police Dax Soto Reno Police Acadern) Ryan Maloney fMCC Student Jeanine Silver ·1 MCC, Cla<>s tlied Click here to enter text. Click here to enter te\.t. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter tc\.\ Click here lo enter text. CI it:k here to enter tc\.t. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter tc\.l. Self Study Committee Chair: TitleName Jim New Dean/Chair Arnold Brock Professor/Chair Signature Date Sigoatu11e Date ~t.iff Executive Summary (Two paragraph maximum): The Criminal Justice Program at TMCC olkrs students the opportunit) to achie\e an A .....,ociatc'> in Ar1s in Criminal Justice with a general or law enforcement emphasis. Students ma) opt to pursue criminal ju...tice classes with the intent lo transfer into a 4-year institution. It is strongly recommended student~ take ad' antage of academic advisement to determine the best opt ion for their fuhm: goals. According to degree completion statistics (enclosed within this J>UR). more ">tudents arc graduating with degrees now than in 2008. Those enrolled represent diversity in race. ethnicity. and gender. Challenge!> include a decline in full-time academic foculty, the need for dedicated classified support staff. and qualilicd in!>tructor:-. l(x on-line and in-pcr!>nn classes. Self·Study Summary TR1IJCKE1E MEADOW§ COMMUNilTY COILlLlE<GlE PIROGRAM/UNllT REVIEW Self-Study Summary PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: Crimiua..._1~Ju=st"'-'1.=.:ce::....------ - - - · - - - - - - -- - - - -- - School: )ruckee Meadows Community Co.!.!11..::.iegoo:c,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Y CJ:U" t»f Revicw: 2.i::.0::..:.::: 13;.:.:12,,..0..,,1.. .:.4_ _ __ __ Date Submitted to Dean: - -- -·- - - - - - - - - - - - Self Study Committee Members: Name I, Signatm·e Titte Date ?.J If t'{ I I I 3 l'f . {/ '(.O I L.\" , , / 1,01 ' ( - .~ .' ?· / ?- . /J / l t / .Cc I._, 3/ t Lit t/ 'I " • ~· 4 41 1 I I I I• '" l · t ,, 1 • 'I Self Study Committee Chair: Name Title Jin' New Sig11at11n- •I AniolcJ Brock E xecative Summary (Two paragraph maximum): ' ' 1• ,, I I' I I I ' 1 I I I • • I I I I ,· I I I I I ~ . ,I I Ii •• t l •1 I I j 0 II I I I I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ,. •11 I " ~ II ' , I ' Seit-Study Summary ~ h o Io, J] " i i I I l I ti. '• ll I I ' I• ' I• ,, I I I I I I ' I I Crin1inal Introduction The Criminal Justice Program includes program and transler spccilic cour<>e'> for Criminal Ju-.tice Major-. ,1.., well as general education for non-dcd.1rcd students. Students enrolled in criminal jtl'>ticc curriculum rcpre,enh .1 Jivcr\c rcprcscntat ion of our comm unity ,111d student career paths. Mission Statement TMCC promote'> student succc ... -.. academic c'ccllcncc..: and acct.''>'> to lifelong lc..:arning b) -.upportin~ high llllalit) education \\ ithin our di\ crse communil) ·1 MCC '>tri\ cs to a<>'">t'>t '>tudcnh Ill completing higher education .111<.1 prepare them for c,m:cr' in the criminal justice s)<;l1.:m Degrees, Certificates, and/or Non-Credit Coon es offered I MCC olkr-. n A Science) '>OL it· of Art'> De~rce 1n Cr.min.ti .I st ice (C1cncral \)r I aw I nforccml.!nt 1.mpha... i... Apph('d Primary Goals and Objectives l'MCC ... crnn1nalj1i..tice program offer'> this degree for students wanting to cxplnre or enter :.i highl) IC\\,lfCling can:cr in nur crimina I ju-.t ice sy<>tem. I he program niters a strong foundat inn for student... to enter l.m enfon.:cment. prohation. l<rn and correction S) <;term Studcnt.., )1<1\c the abil rty to appl) direct I) to,, crnn111,tl justice a!,!enc) or further their degree a ... pirations h) trnnslcrrmg to a four (4) )Car in,titlltion. fhc students recei\c instruction directly from person.., \\IJO arc not onl) academically qualified hut \\ho ,1)..,0 ha\c s1!.!.nifica11l Jield c'pcriencc. 1 hc't.! in..,tructors range from police chief'>. law)i.:rs and ollkcrs in the licld. TMCC ... goal is to add at lca-.t nnc other full-time profc">sional to \ta ff to achic\ c these goak Factors Expected to Affect Future I cor omiv; is the single large ... t factor aflCcting current and future enrollment. fMCC ...trivc ... for dl\cr'>it) and economics play a -.ignilicant part in not only recruiting ... tudcnh but prm iding employability in the It\\ enforcement commumty. The program stri\ C'> to maintain divcr.,c. ethnic and gender role model'>\\ ith111 the n!prc~ent •l cross-... ection of our community. program·~ i1i...trm.:tor pool to I he program continue-. to gro\\ despite certain economic foch)r-. and i'> the second l.irgest independent <>chool at I MCC. On-line education ha ... been at the forefront of criminal ju ... ticc pur...11ih and play.; ,1 :-.ignilicant part in the degrt:c pr11gram. \\ c c'pcct to encounter a wide range of-.tudcnh in Northern Nc\ada and our milit<1ry 'iCr\ ice'>. Truckee Meadows Community College I Introduction DEMOGRAPHICS AND ENROLLMENT General Student Demographics Age 5 -year Average Headcount • Criminal Justia! a TM:C 67% 2% Under 18-24 yrs. 25-34yra. 6% so+ yrs. 3549yrs. 18 yrs. Under 18 y rs. Fatl08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr lO Fall 10 Spr 11 Fall II Sprl2 Fall 12 Spr 13 N % 18- 24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yn. SO+ yrs. 4 1% N I % N 00/o 3 O/o 00/o % 0 0% N % N 2 N 00/o 2 00/o I % 00/o N % N 00/o % % 0 4 1% N % % % 00;0 