A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) RC\'ISCd I 0/21 /2013 Course Prefix, Number and Title: FREN 111 - First Year French Division/Unit: Liberal Arts/Humanities St1bmittcd by: Dianne Chcscldinc Cmatributing Faculty: Academic Vear: 2014-2015 Complete and electronically submit your assessment report lo your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment act ivities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summan7:e the outcomes assessed in your course during the year Outcome #I Students will read. understand, interpret, and communicate spoken and/or written French at a hcginner's level Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results F.ffect on Course In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below. summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment. will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: Students will he able to demonstrate their acquired knowledge by earning a 70°/o or above through examination which will prove their ability to read, wnte, speak, and/or comprehend at a beginner's level. In the fall 2014 we decided to assess the following core indicators I. Regular verbs tn present( incl. use of in finitives) 2. Irregular verbs in present (incl."avoir" expressions) 3. Adjective agreement 4. Possessive adjectives 5. Negation 6. Basic number 'Ille assessment md icated that all but two indicators were ahove 70% accuracy. Regular verbs in present including the infinitives (Quest ion #I ) showed 69% accuracy and irregular verbs in present including "avoir" expressions showed 52% accuracy. Previous assessment of FREN 111 pcrfonned in academic year 2009-20 I0 showed that the use of the verb in the infinitive, the verb "avoir" in expressions, and adjective agreement were areas to be reinforced in FREN 111. The present assessment shows that the use of the verb in the infinitive and the verb "avmr" m expressions are areas to be reinforced in FR.EN 111 . Thirty six (36) assessments were completed by three (3) FREN I I I sections in fall 20 14. Three (3) sections of FREN 11 I were offered m fall 2014. One section was not assessed. The following indicates the accuracy for items 1-6; I. Regular verbs in Page 1 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: FREN 111 - First Year French Divisima/Unit: Liberal Arts/Humanities Submitted by: Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2014-20 I 5 present( incl use of infinitives) 69% 2. Irregular vcrhs m present (incl "a.,.oir" expressions) 52% 3. Adjective agreement 74% 4. Possessive adJccllvcs 75%1 5. Negation 94% 6. Ras1c number 9 I% Outcome#2 Students will be ahle to identify personal values and cultural mores dilTcrent than their own in custom and usage. A cultural-comparative approach will he drawn throughout the course. Students will be able lo demonstrate global and cultural awareness by earning a 70% or above through structured activities such as research proji:cts, presentations, examinations, and discussions. etc. Outcome #3 Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed this report: Page 2 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: FREN 111 - First Year French Division/Unit: Liberal Arts/Humanities Submitted by: Contributing Faculty: Academic Vear: 2014-2015 Title Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Dean Vice President of Academic Affairs Page 3 , ./J l~l'/Yl, TMCC Assessment and Planning Office To: From: I . 7ZJ'f111J $ {ltt rdtJz_fj-, ru..(.~,.U o,/~,.i/j J tv4 ~1JQ t~ lClvifc: Date: Re: Clfl rnultv r l/)J- izv+I ( ~ &/1 ~ / Course assessment report is being returned for the following reason(s) ~ Missing signature or date 0 Outcomes used do not match the established outcomes for the course (see posted MCO) 0 Multiple assessment reports submitted for the same course number. Please combine all section into one assessment report. The single outcome assessed is the same outcome assessed in 11.'di-- It) semester/year. Please assess the remaining outcomes. 0 Multiple courses assessed on the same report. Courses must be assessed separately. Please resubmit a CAR for each course. _L1 ~ Other: 7J,t to.f tt.J<Jt44{!.(}JIU. :P- :;;;_ '/.f ~ \IL~ 01J