A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised I0/21/2013 Course Prefix, Number and Title: AM 145 (Sign Language I) Division/Unit: Liberal Arts/J Jumanities S11bmiUed by: Gabriela Brochu Contributing Faculty: Toni Richard Academic Year: 2014-2015 Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative descnption of the assessment activities in your course. Course Oulcomcs In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Outcome #1 Students will recognize, read, comprehend, produce, and/or utilize American Sign Language at a Level I. Assessment Measures Assessment Results In the boxes below, summarize the melhods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year Demonstrate acquired knowledge through examination evaluated hy cstahhshcd standards which will mca-;ure their ahility lo rccogmzc. read. comprehend, produce, and/or utilize American Sign Language at a Level I. In fall 2014, we decided to assess the following core syntactical indicators: I.) Where time indicators arc establish in the sentence 2.) How you show future tense 3.) Where you estabhsh female gender. 4.) How to show plurals 5.) How grammar is indicated during a conversation 6.) How to show a possessive pronoun 7.) How you indicate the difference between Wh questions vs. Ycs/no questions Identify cultural diversity and attitudes of the Deaf Community through structured activities evaluated bv established We also decided to assess the following cultural indicators: 8.) A culturally appropriate way to tdentifv Deaf individuals. Use of Results Effect 011 Course In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? lfso, pleuse summarize how and why in the boxes below: The assessment indicated that all hut one indicators were ahovc 70% accuracy. How grammar is indicated during a conversation (Question #5) showed accurncy of69.6 %. All the other questions showed accuracy between 89 and 98%. Previous assessment of AM 145 performed in spring 20 I0 showed that question #4 How lo show plurals was an area to be reinforced in AM 145 (accuracy of 54%) The present assessment shows an improvement compared to the previous assessment. How grammar is indicated during a conversation showed borderline accuracy (almost 70%) and it is an area to be reinforced in AMl45 Outcomt # 2 Students will identify cultural aspects and attitudes of the Deaf Community. Page I The assessment indicated that all indicators were above 70% accuracy. Questions showed accuracv between 76 and 96%. Previous assessment of AM 145 performed in spring 20 I0 showed that two indicators were under A. COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) TMCC Course Prefix, Number and Title: (Sign Language I) Division/Unit: Submitted by: Contributing Faculty: Toni Richard Academic Year: standards. 9.) A culturally appropriate method of getting the attention of a Deaf individual. 10.) The cullurnlly appropriate method of maintaining a convcrsal ion. Filly nine (59) assessments were completed by three (3) AM 145 sections in fall 2014. The class average was 8.8 correct an.-;wers oul of 10. Three (3) sections of AM 145 were offered in fall 2014. All the instruclors turned m the asst.-ssmenls. The followins indicates the number of times out of fifty nine an incorrect answer was chosen for Jlems 1-1 O: 6 I .) Time indicators location 4 2.) Future tense 4 3.) Female gender I 4.) Plurals 17 5,) Grammar JO 6.) Possessive pronouns 2 7.) Difference between questions 12 8.) Identification of Deaf individuals 2 9.) Getting the auention ofa Deaf individual 11 10.) Maintaining a conversation Page2 70% accuracy: A culturally appropriate way lo identify Deaf individuals (question #8) showed accuracy of 42% and The culturally appropriate method of maintaining a conversation (question # I 0) showed accuracy of 68%. The present assessment shows a big improvement compared to last assessment. all indicators arc above 70% accuracy. A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: (Sign Language I) Division/Unit: Submitted by: Contributing Faculty: Toni Richard Academic Year: Outcome #3 Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed this report: Tille Dcpartmcnl Chair/Coord inator/Dircctor Dean Vice President of Academic Affairs Page3 ih·Vi'1l, TiMCC Assessment and Planning Office '"'Jm ~juJ j{~~ .i flfllzLL_;/.~ardczfJ } . / ,.- ._rJ/// /)"' . t1:~ £.p.t:t~'rc.- From:, ~ lr~L~~ :'dl!JJ1/J-d~ -,3),u_,z_?_,{-rtt Date: f / t;/; 5' Re: Course assessment report is being returned for the following reason(s) ,- Missing signature or date t/1.fiJ/v ~Outcomes used do not match the established outcomes for the course (see posted MCO) 0 Multiple assessment reports submitted for the same course number. Please combine all section into one assessment report. 0 The single outcome assessed is the same outcome assessed in semester/year. Please assess the remaining outcomes. 0 Multiple courses assessed on the same report. Courses must be assessed separately. Please resubmit a CAR for each course. J5- Other: (JJt·f (!(J7rL #- 2 .42( J czf;~h/l1i#'l( Xt_,l Ccz1A4J(!.. (1zj;e_'£Lt.t.5 . . J