0% 2% 361 69"/o 340 68% 489 73% 431 69% 448 69% 420 67% 403 68% 407 64% 440 67% 371 62% 6'1°/o 54% 105 200/o 102 200/o 124 18% 140 22% 135 21% 132 21% 113 1911/ o 154 24% 140 21% 136 23% 21% 25% 48 911/o 48 100/o 47 7% 50 8% 59 911/o 68 11% 65 11% 68 11% 63 100/o 65 11% 100/o 13% 8 2% 7 1% 8 1% 7 1% 6 1% 6 1% II 2% T otal 526 100% 498 100% 671 100% 628 100% 650 1000/o 628 1000/o 593 100% 11 640 2% 14 2% 24 4% 2% 100% 661 1000/o 597 100% 1000/o 1000/o 6% The average age of CRJ students is younger than the average ofTMCC students. There is and thirteen ( 13) point d ifference between the two for the majority of students between 18-24 years. Truckee Meadows Communit) College --20 I 3120 I J G ender 5-year Average Headcount •Criminal Jus tice 56% 51% 49% 44% Male Fanale Female f al108 Spr 09 Fall09 Spr to Fall to Spr 11 Falt 11 Sprl2 Fall 12 Sprl3 N % N % Ma le 258 4!)0/o 237 480/o N 344 % N % N 51% 300 48% 314 48% 301 48% 308 52% 320 500/o 329 500/o 287 480/o 49'>/o 56% % N O/o N % N % N % N % % % To tal U n re orted 268 0 51% 261 52% 326 4!)0/o 327 52% 334 51% 327 52% 285 48% 320 500/o 332 500/o 310 52% 51% 44% 0% () 00/o I <1% <1% 2 <1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% () 00/o 0 0% 0% 00/o 526 100% 498 1000/o 671 1000/o 628 1000/o 650 1000/o 628 100% 593 1000/o 640 100% 661 1000/o 597 100% 1000/o 1000/o CRJ has a good representation of both genders and percentages of males and females enrolled in the program has remained fairly constant. This reflects a healthy and diverse student enrollment achieving parody with what was typically thought of as a male profession. Truckee Meadows Community ColJege I Demographics and EnroUment Ethnicity 5-year Average Headcount •Criminal Justia! cTt.eC 66% 56%,... Jn%--30% 4% 3% - 1;" " '.'1 A frican A merican 335% - ri Asian 1% 1% - 2%2% 2% 2% Hawallanor Pacific Islander Hlss-nlc Na1ive American Whlta - Two or more races 0% 1% 2% 2% ~- Inter· nit.Iona! Students Unreported I .,ferTwo or "•"•ii•• more n• sio aal Un· Arrican or Pacific N ativc· American A• ia n II lander Hi•paoic American White Studen11 re ported nr~• Fall 134' 14 31 6 0 24 N 19 19 6()0/o 08 % 4% 4% 25% 00/o 5% 3% 24, Spr N 19 21 129 14 291 0 % 00/o 5% 4% 4% 26% 3% 09 5S°/o Fall N 25 19 II 210 17 367 13 2 7 3% " 1% 09 % 4% 2% 31% 3% 55% 20/o 00/o Spr N 14 184 19 2 8 24 15 14 348 % 4% 2% 2°/o 55% 3% 00/o 1% 2% 10 29% Fall N, 21 196 14 363 18 0 5 22 II 56% .. 3% " % 3% 3% 00/o 1% 10 2°/o 300/o 2°/o 16 I 10 Spr N 10 191 23 23 13 341 54% "' II % 4% 4% 2°/o 30% 3% 0% 2% 2% 12 Fall N 23 19 3 182 12 3'1:! 15 0 %1 55% ,. 3% " 00/o 2% 4% 1% 31% 3% 11 2°/o N1 Spr 11 15 1 II 25 18 5 206 348 3% " 54% " % 4% 2% 12 1% 32°/o 2°/o 2% 00/o 15 Fall N 24 21 5 210 9 358 19 0 2,0/o 12 % 4% 3% 1% 32% 1% 54% 3% 0% 16 Spr N 19 20 5 197 5 0 9 326 1 % 3% 1% 33% 1% 55% 3% 00/o 2% 3% 13 Criminal Justice Avg 4% 3%'1 2% 56% 2.0/o 0% 2.0/o 1% 30% TMCCAvg 3% 5% 0.70/o 19% 2°/o 66% 2°/o 1% 2.0/o Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fal/ 2()()9 to align with new JPEDS and NSHE repotting requirements . I .. .. I Tot•J 526 100°/o 498 100°/o 671 100°/o 628 100°/o 650 100% 628 100°4 593 100'/o 640 100°/o 661 100% 597 100°/o 100% 100% Diversity is reflected in CRJ enrollment numbers. The population of Hispanics grew from 25% (1 34) in 2008 to between 32/33% (197-210) in the past three semesters. Truckee Meal.lo\\., Community College 20t:l/201-1 Student Status Educational Status 5-yaar Average Headcount •Criminal Justice cn,,cc 80% 79% 5% Conl nuing Students Spr09 Fall09 SprlO Fall JO Spr 11 Fall I I Spr l2 Fall 12 Spr 13 Ofo N % N % N 01. N 360 681>/o 417 84% 452 67% 539 New Tninsfe rs 35 7% 23 5% 34 5% 29 456 5% 37 6% 26 4% 31 •/o 77% 5% N 544 85% 531 80% 560 94% 80% 79% 34 O /o N 01. N O/o N •/o N % % O fo 86% 455 70% 560 89"/o 12% New Students NewTra•f«$ Continuing Students Fall OS 15% 9% 5% 33 5% 22 4% 5% 9% New StudnU 131 25% 58 12% 185 28°/o 60 10% 158 24% 42 7% 106 18°/o 62 10% 97 15% 15 3% 15% 12% Total 526 100'/o 498 100'/o 671 100'/o 628 100'/o 650 100'/o 628 100'/o 593 100'/o 640 100'/o 661 100'/o 591 100'/o 100'/o 100'/o In tenns of continuing students, not only has there been an increase in the numbers of continuing students but a growth in their overall percentage. Truckee Meadows Community CoJlege I Demographics and Enrollment Enrollment Status 5-year Average Headcount •Crimina1Ju$tim 38% 25% 28% 26% 21% 16% 12+ 9-11.9 &.a.9 Credits Atte 12+ Fall08 Spr09 f all09 Spr 10 •/o N •;. N % N % Fall to N o/o Spr ll N % Fall I I N •/o Spr12 Fall 12 Sprl 3 N % N % N •1. •1. •1. 