ATMCC Truell- M••dowa Community CoUage TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Early Childhood Education Self-Study Chair: Crystal Swank Division: Liberal Arts Year of Last PUR: 2005 Dean: Armida Fruzzetti Date of next PUR: 2014-15 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) is to train students for careers in Early Childhood Education as teachers, directors or owners of child care centers and preschools. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please reviewfor accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates AA Early Childhood Education Degree: The associate of arts in early childhood education is designed to serve students either as a stand-alone associate degree, or as a university transfer degree. The transfer option allows students to complete specific lower division courses at TMCC and obtain an associate of arts degree in Early Childhood Education; and then transfer to UNR as a junior to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Students are encouraged to obtain academic advisement from early childhood education faculty to facilitate the university transfer process. (Revised Fall 2013) AAS Early Childhood Education Degree - Administration of Early Care and Education Programs Emphasis: The associate of applied science in early childhood education is a degree option for students seeking to enter a rewarding career working with young children and their families. This practitioner oriented • program has a degree emphasis in three fields: administration of early care and education programs, preschool and infant/toddler. This gives the student the opportunity to select their educational experience based on their specific interests and allows for greater learning in a specific area of concentration. AAS Early Childhood Education Degree - Infant/Toddler Emphasis: The associate of applied science in early childhood education is a degree option for students seeking to enter a rewarding career working with young children and their families. This practitioner oriented program has a degree emphasis in three fields: administration of early care and education programs, preschool and infant/toddler. This gives the student the opportunity to select their educational experience based on their specific interests and allows for greater learning in a specific area of concentration. AAS Early Childhood Education Degree - Preschool Emphasis: The associate of applied science in early childhood education is a degree option for students seeking to enter a rewarding career working with young children and their families. This practitioner oriented program has a degree emphasis in three fields: administration of early care and education programs, preschool and infant/toddler. This gives the student the opportunity to select their educational experience based on their specific interests and allows for greater learning in a specific area of concentration. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community Coll•O• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Early Childhood Educator I Skills Certificate: The skills certificate Jn early childhood educator 1 includes g credits in early childhood education. The courses are also required forthe early childhood education AA and AAS degrees. The certificate is one of a series of four, stackable skills certificates available in early childhood education. Students may earn the skills certificates as they progress toward an AA/AAS degree in early childhood education or as professional development certifications for non-degree seeking students. These courses may not transfer to a baccalaureate degree of art or science within the universities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Early Childhood Educator 2 Skills Certificate: The skills certificate in early childhood educator 2 includes 12 credits in early childhood education. The courses are also required for the early childhood education AA and AAS degrees. The certificate is one of a series of four, stackable skills certificates available in early childhood education. Students may earn the skills certificates as they progress toward an AA/AAS degree in early childhood education or as professional development certifications for non-degree seeking students. These courses may not transfer to a baccalaureate degree of art or science within the universities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Early Childhood Educator 3 Skills Certificate: The skills certificate in early childhood educator 3 includes 21 credits in early childhood education. The courses are also required for the early childhood education AA and AAS degrees. The certificate is one of a series of four, stackable skills certificates available in early childhood education. Students may earn the skills certificates as they progress toward an AA/AAS degree in early childhood education or as professional development certifications for non-degree seeking students. These courses may not transfer to a baccalaureate degree of art or science within the universities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Early Childhood Educator 4 Skills Certificate: The skills certificate in early childhood educator 4 includes 30 credits in early childhood education. The courses are also required for the early childhood education AA and AAS degrees. The certificate is one of a series of four, stackable skills certificates available in early childhood education. Students may earn the skills certificates as they progress toward an AA/AAS degree in early childhood education or as professional development certifications for non-degree seeking students. These courses may not transfer to a baccalaureate degree of art or science within the universities in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). APR I REV: 5/ 2014 ATMCC Tnu: ll•• Meeclowa CQmmunlty CaU-e- TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. AA Early Childhood Education Degree Goals/Outcomes: Degree Outcomes: • • Demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills represented in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) national Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. Gain competence and skills required to gain entry into a baccalaureate degree program, including but not limited to: understanding child development; guiding young children; developing professionalism in the ECE field; developing and implementing curriculum for children birth through preschool; working with families and the community; understanding children with disabilities; observing, documenting and accessing young children; and field experiences working with young families. AAS Early Childhood Education Degree -Administration of Early Care and Education Programs Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: Degree Outcomes: • • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Outcomes: • • Demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills represented in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) national standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. Demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills specific to the degree emphasis, including supervision and management of staff in early care and education programs, and comprehensive administration of an early care and education program. AAS Early Childhood Education Degree - Infant/Toddler Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: Degree Outcomes: • • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Outcomes: • • Demonstrate the scope of knowledge and skills based on the five National Associate for the Education of Young Children's (NAEYC) Associate Degree Standards. These include promoting child development and learning; building family and community relationships; observing, documenting, and assessing; teaching and learning; and becoming a professional. Demonstrate a scope of knowledge and skills based on the infant and toddler emphasis. These include understanding child development with an emphasis on infant and toddlers; guiding infants and toddlers; developing professionalisl'T! in the ECE field; developing and implementing curriculum for infants and toddlers; working with families and the community; understanding children with disabilities; observing, documenting and assessing young children; and various field experiences with infants and toddlers. