Revised 08/01/2011
Course Prefix, Number and Title: CIT 251-Advanced Web Development
School/Unit: Division of Sciences/Computer Technologies
Submitted by: Cindy Mortensen
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2011-2012
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your program or discipline.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
Students will demonstrate the
ability to create server-side
scripts to retrieve and use data
from a web fonn.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess course
outcomes during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve student
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
Students will demonstrate the
ability to create server-side
scripts that retrieve and use fonn
data on a web form page in a
final project that will be
evaluated using a predefined
Students who passed the course
were to complete a web fonn on
the final project that collected
data, wrote it to a text file, and
retrieved it from that text file.
However, we are on a new class
server this semester, and the
students did not have write
pennissions on text files until too
late to implement this
requirement. Most students
installed a local web server on
their home computers in order to
complete the chapter assignment
on text file reading/writing.
Students were to demonstrate
success by using a text file as a
way to post company "special
offers", or storing a list of
authenticated users that was
stored to and read from.
This outcome should reflect that
cookies, sessions and serverhosted databases all play a part in
the retrieval and use of form data.
This will be rewritten Summer
Course Prefix, Number and Title: CIT 251 - Advanced Web Development
School/Unit: Division of Sciences/Computer Technologies
Submitted by: Cindy Mortensen
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2011-2012
Course Outcomes
Outcome# 2
Students will demonstrate the
correct use of conditional
statements and repetition
structures in server-side scripts.
Students will demonstrate the use
ofbasic database manipulation
functions to store information
retrieved from a web page form
into a database.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
Students will demonstrate the
correct use of conditional
statements and repetition
structures by completing projects
that will be evaluated using a
predefined rubric.
Students who passed the course
completed the assignment that
required a nested decision
structure coupled with a loop
with a 67.8% average.
Students who experienced the
greatest success in this
assignment had previous
programming experience; those
who had not yet completed their
first semester of a programming
language struggled. For this
reason, their required first
semester of a programming
language will be a
prerequisite/corequisite starting
in Fall 2012.
No revision at this time.
Students will demonstrate the use
of basic database functions by
completing a final project
requiring that information be
retrieved from a web page form
and stored into a database. This
project will be evaluated using a
predefined rubric.
Students who passed the course
demonstrated using a web page
form to collect and write client
information to a database with an
average of54.5%. (Seven
students implemented this with
an average score of 85 .7%, four
others did not attempt to
implement this.)
The database component of the
course is introduced late in the
semester. Students have not had
the opportunity for much practice
before being required to
implement this in their final
project. The final project
implements the creation of a
simple interactive web-based
application, e-commerce site that
uses these database functions.
This outcome should reflect both
the storage of web form
information into a database, as
well as the retrieval and display
of that database information.
Students also need more practice
earlier, as this is a basic function
of any web site, this will be
addressed in the schedule next
Course Prefo:, Number and Title: CIT 251-Advanced Web Development
School/Unit: Division of Sciences/Computer Technologies
Submitted by: Cindy Mortensen
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2011 -2012
Please enter your name and date below to confinn you have reviewed this report:
Department Chair/Coordinator/Director
Cindy Mortensen
5/20/201 2
/sffed Plaggemeyer
7/ 10/2013
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Jane Nichols
Page J
7/ 15/20 13
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