ATMCC Truckee M••d-• oomm11nltv Coll•11• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Physical Sciences Self-Study Chair: Kathleen Kolbet Division: Sciences Dean: Lance Bowen Year of Last PUR: 2012-2013 Year of next PUR: 2019-2020 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the Physical Sciences Department is to provide students the basic principles of modern astronomy, physics, chemistry, environmental science, geology, geography, and engineering in order to establish a foundation for those pursuing degrees in the natural sciences and engineering fields, as well as the pre-requisite courses for students seeking degrees in biology and the allied health professions. As such, the Physical Sciences Department supports student success and academic excellence by offering college transfer courses in all areas, providing pre-requisite classes for allied health and pre-professional programs, and supporting TMCC's general education requirements in the natural sciences. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AS Degree Chemistry Emphasis: This is a two-year transferable program leading to an associate of science with an emphasis in chemistry. The curriculum includes a core of courses in the physical sciences and mathematics which are advised by the American Chemical Society (ACS) for transfer to any ACS accredited chemistry program. All courses recommended will partially satisfy the Bachelor of Science in chemistry at the University of Nevada, Reno. AAS Civil Engineering Practitioner Degree: TMCC's Civil Engineering Practitioner program is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to enter the workforce to assist engineers in the day to day activities of a Civil Engineering firm, a construction contractor, or a government agency that employs civil engineers. Civil Engineering Technicians (or Practitioners) will be able to collect field and laboratory data, conduct elementary analysis, provide construction quality control, cost estimating and computer-aided design drafting (CAOO). AS Degree Engineering Emphasis: This is a two-year transferable program leading to an associate of science with an emphasis in engineering. The associate of science degree in engineering is designed for students planning to obtain a four-year engineering degree. Engineering is the practical application of scientific theory and principles. This program develops a strong foundation in mathematics and physical science while providing an introduction to the fundamental aspects of engineering. Students who complete the associate degree can transfer to other colleges or universities in many engineering disciplines including civil, chemical, computer, electrical, geological, mechanical, metallurgical, mining, computer science and engineering physics. AS Environmental Science Degree: Environmental science focuses on issues that are of relevance to all citizens of the United States and all countries. With growth and development comes the need for people trained in environmental sciences that can deal with environmental issues. Sustainable development is a local and regional concern, especially as Nevada's growth continues to lead the nation. The associate of science degree in environmental science is specifically designed to transfer seamlessly into the environmental science curriculum at the University of Nevada, Reno. It will also prepare students for transfer into similar programs at other four-year institutions. v APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• Meadow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 AS Degree Geoscience Emphasis: The geoscience emphasis in physical science is designed to provide a solid foundation for students interested in geology, natural resources, physical geography, renewable energy (in particular geothermal energy), environmental sciences and planning, and teaching of science. After completing the emphasis program, students will be well prepared to either enter the work force as a technician or transfer to four-year professional baccalaureate degree programs. The program will maximize student transfer opportunities. AS Degree Physics Emphasis: This is a two-year transferable program leading to an associate of science with an emphasis in physics. Physics is the science of matter, energy, space and time, and physicists are generally at the forefront in developing important new technologies. Physicists are expert problem solvers and a degree in physics provides a good route into careers as diverse as industrial research, engineering and even banking and finance. All courses recommended in this emphasis will partially satisfy the Bachelor of Science in physics at the University of Nevada, Reno. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. Ifyour area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. AS Degree Chemistry Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of General Chemistry in topics such as stoichiometry, nomenclature, acids and bases, gas laws, equilibrium, kinetics, thermochemlstry, and electrochemistry. • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of Organic Chemistry in topics such as stoichiometry, organic nomenclature, acids and bases, organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopy. • Demonstrate knowledge of scientific methods and the relationship of theory, experiment, and data analysis. AAS Civil Engineering Practitioner Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). • Collaborate with others, communicate effectively, and function productively on teams. • Identify, analyze, and develop solutions for engineering problems. • Perform, analyze, and interpret standardized field and laboratory tests on engineering materials, and apply results to improve processes. • Understand professional, ethical, and social responsibilities in engineering. APP I REV: 5 / 2 0 11., ATMCC Truck•• M••daw• Community Coll•11• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 AS Degree Engineering Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Describe and apply the engineering design process. • Demonstrate effective communication skills via writing and presentations, work effectively in teams, and perform basic computational skills appropriate to the engineering field. AS Degree Environmental Science Goals/Outcomes: • Perform both laboratory and field experiments using the scientific method, which requires observation, hypothesis testing, data collection, and the application of basic knowledge and chemical principles to explain results. • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication, teamwork