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truall•• Me•daw• Cammunl ty College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 AAS Early Childhood Education Degree - Preschool Emphasis Goals/Outcome: Degree Outcomes: • Fulfill the requirements of the Associate of Applied Science. • Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Outcomes: • Demonstrate the scope of knowledge and skills based on the National Associate for the Education of Young Children's (NAEYC) Associate Degree Standards. These include promoting child development and learning; building family and community relationships; observing, documenting, and assessing; teaching and learning; and becoming a professional. • Demonstrate a scope of knowledge and skills based on the preschool emphasis. These include understanding chjld development; guiding young children; developing professionalism in the ECE field; developing and implementing curriculum for children birth through preschool; working with families and the community; understanding children with disabilities; observing, documenting and assessing young children; and various field experiences with young children New £:14-:151- The ECE Program has added four Skills Certificates which have been approved by the Board of Regents and will appear in the 20.i4-.i5 catalog. Early Childhood Educator I Skills Certificate: Certificate Outcomes: • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills required to proceed to the skills certificate: early childhood educator 2, including general knowledge about the early childhood education profession, lifespan human development, and posit ive guidance of young children birth through age eight. • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills related to the six standards for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Early Childhood Educator 2 Skills Certificate: Certificate Outcomes: • Ident ify and apply the knowledge and skills required to proceed to the skills certificate: early childhood educator 31 including general knowledge about t he early childhood education profession, lifespan human development, positive guidance of young children birth through age eight, and the observation, documentat ion, and assessment of young children. • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills related to the six standards for the National Association forthe Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Early Childhood Educator 3 Skills Certificate: Certificate Outcomes: • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills required to proceed to the skills certificate: early childhood educator 4, including general knowledge about the early childhood education profession, lifespan human development, positive guidance of young children birth through age eight, the observation, documentation, and assessment of young children, professionalism in ECE, children with exceptionalities, and preschool curriculum planning. • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills related to the six standards for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). APq I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck-...,.,...._ Community Cohge TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Early Childhood Educator 4 Skills Certificate: Certificate Outcomes: • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills in the early childhood education profession, lifespan human development, positive guidance of young children birth through age eight, the observation, documentation, and assessment of young children, professionalism in ECE, children with exceptionalities, preschool curriculum planning, and in one of three areas of emphasis (infant/toddlers, preschool, or administration of ECE programs). • Identify and apply the knowledge and skills related to the six standards for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community Coll•U• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The fallowing recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and ifresources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Unit Strategy #1 Develop a marketing recruitment plan for the program and a website with the goal of identifying underserved students. Status: choose Ongoing CompleteX Other Timeline: Date range Action: The ECE Program developed a website and a marketing plan in consultation with the ECE Program Advisory Committee. The website needs to be updated. The marketing plan needs ta be refreshed and a budget for specific strategies needs to be developed. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy #2 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Formalize community relationships through contracts or Memorandum Ongoing of Understanding (MOUs). CompleteX Other Action: The ECE Program formalized relationships with several community partners for the purpose of placing students in off campus field experience and practicum sites. This included work with the Internship Office to develop a site agreement. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy #3 Status: choose Timeline: Improve communication among faculty. Ongoing Date range CompleteX Other Action: The ECE Program Coordinator maintains ongoing communication with faculty in a variety of ways, including faculty meetings each semester, regular email and telephone calls, and has developed an online assist course using the campus LMS, Canvas, which houses the program's documents and farms. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, sta!finfJ, etc. Unit Strategy #4 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Strengthen the advisory committee. Ongoing CompleteX Other Action: The ECE Program's Advisory Committee composition was reviewed and additional representatives were added, including community representatives and a student representative. New officers were elected. Terms of service were established and staggered to assure continuity as representatives retired and new representatives joined the committee. The committee established bylaws and a process to review effectiveness. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffin~, etc. Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategy #5 Date range Pursue accreditation in 2007-2008 academic year. Ongoing CompleteX Other APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Tnu::ille• Me•*'- Cammunlty ca1i.g. TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Action: The ECE Program was accredited by the Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation (ECADA) Commission in September of2009. