A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised 10/21/2013 Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 Complete and ele<:tronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Outcome#! Students will identify and describe cultural traits present in the local environment, analyzing the geographical processes observed within the landscape. Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: Students will prepare written reports and/or presentations of self-guided fieldtrips of their local area, linking the buildings, business and other landmarks with a particular cultural identity. The results of their analysis will be evaluated against a predefined rubric that confonns to stated objectives of the field exercise. The primary measure used was student perfonnance on a written report of their field project. Average score was 87%. The high was a 98 and the low a 0. The results on the student reports are within expected nonns for an introductory, self-guided field project. However, a few of the NGS objectives did return lower than expected results. The intent is to have the students look more closely at the concept 'cultural landscape'. As currently stated, this is achieved. However, the Outcome/Measure does seem confining in tenns of the kinds of activities that may be employed. I believe the "Outcome' portion is attainable via a number of different means. I am however considering revising the 'Measures' portion. Additionally, several key learning objectives are presented. See attached Narrative section (below). For a more detail accounting. An increase in class discussions of these complex ideas and concepts will afford students more practice in solving these kinds of critical thinking questions. Also, I plan to increase the mentoring the part-time instructors in the development and use of active learning strategies for their sections. Page I A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 Course Outcomes Outcome#2 Students will identify and analyze patterns of diffusion, distribution, and origins of cultural traits at varied spatial scales; local, regional, and global. Assessment Measures On exams or homework assignments, students will interpret information from several maps, drawing conclusions by correlating the geographic information in those maps. A grading rubric or key will be used in evaluating student work. Assessment Results See attached Narrative section (below). For a more detail accounting. Use of Results Overall, the results are mixed, though overall students did fairly well on these Key objectives. A lack or previous data on student performance does not allow for a discussion on student learning gains. However, it does appear that some students did repeat errors. Effect on Course The current assessment methodology does not measure learning gains, rather it is an indicator of student performance only. A pre-test/post-test diagnostic tool is being considered. To combat this, I will continue to track responses on key learning objectives and offer feedback and examples so students may improve upon their results. Outcome #3 Students will illustrate and explain how places and regions serve as cultural symbols, acting to unify or fragment society. Student ability will be evaluated through use of standardized metrics, by way of various formal and informal writing assignments and through the use of in class discussions and assigned homework. See attached. The assignments and exam results indicate some problem areas. In particular I noticed lower results on questions dealing with human health, while the results for questions on population dynamics and structure were not nearly as low. The population quiz; average was 72.5% correct and the epidemiology quiz; average of 51 .8% correct Puzzling as these two topics are covered in the Page 2 At this time I do not plan on revisions to this particular outcome/measure. A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course same chapter within the text. This suggests that I may need to need to focus on those topical areas, allowing for additional opportunities for students to achieve better on these objectives. Outcome#4 Using a geographic approach, student will identify and critically evaluate the impacts of science and technology on human society A grading rubric will be used to evaluate written responses on digitally submitted responses. See attached. The lack of previous offerings data makes it difficult to comment on a trends in the student performance measures. Additional data would be useful. In the future the use of additional writing assignments and quizzes to ensure a reiteration of information will be employed. This course had its MCO revised in I0/2014. Additional opportunities to evaluate this will prove useful. At this time I do not plan on revisions to this particular outcome/measure. Narrative: A new textbook was adopted for this tenn. The MCO for Geog106 was revised, including new outcomes and measures, 10/2014. They are being evaluated here. The results reported here are arrived at from (I) grading rubrics used for student submissions of written assignments and quizzes/exams; (2) objective questions on assignments and quizzes/exams making use of key learning objectives for topics covered during the class. The National Geography Standards (NGS) have been tied to both the subjective and objective questions