Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: AAS Nursing Degree School: SOSC Submitted by: Karen Fontaine Contributing Faculty: Nursing Faculty (see individual course reports) Academic Year: 2010-2011 Complete and submit your assessment report electronically to your Academic Dean. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your program or discipline. Program, Discipline or Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your program or discipline during the last year. Assessment Measures Assessment Results In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess program, discipline, or course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Outcome #1: Program Outcome #1 NCLEX-RN Pass Rate will be at or above national standards. Information received from Nevada State Board of Nursing annually (calendar year). National Standard is 91.8% for Associate degree programs (2008-2009). 100% pass rate for first time test takers for calendar year 2010. Maintain results at or above national average for Associate degree programs. No Action needed. Outcome #2: Program Outcome #2 Program retention will be at or above national standards Gathered from IR annually for Accreditation Report. National standard is 73.7% for Associate Degree Programs (2008-2009). Six Semester overall retention average is 61% from Summer ‘07 thru Summer ‘09 admissions. Year Round track is higher than Traditional track. Slight improvement noted in 4 semester rate for fall ‘09 cohort. Retention course/semester Changes have been made in readmission policy which allows students to progress without interruption. Other strategies employed previously have not improved results. Continue to monitor for improvement based on changes in policy. NURS 102 F ’10 100%, NURS 212 F ‘10 98%, NURS 170 F ‘10 NURS 202 F ’10 87%, NURS 209 F ’10 84%; S ’11 90% Use of Results Effect on Program, Discipline or Course Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below. Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: AAS Nursing Degree School: SOSC Submitted by: Karen Fontaine Contributing Faculty: Nursing Faculty (see individual course reports) Academic Year: 2010-2011 Student Outcome #1 TMCC’s Nursing Program graduates will be able to use an evidence base to provide caring interventions that result from a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the clients’ biophychosocial and cultural status. NURS 170: Students will develop and implement a plan of care to patients across the lifespan with selected disease processes. NURS 170: Students will analyze and apply principles of safe medication administration. NURS 202: Students will demonstrate the ability to anticipate complications, justify a nursing decision or course of action, prioritize caring interventions based on client needs and presentation, and evaluate changes in condition of clients with altered health status NURS 274: The student will demonstrate clinical decision making and prioritization of nursing care for clients with stable, complex, or unstable health needs. NURS 170: Students were also able to realize, through exams, what would be the best plan of care for patients in specific situations with exemplar diseases. NURS 170: Students also perform administration with clinical faculty until they can provide medication safely and accurately. This outcome is clinically based more than classroom based and may need to be revised to reflect a more academic SLOA. This outcome is pertinent for both academic and clinical situations and has no need to be revised. NURS 202: 76% of students answered relevant questions on a comprehensive final exam with a score of 75% or better. Students complained of assessment not being appropriate to content. Faculty assessed according to objectives for spring, 2011 course. NURS 274: Students are meeting the clinical decision making and prioritization measure in the 4th semester course Outcome will not be revised and will continue to monitor utilizing the current outcome. Individual Course Student Learning Outcomes need to be better aligned with program student learning outcomes to allow better evaluation of outcomes. Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: AAS Nursing Degree School: SOSC Submitted by: Karen Fontaine Contributing Faculty: Nursing Faculty (see individual course reports) Academic Year: 2010-2011 Student Outcome #2 Nursing Program graduates will be able to coordinate, collaborate, and mange care using technology appropriately to work cooperatively with the client and all healthcare team members to achieve client goals. Student Outcome #3 Nursing program graduates will be able to teach, valuing cultural, social, and environmental differences in order to promote homeostasis, reduce risk, and maintain optimum wellness and quality of life. Student Outcome #4 Nursing program graduates will be able to practice using professional behaviors that are based on standards of legal, ethical, regulatory and professional frameworks. NURS 274: The student will demonstrate effective delegation, collaboration, and supervision of the acutely ill client. NURS 274: Students are meeting the care management measure in the 4th semester course. Outcome will not be revised and will continue to monitor utilizing the current outcome. Individual Course Student Learning Outcomes need to be better aligned with program student learning outcomes to allow better evaluation of outcomes. NURS 212: The student will demonstrate theoretical knowledge needed to plan and implement culturally competent nursing care to clients from diverse populations. NURS 212: Students are meeting the knowledge component necessary to plan care by achieving above 87.5% on the final comprehensive exam questions. Outcome will not be revised. Individual Course Student Learning Outcomes need to be better aligned with program student learning outcomes to allow better evaluation of outcomes. NURS 202: 100% of students achieved a passing grade on a written paper using a grading rubric. Outcomes have been rewritten to reflect course assessment expectations. No change in outcome is noted. NURS 102: 100% of the students were able to successfully demonstrate their knowledge of professional behaviors through class discussions posts and exams and received an A, B, or C in the course as a final grade. No change in outcomes NURS 202: The student will demonstrate the ability to implement effective teaching strategies that promote appropriate self-care measures in clients with a specific disease, ethnic group or religion, and age. NURS 102: The student will be able to explain, interpret and illustrate nursing’s professional behaviors Individual Course Student Learning Outcomes need to be better aligned with program student learning outcomes to allow better evaluation of outcomes. Program/Discipline/Course Assessment Report Program: AAS Nursing Degree School: SOSC Submitted by: Karen Fontaine Contributing Faculty: Nursing Faculty (see individual course reports) Academic Year: 2010-2011 For Program, Discipline or Course Assessment Reports: I have reviewed this report: Karen Fontaine Director Ted Plaggemeyer Dean Date: June 3, 2011 Date: June 3, 2011 John Tuthill Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services Date August 23, 2011 Revised 9/28/2009