9-1 1.9 '227 43% 202 4 1% 312 46% 289 46% 274 42% 209 33% 209 35% 207 32% 2'22 34% 188 31% 3S°/o 29% 84 16% 86 17% 117 17% 118 19'>/o 155 24% 157 25% 145 24% 142 229/o 151 23% 147 25% 21% lS°/o Lms than 6 credits ted 6-8.9 11 2 21% 126 25% 137 200A> 142 23% 132 200/o 153 24% 159 27% 174 2'1°/o 192 29% 171 29% 25% 26% Len tb •n 6 Total credits 103 200/o 84 l 'l°/a 105 16% 79 13% 89 14% 109 l'l°/o 80 13% 117 lS°/o 96 15% 91 15% 16% 2S°/o 526 100% 498 100% 67 1 1000/o 628 1000/o 650 1000/o 628 1000/o 593 1000/o 640 1000/o 661 1000/o 597 100% 1000/0 1000/o Students carrying the largest credit load are a full 6% ahead of the average TMCC student with twelve or more credits. CRJ also leads in credits with those students carrying up to 11.9 credits. Notice there has been a decline in full-time students since 2008 (12+credits) while CRJ has experienced an increase in students taking less than 11.9 credits. Truckee Mcadon s Communit} College 201.1 1 201~ Student Recruitment Activities A strong cornmlmity support offer of on line classc:- a:-" ell a-. independent student and traditional classt::s attract students to TMCC. In addition. TMCC is a part of a Criminal .lu'>t1cc Ad\ i-.ol) Committee and closely \\Orks "ith a variety of Law Enforcement agencies and I lighcr Education (UNR). Underserved Student Populations As can be seen, TMCC attracts d ive rse group of students which is a primary goal of Law Enforcement. The idea that a more diverse Police Force reflects the community in which they serve is a primary goal ofTMCC. This in tum directly affects how well the Police Agencies can imple ment the Community Policing Programs and the red uction o f crime. Truckee Meadows Commu nity College I Demographics and Enrollment _____ ._.. Enrollment Patterns Number of Sections Number of Sections: Fall Semesters 60.0 50.0 ~~ 40.0 ~ ..........._ - LI' 30.0 ·- -- -n ------ J4.0 20.0 - 29.0 32.0 Fall 11 Fall 12 10.0 0.0 Fall08 Fall 10 Fall09 Number of Sections: Spring Semesters 60.0 50.0 40.0 - ~ AR n--.......__ - 4 3 .0 30,0 -- - 34.0 33 .0 33 .0 Spr1 1 Spr 12 Spr1 3 20.0 10.0 0.0 Spr09 Academic Ye ars 2008-09 2009-10 2010- 11 2011- 12 201 2- 13 Criminal Justice (5 y r Avg) Div of AIT (5 y r Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) Spr 10 Fall 57.0 34.0 36.0 29.0 32.0 32.8 246 1554 Number of Sections % Chan2 e -40"/o 6% -19"/o 10% - 11% -5% -20/o Sp rin 2 43.0 48.0 34.0 33.0 33.0 37.0 254 1568 /e Cbane:e 0 12% -290/o -3% 00/o -5% -20/o -3% T MCC has attempted to streamline the degree programs by reduc ing the number o f degrees and certificates offered to better prepare students for their educational and employability future. There has been a reduction in classes taught since 2008/10 and have remained fairly constant since then. Attributing factors include economics and system cuts. Truckee Meadows Community College 20 1 ~ Full Time Equivalent Enrollment FTE: Fall Semesters 300.0 250.0 2000 202.9 150.0 155.5 156.5 Fall 11 Fall 12 100.0 Fa!IOB Fall09 FdS 10 FTE: Spring Semesters 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 160.0 100.0 Spr 09 Spr 10 Spr 11 Spr 12 Spr 13 FTE Ac ademic Ye a n 2008-09 2009-10 2010.. 11 2011-12 201 2- 13 Criminal Justice (5 yr Avg) Div of A IT (5 yr A vg) TMCC (5 yr A vg) Fall 248.9 202.9 199.9 155.5 156.5 192.7 826 6810 0 /0 Cha n2e Su rin2 · ISo/o ·2°/ o -22% 1% 207.9 251.:5 202.5 165.5 160.0 197.5 - -100/o -9% 855 -1% 6724 0 /eCban2e 21% -20% - !Solo -3% -5% -S°/o -2°/o Full-time enrollment is a direct reflection of the economy but has leveled off in the past two years. It is too soon to assess whether or not retention is improving. Truckee Meadows Community Coltege I Demographics and EnrolJment Retention Rates 5 year Average Retention Rates •Criminal Juitics a Div of AIT D TllCC 82 .4% 75.7% 74.2% Retertion Rate T e nn Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr IO Fall JO Spr 11 Fall 11 Spr12 Fall 12 Sor13 Criminal Justice (5 year Avg) Div of AIT (5 year Avg) TMCC (5 year Avg) . 13 Ret ent1on b,Y semeste r - Fa 11 08 to Sipnng Nu mbe r Retained To ta l Enro llments 1,320 1,066 1,081 803 1,069 743 1,312 1,027 1,061 807 1,081 816 839 626 890 654 846 640 862 665 1,036 785 38,060 31,366 339,560 251,979 Re tention Rate 81% 74% 700/o 78% 76% 75% 75% 73% 76% 77% 75.'1°/o 82.4% 74.2% C RJ retention rates are much more in line with TMCC (slightly higher) than with AIT (Applied Industrial Technologies). A IT , by definition, are programs which have students seeking a specific trade whereas CRJ students are looking for a more general education. Truckee Meadows Community College ---~~ 20131201-l Student to Faculty Ratios Student to Faculty Ratio: Fall Semesters 400 35.0+------------ - --- -------- ----- -----l 30.o r------r8iwr--,;;;;:::::::;:i-..,---r=~~:=;-----i : 25.0 +--- - -- --t . .. 20.0 15.0 10.0 50 _______ _,_--r........________...._...,.....L-_ __ 0.0+-'"'---~~.__,_.. Fall08 Fall 09 Fall 10 __________.....j ~.._,....-"" Fall 11 Fall 12 Student to Faculty Ratio: Spring Semesters 40.0 r---------------------------~-----~ 3~0+---------------------------------~ 30.0+-------------~ 'I 20.0 15.0 25.1 I I 5.0 I o.o I 10.0 Spr 09 •• •• • 27.3 31 .8 II II •• • • • • • II Spr 10 27.o Spr 11 • I I I I I 26.1 • • • • Spr 12 Spr 13 Stu dent t o Facuh:y Ratro . A cademic Yeani 2008--09 2009-10 2010-1 1 2011-12 2012-13 Oiminal Justice (5 yr Avg) Div of AIT (S yr Avg) TMCC (5 yr Avg) Fa ll 23.2 31.4 29.5 28.9 26.4 27.9 15 22 °lo Cban2e - 36% -6% -20/o -9% 5% -3% 1% Sp rin 2 25.1 27.3 31.8 27.0 26.1 27.5 15 21 % Cbao2 e 9'% 16% -15% -3% 2% -3% 1% Student to faculty ratios have remained fairly constant for tile last several years which seems to reflect increases/decreases in enrollment numbers coupled with the number of sectfons. When the number ofstudents decline so to has the number of sections or vice versa. Truckee Meadows Community College I Demographics and Enrollment Pursuant to our TMCC PUR Progress Report 2012/2013 the ratio of full time faculty to part-time faculty needs to be corrected. The current ration is 25175 which is substantially lower than TMCC's current rate and our goal. Number of Declared Degree/Emphasis