and collaboration in scientific, mathematical and other settings. • Utilize primary and secondary sources in the scientific literature to obtain information pertaining to environmental science. • Explain the impacts of different environmental pollutants and critically evaluate various pollution mitigation efforts in the context of regional and global policies, economics, and politics. • Analyze the impact of human activities on biodiversity, and how patterns of biodiversity have shaped human activities, employing the ecological, evolutionary, and geologic factors that control patterns of biodiversity and extinction. AS Degree Geoscience Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Relate how the various earth systems, consisting of the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, interact with each other so as to affect surface landforms, climate and weather, oceanic circulation patterns, and well-being of life forms including the human condition. • Utilize the theory of plate tectonics to explain the distribution of volcanoes, earthquakes, energy and mineral resources, and formation of different types of rocks and minerals. • Demonstrate an ability to identify and classify rocks and minerals and relate their origin to both internal and external forces and processes. Much like the words in a book tell a story, students will "read" rocks to interpret their history as written by nature. • Recognize that changes in life over time involve feedbacks between life forms and the physical environment - that changes in our physical environment, driven by both internal and external forces, govern the explosions and extinctions of life forms with time and will continue to do so. • Apply the scientific method and geologic knowledge gained in a capstone course to interpret the geologic history of select areas of the Reno region through field studies, involving rock and structure identification and plotting their distribution to make basic but informative geologic maps also useful in assessments of geological hazards. AS Degree Physics Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of foundational theories and principles central to physics. • Solve archetypal introductory physics problems through the application of relevant physical principles and appropriate level mathematics. • Demonstrate a beginning understanding of experimental design and analysis. APP I RE V 5/1u14 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community Coll•g• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The foflowing recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategy #1 Successfully complete faculty tenure-track searches and put in place mentoring programs for new hires. Status: choose Onnnirm Timeline: Completed i:Completv Other Action: Filled .2 tenure-track positions in Chemistry and 1 in Environment Science that had each remained unstaffed many years after buy-outs. Replaced our only position in Geography with full time instructor position, after the previous tenured1aculty resigned. Anticipated Resources Needed: It is a welcome change to be able to finally re-fill some of the tenure track positions that were vacated. Unfortunately, enrollment data clearly show that Physical Sciences continues to be chronically understaffed and desperately in need of additional full time positions. Unit Strategy #2 Status: choose Timeline: ...-Ongoing_:> Develop specific faculty advisement strategies by discipline for students C Ongoing in 200-level physical science courses seeking an emphasis in a Lomp1ete department discipline to increase transfer and graduation numbers. Other Action: Continuing discussion. Anticipated Resources Needed: None at this time. Unit Strategy #3 Status: choose Continue to monitor low transfer data and develop solutions to increase Ongoing rl'lmnlete transfer rate. Implement strategies to increase graduation rates, ( Other J including co-admission program with UNR and reverse transfers. Action: Dean ofSciences is leading this effort. Anticipated Resources Needed: None at this time. Sbt11c- choose Unit Strategy #4 Within constrained resources, design and implement programs to C:-ongoingJ recruit more women and minorities into the physical science disciplines. Complete Other Ac.tion: Will continue outreach activities. Anticipated Resources Needed: None at this time. Unit Strategy #s Statue;:~ choose Set specific goals and monitor increased external funding for innovative 4~OngoingJ STEM programs designed to meet the needs of students and employers Complete within Nevada. Other Ac.tion: Physical Sciences continue to pursue external funding opportunities. Anticipated Resources Needed: None at this time. Timeline: Dat~ ranye Timeline: Ongoing Timeline: Ongoing APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truok•• M••dow• Community Collea• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Unit Strategy #6 Review and revise Student Learning Outcomes and Measures as required by Office of Assessment. Status: choose Onnainn Timeline: Completed I :.CompletY Otner Action: Student Learning Outcomes and Measures have all been revised and successfully submitted to CAP last academic year. Anticipated Resources Needed: None. Unit Strategy #7 Status: choose Timeline: Develop an annual process within each discipline to use data to develop 4~ngoinO Ongoing and analyze strategies for improving student success in retention, l..Omp1ete transfer and graduation. Other Action: All courses in Physical Sciences include formalized assessment, often involving pre-test/post-test measurement of learning gains. Course Assessment Reports (CA Rs) summarize data used in reflecting on possible course revisions. Anticipated Resources Needed: None at this time. Unit Strategy #8 Within institutional space planning study, identify and implement solutions to lab and storage space inadequacies. <;t~h•.,· rhoose 4:onqoinaJ Complete Other Timeline: Ongoing Action: Storage space gained in RDMT320 as Nutrition moves to 4tnfloor of RDMT. Anticipated Resources Needed: Unknown at this time. I pp I REV. S/ 2 0l't ATMCC Truck•• M••daw• Community CDllK • TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL - Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newJx identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timefine, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please (eave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: Dare range Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Timeline: Date rang<' Timeline: Dnte range Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) APh. I REV. s/ 20 14