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staf{inq, etc. Unit Strategy #6 Status: choose Timeline: Develop a more formal advising system for students in the program to Ongoing Date range identify the true program majors and improve graduation rate. CompleteX Other Action: The ECE Program Coordinator conducts formal academic advisement sessions with ECE majors on a regular and ongoing basis. Students are encouraged to participate in advisement each semester to track progress and make adjustments to their educational plans as needed. Files are maintained for each student. The ECE Coordinator works closely with the ECE liaison in the Academic Advisement Office to assure that students interested in ECE are referred to ECEfaculty for advisement, and that academic advisers have the most current program information. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffin~, etc. Unit Strategy #7 Status: choose Timeline: Improve graduation rate. Date range Ongoing X Complete Other Action: The graduation has improved but this is an ongoing process. The program has used several strategies to address the graduation rate, including increased and specific academic advisement, adding four ECE Skills Certificates, and expanding andformalizing off-campus practicum placements. This strategy will likely be identified in the 2014 PUR process as an ongoing recommendation and a new action plan and needed resources will be identified. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staftinCi, etc. Unit Strategy #8 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Address the room scheduling issues through the administrative Ongoing structure. CompleteX Other Action: The ECE Program now uses a Tier 2 classroom in Sierra 117 which has been specifically outfitted with furniture and equipment for the ECE, HDFS, and EDU programs. Nearly all ECE and HDFS courses are taught in the ECE lab class. The ECE Coordinator uses a master schedule to assure that courses are offered in a cycle to assure students can complete a degree within two years. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, statfinCi, etc. Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategy # 9 Date range Update catalog to accurately depict the program. Ongoing X Complete Other Action: The ECE Program Coordinator reviews and revises the courses and degrees on a regular basis to assure catalog accuracy. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy # 10 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Work with the Distance Education (DE) director to address the issues of Ongoing X Complete retention in DE courses. Afl" I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••daw• Community Call•g• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Other Action: The ECE Coordinator works closely with the WebCollege Director to identify strategies for improving retention rates, including professional development and service on the WebCollege Faculty Advisory Committee. The two full-time ECE Program faculty completed Quality Matters (QM) training, focused on improving online course design. Online courses were reviewed and updated to follow the QM rubric for best practices. The ECE Coordinator monitors adjunct faculty teaching online to evaluate each instructor's delivery of online courses and mentor/coach them as needed. The WebCollege and the Office ofInstitutional Research provide retention data, which is used to identify areas for improvement with regard to retention. Retention in online classes will continue to be a goal for the ECE Program. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staf{inQ, etc. Unit Strategy # 11 Status: choose Timeline: Revise the curriculum where appropriate. Ongoing X Date range Complete Other Action: The ECE Program's curriculum is regularly reviewed and revised as needed. Courses and degrees have been identified for review and will be updated in the next PUR cycle. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy # 12 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Improve the practicum experience for students. Ongoing X Complete Other Action: The ECE Program has considered a variety ofstrategies to improve the practicum experience for students. Several have been implemented to address the challenges, including off-campus placement sites, working with a community partner to provide scholarships for students who need substitute teachers while they complete the practicum, working with the E. L. Cord Child Care Center to expand the number ofslots for students in the center, and migrating course content to the LMS (Canvas). Additional strategies are being considered for implementation in the next PUR cycle. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy # 13 Status: choose Timeline: Maintain systematic process to track program graduates. Ongoing Date range CompleteX Other Action: This is done by the Office of Institutional Research and data are provided to the ECE Program Coordinator. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Status: choose Timeline: Unit Strategy# 14 Administer the Student Follow-Up Survey and Employer Satisfaction Ongoing X Date range Survey. Complete Other Action: The Student Follow-Up Survey is administered by the Office of Institutional Research. The Employer Satisfaction Survey is no longer being used as a measure ofprogram success, but will be revisited in the next PUR cycle. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truall- - e c l o - Community Cot1999 TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffing, etc. Unit Strategy# 15 Revamp the measures of the student learning outcomes beyond the current expectation. Status: choose Ongoing CompleteX Other Timeline: Date range Action: This has been completed and is reflected in the current Master Course Outlines. The student learning outcomes are reviewed on a regular basis and revised as needed. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffin~, etc. Unit Strategy# 16 Status: choose Timeline: Date range Request new full-time faculty through the regular approval process. Ongoing CompleteX Other Action: This is not currently needed. One full-time faculty member is approaching retirement and will likely need to be replaced during the next PUR cycle. Anticipated Resources Needed: Be specific about dollar amounts equipment, space size, staffin~, etc. Timeline: Unit Strategy# 17 Status: choose Date range Request through the Dean's office or Department Chair additional Ongoing X student clerical support. Complete Other Action: The ECE Program has utilized a student worker at various times; the student worker was funded through a Perkins Grant. Clerical support continues to be a needfor the ECE Program; additional resources are needed to fund a student worker position. Anticipated Resources Needed: Student Worker, 5 hours per week x 32 weeks = 160 hours/year@ sisfhour = s2400.oo, + _1._~% frinqe s84.oo = s2484.oo APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truell•• M••dDW• Community Call•SI• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newlv identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: Date range Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the aooroximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the aooroximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status : choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap ofaccomplishments work to do Timeline: Date range Timeline: Date range Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) APR I REV: 5/2014