Seekers or Sec graph under student success rates he low. The number students l.'arning. a degree has increased since 2008/09. Contributing factors may include unemployed students pursuing highl.'r education. the perceived value ofa degree for entering or promoting within the worl..torcc. and the qualit} and choices of curriculum offered through TMCC. Student Success Rates Number of Students Earning a Degree 2008-2012 48 47 2010-11 2011-12 34 2008-09 200~10 NumberofGaduates by Academic Year 2008 - 2012 Year # of Graduates 2008-09 34 2009-\0 29 2010-11 48 2011-12 47 Total 158 De2ree CMTYPPS-AA CORR-AAS CRIMJUS-AA CRIMJUS-CT INVSCJ-AAS JUVJUS-AAS LAWCL&AAS PRELAW-AA Total Number of Declared Degree/F.rnphasis Seekers Fa 112008 • S;pnn . t 2012 Number of Students # of Grads 78 6 54 5 1538 72 67 12 13 100 72 9 534 26 187 15 2630 158 Truckee Meado\\ s Communit) College Enrollment Development Strategies Demographic Findings and Strategies The pn:vious graphs and findings show that TMCC con<;1. tently ~•rives to provide equal opportunities to gender. ethnic and race. By doing this l'MCC provides a very diverse employee for the community\\ h ich not only reflects the community but works extreme!) well in law Enfi.ircemcnt. Reaching out to the community and continuing to offer a v.1ric1y ofh:aching methods would he a continuing strategy for TMCC. Developing rc:lat1onsh1ps with local and Federal agencies for Homeland Security with classes currently being olfored at TMCC is another avenue currently being explored. Student Status Findings and Strategies A majority of students wntinue to be under twenty live \~5) yc<1rs of age. The students arc diverse and arc seeking a two year degree or transferring lo in upper level education. This 1s a pattern that reflects student success in their field. CR.I students arc more involved than the <1wrage TMCC student and typical!) rnrry a heavier credit load to enable them to finish or transfer in a more streamlined fa'>hior Enrollment Patterns and Strategies Prouam Criminal Justice Data , Sections 1 Student.FTE Retention Fall 2108 57 Fall 2009 248.9 81% 202.9 34 70% Fall 2010 Fall 2011 36 29 199.9 155.5 75% 76% Fa ll 20 12 32 156.5 76% !Faculty an d Staff FTE Sprio 2010 Sprio 20 11 SDrin 2009 Sprioi 2012 Sorin 2113 Full-time Part-Time Fu ll-time Pa rt-Time Full-time Part-Time Full-time Part-Time Full-time Part-Time 2.0 2.7 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.7 2.0 2..8 2.0 2.0 Student Success Rates and Strategies fhcrc has been .i dramatic increase in student carnin •a de .. rec up approximately 17 % from the 2009-10 a~-.ilkmic year. CRJ retention rates arc at 75% slightly higher than the TMCC average. By expanding on-line instruction. TMCC reaches student not onl) across Nevada but those who arc rn o 1r Armed l on.cs serving across the world. fMCC stnw'> to maintain the most qu<ilifcd instructors both full-tirnc and part-time who have the educational credential.:; a well as practical experience. TMCC"s pool of instructors have minimum qualifications that directly benefit the students. ·1 MCC is currently seeking another lull-time instructor. Because oft he educational and expcr iencc \ arict) of Law I nforccrnent Agencies requisite~. instructors arc well-qu il tkd to counsel and guide stuJ..:nls in Truckee Meadows Community College I Demographics and Enrollment · a\~ 1Je ----- CURRICULUM Degree/Emphasis Assessment Reports 1• I N T itle(s) of past Prog ra m/Unit Reviews; include progra ms (degrees, em phases, and certificates) and disciolines. Deer ee/Emphasis/Certificate: Associate of Applied Science-Criminal Justice Degree: Law Enforcement Emphasis Associate of Arts: Criminal Justice Degree Northern Nevada Law Enforcement Academy Discipline/Program: Criminal Justice l - - - - -- - = -= = = = = = ~ = ~ .....• = Tl :t ..... = = = = - - - • - "' "..... N N g N ~ QO ~ N N N I N N N N N N I ~ (N !II N Cl\ SS SS x x Course Assessment Report Summaries Course Modifications Most Recent Date of Approved CAR Established C AR Assessment Cycle Date(s) F'12, F' l5 F'12, F' l5 F'12, F' l5 F'17 S LO Review (The date listed Is the fast llCOtfkd update to ltarnlng 0111coma and measum. Plea:se review the ona in bold and submit lmllltte to Cl Pi (Ifcourse was revised as a result of OJSesmu!nl, pttwide a brief summary of the results and the Prefix CRJ CRJ CRJ CRJ Number 10 1 102 106 108 Title Introduction to Criminal Justice I Introduction to Criminal Justice 11 Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Homeland Security CRJ 1ti Firearms I F'l2, S'13, F' l4, S' l5 2122120 11 CRJ 114 Firearms II F'l2, S' l 3, F' l4, S' l5 2122120 11 Legal Careers and Law Schools F'l l, S' l 2, F' l 3, S' l4, F'15, S'16 2/22/20 11 Legal Research and Methods F'l I, S' I2, F' l3, S'14, F'15, S'16 2/2212011 F'l 1, S'l 2, F' l3, S' l4, F' l5, S' l6 2122/20 11 F'13 11/161201 2 F' l2, S' l3, F' l4, S'15 2/22120 1 I I CRJ CRJ 125 126 CRJ 127 CRJ 145 Legal Writing Transportation And Border Security CRJ 155 The Juvenile Justice System 20 12-13 CRJ 162 Investigative Photography I F' l 3, S' 14, F'15, S'1 6 CRJ 163 Investigative Photography Ii F' l3, S'1 4, F'l5, S'16 MDdl/;lcalionsJ 11/1 3/20 12 11/ 13/20 12 5/4/20 10 9126/20 12 I I 2122/20 11 2/22/20 11 Truckee Meadows Communit) CRJ 164 Introduction to Criminal Investigation CRJ 198 Special Topics in Criminal