used to evaluate student performance and are used here as the key learning objectives. Student perfonnance results on these key learning objectives are cross referenced against the Outcomes/Measures identified for this course, compiled here so as to better assess student learning of the key concepts addressed in class. Student perfonnance is indicated in Average Percent Correct. Below results are presented and each of the Outcome/Measures is discussed. Page3 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 Outcome#l: ... describe cultural traits present in the local environment, analyzing the geographical processes ... Established in the course syllabus is the use of an active, participatory methodology that encourages participation and preparation throughout the course. Establishing an active classroom environment is critical to the success of this approach. This is especially relevant for the final project, and preparing students for their self-guided field experiences. The final project was thus prefaced with a series of discussion sections, demonstrations, and through several examples in graded assignments and quizzes. The following NOS key objectives have also been tied to these questions and apply directly to this Outcome: • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 18: HOW TO APPLY GEOGRAPHY TO INTERPRET THE PRESENT AND PLAN FOR THE FUTURE; 62.1 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 14: HOW HUMAN ACTIONS MODIFY THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT; 83.9 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 3: HOW TO ANALYZE THE SPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF PEOPLE, PLACES, AND ENVIRONMENTS ON EARTH'S SURFACE; 77.4 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 15: HOW PHYSICAL SYSTEMS AFFECT HUMAN SYSTEMS; 83.7 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD I 7: HOW TO APPLY GEOGRAPHY TO INTERPRET THE PAST; 97.6 Outcome#2: ... patterns ofdiffusion, distribution, and origins of cultural traits at varied spatial scales. Results for the NOS key objectives tied to this Outcome: • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 7: THE PHYSICAL PROCESSES THAT SHAPE THE PATTERNS OF EARTH'S SURFACE; 85.6 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 9: THE CHARACTERISTICS, DISTRIBUTION, AND MIGRATlON OF HUMAN POPULATIONS ON EARTH'S SURFACE; 76.9 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 1: HOW TO USE MAPS AND OTHER GEOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS, GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES, AND SPATIAL THINKING TO UNDERSTAND AND COMMUNICATE INFORMATION; 78.9 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD I 0: THE CHARACTERISTICS, DISTRIBUTION, AND COMPLEXITY OF EARTH'S CULTURAL MOSAICS; 80.7 • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 8: THE CHARACTERISTICS AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF ECOSYSTEMS AND BIOMES OF EARTH'S SURFACE; 92.5 Outcome#3: ... places and regions sen•e as cultural symbols, acting to unify or fragment society. The following key NOS learning objectives have been linked to this Outcome: Page4 A COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) TMCC Course Prefix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 • • • • • GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 13: HOW THE FORCES OF COOPERATION AND CONFLICT AMONG PEOPLE INFLUENCE THE DIVISION AND CONTROL OF EARTH'S SURFACE; 84.1 GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 11 : THE PAITERNS AND NETWORKS OF ECONOMIC lNTERDEPENDENCE ON EARTH'S SURFACE; 74.5 GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 5: THAT PEOPLE CREATE REGIONS TO INTERPRET EARTH'S COMPLEXITY; 66.0 GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 6: HOW CULTURE AND EXPERIENCE INFLUENCE PEOPLE'S PERCEPTIONS OF PLACES AND REGIONS; 67. 7 GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 12: THE PROCESSES, PAITERNS, AND FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN SEITLEMENT; 83.7 Outcome#4: ... the impacts ofscience and technology on human society Primarily in-class discussions and short writing assignments were used to evaluate this Outcome. However, several key measures have been identified which apply directly to the 'technology and society' topic areas. Results on key indicators applied to this Outcome include: • Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills.; 76.3 • Demonstrate the ability to make connections between concepts across geography.; 78.3 • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry. ; 81.6 • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science on society. ; 84.2 • Demonstrating the quantitave skills need to succeed in an introductory geography course ; 78.4 • Evaluate the credibility of scientific information from various sources.; 71.2 • Read and interpret graphs and data ;75.6 Page 5 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT {CAR) Course P refix, Number and Title: GEOG 106 Introduction to Cultural Geography Division/Unit: Sciences Submitted by: Patrick Guiberson Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: Spring 2015 Please enter your name and date below to confi rm you have reviewed this report: Title Name Date col be..-t- Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Dean Vice President of Academic Affairs ~ Page 6 7 - 29 ~ (5