Justice CRJ 2 11 Police In America: An Introduction CRJ 214 CRJ CRJ Colle~c F'l 2, S'1 3, F'l 4, S' 15 2123120 11 F' l 2, S'1 3, F' l4, S' l5 4/4/2011 F' l2, S'l 3 , F' l4, S' 15 3/3/2011 Principles of Police Patrol Techniques F'1 2, $' 13, F' l4. $ ' 15 r 1113120 12 2 15 222 Probation and Parole Criminal Law and Procedure F'l 3, S'l 4, F' IS, S' l6 F'l2, F' l5 tl/13/20 12 11113/20 12 CRJ 225 Criminal Evidence 2012 -13 F'l2, S' 13, F'l4, S' 15 11/13120 12 CRJ 226 Preventions and Control of De 1inquency 20 12 -13 F'l2, S' l3, F'l4, S' l5 11113/20 12 CRJ 261 Intellig ence Analysis and Security Management $'17 11116/20 12 CRJ CRJ CRJ CRJ CRJ CRJ CRJ 265 266 2 70 285 289 290 299 Introduction to Physical Evidence Peace Officer Academy Introduction to Criminolol!V Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Law and Justice Internship in Criminal Justice Special Topics 20 12-13 20 12-13 F'l2, S'l 3, F'14, S'l5 F'l4, S'1 5 St13, S' l6 20 12-13 S'l3, S' 16 As taught As tau2ht 11113/201 2 6/25/20 12 11113120 12 2/22/20 11 11/13120 12 1011 7120 12 2/23/20 11 Assessment Driven Improvements TMCC is constantly seeking assessments on a varict: of cla<;sc~ \'v ith each a->sc~~mcnt making their O\\ n rccommcndat ions for course and student impro' cmcnts per cour'>c. Evaluating Relevancy of Curriculum Course Content See copied catalog pages be low Degree/Certificate Requirements See copied catalog pages below Truckee Meadows Community College I Curriculum TMCC's associate of applied science in law enforcement degree is designed for students wishing to explore or enter a highly rewarding career in the criminai justice system. The AAS in law enforcement provides students with a strong foundation for careers in law enforcement, probation, investigations, corrections, and corporate security. The associate of applied science in law enforcement is designed as a practitioner oriented and possibly terminal degree. This degree is not intended as a university transfer degree for those students who wish to continue on to complete their bachelor degree. Students interested in university transfer should instead major in the associate of arts in criminal justice degree. The AAS in law enforcement allows students a greater opportunity to select and customize their educational experience around then specific interests in criminal justice. Students completing the degree will: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency m theu s ecified emphasis. Choose 27 credits from CRJ courses or approved electives. See department for approved substitutions. Recommended courses may include: CRJ 125 CRJ 126 CRJ 127 CRJ 155 CRJ 162 legal Careers and Law Schools......................................1 Legal Research and Methods..................................-..... 1 Legal Writing ................................................................1 The Juvenile Justice System ........................................... 3 Investigative Photography 1...............,............ - ...........3 CRJ 163 Investigative Photography 11 ......................................... 3 CRJ 164 Introduction to Criminal Investigation ..........................3 CRJ 214 Principles of Police Patrol Techniques ............................ 3 CRJ 215 Probation and Parole....................................... - ...........3 CRJ 225 Criminal Evidence..........................................................3 CRJ 226 Preventions and Controt of De\inquency........................3 CRJ 265 Introduction to Physical Evidence..................................3 CRJ 270 Introduction to Criminology ..........................................3 CRJ 289 Law and Justice ................................................~...........3 CRJ 290 Internship in CriminalJustice .....................................1-8 CRJ 299 SpecialTopics ................................................................3 TOTAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS-27CREDITS TOTAL DEGREE REQUIREMENTS-60CREDITS l.._it1nci ~ • Students compieting the emphasis will: Describe the rights and protections granted under the US Constitution, particularly the Bill ofRights, to individuals involved in the criminal justice system. • Explain the process of conducting a professional criminal investigation, the process of an arrest and pretrial detention, criminal trial procedures, and possible sanctions after convict inn. • Describe ethics adhered to by individuals involved in the various professions in the criminal just ice system. • DIVERSITY --····-- ...-··-···-··-··.........................(3 CREDITS) COMMUNICATIONS/ENGLISH··-········-···-· 6 CREDITS FINE ARTS/HUMANITIES/ tr 1u r _il J. -~ r:;\.r.vr• f~ j I l'lll 101 . GE ~ tofJin&IJtStl Police In America Se.e...__.llst RlG 101 " CRJ211 " .. Elrivt &nohalil CRJ102 GE FWtiw Hmi:in bbtiM< ~ GE8edive · EnoBsh .:;·. vr.'i!;(o · I~ .. ·' ENG102 l~ I .,.."J':) 3 3 3 13 I 3 Tl'lhl 1S ..., 3 3 3 list lnlmllDctioo to Uiminal Justice II r. "list ·--- llst ·0011 ' CfT":ij !J 1n.nn..1mm .kt ~ n. IEnallsh I::i. c........ rm:"1 ..~ . '• Alinlw .,._ & J 3 T~ . 15 DKtM! Ch~ fromlist Elective Choast from list 3 3 ~fmnl l51 '3 TOTAL GENERAL Ane Arts/Homannres/ GEBective Social Science EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 21 CREDITS CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 1...................................3 CRJ 102 Introduction to Criminal Justice 11... ...............................3 CRJ 211 Police in America ........................................................... 3 CRJ 222 Criminal Law and Procedure.......................................... 3 TOTAL EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS.. 12 CREDITS .. ~ Errd;isis l'lll222 (nn!mf l -- ... , Seeapplll\fd list l 3 lnbl, 15 OlOOle fmnilist ~ from list Choose fmm fist IO'lomY from 1st Becti¥1' '~ FW1iw EIKtlVP U5.and Nevada ConstltutiOlls Bective See approved list .. ~rr,, H••.'I SOCIAL SCIENCE··-·····..••••·..·-···-···-····-··-······ 3 CREDITS HUMAN RELATIONS ............- .......·-·--······-· 3 CREDITS QUANTITATIVE REASONING ••- ...............__ 3 CREDITS SCIENCE-......................- ................................_...... 3 CREDITS U.S. AND NEVADA CONSTITUTIONS ........ 3 CREDITS 1 3 3 l ,3 TotiI 15 1; - • m • 1111 Truckee Meadows Community College Jegree ASSOCIATE O F ARTS TMCC's associate of arts in criminal justice degree is designed for students wishing to explore or enter a highly rewarding career in the criminal justice system. It is designed as eitber a stand-alone associate degree in the field of criminal justice or 11s a university transfer option to UNR. The transfer option allows students to earn their university required lower division courses upon completion of their associate of arts. Studenls are strongly encouraged to obtain academic advisement at TMCC for courses that are consistent with the VNR-TMCC transfer agreement to ensure a smooth transition in the university transfer process. • • • Students co mpleting the degree will: Describe the rights and protections granted under the US Constitution, part1cularly the Bill of Rights, to individuals involved in the criminal justice system. Explain the process of(:Onducting a professiQnal 'riminal investigation, the process of an arrest and pttt rial detention, criminal trial procedure~ . and possible sanctions after conviction. !Xscribc ethics adhered lo by individuals involved in lhc various professions in the criminal justice system ENGLISH-···--- ·- ··----·-......- .....- ... - ........ 6 CREDITS FINE ARTS ······--·--···-··- - -·-·-···-·- -..·-· 3 CREDITS HUMANITIES·- ··-··- - ··-- ·-·- - --···- - - 3CREDITS Recommended: AAO 201 MATHEMATICS ·- ·- -- - - - - ····-- -·· 3 CREDITS Recommended: MATH 126or higher SCIENCE- ·- - ·- - - ·-..- - ·-- ·-- - ·- - ·- 6 CREDITS SOCIAL SCIENCE---·-........................_ ........ 3 CREDITS (Satisfied by U.S. and NevadaConstitutions requirement) TOTAL GENERAL CRJ 211 Police In America: Anrntroducti<ln* .............................. 3 CRJ 289 LawandJustice- ·-········-···········................................. l (set faculty advisor fur appropriate courstS allgnrd with UNRtransfer) TOTAL EM PHASIS REQUIREMENTS- 6CREDITS Choose seven credits to include UNR College Breadth from the following: PHIL102 Critical Thinking and Reasoning"" .................. ~ STATtS2 lntroductloo to StatistlCS•, " .............. 3 Lower-division Breadthcourses {see list of approved courses) TOTAL ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS- 7 CREDITS M . . . . .. . .. TOTA L DEGREE REQUIREMENTS- 60 CREDITS Students planning to complete the general Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice at UNR should take the following Emphasis and Elective courses: •CPD 116, CRT106 or CRT 211, STAT 152 Students planning to complete the Pre-Law specialization of the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice at UNR should take the fullowing Emphasis and Elective courses: .. CRT 125, CRT126, CRJ 127, CRJ 289, PHIL 102 , ~TAT 152 - •L..,.lrnc -- :I.~ 't~a·r."C'T.I = Hllllall ... Core --- · ·--- - ~ AAD201 lislD rDIJm to Crimiial lustn I Sef-......4fist 3 4 Seeapproyed llst 3 ~ ENGlOl 'uo .. I 3 TotJt 16 ll i:.....i.><1<""...., ~......," Mathematics I..-:' tr.- TOTALADDmONAL DEGREE REQUIREMENTS 14CREOITS CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justke '···----·..--.. -..·---· 3 CRJ102 Introduction toCriminal Ju5tice ft ... ~-................ ···~··· 3 CRJ 122 Criminal Law and Procedures- .. ~----··..··-·--··----··! TOTAL CORE REQUIREMENTS - 90EOITS Choose six credits from the following: CRJ 106 Intro duct' on to Correctiom• .................--··----....... . 3 CPD116 Substance Abuse-Fundameital Fam and kmghn••.-.. 1 CRJ 125 LegalCaree•sand Law Scllools" ............. M . .. .. . . .. . . .. . - I riT,'.!'itf?1, EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS-24CREDITS DIVERSITY ··- ·---··-·- -- - ...- ..............._.._,_ (3 CREDITS) Recommended: AAD 201 FOREIGN LANGUAGE - ·- ··- -- ..---·--·· 14 CREDITS U.S. ANO NEVADA CONSTITUTIONS- •.. (3) CREDITS ...'ii ''n"' 1 1"~ Soda! SdencfJU.S.and GEBecti'le NMda Canstitutlon ISM!k+. -- - l3"t .. •a-,lT~.1.....,~"4:fe111:1,•1•::t: ' 1"111101 ~ .._ a,,,,,,_j 1st ENG102 MATH126 PIKikulusl .. Elective CRJ212 Selene! ElectiYe Ci£&thoe BectM AneAm ......... Lari..· Scienc? fiB!CtiYe BKtiYe <iEB-.. .. t ~""-II 4 3 u ll:'t'I.,, lw-i..n. lc....._1_,,_ Choo5t from 1st In 3 Tl'"'" 1& lit Ufl'l O!oosefrml 1st 3 11!1 3 Cilmlnal•-antt-·Stt...........!ltst 3 S e t -list y,••.,., ·m. 3 3 ~ Ii CllOCISt fmm isl Sei~list 4 3 See~llst 3 3 Toti! u "--Total 60 -.1 CRJ126 legal Research andMethods..·-.......................~--·-· 1 ( RJ 127 Legal Writln9•w ................~- .............. ~ ..·····~·-·---......1 6--81 2013·7014 TMCC College Cat•log Truckee Meadows Community College I Curriculum Methods of Instruction Classroom, on-line and internships are offered in the CRJ program. There has been a slight increase to on-line offerings. Faculty Qualifications Dependent upon position; instructor bachelors of science or masters preferred OR some college with substantial experience. All transferable courses require a minimum of masters degree. All full-time faculty need a minimum of a masters. Part-time dependent upon position/class. As mentioned supra, full-time faculty to part-time faculty is completely out of synch. The colleges current ratio is 48/52 with a goal of60/40. We currently sit at 25/75. The fall of2013 saw a 35% of CRJ classes would be taught by full-time faculty. There are currently only one tenured full-time faculty member with one temporary member. A committee had been formed for a search but has since been disbanded. Therefore we havel6 faculty with 14 being part-time and one being temporary. Current faculty qualifications: four (4) bachelors degree, ten (I 0) masters degrees, and two (2) doctorate. Post Completion Objectives (transfer, job placement, etc.) It's TMCC's goal to prepare students to either transfer to a higher education environment or enter the lawenforcement community professionally. Secondary Student Preparation Efforts Presently there are no classes that are articulated through Tech Prep in the Criminal Justice Program. The articulation agreement with Sierra Nevada Job Corp Center (SNJCC) expired in May 2012. SNJCC's Homeland Security Vocation previously articulated to TMCC's Criminal Justice Program: CRJ164 CRJ 214 Sierra Nevada Job Corps has expressed an interest in pursuing a new articulation agreement which is currently the subject of discussion. External Review TMCC has a criminal justice advisory board comprised of local law enforcement and TMCC Criminal Justice staff. Members change on a regular basis depending on agencies participating. It is the goal of the advisory board to meet twice during the academic year. Non-credit Training Offered Non-credit training offered through local police academies. Curriculum Development Strategies Assessment Findings and Strategies Truckee Meadows Community College External Resource Recommendations and Implementation Plans I} Adviso ry Committee 2} LocaJ law-enforcement requirements and academy as well as state certification Anticipated Factors Affecting Curriculum and Strategies As has been the most recent experience, the economy, while it can increase student enrollment can devastate the ability to increase faculty. There arc a number of positives affecting curriculum. The Crim in al Justice Advisory Committee continue~ to address curriculum to stay current with trends in the ticld. With the introduction or funding, TMCC can address adding mon: classes with labs such as crime scene processing. firearms. computer crimes and forensics, all of which arc at the forefront of solving crimes and readying the student for their future. It is hoped that the current isolation of the Criminal Justice program from the Police academy can be reversed and it remain'> an ongoing process. Additional classes which were once taught at TMCC including forensics need to bl! updakd with new equipment and qualified instructors. Currently there are several High Schools in Nevada that oiler forensics in their curriculum and it is hoped that TMCC can continue that education. In short. TMCC is currently understaffed both academically and in the classified staff. TMCC is hopeful that while we have digressed a Iittlc from our most recent Progress Report that we can make some headway in the future. The Program has been streamlined and succL:ssfully coordinated with the University of Nevada. Reno to articulate transfer agreements. UNR has reviewed and updated the agreements based on TMCCs revisions. Truckee Meadows Co mmunily College I Curriculum RESOURCES Faculty and Staff Required Faculty Credentials Dependent upon position; instructor bachelors of science or masters preferred OR some college with substantial experience. All transferable courses require a minimum of Master's degree. All fu ll-time faculty need a minimum of a masters. Part-time dependent upon position/class. Full-Time to Part-Time Faculty Ratio Campus Resources Full-time to Part-time Instructional Faculty Workload (FTE) Full-time vs. Part-time Faculty FTE Fall Semesters 100% • Full-time • Part·time 90% 80% 70% 6-0% 50% 4-0% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fa1108 FaU09 Fa!l 10 Fall 11 Full-time vs. Part-time Faculty FTE Spring Semesters 100% • Full-time • Part-time 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 10% 10% 0% Spr 09 Fa~ t2 Truckee Mcadow1o, Community Collc~c 20 I 3120 I ·I Required Classified Credentials Not applicable. Facilities Campus classrooms and two professional offices; internship collaborative sites Technology On-line curriculum and data support. Funding Sources Tuition and fees Resource Development Strategies Staffing Issues and Strategies The program has lost 500/o of its tenured full-time faculty over the past six (6) years. There is one full-time faculty with one full-time but temporary instructor. TMCC lost through retirement in January 201 3 the second full-time instructor. A recommendation had been made through the 2009 self-study that additiona l full-time staff be added. That never came to fruition. Once a new staff member is added the program still falls far short of the 2009 recommendation of a 60/40 ratio. Hiring of a new full-time faculty has not transpired at the time of this PUR. One of the challenges to hiring a new full-time teaching fac ulty member is budgeting beyond system cuts. Facilities and Desired Capital Improvements There i~ a cat1.r dcnMnd fo on-Im~ dassc' but the .c ca 1 be hamstrung by not bcin" abk to offer lab cl,1s cs with the more modem equipment to train!>' 1dcnt on Labs'' 1th digt1al camera) and up to date er me scene and fngcrprinting toob .ire needed Funding Allocations and Development Strategies Lor ~ide1 at ion nn st be ~ ver to the need of an additional full-11111c fa~ulty member to adequate I) plan future wrriculum and stall i11-pcr~or and on h.c classes keeping up\\ ith tudent demand. An .tdditional need is a dedicated cla,s1ticd ~tatf person tor the CRJ department to assist facult) and ~tudcnts. Truckee Meadows Commu~~ Truckee Meadows Community College 20 I .l/20 1-1 APPENDIXB. Degree and Certificate Worksheets Truckee Meadows Community College I Appendix Truckee Meadows Community College APPENDIXC. Institutional Research Data Truckee Meadows Community College ! Append ix Truckee Meadows Communit)· College APPENDIXD. Click here to enter text. Click here lo enter lc'\t. Truckee Meadows Community College I Appendix Truckee Meadows Communit) College APPENDIXE. Click here to enter text Clid. here to enter tc:-.1 Truckee Meadows Community College I Appendix TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW Dean's Recommendation PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: C~ri.!.!.m~in~a:!.!.l..!!.Ju,,.,,s~ti""'c,,,_,_eP~ro~g""'ra~m,_,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SeKS~dyCommitteeCh~r~) ~A~m~o~W~B~ro=c=k~J=r~.J=·~D~·--------------------- School: Truckee Meadows Community College._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Year of Review: 2013-14 =------------------ Date Submitted to PURC: =S.:. el::.:;e.:.;ct:.. .:t::.:.h.:. e-=D;.::a::;:te.___ _ _ _ __ Dean's findings of strengths and weaknesses of the program/unit: Click here to enter text. Summary action recommended for program/unit: Choose an item. Recommendations for development strategies and anticipated time lines: Click here to enter text. Identify resources necessary for implementation of recommended development strategies: Click here to enter text. Describe impact of recommended development strategies on School planning: Click here to enter text. Describe impact of recommended development strategies on program/unit fa culty: Click here to enter text. Dean of Enter School Name: Name Enter Dean's Name Dean's Recommendation Signature Date TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW Program/Unit Review Committee Recommendation PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: =E=nt=er'-'P,__,r=o=gr=a=m::./. .U :=n=i.._tT .._..i= tl= e - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Sclf&u~CommiliffCh~rOO: ~ T_ M~C'-'C~Em~pl= o~ ~=e~--------------------­ School: Enter School Name Year of Review: Enter Academic Year Date Submitted to VPAA/SS: ~ Select the Date ----~~ ..........-----=-.......... Committee findings of self-study strengths: Click here to c.:ntcr text. Committee findings of self-study weaknesses: Click here to enter text. Modification, if any, of development strategies: Clic" here to enter text. Summary action recommended for program/unit: Choose an item. Is this recommendation in agfffment with the self-study committff's recommendation?: Choose an item . PURC Co-Chairs: Name Title Click here to c.:ntcr text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. PURC Members: Name Title Cl id. here to c.:ntcr text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click hcre to enter text. CI ick here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Program/Unit Review Committee Recommendation Signature Date Signature Date TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEW Vice President's Recommendation PROGRAM/UNIT REVIEWED: =E=nt=er'"""P'"""'r=o....,gra=m"""/U"'"=i..:... 'n t T~i=tl=e------------------Self Study Committee Chair: '"""T""'"'M.;. o.... CC--=E=m-p~lo~y-=-ee-"-----------------------­ School: Enter School Name Year of Review: Enter Academic Year Date Submitted to the President: Select the Date Vice president's findings of strengths and weaknesses of the program/unit: Click here lo enter text. Summary action recommended for program/unit: Choose an item. Recommendations for development strategies and anticipated time lines: Click here to enter lc:-..l. Identify additional resources and/or actions necessary from each administrative unit for implementation of recommended development strategies: Academic Affairs: Click here to enter text. Student Services: Click here to enter text. Finance: Click here to enter text. Human Resources: Click here to enter text. Faculty Senate: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Conclusion: Click here to enter text. Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services: Signature Name Enter VP Name Vice President's Recommendation Date